THE CULTURE OF NARCISSISM: AMERICAN LIFE IN AN AGE OF DIMINISHING EXPECTATIONS by Christopher Lasch - free summaries of bestselling books. Download PDF and MP3 versions of the summary from Summary: The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations by Christopher Lasch is a book that examines the cultural and psychological changes that have taken place in the United States since the 1960s. Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has become pervasive in American life, leading to a decline in social and moral values. He argues that the culture of narcissism is characterized by a focus on the self, a lack of commitment to relationships, and a sense of entitlement. He also argues that the culture of narcissism has led to a decline in the quality of life in the United States, as well as a decline in the quality of relationships. Lasch begins by examining the rise of the culture of narcissism in the United States. He argues that the culture of narcissism is rooted in the individualism of the 1960s, which was characterized by a focus on the self and a lack of commitment to relationships. He argues that this individualism has led to a decline in social and moral values, as well as a decline in the quality of life in the United States. He also argues that the culture of narcissism has led to a decline in the quality of relationships, as people are more focused on themselves than on others. Lasch then examines the psychological effects of the culture of narcissism. He argues that the culture of narcissism has led to a sense of entitlement, as people feel that they are entitled to whatever they want. He also argues that the culture of narcissism has led to a lack of empathy, as people are more focused on their own needs than on the needs of others. He argues that this lack of empathy has led to a decline in social and moral values, as people are less likely to care about the welfare of others. Lasch then examines the effects of the culture of narcissism on American society. He argues that the culture of narcissism has led to a decline in the quality of life in the United States, as people are more focused on their own needs than on the needs of others. He also argues that the culture of narcissism has led to a decline in the quality of relationships, as people are more focused on themselves than on others. He argues that this decline in the quality of relationships has led to a decline in social and moral values, as people are less likely to care about the welfare of others. Finally, Lasch examines the implications of the culture of narcissism for the future of the United States. He argues that the culture of narcissism has led to a decline in social and moral values, as well as a decline in the quality of life in the United States. He argues that the only way to reverse this decline is to reject the culture of narcissism and embrace a culture of commitment and responsibility. He argues that this will require a shift in values and attitudes, as well as a commitment to relationships and to the welfare of others. Main ideas: Main idea #1. The culture of narcissism is a result of the decline of traditional values and the rise of a culture of individualism. Idea Summary: Christopher Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism is a product of the decline of traditional values and the rise of a culture of individualism, which has led to a society that is focused on self-gratification and materialism. Christopher Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism is a product of the decline of traditional values and the rise of a culture of individualism. This shift has led to a society that is focused on self-gratification and materialism, where people are more concerned with their own needs and desires than with the needs of others. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has led to a decline in social cohesion, as people are less likely to be concerned with the welfare of their community and more likely to be focused on their own individual interests. He also argues that this culture of narcissism has led to a decrease in empathy, as people are less likely to be able to understand and sympathize with the feelings of others. Finally, Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has led to a decrease in trust, as people are less likely to trust each other and more likely to be suspicious of each others motives. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has had a negative effect on society, as it has led to a decrease in social cohesion, empathy, and trust. He argues that this has had a detrimental effect on the functioning of society, as it has led to a decrease in cooperation and collaboration between individuals and groups. He also argues that this culture of narcissism has led to an increase in selfishness and materialism, which has had a negative effect on the environment and the economy. Finally, Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has led to a decrease in creativity and innovation, as people are less likely to take risks and be creative when they are focused on their own individual interests. Main idea #2. The culture of narcissism has led to a society that is focused on self-gratification and materialism. Idea Summary: Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own needs and desires, leading to a society that is obsessed with material possessions and the pursuit of pleasure. Christopher Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own needs and desires, leading to a society that is obsessed with material possessions and the pursuit of pleasure. This culture of narcissism has led to a society that is increasingly focused on self-gratification and materialism. People are more likely to prioritize their own wants and needs over the needs of others, and they are more likely to seek out material possessions as a way to satisfy their desires. This has resulted in a society that is driven by consumerism and the pursuit of pleasure, rather than by a sense of community and collective responsibility. