19. THE ANGER MANAGEMENT WORKBOOK FOR KIDS: HELPING CHILDREN HANDLE THEIR ANGER by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann Books.kim - free summaries of bestselling books. Download PDF and MP3 versions of the summary from www.books.kim The latest effective learning methodology has been utilized to construct the summary, ensuring that you can easily retain the key takeaways. The technique involves a great deal of repetition and rephrasing, which have been proven to be highly effective when it comes to information retention. In fact, this is the same approach employed in memorizing poems. Our objective is to not only help you comprehend the most significant concepts, but also enable you to recall and apply them in your daily life. Summary: The Anger Management Workbook for Kids: Helping Children Handle Their Anger by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann is a comprehensive guide to helping children understand and manage their anger. The book provides an overview of the causes of anger, how it affects children's behavior, and strategies for managing it. It also includes activities that can help kids learn to recognize and express their feelings in healthy ways. The book begins with an introduction to the concept of anger management, including what it is, why it's important, and how parents can help their child develop these skills. It then goes on to discuss different types of anger triggers such as frustration or disappointment. The author explains how these triggers can lead to angry outbursts or aggressive behaviors if not managed properly. Next, the book covers techniques for recognizing signs of escalating emotions before they become too intense. This includes learning relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises or counting backwards from ten when feeling overwhelmed. Additionally, there are tips on communicating effectively with your child about his/her feelings so that he/she feels heard and understood. Finally, the workbook offers several activities designed specifically for kids who struggle with managing their emotions. These include role-playing scenarios where kids practice expressing themselves calmly in difficult situations; journaling prompts which encourage them to reflect on what makes them angry; coloring pages which allow them to express themselves creatively; and games which teach problem-solving skills while having fun at the same time. Overall, The Anger Management Workbook for Kids: Helping Children Handle Their Anger by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann is a great resource for parents looking for guidance on teaching their children effective coping strategies when dealing with strong emotions like anger.