The Complete Calvin and Hobbes 2005

by Bill Watterson





  • The Complete Calvin and Hobbes is a collection of every comic strip from the popular newspaper comic series by Bill Watterson. The book contains over 3,000 strips that were originally published between 1985 and 1995. It also includes an introduction written by Watterson himself, as well as essays about his work from various authors.

    The book follows the adventures of six-year-old Calvin and his stuffed tiger Hobbes. Together they explore their imaginations through wild fantasies, philosophical conversations, and everyday misadventures. Through these stories, Watterson explores themes such as childhood innocence, friendship, morality, creativity, and growing up.

    Calvin's parents are often exasperated with him but still love him deeply; while Hobbes is always there to provide support or challenge Calvin's ideas in a playful way. Other characters include Susie Derkins (Calvin's classmate), Moe (the school bully), Miss Wormwood (Calvin's teacher) and Rosalyn (the babysitter).

    In addition to the comics themselves, The Complete Calvin & Hobbes also features several bonus materials including interviews with Bill Watterson about his career in cartooning; essays on topics such as censorship in comics; original sketches; rare photographs of Watterson at work; a timeline of major events during the run of the strip; biographies for each character featured in it; an index listing all 3100+ strips by title or theme; plus much more.

    This comprehensive collection offers readers an opportunity to experience one of the most beloved comic strips ever created—from its humble beginnings to its bittersweet ending—all within one volume.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Calvin's Imagination: Calvin's vivid imagination allows him to explore a variety of different worlds and scenarios, often with his stuffed tiger Hobbes as his companion. He often uses his imagination to escape from the mundane aspects of life, and to explore the possibilities of the world around him.

    Calvins imagination is a powerful tool that allows him to explore and create new worlds. He often uses his vivid imagination to escape from the mundane aspects of life, and to explore the possibilities of the world around him. With Hobbes as his companion, Calvin can go on wild adventures in his mind, creating stories and scenarios that are only limited by his own creativity.

    From battling monsters in outer space to inventing time machines, Calvins imagination knows no bounds. His creative spirit has allowed him to come up with some truly unique ideas over the years, making for some unforgettable moments throughout The Complete Calvin and Hobbes series.

    Whether it be through daydreams or elaborate schemes with Hobbes at his side, Calvins imaginative nature is one of the most endearing qualities about him. It serves as an outlet for both himself and readers alike; allowing us all to take part in these fantastical journeys alongside our favorite tiger-and-boy duo.

  • #2.     Calvin's Relationship with Hobbes: Calvin and Hobbes have a unique relationship, with Hobbes often acting as a confidant and advisor to Calvin. They often have conversations about life and the world around them, and Hobbes is often the voice of reason in Calvin's life.

    Calvin and Hobbes have a unique relationship, with Hobbes often acting as a confidant and advisor to Calvin. They share an understanding of the world that goes beyond what most people can comprehend, allowing them to explore ideas in ways that others cannot. From discussing philosophy and morality to debating the meaning of life, their conversations are always thought-provoking and entertaining.

    Hobbes is also there for Calvin when he needs someone to talk to or just wants some company. He listens patiently while Calvin vents his frustrations about school or family issues, offering advice when asked but never pushing it on him. Even though they dont always agree on everything, they still respect each others opinions.

    The bond between these two characters is strong; even after all these years since their first comic strip appearance in 1985, readers continue to be captivated by their friendship. Its clear that no matter what happens in life, Calvin will always have Hobbes by his side.

  • #3.     Calvin's Relationship with His Parents: Calvin's relationship with his parents is often strained, as he often finds himself in conflict with them over his behavior and attitude. Despite this, his parents still love him and are always there to support him.

    Calvins relationship with his parents is often strained. He frequently finds himself in conflict with them over his behavior and attitude, which can lead to arguments and disagreements. Despite this, Calvins parents still love him deeply and are always there for him when he needs support or guidance.

    His parents try their best to understand Calvins unique perspective on the world, even if they dont always agree with it. They also provide a safe space for him to express himself without fear of judgement or criticism. Ultimately, despite any differences between them, Calvin knows that his parents will always be there for him no matter what.

  • #4.     Calvin's Relationship with Susie Derkins: Calvin and Susie have a complicated relationship, often involving pranks and teasing. Despite this, they still care for each other and are often seen playing together.

    Calvin and Susie Derkins have a unique relationship. Despite their constant bickering, they still care for each other deeply. They often play together, with Calvin coming up with wild ideas that Susie usually goes along with. Even when they are pranking each other or teasing one another, there is an underlying affection between them.

    At times, Calvin can be quite protective of Susie and will stand up for her if someone else tries to pick on her. He also has a habit of trying to impress her by showing off his knowledge or skills in some way. Although she may not always show it outwardly, Susie does appreciate the effort he puts into making sure shes happy.