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has had a detrimental effect on society, as it has caused people to become more isolated and less connected to one another. People are less likely to engage in meaningful relationships and more likely to prioritize their own needs and desires over those of others. This has led to a society that is more focused on individualism and self-gratification, rather than on collective responsibility and communal values. The culture of narcissism has also had a negative impact on the environment, as people are more likely to prioritize their own needs and desires over the needs of the planet. This has led to an increase in consumption and waste, as people are more likely to purchase items that they do not need and discard them after a short period of time. This has had a detrimental effect on the environment, as it has caused an increase in pollution and resource depletion. Overall, Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has had a negative impact on society, as it has caused people to become more focused on their own needs and desires, leading to a society that is obsessed with material possessions and the pursuit of pleasure. This has had a detrimental effect on the environment, as well as on the relationships between people, as it has caused people to become more isolated and less connected to one another. Main idea #3. The culture of narcissism has caused people to become more isolated and disconnected from each other. Idea Summary: Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more isolated and disconnected from each other, leading to a lack of meaningful relationships and a lack of community. Christopher Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more isolated and disconnected from each other. This isolation has led to a lack of meaningful relationships and a lack of community. Lasch believes that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on themselves and their own needs, rather than on the needs of others. This has resulted in a lack of empathy and understanding, and a lack of meaningful connections with others. As a result, people are more likely to be alone and disconnected from the world around them. This lack of connection can lead to feelings of loneliness and alienation, which can further contribute to the culture of narcissism. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own needs and desires, rather than on the needs of others. This has led to a lack of empathy and understanding, and a lack of meaningful connections with others. This lack of connection can lead to feelings of loneliness and alienation, which can further contribute to the culture of narcissism. Lasch believes that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more isolated and disconnected from each other, leading to a lack of meaningful relationships and a lack of community. Main idea #4. The culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own needs and desires. Idea Summary: Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own needs and desires, leading to a society that is obsessed with material possessions and the pursuit of pleasure. Christopher Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own needs and desires. This has led to a society that is obsessed with material possessions and the pursuit of pleasure. People are more likely to prioritize their own wants and needs over those of others, leading to a culture of selfishness and entitlement. This has caused a shift in values, where people are more likely to value material possessions and status over relationships and meaningful experiences. This has also caused people to become more isolated and disconnected from one another, as they are more focused on their own individual pursuits. The culture of narcissism has also caused people to become more competitive and less tolerant of failure, leading to a society that is more focused on success and achievement than on personal growth and development. Main idea #5. The culture of narcissism has caused people to become more competitive and less cooperative. Idea Summary: Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more competitive and less cooperative, leading to a society that is focused on individual success and achievement. Christopher Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more competitive and less cooperative. This shift in behavior has led to a society that is focused on individual success and achievement, rather than collective progress. Lasch believes that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own needs and desires, rather than the needs of others. This has resulted in a society that is more focused on competition and individual gain, rather than cooperation and collective progress. As a result, people are less likely to work together to achieve a common goal, and more likely to focus on their own individual success. This has led to a society that is more focused on individual achievement and less focused on collective progress. Lasch believes that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own needs and desires, rather than the needs of others. This has resulted in a society that is more focused on competition and individual gain, rather than cooperation and collective progress. People are less likely to work together to achieve a common goal, and more likely to focus on their own individual success. This has led to a society that is more focused on individual achievement and less focused on collective progress. Lasch argues that this shift in behavior has caused people to become more competitive and less cooperative, leading to a society that is focused on individual success and achievement. Main idea #6. The culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own image and status. Idea Summary: Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own image and status, leading to a society that is obsessed with appearances and social standing. Christopher Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own image and status. This has led to a society that is obsessed with appearances and social standing, where people are more concerned with how they are perceived by others than with their own personal growth and development. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more self-centered and less concerned with the needs of others. This has led to a society where people are more likely to be competitive and to strive for success and recognition, rather than to work together for the common good. Lasch also argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more materialistic, with a focus on acquiring wealth and possessions rather than on developing meaningful relationships and experiences. