The Complete Dilbert 1997

by Scott Adams





  • The Complete Dilbert by Scott Adams is a compilation of all the Dilbert comic strips from 1989 to 2006. It includes over 2,000 cartoons that have been published in newspapers and magazines around the world. The book also contains an introduction written by Adams himself, as well as a few essays about his work and life.

    Adams’s introduction explains how he came up with the idea for Dilbert and why it has become so popular. He talks about how he was inspired by his own experiences working in corporate America, which gave him plenty of material to draw upon when creating the strip. He also discusses some of the challenges he faced while writing it, such as dealing with editors who wanted to censor certain jokes or storylines.

    The book features many classic strips that fans will recognize immediately, including “Dilbert’s Pointy-Haired Boss” and “Dogbert’s New Ruling Class.” There are also several new stories that were created specifically for this collection. These include tales about Dilbert getting stuck in an elevator with a talking rat; Dogbert becoming president of a small country; and Ratbert trying to take over the world.

    In addition to these stories, there are several essays included throughout The Complete Dilbert that provide insight into Adams's creative process and philosophy on life. One essay focuses on how humor can be used as a tool for social change; another looks at how technology has changed our lives since 1989; while yet another examines what makes people laugh.

    Overall, The Complete Dilbert is an entertaining read filled with hilarious comics and thought-provoking essays from one of today's most beloved cartoonists. Whether you're already familiar with Adams' work or just discovering it now, this book is sure to bring hours of laughter—and maybe even some wisdom—to your day.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Dilbert's Career: Dilbert's career is a roller coaster ride of successes and failures, but he always manages to find a way to make it work. He is constantly trying to find ways to make his job easier and more efficient, but often finds himself in difficult situations due to his boss's incompetence.

    Dilberts career is a wild ride of ups and downs, but he always manages to make it work. He is constantly looking for ways to improve his job and make it more efficient, but often finds himself in difficult situations due to the incompetence of his boss. Despite these obstacles, Dilbert never gives up and continues to strive for success. His determination has earned him respect from colleagues and bosses alike.

    Dilberts career path has been anything but easy. He has faced numerous challenges along the way, including dealing with incompetent superiors who dont understand how things should be done properly. However, despite all this adversity, Dilbert remains resilient and determined to succeed no matter what comes his way.

    The Complete Dilbert by Scott Adams provides an insightful look into the life of one man trying to make it in a world full of bureaucracy and red tape. It shows us that even when times are tough we can still find ways to persevere if we stay focused on our goals.

  • #2.     Dogbert's Business Ventures: Dogbert is always coming up with new business ideas, but they often fail due to his lack of understanding of the real world. He is always trying to find ways to make money, but his schemes often backfire.

    Dogberts business ventures are always ambitious and creative, but they often fail due to his lack of understanding of the real world. He is constantly coming up with new ideas for making money, but these schemes usually end in disaster. For example, he once tried to start a company that sold invisible products - items that customers could not see or touch, yet still had to pay for them. Needless to say, this venture was unsuccessful.

    Another time Dogbert attempted to create a business selling luxury air. This involved charging people for breathing air from an expensive bottle instead of getting it free from the atmosphere. Again this failed as no one wanted to buy something they already had access too.

    Despite his failures, Dogbert never gives up on his entrepreneurial spirit and continues dreaming up new ways of making money. His latest idea involves creating a website where people can post their problems and have other users solve them for cash rewards.

  • #3.     The Pointy-Haired Boss: The Pointy-Haired Boss is Dilbert's incompetent boss who is always making bad decisions and causing problems for Dilbert. He is often oblivious to the consequences of his actions and is always trying to find ways to make himself look better.

    The Pointy-Haired Boss is a classic character in the Dilbert comic strip. He is portrayed as an incompetent and clueless manager who often makes bad decisions that cause problems for his employees, particularly Dilbert. Despite his lack of knowledge or understanding of the workplace, he always tries to make himself look good by taking credit for other peoples work or coming up with ideas that are doomed to fail. His obliviousness to the consequences of his actions often leads him into trouble and puts him at odds with those around him.

    Despite being a source of frustration for Dilbert, The Pointy-Haired Boss has become one of the most beloved characters in the series due to his bumbling nature and comedic timing. He serves as a reminder that even though we may not always agree with our bosses decisions, its important to remember that theyre just trying their best too.

