The Complete Bloom County 1980

by Berkeley Breathed





  • The Complete Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed is a collection of the entire run of the popular comic strip, Bloom County. The book contains all 1,269 strips from December 8th 1980 to August 6th 1989. It also includes an introduction and afterword written by Breathed himself.

    The comic follows the lives of a group of characters living in a small town called Bloom County. These characters include Opus, Milo, Bill the Cat, Steve Dallas and many more. They often get into humorous situations that poke fun at politics and pop culture while exploring themes such as friendship, love and growing up.

    In addition to being funny and entertaining, The Complete Bloom County also serves as an important historical document for its time period. Through its satire it captures what life was like during this era in America with topics ranging from Ronald Reagan’s presidency to AIDS awareness.

    Overall The Complete Bloom County is an enjoyable read for both fans of the original comic strip or those who are new to it alike. With its timeless humor and insight into American culture during this decade it is sure to be enjoyed by readers for years to come.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Opus the Penguin: Opus is a lovable, yet clumsy penguin who is the main character of the comic strip. He is a kind-hearted soul who often finds himself in humorous situations.

    Opus the Penguin is a beloved character from Berkeley Breatheds comic strip, Bloom County. He is an endearing and clumsy penguin who often finds himself in humorous situations. Despite his clumsiness, Opus has a kind heart and always looks out for those around him. His adventures have been entertaining readers since 1980 when he first appeared in the comic strip.

    Opus misadventures are often caused by his own naivety or lack of common sense. He frequently gets into trouble with his friends Milo Bloom, Bill the Cat, Steve Dallas and Cutter John as they try to help him out of whatever mess he has gotten himself into this time! Whether it be trying to find love or getting involved in political campaigns, Opus never fails to bring laughter and joy to readers everywhere.

    The Complete Bloom County book 16 features some of Opus most memorable moments including his search for true love with Lola Granola and his run-ins with President Ronald Reagan during the 1984 election campaign. It also includes some classic strips featuring all your favorite characters from the series such as Oliver Wendell Jones, Michael Binkley and many more!

  • #2.     Steve Dallas: Steve is a womanizing lawyer who is often the foil to Opus’s naivete. He is a selfish character who is often the source of comic relief.

    Steve Dallas is a classic comic character who has been featured in the Bloom County series since its inception. He is a womanizing lawyer who often serves as the foil to Opuss naivete and innocence. Steve is selfish, self-centered, and always looking out for his own interests first. Despite this, he can be quite charming when he wants to be and often provides comic relief with his witty one-liners and sarcastic remarks.

    Steve also has an interesting relationship with Opus; while they are usually at odds with each other, there have been moments where Steve shows genuine concern for him or even offers advice. This dynamic between them makes their interactions all the more entertaining as it adds an extra layer of complexity to their relationship.

    Overall, Steve Dallas is a beloved character in the Bloom County universe whose antics never fail to entertain readers. His unique personality traits make him stand out from other characters in the series and provide plenty of comedic material that keeps fans coming back for more.

  • #3.     Bill the Cat: Bill is a lazy, slovenly cat who is often seen sleeping or eating. He is a source of comic relief and often serves as a foil to Opus’s innocence.

    Bill the Cat is a beloved character from Berkeley Breatheds comic strip, Bloom County. He is an orange tabby cat with a scruffy appearance and an attitude to match. Bill is often seen lounging around or sleeping, but he can also be found eating copious amounts of junk food. His laziness and slovenly behavior provide much of the comic relief in the strip, as well as serving as a foil to Opus’s innocence.

    Despite his lackadaisical nature, Bill has been known to take action when necessary. In one memorable storyline, he ran for President of the United States against Ronald Reagan (and lost). He also once saved Opus from being eaten by a giant squid!

    Bill may not be the most heroic or noble character in Bloom County, but he certainly adds plenty of humor and charm to its pages.

  • #4.     Milo Bloom: Milo is the young son of Bloom County’s editor, Cutter John. He is a precocious child who often serves as a source of wisdom and insight.