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has had a negative effect on society, leading to a decrease in empathy and compassion, and an increase in selfishness and greed. He argues that this has caused people to become more isolated and disconnected from one another, leading to a decrease in social cohesion and an increase in social problems. Lasch also argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own individual needs and desires, leading to a decrease in collective action and a decrease in social progress. Laschs argument is that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own image and status, leading to a society that is obsessed with appearances and social standing. He argues that this has had a negative effect on society, leading to a decrease in empathy and compassion, and an increase in selfishness and greed. Lasch argues that this has caused people to become more isolated and disconnected from one another, leading to a decrease in social cohesion and an increase in social problems. He also argues that this has caused people to become more materialistic, with a focus on acquiring wealth and possessions rather than on developing meaningful relationships and experiences. Main idea #7. The culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on short-term gratification. Idea Summary: Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on short-term gratification, leading to a society that is obsessed with instant gratification and material possessions. Christopher Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on short-term gratification. This has led to a society that is obsessed with instant gratification and material possessions. People are no longer willing to wait for the rewards of hard work and dedication, instead seeking immediate gratification through the acquisition of material goods. This has caused a shift in values, with people placing more emphasis on the acquisition of material possessions than on the development of meaningful relationships and personal growth. As a result, people are becoming increasingly isolated and disconnected from one another, leading to a society that is increasingly focused on individualism and self-interest. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own needs and desires, rather than on the needs of others. This has led to a society that is more concerned with individual success and achievement than with collective progress and social justice. People are more likely to prioritize their own interests over the interests of the collective, leading to a society that is increasingly divided and unequal. This has caused a decrease in social cohesion and solidarity, as people become more focused on their own individual needs and desires. Laschs argument is that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on short-term gratification, leading to a society that is obsessed with instant gratification and material possessions. This has caused a shift in values, with people placing more emphasis on the acquisition of material possessions than on the development of meaningful relationships and personal growth. It has also caused a decrease in social cohesion and solidarity, as people become more focused on their own individual needs and desires. Ultimately, this has led to a society that is increasingly focused on individualism and self-interest, rather than on collective progress and social justice. Main idea #8. The culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on external validation. Idea Summary: Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on external validation, leading to a society that is obsessed with approval and recognition from others. Christopher Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on external validation. This has led to a society that is obsessed with approval and recognition from others. People are increasingly driven by a need to be seen as successful, attractive, and popular, and they are willing to go to great lengths to achieve this. This has resulted in a culture where people are more concerned with their own image and status than with the well-being of others. As a result, people are more likely to engage in self-promotion and to seek out validation from others, rather than focusing on their own personal growth and development. The culture of narcissism has also caused people to become more competitive and to focus on material success. People are more likely to compare themselves to others and to strive for material possessions and status symbols. This has led to a society where people are more focused on achieving success and recognition than on developing meaningful relationships and pursuing meaningful goals. As a result, people are more likely to be driven by a need for external validation and to be less concerned with their own personal growth and development. The culture of narcissism has had a profound effect on society, leading to a society that is more focused on external validation and material success than on personal growth and development. This has caused people to become more competitive and to focus on their own image and status, rather than on the well-being of others. As a result, people are more likely to engage in self-promotion and to seek out validation from others, rather than focusing on their own personal growth and development. Main idea #9. The culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own success and achievement. Idea Summary: Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own success and achievement, leading to a society that is obsessed with individual success and achievement. Christopher Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own success and achievement. This has led to a society that is obsessed with individual success and achievement, where people are constantly striving to be the best and to be seen as successful. This has caused people to become more competitive and to focus on their own accomplishments, rather than on the collective good. This has also led to a society where people are more likely to be selfish and to prioritize their own needs and desires over those of others. This has caused people to become more isolated and disconnected from each other, leading to a lack of empathy and understanding. Ultimately, this has caused people to become more focused on themselves and their own success, rather than on the collective good. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on material success and achievement, rather than on spiritual or emotional growth. This has led to a society where people are more likely to prioritize money and possessions over relationships and meaningful experiences. This has caused people to become more focused on the superficial aspects of life, such as appearance and status, rather than on the deeper aspects of life, such as relationships and personal growth. Ultimately, this has caused people to become more focused on their own success and achievement, rather than on the collective good. Main idea #10. The culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on appearances and social standing. Idea Summary: Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on appearances and social standing, leading to a society that is obsessed with image and status. Christopher Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on appearances and social standing. This has led to a society that is obsessed with image and status, where people are constantly striving to be seen as successful and attractive. People are more likely to judge others based on their appearance and social standing, rather than their character or accomplishments. This has caused people to become more competitive and materialistic, as they strive to achieve the highest level of success and recognition. As a result, people are more likely to prioritize their own needs and desires over those of others, leading to a culture of selfishness and entitlement. The culture of narcissism has also caused people to become more isolated and disconnected from one another. People are more likely to focus on their own individual goals and desires, rather than forming meaningful relationships with others. This has caused people to become more isolated and lonely, as they are unable to form meaningful connections with others. Furthermore, this has caused people to become more self-centered and self-absorbed, as they are more focused on their own needs and desires than those of others. Overall, the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on appearances and social standing, leading to a society that is obsessed with image and status. This has caused people to become more competitive, materialistic, isolated, and self-centered, leading to a culture of selfishness and entitlement. Main idea #11. The culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on instant gratification. Idea Summary: Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on instant gratification, leading to a society that is obsessed with immediate gratification and material possessions. Christopher Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on instant gratification. This has led to a society that is obsessed with immediate gratification and material possessions. Lasch claims that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more self-centered and less concerned with the needs of others. He believes that this has led to a society that is more focused on individual success and material gain, rather than on collective progress and social justice. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own needs and desires, rather than on the needs of others. This has led to a society that is more concerned with individual achievement and material gain, rather than on collective progress and social justice. Lasch believes that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own needs and desires, rather than on the needs of others. This has led to a society that is more concerned with individual achievement and material gain, rather than on collective progress and social justice. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on immediate gratification, leading to a society that is obsessed with material possessions and instant gratification. He believes that this has caused people to become more self-centered and less concerned with the needs of others, leading to a society that is more focused on individual success and material gain, rather than on collective progress and social justice. Main idea #12. The culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on approval and recognition from others. Idea Summary: Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on approval and recognition from others, leading to a society that is obsessed with external validation. Christopher Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on approval and recognition from others. This has led to a society that is obsessed with external validation, where people are constantly seeking approval and recognition from others. This need for external validation has caused people to become more self-centered and less concerned with the needs of others. It has also caused people to become more competitive and to focus on their own success and accomplishments rather than on the collective good. This has led to a society where people are more focused on their own individual needs and desires, rather than on the needs of the collective. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on material possessions and status symbols, rather than on meaningful relationships and experiences. This has led to a society where people are more concerned with their own image and how they are perceived by others, rather than on developing meaningful relationships and experiences. This has caused people to become more focused on their own individual needs and desires, rather than on the collective good. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on short-term gratification and instant gratification, rather than on long-term goals and meaningful relationships. This has led to a society where people are more focused on their own individual needs and desires, rather than on the collective good. This has caused people to become more focused on their own individual needs and desires, rather than on the collective good. Main idea #13. The culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own power and control. Idea Summary: Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own power and control, leading to a society that is obsessed with domination and manipulation. Christopher Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own power and control. This has led to a society that is obsessed with domination and manipulation, where people are constantly striving to gain an advantage over others. This has resulted in a culture of competition and aggression, where people are more concerned with their own success than with the well-being of others. This has also led to a society where people are more likely to be selfish and self-centered, and where relationships are often based on power and control rather than mutual respect and understanding. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own needs and desires, leading to a society that is increasingly materialistic and superficial. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own power and control, leading to a society that is obsessed with domination and manipulation. This has resulted in a culture where people are more likely to be selfish and self-centered, and where relationships are often based on power and control rather than mutual respect and understanding. Lasch also argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own needs and desires, leading to a society that is increasingly materialistic and superficial. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own power and control, leading to a society that is obsessed with domination and manipulation, and where people are more likely to be selfish and self-centered. Main idea #14. The culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own pleasure and comfort. Idea Summary: Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own pleasure and comfort, leading to a society that is obsessed with indulgence and luxury. Christopher Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own pleasure and comfort. This has led to a society that is obsessed with indulgence and luxury, where people are more concerned with their own immediate gratification than with the greater good. This has resulted in a culture where people are more likely to prioritize their own needs over the needs of others, and where people are more likely to be selfish and self-centered. This has also led to a society where people are more likely to be materialistic and to value material possessions over meaningful relationships. As a result, people are more likely to be disconnected from their communities and to be more isolated from one another. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own pleasure and comfort, leading to a society that is obsessed with indulgence and luxury. This has caused people to become more focused on their own desires and needs, and less focused on the needs of others. This has led to a society where people are more likely to be selfish and self-centered, and where people are more likely to prioritize their own needs over the needs of others. This has also led to a society where people are more likely to be materialistic and to value material possessions over meaningful relationships. As a result, people are more likely to be disconnected from their communities and to be more isolated from one another. Main idea #15. The culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own fame and celebrity. Idea Summary: Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own fame and celebrity, leading to a society that is obsessed with fame and notoriety. Christopher Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own fame and celebrity. This has led to a society that is obsessed with fame and notoriety, where people are more concerned with their own image and status than with the well-being of others. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more self-centered and less concerned with the collective good. He believes that this has led to a decrease in social solidarity and a decrease in the sense of community. Lasch also argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more materialistic and to place a greater emphasis on material possessions and wealth. He believes that this has led to a decrease in the quality of life and a decrease in the sense of meaning and purpose in life. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more isolated and disconnected from one another, leading to a decrease in meaningful relationships and a decrease in the sense of belonging. Main idea #16. The culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own wealth and possessions. Idea Summary: Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own wealth and possessions, leading to a society that is obsessed with materialism and consumerism. Christopher Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own wealth and possessions. This has led to a society that is obsessed with materialism and consumerism, where people are constantly striving to acquire more and more possessions. This obsession with materialism has caused people to become more self-centered and less concerned with the needs of others. It has also led to a culture of competition, where people are constantly trying to outdo each other in terms of wealth and possessions. This has caused people to become more focused on their own success and less concerned with the success of others. As a result, people have become more isolated and less connected to their communities, leading to a society that is increasingly divided and unequal. The culture of narcissism has also caused people to become more focused on their own image and status. People are constantly striving to present themselves in the best possible light, often at the expense of others. This has led to a society where people are more concerned with their own appearance and reputation than with the needs of others. It has also caused people to become more focused on their own success and less concerned with the success of others. As a result, people have become more isolated and less connected to their communities, leading to a society that is increasingly divided and unequal. Main idea #17. The culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own image and reputation. Idea Summary: Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own image and reputation, leading to a society that is obsessed with image and reputation management. Christopher Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own image and reputation. This has led to a society that is obsessed with image and reputation management. People are increasingly concerned with how they are perceived by others, and they are willing to go to great lengths to maintain a positive image. This includes engaging in activities such as self-promotion, networking, and even curating their online presence. As a result, people are more likely to prioritize their own interests and desires over those of others, leading to a culture of selfishness and entitlement. The culture of narcissism has also caused people to become more competitive and status-driven. People are constantly striving to outdo one another in order to gain recognition and admiration. This has led to a society where people are more focused on material success and outward appearances than on inner growth and development. Furthermore, this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more isolated and disconnected