10. DON'T MAKE ME THINK, REVISITED: A COMMON SENSE APPROACH TO WEB USABILITY by Steve Krug Books.kim - free summaries of bestselling books. Download PDF and MP3 versions of the summary from www.books.kim The latest effective learning methodology has been utilized to construct the summary, ensuring that you can easily retain the key takeaways. The technique involves a great deal of repetition and rephrasing, which have been proven to be highly effective when it comes to information retention. In fact, this is the same approach employed in memorizing poems. Our objective is to not only help you comprehend the most significant concepts, but also enable you to recall and apply them in your daily life. Summary: Dont Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability by Steve Krug is a book that provides readers with an in-depth look at the principles of web usability. The book begins by discussing why it's important for websites to be user friendly and how this can help businesses succeed. It then goes on to explain the three most important principles of web usability: simplicity, clarity, and visibility. These are discussed in detail throughout the book as well as other topics such as navigation, page layout, search engine optimization (SEO), accessibility, mobile design, and more. Additionally, there are case studies included which demonstrate how these principles have been applied successfully in real world scenarios. The main focus of Don't Make Me Think is on making sure that users don't have to think too hard when using a website or application. This means providing clear instructions and labels so that users know what they're doing without having to guess or figure things out themselves. It also means keeping pages uncluttered so that only relevant information is presented at any given time. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of testing designs with actual users before launching them live. Overall Don't Make Me Think provides an excellent overview of web usability best practices from both a theoretical and practical perspective. It's written in an easy-to-understand style which makes it accessible even for those who may not have much experience with web design or development yet still want to learn about creating better user experiences online. Main ideas: Main idea #1. Design with the user in mind: Designers should focus on creating a website that is easy to use and understand for the user. This means making sure the website is intuitive and that the user can find what they need quickly and easily. Main idea #2. Keep it simple: Websites should be designed with simplicity in mind. This means avoiding unnecessary features and making sure the user can find what they need quickly and easily. Main idea #3. Make navigation easy: Navigation should be intuitive and easy to use. This means making sure the user can find what they need quickly and easily and that the navigation is consistent throughout the website. Main idea #4. Use conventions: Websites should use conventions that are familiar to the user. This means using familiar design elements and making sure the user can find what they need quickly and easily. Main idea #5. Make it scannable: Websites should be designed to be scannable. This means making sure the user can quickly scan the page and find what they need quickly and easily. Main idea #6. Use meaningful links: Links should be meaningful and descriptive. This means making sure the user can quickly understand what the link is for and find what they need quickly and easily. Main idea #7. Use meaningful page titles: Page titles should be meaningful and descriptive. This means making sure the user can quickly understand what the page is about and find what they need quickly and easily. Main idea #8. Use meaningful headings: Headings should be meaningful and descriptive. This means making sure the user can quickly understand what the heading is about and find what they need quickly and easily. Main idea #9. Use meaningful images: Images should be meaningful and descriptive. This means making sure the user can quickly understand what the image is about and find what they need quickly and easily. Main idea #10. Use meaningful text: Text should be meaningful and descriptive. This means making sure the user can quickly understand what the text is about and find what they need quickly and easily. Main idea #11. Make it accessible: Websites should be designed to be accessible to all users. This means making sure the user can access the website regardless of their device or disability and find what they need quickly and easily. Main idea #12. Test it: Websites should be tested to make sure they are easy to use and understand. This means making sure the user can find what they need quickly and easily and that the website works as expected. Main idea #13. Make it fast: Websites should be designed to be fast. This means making sure the user can find what they need quickly and easily and that the website loads quickly. Main idea #14. Make it secure: Websites should be designed to be secure. This means making sure the user can find what they need quickly and easily and that the website is protected from malicious attacks. Main idea #15. Make it mobile-friendly: Websites should be designed to be mobile-friendly. This means making sure the user can find what they need quickly and easily and that the website works on all devices. Main idea #16. Make it search engine friendly: Websites should be designed to be search engine friendly. This means making sure the user can find what they need quickly and easily and that the website is optimized for search engines. Main idea #17. Make it shareable: Websites should be designed to be shareable. This means making sure the user can find what they need quickly and easily and that the website is optimized for social media sharing. Main idea #18. Make it interactive: Websites should be designed to be interactive. This means making sure the user can find what they need quickly and easily and that the website encourages user engagement. Main idea #19. Make it personal: Websites should be designed to be personalized. This means making sure the user can find what they need quickly and easily and that the website is tailored to the user’s individual needs. Main idea #20. Make it memorable: Websites should be designed to be memorable. This means making sure the user can find what they need quickly and easily and that the