    Milo Bloom is a beloved character in the world of Bloom County. He is the son of Cutter John, the editor of Bloom County, and he often serves as an unexpected source of wisdom and insight. Despite his young age, Milo has a knack for understanding complex situations and offering sage advice to those around him. His intelligence and wit make him a favorite among readers, who appreciate his unique perspective on life.

    Milos precociousness also makes him quite endearing; he often finds himself in humorous predicaments that are both amusing and relatable. Whether its trying to understand why adults do certain things or attempting to find solutions to difficult problems, Milo always manages to bring some lightheartedness into any situation.

    In The Complete Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed, Milo continues to be an important part of the series cast. His presence adds depth and complexity to each story arc while providing readers with plenty of laughs along the way.

  • #5.     Cutter John: Cutter John is the editor of Bloom County and the father of Milo. He is a wise and kind-hearted man who often serves as a mentor to Opus and the other characters.

    Cutter John is a beloved character in Bloom County. He is the father of Milo, and serves as a mentor to Opus and the other characters. He has an easy-going nature, but also possesses great wisdom that he imparts to his friends. Cutter John often provides sage advice on lifes challenges, helping them navigate difficult situations with grace and understanding. His kind heart and gentle guidance have earned him the respect of all who know him.

    In addition to being a wise counselor, Cutter John is also an accomplished editor for Bloom County. He works hard to ensure that each issue contains stories that are both entertaining and thought-provoking. With his keen eye for detail, he ensures that every page looks its best before it goes out into the world.

    Cutter Johns presence in Bloom County adds depth and richness to Berkeley Breatheds classic comic strip series. His kindness towards others makes him one of the most beloved characters in this timeless work of art.

  • #6.     Binkley: Binkley is a nerdy, yet lovable character who is often seen with Opus. He is a source of comic relief and often serves as a foil to Opus’s naivete.

    Binkley is a classic comic character, often seen as the sidekick to Opus in Bloom County. He is an intelligent and nerdy individual who loves science and technology, but he also has a softer side that makes him endearing. Binkleys intelligence often serves as a foil to Opus naivete, providing comedic relief throughout the series. Despite his awkwardness, Binkley is always willing to help out his friends when they need it.

    Binkleys personality can be summed up by one of his most famous quotes: Im not sure I understand what youre saying...but I think its really cool! This quote perfectly encapsulates Binkleys enthusiasm for learning new things and trying new experiences despite any fear or uncertainty he may have about them.

    In addition to being a source of comic relief, Binkley also provides moral support for Opus during difficult times. He stands by him through thick and thin, offering words of encouragement whenever needed. His loyalty and friendship are admirable qualities that make him an important part of Bloom County.

  • #7.     Portnoy: Portnoy is a talking bear who is often seen with Opus. He is a source of comic relief and often serves as a foil to Opus’s innocence.

    Portnoy is a beloved character in the Bloom County universe. He is an anthropomorphic bear who often serves as a foil to Opuss innocence and naivete. Portnoy has a sharp wit and loves to crack jokes, making him a source of comic relief for readers. He also provides insight into the world around him, offering his own unique perspective on lifes events.

    Portnoy can be seen accompanying Opus on many of his adventures throughout Bloom County. Whether its helping out with one of Opus schemes or just providing moral support, Portnoy always has something funny or wise to say that helps move the story along. His presence adds an extra layer of humor and charm to the series.

    In addition to being humorous, Portnoy also serves as an important mentor figure for Opus. He offers advice when needed and encourages Opus not to give up when things get tough. Through their friendship, both characters learn valuable lessons about life that they wouldnt have otherwise discovered without each other.

  • #8.     Michael Binkley: Michael is Binkley’s older brother and a source of comic relief. He is often seen as a foil to Opus’s naivete.

    Michael Binkley is the older brother of Opus, the main character in Berkeley Breatheds Bloom County comic strip. He serves as a source of comic relief and often provides an interesting contrast to Opus naivete. Michael is portrayed as being more worldly and experienced than his younger sibling, but he still has plenty of quirks that make him endearing to readers.

    In many strips, Michael can be seen offering advice or guidance to Opus on various topics such as relationships or life in general. His wisdom usually comes with a healthy dose of sarcasm and wit which makes for some humorous moments between the two brothers. Despite their differences, its clear that they have a strong bond and care deeply for one another.