from one another, as they are more likely to prioritize their own interests over those of others. Ultimately, Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own image and reputation, leading to a society that is obsessed with image and reputation management. This has had a detrimental effect on society, as it has caused people to become more competitive, status-driven, and isolated from one another. Main idea #18. The culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own self-interest. Idea Summary: Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own self-interest, leading to a society that is obsessed with individualism and self-promotion. Christopher Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own self-interest. This has led to a society that is obsessed with individualism and self-promotion. People are more concerned with their own success and image than with the collective good. This has resulted in a culture where people are more likely to prioritize their own needs and desires over those of others. This has caused a shift in values, where people are more likely to value material possessions and status symbols over relationships and community. This has also led to a society where people are more likely to be competitive and aggressive in pursuit of their own goals, rather than working together for the common good. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more isolated and disconnected from each other. People are less likely to form meaningful relationships and more likely to be focused on their own individual pursuits. This has caused a decrease in empathy and compassion, as people are more likely to be focused on their own needs and desires. This has also caused a decrease in trust and cooperation, as people are more likely to be suspicious of each other and less likely to work together. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has had a negative impact on society. It has caused people to become more selfish and less concerned with the collective good. It has also caused people to become more isolated and disconnected from each other, leading to a decrease in empathy and trust. Ultimately, this has caused a decrease in social cohesion and a decrease in the quality of life for everyone. Main idea #19. The culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own pleasure and entertainment. Idea Summary: Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own pleasure and entertainment, leading to a society that is obsessed with entertainment and leisure activities. Christopher Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own pleasure and entertainment. This has led to a society that is obsessed with entertainment and leisure activities, where people are more concerned with their own pleasure than with the collective good. This has resulted in a society where people are more likely to engage in activities that are solely for their own enjoyment, such as watching television, playing video games, and browsing the internet, rather than engaging in activities that are beneficial to the collective good, such as volunteering or engaging in civic activities. This has also led to a society where people are more likely to be self-centered and selfish, and less likely to be concerned with the needs of others. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own pleasure and entertainment, leading to a society that is obsessed with entertainment and leisure activities. This has resulted in a society where people are more likely to be focused on their own needs and desires, rather than on the needs of others. This has also led to a society where people are more likely to be materialistic and consumer-oriented, and less likely to be concerned with the collective good. This has caused people to become more focused on their own pleasure and entertainment, leading to a society that is obsessed with entertainment and leisure activities, and less focused on the collective good. Main idea #20. The culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own desires and fantasies. Idea Summary: Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own desires and fantasies, leading to a society that is obsessed with escapism and fantasy. Christopher Lasch argues that the culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own desires and fantasies. This has led to a society that is obsessed with escapism and fantasy, where people are more concerned with their own pleasure and gratification than with the needs of others. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more self-centered and less concerned with the needs of their community. He believes that this has led to a society that is more focused on materialism and consumerism, where people are more concerned with their own pleasure and gratification than with the needs of others. Lasch also argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more isolated and disconnected from their communities, leading to a society that is more focused on individualism and self-interest than on collective action and social responsibility. Lasch believes that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own desires and fantasies, leading to a society that is obsessed with escapism and fantasy. He argues that this has caused people to become more self-centered and less concerned with the needs of their community. Lasch also believes that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more isolated and disconnected from their communities, leading to a society that is more focused on individualism and self-interest than on collective action and social responsibility. He argues that this has caused people to become more focused on materialism and consumerism, where people are more concerned with their own pleasure and gratification than with the needs of others. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has had a negative effect on society, leading to a society that is more focused on individualism and self-interest than on collective action and social responsibility. He believes that this has caused people to become more isolated and disconnected from their communities, leading to a society that is more focused on materialism and consumerism, where people are more concerned with their own pleasure and gratification than with the needs of others. Lasch argues that this culture of narcissism has caused people to become more focused on their own desires and fantasies, leading to a society that is obsessed with escapism and fantasy.