CRYPTOCURRENCY: HOW TO MAKE A LOT OF MONEY INVESTING AND TRADING IN CRYPTOCURRENCY by Aimee Vo - free summaries of bestselling books. Download PDF and MP3 versions of the summary from The latest effective learning methodology has been utilized to construct the summary, ensuring that you can easily retain the key takeaways. The technique involves a great deal of repetition and rephrasing, which have been proven to be highly effective when it comes to information retention. In fact, this is the same approach employed in memorizing poems. Our objective is to not only help you comprehend the most significant concepts, but also enable you to recall and apply them in your daily life. Summary: Cryptocurrency: How to Make a Lot of Money Investing and Trading in Cryptocurrency by Aimee Vo is an informative guide for those interested in investing and trading cryptocurrency. The book provides readers with the necessary knowledge, tools, and strategies needed to make informed decisions when it comes to investing or trading cryptocurrencies. It covers topics such as understanding the basics of blockchain technology, how to buy and sell cryptocurrencies on exchanges, different types of wallets available for storing digital assets, risk management techniques for traders, tax implications associated with cryptocurrency investments/trades, and more. The book begins by introducing readers to the concept of blockchain technology – what it is and how it works. It then explains why cryptocurrencies are so popular among investors today before delving into details about buying/selling them on exchanges. This includes information about setting up accounts on various platforms (such as Coinbase), depositing funds into these accounts using fiat currency or other digital assets like Bitcoin or Ethereum, placing orders on order books (limit orders vs market orders), etc. The next section focuses on different types of wallets that can be used for storing digital assets securely. This includes hot wallets (online) versus cold storage solutions (offline). The author also discusses security measures that should be taken when dealing with online services such as two-factor authentication. Risk management techniques are discussed next which include diversifying one's portfolio across multiple coins/tokens; setting stop losses; taking profits at certain levels; hedging against volatility through derivatives markets; etc. Tax implications associated with cryptocurrency investments/trades are also covered in this section. Finally, the book concludes by providing some tips from experienced traders who have made money from their trades over time. These include having patience while waiting for good opportunities; being aware of news events related to specific coins/tokens; not getting too emotional during trades; learning from mistakes made along the way; etc.