WONDER by R.J. Palacio Books.kim - free summaries of bestselling books. Download PDF and MP3 versions of the summary from www.books.kim Summary: Wonder is a novel by R.J. Palacio about a young boy named August Pullman who has a facial deformity. August is entering fifth grade at Beecher Prep, a private school in New York City, for the first time. He has been homeschooled by his parents, Isabel and Nate, since he was in kindergarten. August is nervous about attending school, as he has never been around other children his age before. He is also worried about how he will be treated by his peers due to his facial deformity. August's first day of school is difficult. He is met with stares and whispers from his classmates, and he is quickly labeled as "the weird kid." Despite this, August makes a few friends, including Jack Will and Summer. He also meets Julian, a bully who is determined to make August's life miserable. August's teacher, Mr. Tushman, is very supportive and helps him adjust to school life. Throughout the novel, August struggles with the challenges of being different. He is often teased and excluded by his peers, and he has to learn how to cope with these difficult situations. He also has to learn how to be brave and stand up for himself. Despite the difficulties, August finds strength in his family and friends, and he eventually learns to accept himself for who he is. The novel ends with August feeling more confident and comfortable in his own skin. He has learned to embrace his differences and to be proud of who he is. He has also gained a better understanding of the importance of kindness and acceptance. Wonder is a powerful story about the importance of self-acceptance and the power of kindness. Main ideas: Main idea #1. Auggie Pullman is a 10-year-old boy with a facial deformity who is starting school for the first time: Auggie is a brave and kind-hearted boy who has been homeschooled his entire life, but is now ready to take on the challenge of attending a mainstream school. He faces a lot of challenges and bullying, but ultimately learns to accept himself and make friends. Auggie Pullman is a 10-year-old boy with a facial deformity who is starting school for the first time. Despite the challenges he faces, Auggie is determined to make the best of his new situation. He is brave and kind-hearted, and he is determined to prove to everyone that he is just like any other kid. Despite the bullying and teasing he faces, Auggie is determined to make friends and fit in. He learns to accept himself and his differences, and he eventually finds acceptance from his peers. Auggies story is an inspiring one, and it teaches us all to be kind and accepting of others, no matter what they look like. Auggies journey is one of courage and resilience. He faces a lot of obstacles, but he never gives up. He learns to be strong and to stand up for himself, and he eventually finds his place in the world. Auggies story is a reminder that we should never judge a book by its cover, and that everyone deserves to be accepted and loved for who they are. Auggies story is an inspiring one, and it teaches us all to be kind and accepting of others, no matter what they look like. Main idea #2. Auggie's family is supportive and loving: Auggie's parents, Isabel and Nate, are loving and supportive of their son, and do their best to help him adjust to his new school. His older sister, Via, is also a source of strength and comfort for Auggie. Auggies family is supportive and loving. His parents, Isabel and Nate, are devoted to their son and do their best to help him adjust to his new school. They are always there for him, providing him with love and support. His older sister, Via, is also a source of strength and comfort for Auggie. She is always there to listen to him and provide him with advice. She is also a great source of encouragement, helping him to stay positive and keep going. Auggies family is a great source of comfort and support for him, and they are always there for him no matter what. Main idea #3. Auggie's classmates are initially hostile and unaccepting: Auggie's classmates are initially hostile and unaccepting of him due to his facial deformity. They are cruel and make fun of him, but eventually learn to accept him and become his friends. Auggies classmates were initially hostile and unaccepting of him due to his facial deformity. They were cruel and made fun of him, but Auggie was determined to make friends. He tried to be friendly and kind to everyone, but his classmates were too scared to accept him. They were afraid of being judged by their peers for being friends with someone who looked different. However, as time went on, Auggies classmates began to see him for who he really was. They saw that he was a kind and caring person, and they slowly began to accept him. They started to include him in conversations and activities, and eventually, they became his friends. Auggies classmates learned to look past his facial deformity and accept him for who he was. Main idea #4. Auggie's teacher, Mr. Tushman, is a positive influence: Mr. Tushman is Auggie's teacher and a positive influence in his life. He is understanding and supportive of Auggie, and helps him to adjust to his new school. Mr. Tushman