  • #4.     Dilbert's Coworkers: Dilbert's coworkers are a diverse group of characters who often provide comic relief. They are often the victims of the Pointy-Haired Boss's incompetence and are always trying to find ways to make their jobs easier.

    Dilberts coworkers are a motley crew of characters who often provide comic relief in the Dilbert universe. They range from the eccentric Catbert, to the ever-loyal Wally, and even Alice, whose no-nonsense attitude is always entertaining. Despite their differences, they all share one thing in common: they are constantly trying to find ways to make their jobs easier while dealing with the incompetence of their Pointy-Haired Boss. Whether it be through clever schemes or just plain old hard work, these characters never give up on finding solutions for their problems.

    The Complete Dilbert by Scott Adams provides readers with an inside look at this unique group of coworkers and how they interact with each other and the world around them. From hilarious office pranks to heartfelt moments between friends, there is something for everyone in this collection of stories about Dilberts workplace adventures. With its witty dialogue and relatable situations, The Complete Dilbert will have you laughing out loud as you follow along on these misadventures.

  • #5.     Dilbert's Love Life: Dilbert's love life is a constant source of frustration for him. He is always trying to find a way to make it work, but often finds himself in awkward situations due to his lack of social skills.

    Dilberts love life is a never-ending source of frustration for him. He often finds himself in awkward situations due to his lack of social skills, and he struggles to find ways to make it work. Despite his best efforts, Dilbert often ends up feeling like hes missing out on something important when it comes to relationships.

    He has tried various approaches over the years, from online dating sites and speed dating events to blind dates set up by friends. Unfortunately, none of these have been successful so far. Dilbert continues to search for someone who will understand him and accept him as he is.

    Despite all the difficulties that come with trying to find love, Dilbert remains hopeful that one day hell meet someone special who can appreciate all the unique qualities that make him who he is.

  • #6.     Dilbert's Technology: Dilbert is always trying to find ways to use technology to make his job easier, but often finds himself in difficult situations due to his lack of understanding of the technology.

    Dilbert is a classic example of someone who has embraced technology but doesnt always understand it. He often finds himself in difficult situations due to his lack of understanding, such as when he tries to use the latest gadgets and gizmos without fully comprehending how they work. Despite this, Dilbert continues to try new technologies in order to make his job easier and more efficient. His enthusiasm for technology is admirable, even if it sometimes leads him down a path of frustration.

    In The Complete Dilbert by Scott Adams, we see many examples of Dilberts attempts at using technology. From trying out virtual reality goggles that transport him into an alternate universe to attempting to build robots with disastrous results, Dilbert never stops pushing the boundaries of what can be done with tech. Even though he may not always succeed in his endeavors, he still manages to learn something from each experience.

    Dilberts Technology serves as an important reminder that while embracing new technologies can bring great rewards, it also requires patience and dedication in order for us all to truly understand them. As long as we keep our eyes open for opportunities presented by technological advances and remain willing to take risks along the way, then theres no telling what amazing things we could achieve!

  • #7.     Dilbert's Home Life: Dilbert's home life is often chaotic due to his lack of understanding of the real world. He is always trying to find ways to make his home life easier, but often finds himself in difficult situations due to his lack of understanding of the real world.

    Dilberts home life is often chaotic due to his lack of understanding of the real world. He is constantly trying to find ways to make his home life easier, but he often finds himself in difficult situations because of his lack of knowledge about how things work in the real world. Dilbert has a hard time understanding why certain tasks are so complicated and why people dont always act logically. He also struggles with basic household chores like laundry and cooking, as well as more complex tasks such as managing finances or dealing with technology.

    Despite these difficulties, Dilbert does try to make the best out of every situation. He uses humor and sarcasm to cope with his frustrations, which helps him stay positive even when things seem overwhelming. Dilbert also tries to learn from each experience by asking questions and seeking advice from those around him who have more experience than he does.

    Overall, Dilberts home life can be quite challenging at times due to his lack of understanding about the real world. However, through perseverance and determination he continues striving for a better future for himself despite all odds.

  • #8.     Dilbert's Enemies: Dilbert has a number of enemies who are always trying to make his life difficult. These enemies range from the Pointy-Haired Boss to his coworkers to his love interests.