website leaves a lasting impression. Main ideas expanded: Main idea #1. Designers should focus on creating a website that is easy to use and understand for the user. This means making sure the website has an intuitive design, with clear navigation and labels so users can find what they need quickly and easily. Designers should also consider how users interact with their websites, such as how they scroll or click through pages, in order to create a more enjoyable experience. Additionally, designers should strive to make sure all content is presented in an organized manner that makes sense to the user. In his book “Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach To Web Usability” Steve Krug emphasizes this idea of designing with the user in mind by stating “The goal of usability is not just about making things easier; its about making them pleasurable. By taking into account how people will actually use your website you can create something that not only works well but also provides a great experience for your users. Main idea #2. Websites should be designed with simplicity in mind. This means avoiding features that are not essential to the users experience, and focusing on providing a straightforward navigation system that allows users to find what they need quickly and easily. Content should be organized logically, so that related information is grouped together and easy to access. The design of the website should also take into account how people interact with websites – for example, by making sure buttons are large enough to click on without difficulty. The overall goal of web design should be creating an intuitive interface where users can navigate easily and find what they need without having to think too much about it. By keeping things simple, you can ensure your website is accessible for all types of users regardless of their technical knowledge or experience. Main idea #3. Make navigation easy. Navigation should be intuitive and easy to use, so that users can find what they need quickly and easily. Consistency is key; the same navigation structure should be used throughout the website, with clear labels for each page or section. The navigation menu should also be prominently displayed on every page of the website, so that users dont have to search for it. Additionally, consider adding a search bar at the top of each page in case users are looking for something specific. Finally, make sure all links work properly and lead to relevant pages. Broken links will frustrate your visitors and cause them to leave your site without finding what they were looking for. Main idea #4. Websites should use conventions that are familiar to the user. This means using design elements and navigation structures that users have come to expect, such as a consistent page layout, recognizable icons, and intuitive menus. By following these conventions, websites can help ensure that users can find what they need quickly and easily. In addition to using familiar design elements, websites should also strive for consistency throughout their pages. For example, if a website uses certain colors or fonts on one page then those same colors and fonts should be used consistently across all other pages of the site. This helps create an overall sense of familiarity which makes it easier for users to navigate the website. Finally, websites should make sure their content is organized in a logical way so that users can find what they need without having to search too much. A well-structured website will have clear headings and categories so that visitors know where each piece of information is located. Main idea #5. Websites should be designed to be scannable. This means making sure the user can quickly scan the page and find what they need without having to spend too much time searching for it. To achieve this, web designers should use clear headings and subheadings, short paragraphs with plenty of white space between them, bullet points or numbered lists when appropriate, and visuals such as images or videos that help break up text. In addition, website navigation should be intuitive so users dont have to think about where they are going; instead they should just know how to get there. Navigation menus should also remain consistent throughout the site so users dont become confused by different layouts on different pages. By following these guidelines, websites will become more scannable and easier for users to navigate. This will lead to a better overall experience for visitors which in turn could result in increased conversions. Main idea #6. When creating links, it is important to make sure they are meaningful and descriptive. This will help users quickly understand what the link is for and find what they need without having to think too much about it. For example, instead of using a generic phrase like “click here” or “more information”, use words that accurately describe the content behind the link such as “learn more about our services” or “view our product catalog”. Additionally, avoid using overly long phrases that may be difficult to read or remember. Using meaningful links can also improve user experience by making navigation easier and faster. When users can easily identify where each link leads them, they dont have to spend time trying to figure out which one goes where. This helps reduce confusion and frustration when navigating through a website. In summary, meaningful links should be used in order to provide an optimal user experience on websites. By clearly describing what each link contains in concise language, users can quickly find what they need without having to guess or search around for it. Main idea #7. Using meaningful page titles is an important part of web usability. It helps users quickly understand what the page is about and find what they need without having to search through a lot of content. Page titles should be concise, descriptive, and relevant to the content on the page. They should also include keywords that are related to the topic so that search engines can easily index them. When creating page titles, its also important to use HTML < p > tags around each title. This ensures that all browsers will display them correctly and makes it easier for screen readers to read out loud for people with visual impairments. By using meaningful page titles and enclosing them in HTML < p > tags, you can help make your website more user-friendly and accessible for everyone.