is Auggies teacher and a positive influence in his life. He is understanding and supportive of Auggie, and helps him to adjust to his new school. Mr. Tushman is patient and kind, and he takes the time to get to know Auggie and his individual needs. He encourages Auggie to be himself and to take risks, and he is always there to provide support and guidance. Mr. Tushman is a role model for Auggie, and he helps him to develop confidence and self-esteem. He also helps Auggie to make friends and to build relationships with his peers. Mr. Tushman is a positive influence in Auggies life, and he is an important part of his journey to success. Main idea #5. Auggie's friend, Summer, is a loyal companion: Summer is Auggie's first friend at school, and she is loyal and supportive of him. She stands up for him when he is being bullied, and helps him to adjust to his new school. Auggies friend, Summer, is a loyal companion. She was the first person to befriend Auggie when he started school, and she has been a steadfast friend ever since. Summer stands up for Auggie when he is being bullied, and she helps him to adjust to his new environment. She is always there for him, offering her support and understanding. Summer is a true friend, and Auggie is lucky to have her. Summer is a loyal companion who is always there for Auggie. She is understanding and supportive, and she never hesitates to stand up for him. She is a true friend who is always willing to lend a helping hand. Auggie is lucky to have such a loyal companion in Summer. Main idea #6. Auggie's family struggles with his medical condition: Auggie's family struggles with his medical condition, and they have to make difficult decisions about his care. They also have to deal with the financial burden of his medical bills. Auggies family struggles with his medical condition, as they have to make difficult decisions about his care. They have to consider the best course of action for Auggie, while also dealing with the financial burden of his medical bills. Auggies parents have to make sure he gets the best care possible, while also trying to provide for the rest of their family. It can be a difficult balancing act, and it can be emotionally and financially draining for the family. Auggies family also has to deal with the social implications of his medical condition. They have to make sure that Auggie is accepted and included in his community, while also protecting him from any potential bullying or discrimination. It can be a difficult task, as Auggies condition is not always understood or accepted by others. Auggies family has to be strong advocates for him, and they have to be willing to stand up for him when needed. Auggies family struggles with his medical condition, but they are also his biggest supporters. They are always there for him, and they do whatever they can to make sure he is happy and healthy. Auggies family is a source of strength and comfort for him, and they are an important part of his life. Main idea #7. Auggie's sister, Via, is a source of strength and comfort: Auggie's sister, Via, is a source of strength and comfort for him. She is understanding and supportive of her brother, and helps him to adjust to his new school. Auggies sister, Via, is a source of strength and comfort for him. She is always there for him, no matter what. She listens to him and helps him to understand his feelings and emotions. She encourages him to be brave and to take risks, and she stands by him when he needs her. She is also a source of comfort when he is feeling overwhelmed or scared. She is understanding and supportive of her brother, and helps him to adjust to his new school. She is a true friend and ally, and Auggie knows he can always count on her. Via is a source of strength and comfort for Auggie in many ways. She is always there for him, no matter what. She listens to him and helps him to understand his feelings and emotions. She encourages him to be brave and to take risks, and she stands by him when he needs her. She is also a source of comfort when he is feeling overwhelmed or scared. She is understanding and supportive of her brother, and helps him to adjust to his new school. She is a true friend and ally, and Auggie knows he can always count on her. Main idea #8. Auggie's classmates eventually learn to accept him: Auggie's classmates eventually learn to accept him and become his friends. They learn to look past his facial deformity and see him for who he really is. Auggies classmates eventually learn to accept him and become his friends. They learn to look past his facial deformity and see him for who he really is. They come to understand that Auggie is a kind, funny, and intelligent person who deserves to be treated with respect and kindness. Auggies classmates learn to appreciate his unique perspective on life and the world around him. They come to understand that Auggie is just like any other kid, and that his differences should be celebrated, not feared. Auggies classmates come to understand that everyone is different in some way, and that its important to accept and embrace those differences. Auggies classmates learn to be more tolerant and understanding of others. They learn to be more open-minded and accepting of