    Michael also plays an important role in other storylines throughout Bloom County. He often interacts with other characters from the strip such as Steve Dallas or Bill The Cat, providing additional comedic elements to these stories. All in all, Michael Binkley is an integral part of Bloom County and adds much needed levity to its pages.

  • #9.     Oliver Wendell Jones: Oliver is a genius African-American child who is often seen with Opus. He is a source of comic relief and often serves as a foil to Opus’s innocence.

    Oliver Wendell Jones is a brilliant African-American child who often appears alongside Opus in the Bloom County comic strip. He serves as a source of comic relief, providing an ironic contrast to Opus’s naivete and innocence. Oliver is highly intelligent and often uses his wit to make fun of those around him, including Opus himself. His intelligence also allows him to come up with creative solutions to problems that stump everyone else. Despite his sharp tongue, Oliver has a kind heart and cares deeply for his friends.

    In addition to being incredibly smart, Oliver is also quite resourceful. He can be seen using whatever materials are available at hand in order to solve problems or create inventions that help out the other characters in the strip. For example, he once created an elaborate system of pulleys and levers from items found around the house in order to move furniture upstairs without having to carry it all by himself.

    Overall, Oliver Wendell Jones provides much needed levity throughout Bloom County while still managing to remain endearing despite his sarcastic nature. His intelligence and resourcefulness make him an invaluable asset both within the world of Bloom County as well as outside it.

  • #10.     Lola Granola: Lola is a hippie who is often seen with Opus. She is a source of comic relief and often serves as a foil to Opus’s naivete.

    Lola Granola is a character from the comic strip Bloom County, created by Berkeley Breathed. She is a hippie who often appears alongside Opus, the main character of the strip. Lola serves as an important source of comic relief and provides a foil to Opus’s naivete. Her laid-back attitude and free-spirited nature contrast with his more serious outlook on life.

    Lola has been described as “the ultimate flower child” and her appearance reflects this: she wears long flowing dresses, sandals, and usually has flowers in her hair. She also speaks in an exaggerated hippie dialect that often confuses or amuses those around her. Despite being somewhat eccentric, Lola is kindhearted and always willing to help out when needed.

    In addition to providing comedic relief for readers of Bloom County, Lola also serves as an important role model for young people who may be struggling with their own identity issues or feeling like they dont fit in with societys expectations. By showing that its okay to be different and embrace ones unique qualities, Lola encourages readers to accept themselves just as they are.

  • #11.     Hodge Podge: Hodge Podge is a talking dog who is often seen with Opus. He is a source of comic relief and often serves as a foil to Opus’s innocence.

    Hodge Podge is a talking dog who often appears alongside Opus in the comic strip Bloom County. He is an old, wise-cracking mutt with a penchant for getting himself into trouble. Hodge Podge serves as a source of comic relief and often provides an ironic counterpoint to Opus’s innocence. His dialogue usually consists of puns, double entendres, and other wordplay that make him both endearing and amusing.

    In addition to his role as comedic foil, Hodge Podge also serves as something of a mentor figure for Opus. He frequently dispenses advice on matters ranging from romance to politics, though he rarely follows it himself. Despite his mischievous nature, Hodge Podge has been known to come through when needed most—such as when he helped save Bill the Cat from certain death in book 16 of The Complete Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed.

  • #12.     Steve Dallas’s Mother: Steve’s mother is a source of comic relief and often serves as a foil to Opus’s naivete. She is a strong-willed woman who often clashes with Steve.

    Steve Dallass mother is a character who often provides comic relief in the Bloom County series. She is portrayed as a strong-willed woman with an opinion on everything, and she frequently clashes with her son Steve over his lifestyle choices. Despite their differences, it is clear that Steve loves and respects his mother deeply. In many ways, she serves as a foil to Opuss naivete; while Opus may be easily swayed by others opinions or ideas, Steves mother stands firm in her beliefs and will not back down from any argument.