    Dilberts enemies are a varied bunch. His most prominent enemy is the Pointy-Haired Boss, who is always trying to make Dilberts life difficult with his nonsensical ideas and demands. He also has to contend with his coworkers, who often try to undermine him or take credit for his work. Finally, he has had some bad luck in love as well; many of the women he has been interested in have turned out to be less than ideal partners.

    The Pointy-Haired Boss is particularly antagonistic towards Dilbert because of their conflicting personalities and goals. The boss wants everything done quickly and cheaply while Dilbert prefers quality over quantity. This leads to frequent clashes between them that can range from humorous banter to outright hostility.

    Dilberts other enemies include those who want him gone from the company such as Wally or Alice, people who dont understand technology like Asok or Ratbert, and even cats like Catbert! All these characters add an extra layer of complexity and humor into Dilberts world.

  • #9.     Dilbert's Inventions: Dilbert is always trying to find ways to make his job easier and more efficient, and often comes up with inventions to do so. These inventions often fail due to his lack of understanding of the technology.

    Dilbert is always coming up with inventions to make his job easier and more efficient. Unfortunately, due to his lack of understanding of the technology, these inventions often fail. In The Complete Dilbert by Scott Adams, we see a variety of these inventions that range from robotic arms to automated filing systems. Despite their failure, Dilberts enthusiasm for inventing never wavers.

    In one instance in the book, he creates an automated filing system using a computer program he wrote himself. He believes it will save him time and effort but instead it causes chaos in the office as documents are misplaced or lost entirely. His attempts at creating robots also end in disaster when they malfunction and cause destruction around the office.

    Despite all this, Dilbert continues to come up with new ideas and inventions which show us how creative he can be when given the chance. Even though most of them dont work out as planned, they still provide entertainment for readers who enjoy seeing what kind of trouble Dilbert will get into next!

  • #10.     Dilbert's Humor: Dilbert's humor is often dark and sarcastic, but it is often the source of comic relief in the comic strip. He is always trying to find ways to make his job easier and more efficient, but often finds himself in difficult situations due to his lack of understanding of the real world.

    Dilberts humor is often dark and sarcastic, but it can also be a source of comic relief in the comic strip. He is always trying to find ways to make his job easier and more efficient, but he often finds himself in difficult situations due to his lack of understanding of the real world. Dilberts attempts at problem-solving are usually met with failure or ridicule from those around him, which only adds to the comedy. His interactions with other characters such as Dogbert, Ratbert, and Alice provide an additional layer of hilarity that keeps readers coming back for more.

    The Complete Dilbert by Scott Adams contains 13 collections of strips featuring Dilberts unique brand of humor. From office politics to technology blunders, each collection offers something new for fans who have been following along since 1989 when the first strip was published. Whether youre looking for a laugh or just want some insight into how corporate America works (or doesnt work), The Complete Dilbert has something for everyone.

  • #11.     Dilbert's Relationship with Dogbert: Dilbert and Dogbert have a complicated relationship, but they often find ways to work together to make their lives easier. Dogbert is often the source of comic relief in the comic strip, and is always trying to find ways to make money.

    Dilbert and Dogbert have a complicated relationship, but they often find ways to work together to make their lives easier. Dilbert is the straight man in the comic strip, while Dogbert is usually the source of comic relief. Despite this difference in roles, they are still close friends who look out for each other.

    Dogberts schemes often involve making money or getting revenge on someone who has wronged them. He also enjoys playing pranks on Dilbert and others around him. While these antics can be annoying at times, its clear that he cares about his friend and will do whatever it takes to help him out.

    At its core, Dilberts relationship with Dogbert is one of mutual respect and understanding. They may not always agree on everything but they know that when push comes to shove they can rely on each other for support.

  • #12.     Dilbert's Relationship with Catbert: Dilbert and Catbert have a complicated relationship, but they often find ways to work together to make their lives easier. Catbert is often the source of comic relief in the comic strip, and is always trying to find ways to make money.

    Dilbert and Catbert have a complicated relationship, but they often find ways to work together to make their lives easier. Dilbert is the protagonist of the comic strip, and hes usually trying to get through his day-to-day life with as little hassle as possible. Catbert, on the other hand, is always looking for ways to make money or cause trouble for Dilbert. Despite this difference in goals, they are able to come up with creative solutions that benefit both of them.