    The two share many adventures together throughout the series and even though their friendship isnt perfect all the time, it is clear that they both value it greatly.

  • #5.     Calvin's Relationship with His Teacher: Calvin's relationship with his teacher is often strained, as he often finds himself in conflict with her over his behavior and attitude. Despite this, his teacher still cares for him and is always there to help him.

    Calvins relationship with his teacher is often strained. He frequently finds himself in conflict with her over his behavior and attitude, which can lead to heated arguments between the two of them. Despite this, Calvins teacher still cares for him deeply and is always there to help him when he needs it. She encourages him to do better in school and pushes him to reach his full potential.

    At times, Calvin may not understand why she insists on certain rules or expectations from him but deep down he knows that she only wants what’s best for him. His teacher also understands that sometimes Calvin just needs a little extra guidance or support in order to succeed. Through their disagreements and occasional clashes, they have developed a strong bond of mutual respect.

  • #6.     Calvin's Relationship with His Friends: Calvin has a close group of friends, including Hobbes, Susie, and Moe. They often have adventures together and support each other through difficult times.

    Calvin has a strong bond with his friends, Hobbes, Susie and Moe. They often go on wild adventures together and have fun exploring the world around them. Calvin is always there to lend an ear when one of his friends needs someone to talk to or just wants some company. He also stands up for them if they are ever in trouble or need help with something. His loyalty and friendship towards them is unwavering.

    When things get tough, Calvins friends can always count on him for support and encouragement. Whether its helping Susie study for a test or cheering up Moe after a bad day at school, he will do whatever he can to make sure that everyone feels better. Even though their lives may be filled with ups and downs, Calvins relationship with his friends remains strong throughout it all.

  • #7.     Calvin's Relationship with Nature: Calvin has a deep appreciation for nature, often exploring the outdoors and admiring the beauty of the world around him.

    Calvin has a deep appreciation for nature, often exploring the outdoors and admiring the beauty of the world around him. He loves to go on hikes in the woods, marveling at all of its wonders. He also enjoys playing in streams and ponds, catching frogs and other creatures that inhabit them. Calvin is fascinated by animals as well, often trying to befriend them or just observe their behavior.

    He also takes great pleasure in observing plants and trees, studying their growth patterns and learning about how they interact with each other. Calvins relationship with nature goes beyond simply enjoying it; he truly respects it as an integral part of his life. He understands that without nature there would be no life on Earth, so he does his best to protect it whenever possible.

    Calvins connection with nature is evident throughout The Complete Calvin and Hobbes series by Bill Watterson. Whether hes out camping or fishing with Hobbes or simply taking a walk through the park alone, Calvin always finds joy in being surrounded by natural beauty.

  • #8.     Calvin's Relationship with Animals: Calvin has a special bond with animals, often talking to them and understanding their feelings.

    Calvin has a unique relationship with animals. He often talks to them, understanding their feelings and emotions in ways that other people dont. In one comic strip, Calvin is seen talking to his tiger friend Hobbes about how he feels like an outsider at school. Hobbes responds by saying I know what you mean. This shows the special bond between Calvin and animals; they understand each other on a deeper level than most humans do.

    In another comic strip, Calvin is seen playing fetch with his dog Susie Derkins. The two of them have a great time together as Susie fetches the stick for him over and over again. Its clear that theres something special between these two characters; its almost as if they can communicate without words.

    Calvin also has a strong connection with nature itself. He loves exploring the outdoors and appreciates its beauty more than anyone else around him does. His love for nature is evident in many of his adventures, such as when he goes camping or takes hikes through the woods.

    Overall, Calvin has an incredibly strong bond with animals and nature alike. He understands them better than most people do, which makes him even more endearing to readers everywhere.

  • #9.     Calvin's Relationship with Technology: Calvin often finds himself in conflict with technology, as he often finds it difficult to understand and use.

    Calvins relationship with technology is often a source of frustration for him. He finds himself constantly struggling to understand and use the latest gadgets, from computers to cell phones. Despite his best efforts, he often fails to make sense of them or get them working properly. This leads him into frequent arguments with his parents and teachers about why he cant seem to keep up with the times.

    At other times, Calvin uses technology as an escape from reality. He spends hours playing video games or watching television in order to avoid dealing with difficult emotions or situations in his life. While this may provide temporary relief, it also serves as a reminder that he is unable to control certain aspects of his life.

    Ultimately, Calvins relationship with technology reflects both his struggles and successes in navigating the modern world around him. His frustrations show how hard it can be for someone who doesnt quite fit into societys expectations—but at the same time, they demonstrate how resilient he is when faced with adversity.

  • #10.     Calvin's Relationship with Authority: Calvin often finds himself in conflict with authority figures, as he often finds it difficult to follow rules and regulations.