people who are different from them. They learn to be more compassionate and empathetic towards those who are struggling. Auggies classmates learn to be more inclusive and welcoming of everyone, regardless of their differences. They learn to be more accepting of themselves and of others, and to treat everyone with respect and kindness. Main idea #9. Auggie's parents are protective of him: Auggie's parents are protective of him and do their best to shield him from the cruelty of the world. They are loving and supportive of their son, and do their best to help him adjust to his new school. Auggies parents are incredibly protective of him. They have done their best to shield him from the cruelty of the world, and to provide him with a safe and loving environment. They have gone out of their way to make sure that Auggie is comfortable and happy, and that he has the support he needs to adjust to his new school. They have been there for him every step of the way, providing him with unconditional love and support. Auggies parents have done their best to make sure that he is not exposed to any unnecessary negativity or criticism. They have been understanding and patient with him, and have done their best to make sure that he is not overwhelmed by the new environment. They have also been there to provide him with guidance and advice, and to help him navigate the sometimes difficult waters of social interaction. Auggies parents have done their best to make sure that he is not exposed to any unnecessary negativity or criticism. They have been understanding and patient with him, and have done their best to make sure that he is not overwhelmed by the new environment. They have also been there to provide him with guidance and advice, and to help him navigate the sometimes difficult waters of social interaction. Auggies parents have done an amazing job of protecting him and helping him adjust to his new school. They have been there for him every step of the way, providing him with unconditional love and support. They have done their best to make sure that he is safe and happy, and that he has the support he needs to succeed. Main idea #10. Auggie's friend, Jack Will, is a loyal companion: Jack Will is Auggie's friend and a loyal companion. He stands up for Auggie when he is being bullied, and helps him to adjust to his new school. Jack Will is Auggies friend and a loyal companion. He is always there for Auggie, no matter what. He stands up for Auggie when he is being bullied, and helps him to adjust to his new school. Jack Will is a true friend, always looking out for Auggie and making sure he is okay. He is always willing to lend an ear when Auggie needs to talk, and is always there to offer support and encouragement. Jack Will is a true friend, and Auggie is lucky to have him. Jack Will is a great example of a loyal companion. He is always there for Auggie, no matter what. He is willing to go out of his way to help Auggie, and is always there to offer support and encouragement. He is a true friend, and Auggie is lucky to have him. Main idea #11. Auggie's family faces financial struggles: Auggie's family faces financial struggles due to his medical bills. They have to make difficult decisions about his care, and struggle to make ends meet. Auggies family faces financial struggles due to his medical bills. His parents have to make difficult decisions about his care, and they struggle to make ends meet. Auggies medical bills are a constant reminder of the financial burden his family has to bear. They have to make tough choices about what treatments he can receive, and how much they can afford to pay for them. Auggies family has to be creative in finding ways to pay for his care, and they often have to make sacrifices in order to make sure he gets the best care possible. Auggies family has to be careful with their money, and they often have to make difficult decisions about what they can and cannot afford. They have to be mindful of how much they are spending on Auggies medical bills, and they have to be creative in finding ways to pay for them. Auggies family has to be resourceful in finding ways to make ends meet, and they often have to make sacrifices in order to make sure he gets the best care possible. Auggies family faces financial struggles due to his medical bills, but they are determined to make sure he gets the best care possible. They are willing to make sacrifices and be creative in finding ways to pay for his care. Auggies family is a testament to the strength and resilience of families who face financial struggles, and they are an inspiration to all of us. Main idea #12. Auggie's teacher, Mr. Browne, is a positive influence: Mr. Browne is Auggie's teacher and a positive influence in his life. He is understanding and supportive of Auggie, and helps him to adjust to his new school. Mr. Browne is Auggies teacher and a positive influence in his life. He is patient and understanding, and takes the time to get to know Auggie and his unique situation. He is always willing to listen to Auggies concerns and help him adjust to his new school. Mr. Browne is also encouraging and supportive of Auggie, helping him to build confidence and self-esteem. He is a great role model for Auggie, showing