    In Book 16 of The Complete Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed, we see more of this dynamic between Steve and his mother. As usual, they clash over various topics such as politics or fashion trends. However, despite their disagreements they still manage to find common ground when it comes to important matters like family values or taking care of each other. Ultimately, Steve’s mother serves as an important source of comic relief throughout the series but also helps us understand the relationship between Steve and his family.

  • #13.     The Bloom Picayune: The Bloom Picayune is the local newspaper of Bloom County. It is often the source of comic relief and often serves as a foil to Opus’s innocence.

    The Bloom Picayune is an integral part of the world of Bloom County. It serves as a source of comic relief, often providing humorous commentary on the events that take place in the county. The newspaper also serves as a foil to Opus’s innocence, highlighting his naivety and lack of understanding about certain topics. In addition to its comedic value, it provides readers with important information about what is happening in their community.

    The paper has been around since at least book 16 of Berkeley Breatheds The Complete Bloom County series. It covers all sorts of news from local politics to sports and entertainment. Its staff includes characters such as Bill the Cat, Steve Dallas, Cutter John and many others who provide unique perspectives on current events. Despite its lighthearted nature, it still manages to keep readers informed about what is going on in their town.

    Overall, The Bloom Picayune plays an important role in the world of Bloom County by providing both comedy and information for its readership. Whether you are looking for a laugh or just want to stay up-to-date with your hometown news, this newspaper has something for everyone!

  • #14.     The Bloom Beacon: The Bloom Beacon is the local television station of Bloom County. It is often the source of comic relief and often serves as a foil to Opus’s naivete.

    The Bloom Beacon is a beloved part of the Bloom County universe. It serves as a source of comic relief, often providing an ironic counterpoint to Opus’s naivete and innocence. The station broadcasts news, sports, weather updates, and other local programming from its studio in downtown Bloom County. Its staff includes Milo Bloom (the station manager), Cutter John (the anchorman), Steve Dallas (the sports reporter), Bill the Cat (the weatherman) and many others. The station also features special guests such as Ronald Reagan and Michael Jackson.

    The Bloom Beacon has been featured in several storylines throughout the series. In one memorable episode, Opus accidentally becomes a guest on the show when he mistakes it for a talk show about penguins! He ends up giving an impassioned speech about his love for nature that wins over the audience—and even gets him invited back for another appearance!

    The Bloom Beacon is more than just comic relief; it provides insight into life in small-town America during the 1980s. Through its various programs and characters, readers get to experience what life was like at that time—from politics to pop culture.

  • #15.     The Bloom County Board of Education: The Board of Education is a source of comic relief and often serves as a foil to Opus’s innocence. It is often seen as a source of bureaucracy and red tape.

    The Bloom County Board of Education is a source of comic relief in the beloved comic strip, Bloom County. It often serves as a foil to Opus’s innocence and naivety, providing an example of bureaucracy and red tape that he must navigate. The board members are usually portrayed as bumbling bureaucrats who are more concerned with paperwork than actually helping students or teachers. They also tend to be out-of-touch with modern trends and technology, making them easy targets for satire.

    In addition to being comedic characters, the Board of Education also provides an important role in the story by setting up obstacles for Opus and his friends to overcome. Whether its trying to get permission for a field trip or dealing with budget cuts, they provide plenty of opportunities for our heroes (and villains) to show their ingenuity in finding solutions. In this way, they serve as both antagonists and catalysts for plot development.

    Overall, the Bloom County Board of Education is an integral part of Berkeley Breathed’s world; without them there would be no need for Opus’s adventures!

  • #16.     The Bloom County Sheriff’s Department: The Sheriff’s Department is a source of comic relief and often serves as a foil to Opus’s naivete. It is often seen as a source of law and order.

    The Bloom County Sheriffs Department is a source of comic relief in the world of Bloom County. Led by Sheriff Bloat, the department often serves as a foil to Opuss naivete and provides an element of law and order to the county. The sheriffs deputies are usually seen trying to keep up with all the chaos that ensues in Bloom County, but they rarely succeed. They are often portrayed as bumbling fools who cant seem to get anything right.