    Calvins relationship with authority is often strained. He has a strong sense of independence and does not like to be told what to do, which can lead him into trouble. He frequently clashes with his parents, teachers, and other adults in positions of power. Calvin also struggles to follow rules that he finds arbitrary or unfair; for example, he refuses to wear the school uniform because it restricts his freedom of expression.

    At times, Calvin will try to find ways around authority figures by using clever tactics such as pretending not to understand instructions or trying to negotiate better terms. However, this usually backfires on him as the adults are rarely fooled by his antics. Despite these conflicts with authority figures, Calvin still respects them and looks up to them in many ways.

  • #11.     Calvin's Relationship with His School: Calvin often finds himself in conflict with his school, as he often finds it difficult to understand and follow the curriculum.

    Calvins relationship with his school is often strained. He finds it difficult to understand and follow the curriculum, which leads to frequent clashes between him and his teachers. Calvin has a tendency to challenge authority figures, particularly those in positions of power at his school. He often questions their decisions or attempts to find loopholes in order to get out of doing work he doesnt want to do.

    At times, Calvin can be quite rebellious when it comes to following rules set by the school. He will go out of his way to avoid completing assignments or attending classes that he deems unnecessary or boring. Despite this behavior, however, Calvin does have moments where he shows genuine interest in learning new things and expanding his knowledge.

    Overall, Calvins relationship with his school is complicated but ultimately beneficial for both parties involved. His inquisitive nature helps him learn more about the world around him while also pushing back against any form of oppression from authority figures.

  • #12.     Calvin's Relationship with His Siblings: Calvin has a close relationship with his siblings, often playing and exploring together.

    Calvin has a strong bond with his siblings, often playing and exploring together. He loves to share stories and jokes with them, as well as teach them new things. Calvin is always looking out for his siblings, making sure they are safe and happy. He also enjoys spending time with them doing activities like going on hikes or playing board games.

    When it comes to disagreements between the siblings, Calvin is usually the one who steps in to mediate. He listens carefully to both sides of an argument before offering advice or solutions that everyone can agree on. His patience and understanding make him a great mediator.

    Overall, Calvins relationship with his siblings is very special; he cherishes every moment spent together and looks forward to creating more memories in the future.

  • #13.     Calvin's Relationship with His Grandparents: Calvin has a close relationship with his grandparents, often visiting them and learning from their wisdom.

    Calvin has a special bond with his grandparents. He loves to visit them and learn from their stories, wisdom, and experiences. His grandfather often takes him fishing or on other outdoor adventures, while his grandmother teaches him about cooking and baking. Calvin also enjoys listening to the tales of his grandparents pasts, which are full of interesting anecdotes that he can relate to in some way.

    The relationship between Calvin and his grandparents is one of mutual respect and admiration. They appreciate how inquisitive he is about the world around him, as well as how eager he is to learn new things. In turn, Calvin looks up to them for their knowledge and experience in life. He values their advice when it comes to making decisions or solving problems.

    Overall, Calvins relationship with his grandparents is an important part of who he is today; they have helped shape him into the person that he has become by providing guidance throughout his life.

  • #14.     Calvin's Relationship with His Neighbors: Calvin has a close relationship with his neighbors, often playing and exploring together.

    Calvin has a strong bond with his neighbors, often playing and exploring together. He loves to explore the outdoors with them, going on adventures in the woods or building forts in their backyards. Calvin also enjoys spending time inside with his friends, playing board games or watching movies. His relationships are built on trust and mutual respect; he is always willing to lend an ear when one of his friends needs someone to talk to.

    Calvins relationship with his neighbors goes beyond just playtime though; they look out for each other like family. When one of them is feeling down, Calvin will do whatever it takes to cheer them up - whether that means baking cookies or taking a walk around the block. He knows how important it is for everyone in the neighborhood to feel safe and supported.

    The bonds between Calvin and his neighbors are strong ones that have been forged over many years of friendship and shared experiences. They know they can rely on each other no matter what life throws at them, which makes their relationship even more special.

  • #15.     Calvin's Relationship with His Toys: Calvin has a special bond with his toys, often talking to them and understanding their feelings.

    Calvin has a unique relationship with his toys. He talks to them as if they are real people, and he often understands their feelings. He is able to empathize with them in ways that other children may not be able to do. Calvins toys become an extension of himself, and he treats them like friends or family members. His conversations with them can range from silly jokes to deep philosophical musings.

    When Calvin plays with his toys, it is clear that he values their opinion and takes into account what they have to say. He listens intently when they speak and considers their advice before making decisions about how the game should proceed. This shows just how much respect Calvin has for his beloved playthings.