him that it is possible to be kind and compassionate to others, even when faced with difficult situations. Mr. Browne is a great example of how a teacher can be a positive influence in a students life. He is always there to lend an ear and provide guidance and support. He is a source of strength and comfort for Auggie, and helps him to navigate the challenges of his new school. Mr. Browne is a reminder to Auggie that he is not alone, and that there are people who care about him and want to help him succeed. Main idea #13. Auggie's friend, Julian, is a loyal companion: Julian is Auggie's friend and a loyal companion. He stands up for Auggie when he is being bullied, and helps him to adjust to his new school. Julian is Auggies friend and a loyal companion. He is always there for Auggie, no matter what. He stands up for Auggie when he is being bullied, and helps him to adjust to his new school. Julian is a true friend, always looking out for Auggies best interests. He is always willing to lend an ear when Auggie needs to talk, and is always there to offer support and encouragement. Julian is a great friend, and Auggie is lucky to have him. Julian is also a great source of strength for Auggie. He is always there to remind Auggie of his worth and to help him stay positive. He is always there to remind Auggie that he is loved and accepted, no matter what. Julian is a great friend, and Auggie is lucky to have him. Main idea #14. Auggie's classmates learn to look past his facial deformity: Auggie's classmates learn to look past his facial deformity and see him for who he really is. They learn to accept him and become his friends. Auggies classmates learn to look past his facial deformity and see him for the person he is. They learn to accept him and become his friends, despite his physical differences. They come to understand that Auggie is just like them, with the same hopes, dreams, and fears. They learn to appreciate his unique perspective and the courage he has to face the world every day. Auggies classmates come to understand that his facial deformity does not define him, and that he is so much more than what meets the eye. Auggies classmates learn to appreciate his sense of humor, his intelligence, and his kind heart. They learn to admire his strength and resilience in the face of adversity. They learn to look past his facial deformity and see the person he truly is. Auggies classmates come to understand that he is a person of worth and value, and that he deserves to be treated with respect and kindness. Auggies classmates learn to look past his facial deformity and see the person he is inside. They learn to accept him and become his friends, and in doing so, they learn a valuable lesson about acceptance and understanding. Auggies classmates come to understand that everyone is unique and special in their own way, and that we should all strive to look past our differences and embrace each other for who we truly are. Main idea #15. Auggie's parents are understanding and supportive: Auggie's parents are understanding and supportive of their son. They do their best to help him adjust to his new school, and to shield him from the cruelty of the world. Auggies parents are understanding and supportive of their son. They are always there for him, no matter what. They listen to him and try to help him make sense of the world around him. They encourage him to be himself and to stand up for what he believes in. They are patient and understanding when he has a hard time adjusting to his new school, and they do their best to protect him from the cruelty of the world. Auggies parents are loving and supportive. They are always there for him, no matter what. They encourage him to be himself and to stand up for what he believes in. They are patient and understanding when he has a hard time adjusting to his new school, and they do their best to shield him from the cruelty of the world. They are always there to listen to him and to help him make sense of the world around him. Auggies parents are understanding and supportive of their son. They are always there for him, no matter what. They listen to him and try to help him make sense of the world around him. They encourage him to be himself and to stand up for what he believes in. They are patient and understanding when he has a hard time adjusting to his new school, and they do their best to protect him from the cruelty of the world. They are always there to provide him with love and support, and to help him find his place in the world. Main idea #16. Auggie's friend, Charlotte, is a loyal companion: Charlotte is Auggie's friend and a loyal companion. She stands up for Auggie when he is being bullied, and helps him to adjust to his new school. Charlotte is Auggies friend and a loyal companion. She is always there for him, no matter what. She stands up for him when he is being bullied, and helps him to adjust to his new school. She is understanding and patient, and never judges him for his physical differences. Charlotte is a true friend, and Auggie is lucky to have her in his life. Charlotte is always willing to go the extra mile for Auggie. She helps him to make friends, and encourages him to try new things. She is always there to listen when he needs