14. THE COMPLETE DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau Books.kim - free summaries of bestselling books. Download PDF and MP3 versions of the summary from www.books.kim The latest effective learning methodology has been utilized to construct the summary, ensuring that you can easily retain the key takeaways. The technique involves a great deal of repetition and rephrasing, which have been proven to be highly effective when it comes to information retention. In fact, this is the same approach employed in memorizing poems. Our objective is to not only help you comprehend the most significant concepts, but also enable you to recall and apply them in your daily life. Summary: The Complete Doonesbury is a collection of Garry Trudeau's comic strip, Doonesbury. It contains over 4,000 strips from the first one published in 1970 to the present day. The book is divided into 14 sections that cover different topics and characters throughout the years. The first section covers the early days of Doonesbury when it was just starting out and introducing its main characters: Mike, Zonker, B.D., Joanie Caucus, Mark Slackmeyer and Boopsie. This section also includes some of Trudeau's earliest political commentary on issues such as Vietnam War protests and Watergate. Section two focuses on Mike's college years at Walden College where he meets his future wife J.J., as well as other memorable characters like Uncle Duke and Lacey Davenport. This section also features stories about campus life during this time period including student activism against racism and sexism. In Section three we follow Mike after college when he moves to Washington D.C., gets married to J.J., starts a family with her, works for an environmental organization called Earthsave!, runs for Congress (unsuccessfully) and eventually becomes President of the United States! Section four follows Zonker Harris through his various misadventures including working at a ski resort in Colorado; living with hippies in San Francisco; becoming an entrepreneur; getting involved with politics; joining Greenpeace; traveling around Europe; running away from home again; meeting his long-lost father who turns out to be none other than former president Richard Nixon! Section five introduces us to B.D., who joins up with the Army after graduating high school but soon finds himself disillusioned by war after being sent off to fight in Vietnam where he loses part of his leg due to enemy fire..

Sections six through nine focus on Joanie Caucus' career path which takes her from being a waitress at Walden College all the way up to becoming Governor of California! Along this journey she faces many obstacles such as sexism within politics but ultimately succeeds thanks largely due her determination.


Mark Slackmeyer's story is told in sections ten through twelve which chronicle him going from being an idealistic young man protesting against injustice all over America (including participating in Occupy Wall Street) before finally settling down back home in Connecticut where he marries Alex P Keaton's daughter Mallory.


Finally we come full circle back home with Boopsie whose story begins when she returns home after spending several years abroad studying art history only find herself struggling financially while trying make ends meet by taking odd jobs here there until finally finding success writing children's books based off her own experiences growing up poor yet still managing stay positive despite everything life throws at her.

. Main ideas: Main idea #1. The Vietnam War: The Vietnam War was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as B.D. and Zonker being drafted and sent to fight in the war. The strip explored the effects of the war on the characters and their families, as well as the political and social issues surrounding the war. Main idea #2. The Watergate Scandal: The Watergate scandal was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as Mark Slackmeyer and Joanie Caucus becoming involved in the scandal. The strip explored the political and social issues surrounding the scandal, as well as the effects it had on the characters and their families. Main idea #3. The Women's Movement: The women's movement was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as Joanie Caucus and Honey Huan becoming involved in the movement. The strip explored the political and social issues surrounding the movement, as well as the effects it had on the characters and their families. Main idea #4. The Reagan Revolution: The Reagan Revolution was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as Mark Slackmeyer and Joanie Caucus becoming involved in the revolution. The strip explored the political and social issues surrounding the revolution, as well as the effects it had on the characters and their families. Main idea #5. The AIDS Crisis: The AIDS crisis was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as Mark Slackmeyer and Joanie Caucus becoming involved in the crisis. The strip explored the political and social issues surrounding the crisis, as well as the effects it had on the characters and their families. Main idea #6. The Gulf War: The Gulf War was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as B.D. and Zonker being sent to fight in the war. The strip explored the effects of the war on the characters and their families, as well as the political and social issues surrounding the war. Main idea #7. The Iraq War: The Iraq War was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as B.D. and Zonker being sent to fight in the war. The strip