    Catbert also serves as a source of comic relief in the strip. He often comes up with outrageous schemes that never seem to work out quite right. His attempts at making money off of Dilbert are usually foiled by either Dilberts quick thinking or sheer luck. Even though Catberts plans dont always go according to plan, its still entertaining watching him try.

    Overall, Dilberts relationship with Catbert is an interesting one full of comedic moments and clever problem solving techniques. They may not agree on everything but when push comes to shove they can rely on each other for help.

  • #13.     Dilbert's Relationship with Ratbert: Dilbert and Ratbert have a complicated relationship, but they often find ways to work together to make their lives easier. Ratbert is often the source of comic relief in the comic strip, and is always trying to find ways to make money.

    Dilbert and Ratbert have a complicated relationship, but they often find ways to work together to make their lives easier. Ratbert is Dilberts pet rat, who has been with him since the beginning of the comic strip. He is always trying to get Dilbert into trouble or take advantage of his naivety. Despite this, he still cares for Dilbert in his own way and will help him out when needed.

    Ratbert provides much of the comic relief in the strip as well as being an occasional source of wisdom. He also loves money and is always looking for ways to make it - whether through legitimate means or not! His schemes are usually unsuccessful but provide plenty of laughs along the way.

    Overall, Dilberts relationship with Ratbert can be seen as one that is full of love-hate moments; while they may bicker from time to time, there’s no denying that deep down they care about each other very much.

  • #14.     Dilbert's Relationship with Wally: Dilbert and Wally have a complicated relationship, but they often find ways to work together to make their lives easier. Wally is often the source of comic relief in the comic strip, and is always trying to find ways to make money.

    Dilbert and Wally have a complicated relationship, but they often find ways to work together to make their lives easier. Dilbert is the straight man in the comic strip, while Wally is often the source of comic relief. Despite their differences, they are able to come up with creative solutions when faced with difficult problems. They also share an understanding that life can be hard and unpredictable at times.

    Wallys main goal in life is to make money, which he does by coming up with various schemes or inventions. He has a knack for finding loopholes in systems and exploiting them for his own gain. While this may not always end well for him, it usually provides some comedic moments throughout the series.

    Despite their differences, Dilbert and Wally have formed a strong bond over time as they continue to face challenges together. They understand each others strengths and weaknesses and know how best to use them when needed.

  • #15.     Dilbert's Relationship with Alice: Dilbert and Alice have a complicated relationship, but they often find ways to work together to make their lives easier. Alice is often the source of comic relief in the comic strip, and is always trying to find ways to make money.

    Dilbert and Alice have a complicated relationship, but they often find ways to work together to make their lives easier. Dilbert is the main character of the comic strip, and hes usually trying to figure out how to get ahead in his career or solve some kind of problem. Alice is often the source of comic relief in the comic strip, and shes always trying to find ways to make money. Despite their differences, Dilbert and Alice are able to come up with creative solutions that benefit them both.

    Alice can be seen as a foil for Dilbert; her entrepreneurial spirit contrasts with his more analytical approach. She also serves as an inspiration for him when it comes time for him to take risks or think outside the box. At times, she even helps him see things from different perspectives which allows him to come up with better solutions than he would have on his own.

    The two characters may not always agree on everything but they do share a mutual respect for each other’s intelligence and creativity. They understand that working together will help them achieve greater success than if either one was working alone. This understanding has allowed them form a strong bond over time despite their occasional disagreements.

  • #16.     Dilbert's Relationship with Asok: Dilbert and Asok have a complicated relationship, but they often find ways to work together to make their lives easier. Asok is often the source of comic relief in the comic strip, and is always trying to find ways to make money.

    Dilbert and Asok have a complicated relationship, but they often find ways to work together to make their lives easier. Dilbert is the main character of the comic strip, and hes usually trying to figure out how to get ahead in his career or solve some kind of problem. Asok is often the source of comic relief in the comic strip, and is always trying to find ways to make money. Despite their differences, Dilbert and Asok are able to come up with creative solutions that help them both out.