    The bond between Calvin and his toys is strong; it goes beyond mere playtime fun. They provide him comfort during difficult times, offer companionship when no one else will listen, and give him someone who truly understands him on a deeper level than anyone else ever could.

  • #16.     Calvin's Relationship with His Dreams: Calvin often explores his dreams, often finding himself in strange and fantastical worlds.

    Calvin has a unique relationship with his dreams. He often finds himself in strange and fantastical worlds, exploring the possibilities of what could be. His dreams are filled with adventure and imagination, allowing him to escape from reality for a while. Calvins dream world is full of surprises and wonders that he cant experience in real life. Its an outlet for his creativity and curiosity, as well as a place where he can explore different aspects of himself.

    In many ways, Calvins dreams serve as an extension of his own personality. They reflect his hopes, fears, desires, and anxieties about the world around him. Through them he is able to express himself without fear or judgement from others. In this way they become almost like another character in the story - one who helps guide Calvin through difficult times.

    Calvins relationship with his dreams is complex but ultimately beneficial to him on some level. They provide an opportunity for self-reflection and exploration that would otherwise not be available to him in everyday life.

  • #17.     Calvin's Relationship with His Fears: Calvin often finds himself in conflict with his fears, often finding it difficult to confront them.

    Calvins relationship with his fears is a complex one. He often finds himself in conflict, struggling to confront them and overcome their power over him. His fear of the unknown can be seen in his reluctance to explore new places or try new things, while his fear of failure can lead him to procrastinate on important tasks. Despite these struggles, Calvin has also shown courage when faced with danger or adversity. He has stood up for what he believes in and taken risks despite being scared.

    At times, Calvins fears have been used as a source of humor throughout the comic strip series. For example, when confronted by monsters under his bed or other imaginary creatures, Calvin will often use sarcasm and wit to make light of the situation rather than face it head-on. This humorous approach allows him to cope with difficult situations without having to confront them directly.

    Ultimately, Calvins relationship with his fears is an ongoing battle that he must continually fight against if he wants to grow as a person and reach his full potential. While it may not always be easy for him, through perseverance and determination he can eventually learn how to conquer even the most daunting obstacles.

  • #18.     Calvin's Relationship with His Art: Calvin often expresses himself through art, often creating strange and fantastical worlds.

    Calvins relationship with his art is a complex one. He often uses it as an outlet for his creativity and imagination, creating strange and fantastical worlds that he can escape to when reality becomes too much. His artwork also serves as a way for him to express himself in ways that words cannot, allowing him to explore emotions and ideas without having to verbalize them. Calvins art is not only a source of comfort but also of inspiration; it helps him think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to problems.

    At times, Calvins artwork can be seen as an extension of himself; he puts so much effort into each piece that they become almost like part of his identity. He takes great pride in what he creates, even if others dont understand or appreciate it. Through his art, Calvin has found a way to make sense of the world around him while still being able to express himself freely.

  • #19.     Calvin's Relationship with His Religion: Calvin often finds himself in conflict with his religion, often finding it difficult to understand and follow.

    Calvins relationship with his religion is complex and often strained. He struggles to reconcile the teachings of his faith with his own beliefs, which can lead to confusion and frustration. Calvin often questions why certain things are considered sinful or wrong in the eyes of God, while other seemingly innocuous activities are not. He also has difficulty understanding how a loving God could allow suffering and injustice in the world.

    At times, Calvin feels that he must choose between following what he believes is right or adhering to religious doctrine. This internal struggle leads him to question whether it is possible for him to be both faithful and true to himself at the same time. Despite these difficulties, Calvin still holds onto some aspects of his faith such as prayer and attending church services on occasion.

    Ultimately, Calvins relationship with religion remains complicated but important nonetheless. His journey towards understanding its complexities helps shape who he becomes as an individual.

  • #20.     Calvin's Relationship with His Future: Calvin often finds himself in conflict with his future, often finding it difficult to plan and prepare for it.

    Calvins relationship with his future is a complex one. He often finds himself in conflict with it, struggling to plan and prepare for what lies ahead. On the one hand, he has an innate curiosity about the unknown and a desire to explore new possibilities; on the other hand, he is afraid of change and uncertain of how things will turn out. This tension between wanting to know what comes next but also being scared of it can be seen throughout Calvins adventures.

    At times, Calvin tries to take control of his future by making plans or setting goals for himself. However, these attempts are usually short-lived as something unexpected always seems to come up that throws him off course. Despite this difficulty in planning ahead, Calvin still manages to find joy in life by living each day as if it were his last and embracing whatever surprises may come along.

    Ultimately, Calvins relationship with his future is a reminder that no matter how much we try to predict or control our lives there will always be some element of uncertainty involved. It is only through accepting this fact that we can truly appreciate all the moments we have now without worrying too much about what might happen tomorrow.