explored the effects of the war on the characters and their families, as well as the political and social issues surrounding the war. Main idea #8. The War on Terror: The War on Terror was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as B.D. and Zonker being sent to fight in the war. The strip explored the effects of the war on the characters and their families, as well as the political and social issues surrounding the war. Main idea #9. The Obama Presidency: The Obama presidency was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as Mark Slackmeyer and Joanie Caucus becoming involved in the presidency. The strip explored the political and social issues surrounding the presidency, as well as the effects it had on the characters and their families. Main idea #10. The Trump Presidency: The Trump presidency was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as Mark Slackmeyer and Joanie Caucus becoming involved in the presidency. The strip explored the political and social issues surrounding the presidency, as well as the effects it had on the characters and their families. Main idea #11. The Rise of Technology: The rise of technology was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as Mike Doonesbury and Zonker Harris becoming involved in the technology. The strip explored the political and social issues surrounding the technology, as well as the effects it had on the characters and their families. Main idea #12. The Rise of Social Media: The rise of social media was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as Mike Doonesbury and Zonker Harris becoming involved in the social media. The strip explored the political and social issues surrounding the social media, as well as the effects it had on the characters and their families. Main idea #13. The Rise of Pop Culture: The rise of pop culture was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as Mike Doonesbury and Zonker Harris becoming involved in the pop culture. The strip explored the political and social issues surrounding the pop culture, as well as the effects it had on the characters and their families. Main idea #14. The Rise of Feminism: The rise of feminism was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as Joanie Caucus and Honey Huan becoming involved in the feminism. The strip explored the political and social issues surrounding the feminism, as well as the effects it had on the characters and their families. Main idea #15. The Rise of Environmentalism: The rise of environmentalism was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as Joanie Caucus and Honey Huan becoming involved in the environmentalism. The strip explored the political and social issues surrounding the environmentalism, as well as the effects it had on the characters and their families. Main idea #16. The Rise of Gay Rights: The rise of gay rights was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as Mark Slackmeyer and Joanie Caucus becoming involved in the gay rights movement. The strip explored the political and social issues surrounding the gay rights movement, as well as the effects it had on the characters and their families. Main idea #17. The Rise of Multiculturalism: The rise of multiculturalism was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as Mark Slackmeyer and Joanie Caucus becoming involved in the multiculturalism. The strip explored the political and social issues surrounding the multiculturalism, as well as the effects it had on the characters and their families. Main idea #18. The Rise of Globalization: The rise of globalization was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as Mark Slackmeyer and Joanie Caucus becoming involved in the globalization. The strip explored the political and social issues surrounding the globalization, as well as the effects it had on the characters and their families. Main idea #19. The Rise of Social Justice: The rise of social justice was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as Mark Slackmeyer and Joanie Caucus becoming involved in the social justice movement. The strip explored the political and social issues surrounding the social justice movement, as well as the effects it had on the characters and their families. Main idea #20. The Rise of Activism: The rise of activism was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as Mark Slackmeyer and Joanie Caucus becoming involved in the activism. The strip explored the political and social issues surrounding the activism, as well as the effects it had on the characters and their families. Main ideas expanded: Main idea #1. The Vietnam War was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as B.D. and Zonker being drafted and sent to fight in the war. The strip explored the effects of the war on these characters, their families, and those around them. It also delved into political issues surrounding the war, such as how it divided public opinion at home and abroad. Doonesburys exploration of this conflict was unique in that it focused not only on its physical toll but also its psychological impact on those involved. Through its characters experiences, readers were able to gain insight into what life was like for soldiers during wartime—the fear they felt when facing danger; their struggles with PTSD upon returning home; and even how they coped with feelings of guilt over taking another persons life. In addition to exploring these personal stories, Doonesbury also addressed larger questions about Americas involvement in Vietnam: Was it necessary? What did we learn from our mistakes? How can