    Asok has been known for coming up with clever ideas that help him get ahead financially or professionally. He also provides moral support for Dilbert when things dont go as planned. In return, Dilbert helps Asok understand complex concepts like engineering principles or business strategies so he can be successful at his job.

    The two characters have an interesting dynamic between them that keeps readers engaged in each episode of The Complete Dilberts series by Scott Adams. They may not always agree on everything but they still manage to work together towards common goals which makes it all worthwhile.

  • #17.     Dilbert's Relationship with Ted: Dilbert and Ted have a complicated relationship, but they often find ways to work together to make their lives easier. Ted is often the source of comic relief in the comic strip, and is always trying to find ways to make money.

    Dilbert and Ted have a complicated relationship, but they often find ways to work together to make their lives easier. Dilbert is the main character of the comic strip, and hes usually trying to figure out how to get ahead in life while dealing with his annoying co-workers. Ted is always looking for ways to make money, which often puts him at odds with Dilberts more sensible approach. Despite this difference in opinion, they are still able to come up with creative solutions that benefit them both.

    Ted also serves as a source of comic relief in the strip. He often comes up with outrageous schemes or ideas that never seem to pan out, but it provides some much needed levity during otherwise stressful situations. His antics can be seen as an example of how even when things dont go according to plan there can still be something positive gained from it.

    Overall, Dilbert and Teds relationship is one based on mutual respect and understanding despite their differences. They may not always agree on everything but they know that working together will ultimately lead them both towards success.

  • #18.     Dilbert's Relationship with the Boss: Dilbert and the Pointy-Haired Boss have a complicated relationship, but they often find ways to work together to make their lives easier. The Pointy-Haired Boss is often the source of comic relief in the comic strip, and is always trying to find ways to make himself look better.

    Dilbert and the Pointy-Haired Boss have a complicated relationship. On one hand, Dilbert often finds himself exasperated by his bosss incompetence and lack of understanding when it comes to technology or business matters. On the other hand, they both recognize that their lives would be much more difficult if they didnt work together in some capacity. Despite their differences, Dilbert and the Pointy-Haired Boss are able to find common ground on which to collaborate.

    The Pointy-Haired Boss is also a source of comic relief in the strip. His attempts at making himself look better often backfire hilariously, providing readers with plenty of laughs along the way. He may not always understand what hes doing wrong but he does try his best - even if it doesnt always turn out as planned.

    Despite their tumultuous relationship, Dilbert and the Pointy-Haired Boss manage to make things work between them for better or worse. They may never be friends but they do form an unlikely partnership that helps them get through each day.

  • #19.     Dilbert's Relationship with His Mom: Dilbert and his mom have a complicated relationship, but they often find ways to work together to make their lives easier. His mom is often the source of comic relief in the comic strip, and is always trying to find ways to make Dilbert's life easier.

    Dilbert and his mom have a complicated relationship, but they often find ways to work together to make their lives easier. His mom is always trying to help Dilbert out in any way she can, whether its offering advice or providing comic relief. She has been known to give him money when he needs it, and even helps him with his inventions from time to time. Despite the fact that Dilbert sometimes gets frustrated with her meddling, he still loves her deeply and appreciates all of the effort she puts into helping him.

    The two of them also share a special bond because of their shared love for science fiction movies and books. They both enjoy discussing these topics at length, which gives them something fun to do together when theyre not arguing about other things. Even though there are times where they dont see eye-to-eye on certain issues, Dilbert knows that his mother will always be there for him no matter what.

  • #20.     Dilbert's Relationship with His Dad: Dilbert and his dad have a complicated relationship, but they often find ways to work together to make their lives easier. His dad is often the source of comic relief in the comic strip, and is always trying to find ways to make Dilbert's life easier.

    Dilbert and his dad have a complicated relationship, but they often find ways to work together to make their lives easier. Dilberts dad is usually portrayed as an eccentric character who loves to give advice and meddle in his sons life. He often provides comic relief in the strip, but also serves as a source of wisdom for Dilbert when he needs it most. Despite their differences, Dilbert and his father share a strong bond that has been built over time.

    The two are able to communicate with each other on many levels, from lighthearted banter about everyday topics like sports or technology, to more serious conversations about career choices or relationships. They may not always agree on everything, but they both understand the importance of family and respect each other’s opinions. Even though there are times when things get tense between them, at the end of the day they still love each other deeply.