to talk, and she never fails to make him laugh. Charlotte is a great friend, and Auggie is lucky to have her by his side. Main idea #17. Auggie's family faces emotional struggles: Auggie's family faces emotional struggles due to his medical condition. They have to make difficult decisions about his care, and struggle to cope with the emotional toll it takes on them. Auggies family faces emotional struggles due to his medical condition. They have to make difficult decisions about his care, and struggle to cope with the emotional toll it takes on them. Auggies parents, especially his mother, are constantly worrying about his safety and well-being. They have to make sure he is getting the best care possible, while also trying to protect him from the stares and comments of strangers. They also have to deal with the fact that Auggies condition is something that will never go away, and that he will always be different from other children. The emotional struggles of Auggies family are further compounded by the fact that they have to watch him struggle with his condition. They have to witness the pain and discomfort he experiences, and the frustration he feels when he cant do things that other children can. They also have to deal with the fact that Auggies condition will limit his opportunities in life, and that he may never be able to do the things that other children can. This can be a difficult reality for Auggies family to accept. Auggies family also has to cope with the fact that he is often treated differently by other people. They have to watch as he is stared at and judged by strangers, and they have to deal with the fact that he may never be accepted by some people. This can be a difficult reality for Auggies family to accept, and it can take a toll on their emotional well-being. Auggies family faces emotional struggles every day, but they are determined to do whatever it takes to make sure he is happy and healthy. They are a strong and loving family, and they will do whatever it takes to make sure Auggie has the best life possible. Main idea #18. Auggie's teacher, Mr. Williams, is a positive influence: Mr. Williams is Auggie's teacher and a positive influence in his life. He is understanding and supportive of Auggie, and helps him to adjust to his new school. Auggies teacher, Mr. Williams, is a positive influence in his life. He is patient and understanding, and takes the time to get to know Auggie and his unique situation. He is supportive of Auggie and helps him to adjust to his new school. Mr. Williams is always encouraging Auggie to do his best and to believe in himself. He is a source of comfort and stability for Auggie, and helps him to feel accepted and valued. Mr. Williams is a positive role model for Auggie, and his presence in Auggies life is invaluable. Main idea #19. Auggie's friend, Miranda, is a loyal companion: Miranda is Auggie's friend and a loyal companion. She stands up for Auggie when he is being bullied, and helps him to adjust to his new school. Miranda is Auggies friend and a loyal companion. She is always there for him, no matter what. Whenever Auggie is being bullied or feeling down, Miranda is there to support him and help him through it. She helps him adjust to his new school and encourages him to make friends. Miranda is a true friend, always looking out for Auggie and standing up for him when he needs it. Miranda is a great example of a loyal companion. She is always there for Auggie, no matter what. She is willing to go out of her way to help him, and she never gives up on him. She is a true friend, and she is always there to lend a helping hand. Miranda is a great example of what it means to be a loyal companion. Main idea #20. Auggie learns to accept himself: Auggie learns to accept himself and his facial deformity. He learns to be proud of who he is, and to stand up for himself in the face of adversity. Auggie learns to accept himself and his facial deformity. He realizes that he is more than just his physical appearance, and that he has a lot to offer the world. He learns to be proud of who he is, and to stand up for himself in the face of adversity. He finds strength in his family and friends, who love and support him unconditionally. He also finds strength in himself, and learns to embrace his uniqueness. He discovers that he can make a difference in the world, and that he is capable of achieving great things. Auggie learns to be confident in himself and to not let the opinions of others define him. He learns to be kind and compassionate, and to treat others with respect. He discovers that he can make a positive impact on the world, and that he can be a role model for others. He learns to be proud of who he is, and to accept himself for who he is, flaws and all. Auggie learns to accept himself and his facial deformity, and to be proud of who he is. He discovers that he is capable of achieving great things, and that he can make a difference in the world. He learns to be confident in himself and to not let the opinions of others define him. He finds strength in his family and friends, and in himself, and learns to embrace his uniqueness. He discovers that he can be a role model for others, and that he can make a positive impact on the world.