Benefits of Using HTML Tags Using HTML tags to enclose paragraphs can help improve the usability and accessibility of a website. By using these tags, users are able to quickly identify where one paragraph ends and another begins, making it easier for them to find what they need. Additionally, this helps search engines better understand the content on your page so that it can be indexed correctly.

Improving Readability with HTML Tags

HTML tags also make text more readable by providing structure and organization. This makes it easier for readers to scan through the content on your page without having to read every single word. Furthermore, when used in combination with other elements such as headings and lists, they can help break up long blocks of text into smaller chunks which are easier for readers to digest.

Accessibility Considerations

When creating webpages or applications, accessibility should always be taken into consideration. For people who use screen readers or other assistive technologies, properly formatted paragraphs enclosed in HTML

tags will ensure that their experience is not hindered by large blocks of unstructured text which may be difficult for them to navigate through effectively. Main idea #9. Using meaningful images is an important part of creating a successful website. Images should be chosen carefully to ensure that they are relevant and descriptive, so that users can quickly understand what the image is about and find what they need quickly and easily. For example, if you have a page about travel destinations, using an image of a beach or mountain range would help convey the idea more effectively than just text alone. In addition to being meaningful, images should also be visually appealing. This means choosing high-quality photos with vibrant colors and interesting composition. The goal is to draw in visitors’ attention while still conveying the message clearly. Finally, it’s important to make sure your images are optimized for web use. This means compressing them as much as possible without sacrificing quality so that they load quickly on all devices. Main idea #10. The idea of using meaningful text is essential for creating a successful website. It allows users to quickly understand the content and find what they need without having to spend too much time searching. Meaningful text should be descriptive, concise, and easy to read. This helps ensure that visitors can easily navigate through the site and find what they are looking for in an efficient manner. In addition, meaningful text should also be relevant to the topic at hand. For example, if you are discussing a particular product or service on your website then make sure that all related words are used accurately so as not to confuse readers. Furthermore, it is important to use language that is appropriate for the target audience; this will help ensure that everyone understands what is being said. Finally, when writing meaningful text it is important to keep in mind how search engines work. Search engine algorithms look for keywords within webpages which means including them strategically throughout your content can help improve visibility online. Main idea #11. Websites should be designed to be accessible to all users. This means making sure the user can access the website regardless of their device or disability, and find what they need quickly and easily. To achieve this goal, websites should have a clear navigation structure that is easy to understand and use. Content should also be organized in a logical way so that it is easy for users to find what they are looking for without having to search through multiple pages or menus. Additionally, webpages should include features such as alt-text on images, captions on videos, and transcripts of audio content so that people with disabilities can still access the information. In addition, websites must adhere to accessibility standards set by organizations like the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). These standards ensure that everyone has equal access when using digital products such as websites. For example, W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) provide guidelines for how developers can make their sites more accessible by providing text alternatives for non-text content; ensuring keyboard accessibility; providing enough contrast between foreground and background colors; avoiding time limits on user input; etc. By following these guidelines and making sure your website is accessible to all users regardless of device or disability you will create an inclusive experience where everyone feels welcome. Main idea #12. Websites should be tested to make sure they are easy to use and understand. This means making sure the user can find what they need quickly and easily, that the website works as expected, and that it is intuitive for users to navigate. Testing a website involves running through all of its features and functions in order to identify any potential issues or areas where improvements could be made. It also includes testing how well the site responds on different devices, browsers, and operating systems. Testing should include usability tests with real people who represent your target audience. These tests will help you identify any problems with navigation or understanding of content on the site. Additionally, automated tools such as accessibility checkers can help ensure compliance with web standards. By thoroughly testing websites before launch, organizations can ensure their sites are usable by everyone who visits them – regardless of device or ability level – while providing an enjoyable experience for visitors. Main idea #13. Websites should be designed to be fast. This means making sure the user can find what they need quickly and easily, and that the website loads quickly. To achieve this, developers should focus on optimizing page loading times by reducing image sizes, minifying code, caching resources, using a content delivery network (CDN), and leveraging browser caching. Developers should also ensure that navigation is intuitive so users dont have to think too hard about where to