we prevent similar conflicts from happening again? By tackling these difficult topics head-on through humor and satire, Trudeau created an engaging narrative that resonated with readers both then and now. Main idea #2. The Watergate scandal was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as Mark Slackmeyer and Joanie Caucus becoming involved in the scandal. The strip explored the political and social issues surrounding the scandal, delving into topics such as government corruption, media manipulation, and public opinion. It also examined how these events affected those directly involved in them, including their families. Through its exploration of these themes, Doonesbury provided an insightful look at one of Americas most notorious scandals. Mark Slackmeyer was particularly impacted by his involvement in Watergate; he became disillusioned with politics after being caught up in it all. His story arc showed him struggling to come to terms with what had happened while trying to make sense of it all. Meanwhile Joanie Caucus found herself thrust into a world she didnt understand or want any part of; her journey through this experience revealed her strength and resilience despite feeling overwhelmed by everything that was happening around her. Doonesburys examination of Watergate went beyond just exploring its political implications; it also highlighted how ordinary people were affected by this historic event. By focusing on individual stories rather than simply presenting facts about the scandal itself, Doonesbury offered readers an intimate look at how real people experienced this tumultuous time period. Main idea #3. The Womens Movement was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as Joanie Caucus and Honey Huan becoming involved in the movement. The strip explored the political and social issues surrounding the movement, from equal pay to reproductive rights. It also examined how these issues affected not only women but their families as well. Through its exploration of these topics, Doonesbury provided an important platform for discussing gender equality. In addition to exploring gender-related issues, Doonesbury also highlighted other aspects of feminism such as body image and self-esteem. Characters like Joanie Caucus were shown struggling with societal expectations about beauty and femininity while still trying to remain true to themselves. This helped readers understand that feminism is more than just a political issue; it is about empowering individuals regardless of their gender identity or expression. Doonesburys portrayal of the Womens Movement was groundbreaking for its time, providing an honest look at both sides of this complex issue. By showing both positive and negative aspects of feminism, it allowed readers to form their own opinions on what it means to be a feminist today. Main idea #4. The Reagan Revolution was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as Mark Slackmeyer and Joanie Caucus becoming involved in the revolution. The strip explored the political and social issues surrounding the revolution, from its impact on government policies to its effects on everyday life. It showed how people of different backgrounds reacted to it differently, with some embracing it while others were more skeptical or even hostile towards it. The Reagan Revolution also had an effect on family dynamics within Doonesbury. Characters like Mike and Zonker experienced tension between their parents over their differing views of President Reagans policies. Other characters found themselves struggling to reconcile their own beliefs with those of their families or friends who supported the presidents agenda. Ultimately, Garry Trudeau used his comic strip to explore both sides of this complex issue without taking sides himself. He allowed readers to draw their own conclusions about what they thought was right or wrong about the Reagan Revolution by presenting them with all sides of each argument. Main idea #5. The AIDS crisis was a major event in the Doonesbury comic strip, with characters such as Mark Slackmeyer and Joanie Caucus becoming involved in the crisis. The strip explored the political and social issues surrounding the crisis, from government inaction to public stigma against those living with HIV/AIDS. It also highlighted how individuals were affected by it, both directly through contracting HIV or indirectly through family members or friends who had been diagnosed. Through its exploration of these topics, Doonesbury provided an important platform for discussing this difficult issue. Mark Slackmeyers story arc was particularly poignant; he contracted HIV after having unprotected sex with a woman he met at a bar. His diagnosis caused him to re-evaluate his life choices and become more politically active on behalf of those living with HIV/AIDS. He eventually became an advocate for AIDS awareness and education, speaking out about the need for better access to treatment options and support services. Joanie Caucus story arc focused on her struggles as she cared for her partner Andy Lippincott who had been diagnosed with AIDS. She faced discrimination from employers due to her association with someone living with HIV/AIDS but ultimately found strength in advocating for better care options for people like Andy. Her journey showed that even when facing adversity there is still hope. Through their stories, Doonesbury highlighted how individuals can make a difference in fighting against injustice related to the AIDS crisis while also providing comfort and understanding during difficult times.