    Despite their ineptitude, however, they still manage to provide some semblance of justice for those living in Bloom County. Whether it be chasing down criminals or helping out citizens in need, the Sheriff’s Department always manages to come through when needed most. Even though they may not always be successful at what they do, their presence helps maintain peace and stability throughout Bloom County.

  • #17.     The Bloom County Zoo: The Zoo is a source of comic relief and often serves as a foil to Opus’s innocence. It is often seen as a source of exotic animals and strange creatures.

    The Bloom County Zoo is a source of comic relief and often serves as a foil to Opus’s innocence. It is home to many exotic animals, from the ever-popular penguin, Milo, to the mysterious and elusive Yeti. The zoo also houses some strange creatures such as the talking walrus Bill the Cat and his sidekick Steve Dallas. Visitors can explore different habitats like the African Savannah or take part in interactive activities like feeding giraffes or petting llamas.

    The zoo has been featured in several storylines throughout Berkeley Breatheds Bloom County series. In one story arc, Opus attempts to free all of its inhabitants by breaking into their cages with a crowbar. He eventually succeeds but not before getting caught by security guards! Other stories involve visits from celebrities such as Ronald Reagan and even aliens who come looking for an intergalactic zoo.

    The Bloom County Zoo provides plenty of laughs while also teaching readers about conservation efforts and animal welfare issues. Whether youre visiting for entertainment or education, its sure to be an unforgettable experience!

  • #18.     The Bloom County Library: The Library is a source of comic relief and often serves as a foil to Opus’s naivete. It is often seen as a source of knowledge and wisdom.

    The Bloom County Library is a source of comic relief and often serves as a foil to Opus’s naivete. It is the repository of knowledge, wisdom, and culture for the citizens of Bloom County. The library has been featured in many stories throughout the series, from its opening in book 16 to its closing at the end of book 18. In addition to providing books and other materials for research purposes, it also offers classes on various topics such as art history or literature.

    The library staff are always willing to help patrons find what they need or answer any questions they may have about their research topic. They also provide access to computers with internet access so that patrons can do online research if needed. The library even hosts events such as movie nights or story time for children.

    The Bloom County Library provides an important service not only by offering educational resources but also by providing a place where people can come together and share ideas and experiences. Whether you’re looking for something funny or serious, there’s sure to be something at the Bloom County Library that will make you smile.

  • #19.     The Bloom County Courthouse: The Courthouse is a source of comic relief and often serves as a foil to Opus’s innocence. It is often seen as a source of justice and fairness.

    The Bloom County Courthouse is a source of comic relief and often serves as a foil to Opus’s innocence. It is the place where justice and fairness are supposed to be upheld, but it usually ends up being the site of some kind of chaos or absurdity. In one memorable episode, for example, Opus was put on trial for “crimes against nature” after he accidentally caused an explosion in the courthouse while trying to fix a broken water fountain. The judge presiding over his case ended up sentencing him to life in prison – only for Opus to escape with help from Bill the Cat!

    The courthouse also serves as a backdrop for many other humorous moments throughout the series. From Milos attempts at jury tampering, Steve Dallas courtroom antics, and Cutter Johns legal advice (or lack thereof), there are plenty of laughs to be had when our favorite characters enter its hallowed halls.

    No matter what happens inside its walls though, one thing remains true: The Bloom County Courthouse will always remain an integral part of this beloved comic strip.

  • #20.     The Bloom County Hospital: The Hospital is a source of comic relief and often serves as a foil to Opus’s naivete. It is often seen as a source of healing and compassion.

    The Bloom County Hospital is a source of comic relief in the world of Bloom County. It often serves as a foil to Opuss naivete, providing him with an opportunity to learn and grow. The hospital is seen as a place of healing and compassion, where people can go for help when they need it most. From the doctors and nurses who work there to the patients who come through its doors, everyone at the hospital has something unique to offer.

    The hospital also provides an interesting backdrop for some of the more humorous moments in Bloom County. Whether it’s Bill the Cat getting his tonsils removed or Milo trying out his new wheelchair, there are plenty of laughs to be had at this quirky institution. Even though it may not always be taken seriously by its inhabitants, The Bloom County Hospital remains an important part of life in this beloved comic strip.