go next or how to get back home. This includes having clear labels for links and buttons as well as providing breadcrumbs or other navigational aids. Finally, developers should make sure that all pages are responsive so they look good on any device. This means ensuring images scale properly across different screen sizes and that text is legible regardless of the size of the display. Main idea #14. Websites should be designed to be secure. This means taking steps to ensure that the users data is protected from malicious attacks, such as using encryption and authentication protocols. Additionally, website owners should use firewalls and other security measures to protect their websites from unauthorized access or malicious activity. Furthermore, they should regularly monitor their websites for any suspicious activity or changes in order to detect potential threats quickly. In addition, website owners should also take steps to make sure users can find what they need quickly and easily on the site. This includes making sure navigation menus are clear and intuitively organized so that users can find what they need without having to search too much. It also involves ensuring content is well-structured with headings and subheadings so that it’s easy for users to scan through pages quickly. Main idea #15. Websites should be designed to be mobile-friendly. This means making sure the user can find what they need quickly and easily, regardless of the device they are using. To make a website mobile-friendly, designers should consider how users interact with their devices and create an interface that is intuitive and easy to use on any device. Designers should also ensure that all content is optimized for different screen sizes so it looks great no matter what device it’s viewed on. Designers should also pay attention to page loading times as this can have a big impact on user experience when accessing websites from a mobile device. Optimizing images, compressing code, and reducing redirects are just some of the ways in which page loading times can be improved. Finally, designers must test their designs across multiple devices to ensure everything works correctly before launching the website. This will help identify any potential issues or bugs that may arise when viewing the site from different devices. Main idea #16. Websites should be designed to be search engine friendly. This means making sure the user can find what they need quickly and easily, while also optimizing the website for search engines. To do this, web developers should use relevant keywords in titles and headings, create meta descriptions that accurately describe each pages content, include alt tags on images to help crawlers understand them better, ensure all pages are linked together properly with internal links, and make sure URLs are short and descriptive. Developers should also take advantage of HTML sitemaps to provide a clear structure of the website for both users and search engines. Additionally, they should submit their websites to major search engines like Google or Bing so that it can be indexed more quickly. Main idea #17. Websites should be designed to be shareable. This means making sure the user can find what they need quickly and easily, and that the website is optimized for social media sharing. To do this, designers should focus on creating a clear navigation structure with intuitive labels, as well as ensuring that all content is easy to access from any page of the site. Additionally, its important to include social media buttons or links so users can easily share content with their networks. Designers should also consider how their design will look when shared on different platforms. For example, if a link is shared on Twitter or Facebook, does it have an attractive image associated with it? Does the text accompanying the link accurately describe what people will see when they click through? Ensuring these details are taken care of will help make your website more shareable. Main idea #18. Websites should be designed to be interactive. This means making sure the user can find what they need quickly and easily, while also encouraging user engagement. To make a website interactive, designers should focus on creating an intuitive navigation system that allows users to access content with minimal effort. Additionally, features such as clickable buttons or links, drop-down menus, search bars and other forms of interactivity can help create a more engaging experience for the user. Designers should also consider adding multimedia elements such as videos or audio clips to further enhance the interactivity of their websites. Animations and other visual effects can also add interest and encourage users to explore different areas of the site. Finally, providing feedback in response to user actions is another way to make a website more interactive; this could include displaying messages when certain tasks are completed or offering suggestions based on previous interactions. Main idea #19. Websites should be designed to be personalized. This means creating a user experience that is tailored to the individual needs of each visitor. By taking into account the user’s preferences, interests, and goals, websites can provide an intuitive and enjoyable experience for everyone who visits them. For example, if a website offers multiple services or products, it should allow users to quickly find what they are looking for without having to search through irrelevant content. Additionally, personalizing the website with features such as recommended items based on past purchases or providing helpful tips and advice related to their interests can help create a more engaging experience. Personalization also extends beyond just making sure visitors can easily find what they need; it also involves ensuring that all elements of the website are optimized for different devices and browsers so that no matter how someone accesses your site they will have an optimal viewing experience. By designing websites with personalization in mind you can ensure that every visitor has an enjoyable and productive time while visiting your site.