The Anger Workbook for Kids: Helping Children & Teens Manage Their Anger 2020

by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann





  • The Anger Workbook for Kids: Helping Children & Teens Manage Their Anger by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann is a comprehensive guide to helping children and teens manage their anger. The book provides an overview of the different types of anger, how it can manifest in different ways, and strategies for managing it. It also includes activities that help kids identify triggers, practice relaxation techniques, and develop problem-solving skills.

    The book begins with an introduction to the concept of anger management and why it’s important for kids to learn how to manage their emotions. It then goes on to discuss the various types of anger such as passive aggression, explosive rage, irritability, resentment, envy/jealousy etc., as well as common causes like stress or feeling overwhelmed.

    In addition to providing information about understanding and managing one's own emotions, the book also offers advice on dealing with other people's angry outbursts. This includes tips on setting boundaries when someone else is angry; responding calmly instead of escalating a situation; using "I" statements rather than blaming others; listening without judgment; expressing empathy; offering support rather than criticism or punishment; avoiding power struggles; taking timeouts if needed etc.

    Throughout the book there are activities designed specifically for children and teens which focus on identifying triggers that lead them into feeling angry (e.g., certain words or situations), learning relaxation techniques (such as deep breathing exercises) so they can calm down quickly when they feel themselves getting worked up over something small or insignificant), developing problem-solving skills (so they can think through solutions before reacting impulsively).

    Finally at the end of each chapter there are discussion questions which parents/caregivers can use with their child(ren) in order to further explore topics covered in each section.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Identifying Anger: It is important for children to be able to recognize and identify their own anger, as well as the anger of others. This will help them to better understand and manage their own emotions.

    Identifying anger is an important skill for children to learn. It helps them understand their own emotions and how to manage them, as well as recognize when others are feeling angry. This can be done through teaching children about the physical signs of anger, such as a racing heart or clenched fists, and helping them identify what triggers these feelings in themselves and others. Additionally, it’s important to discuss with kids the different ways people express their anger—some may yell or become aggressive while others might withdraw or become quiet—so they can better understand how other people feel. Finally, it’s essential that children learn healthy coping strategies for managing their own anger so they don’t resort to unhealthy behaviors like lashing out at those around them.

  • #2.     Understanding Anger: It is important for children to understand the causes of their anger, as well as the consequences of their actions when they are angry. This will help them to better control their emotions.

    Understanding anger is an important part of growing up. It can be difficult for children to recognize and manage their emotions, especially when they are feeling angry. Teaching kids about the causes of their anger and how it affects them can help them better understand and control their emotions. The Anger Workbook for Kids: Helping Children & Teens Manage Their Anger by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann provides a comprehensive guide to understanding anger in children. This book helps kids identify the sources of their anger, learn strategies for managing it, and develop healthy coping skills that will last into adulthood.

    The workbook includes activities such as journaling, role-playing scenarios, self-reflection questions, and more to help kids explore different aspects of their feelings. Through these activities, children can gain insight into why they feel angry in certain situations and how best to respond without resorting to aggression or other destructive behaviors. Additionally, this book offers guidance on communicating with adults about feelings of frustration or rage so that parents or teachers can provide support.

    By helping children understand the causes of their anger as well as its consequences on themselves and others around them, The Anger Workbook for Kids provides invaluable tools that will benefit young people throughout life.

  • #3.     Expressing Anger: It is important for children to learn how to express their anger in a healthy way, such as through talking, writing, or drawing. This will help them to better manage their emotions.

    Expressing anger is an important skill for children to learn. It can help them better manage their emotions and prevent outbursts of rage or violence. The Anger Workbook for Kids: Helping Children & Teens Manage Their Anger by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann provides helpful strategies on how to express anger in a healthy way. These include talking, writing, and drawing as ways to communicate feelings of frustration or disappointment without resorting to aggression.

    Talking about ones feelings can be difficult but it is essential for learning how to cope with strong emotions like anger. Writing down thoughts and feelings can also be beneficial because it allows the child time to reflect on what they are feeling before expressing themselves verbally. Drawing pictures that represent the emotion being felt can also provide an outlet for expression while allowing the child some creative freedom.

    Learning how to express anger in a healthy manner is key for children’s emotional development and wellbeing. By providing guidance from books such as The Anger Workbook for Kids, parents and caregivers have access to valuable resources that will help teach kids these important skills.

  • #4.     Coping with Anger: It is important for children to learn how to cope with their anger in a healthy way, such as through deep breathing, counting to ten, or taking a break. This will help them to better manage their emotions.

    Coping with anger is an important skill for children to learn. When they are feeling overwhelmed by their emotions, it can be helpful to take a few deep breaths and count to ten. This will help them to calm down and think more clearly about the situation. Taking a break from the situation can also be beneficial, as it gives them time away from whatever is causing their anger so that they can come back with a clearer head.

    The Anger Workbook for Kids: Helping Children & Teens Manage Their Anger by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann provides practical strategies for helping kids cope with their anger in healthy ways. It offers activities such as journaling, role-playing scenarios, and problem solving exercises that allow children to explore how they feel when angry and develop skills for managing those feelings in constructive ways.

    By teaching children how to recognize and manage their own emotions, we can help them become better equipped at dealing with difficult situations without resorting to unhealthy coping mechanisms like lashing out or bottling up their feelings.

  • #5.     Problem-Solving: It is important for children to learn how to use problem-solving skills to address the issues that are causing their anger. This will help them to better manage their emotions.

    Problem-solving is an important skill for children to learn in order to manage their anger. It involves breaking down the problem into smaller parts and then finding solutions that can help address the issue causing the anger. This could involve talking through the situation with a trusted adult, writing out thoughts and feelings about it, or brainstorming ideas on how to solve it. Problem-solving helps children understand why they are feeling angry and gives them tools to better manage their emotions.

    When teaching problem-solving skills, it’s important for adults to provide guidance while also allowing children some autonomy in coming up with solutions. Adults should encourage kids to think of multiple options when addressing a problem and discuss which ones might be most effective. Additionally, adults should model positive problem-solving strategies so that kids can see how these skills work in action.

    By learning how to use problem-solving techniques, children will gain confidence in their ability to handle difficult situations without resorting to lashing out or becoming overwhelmed by their emotions. With practice, this skill will become second nature and help them develop healthy coping mechanisms as they grow older.

  • #6.     Conflict Resolution: It is important for children to learn how to use conflict resolution skills to address disagreements with others. This will help them to better manage their emotions.

    Conflict resolution is an important skill for children to learn in order to help them manage their emotions and address disagreements with others. It involves understanding the feelings of both parties involved, communicating effectively, and finding a solution that works for everyone. Teaching children how to use conflict resolution skills can help them develop better relationships with peers and adults alike.

    The Anger Workbook for Kids: Helping Children & Teens Manage Their Anger by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann provides practical strategies on how to teach kids these essential skills. The book offers activities such as role-playing scenarios, problem solving exercises, and communication techniques that will help children understand their own feelings as well as those of others. Additionally, it provides guidance on how parents can support their child’s development of these skills.

    By teaching children effective conflict resolution strategies early on in life, they will be able to navigate difficult conversations more easily when faced with challenging situations later down the line. This will ultimately lead to healthier relationships between themselves and those around them.

  • #7.     Self-Care: It is important for children to learn how to take care of themselves when they are feeling angry. This will help them to better manage their emotions.

    Self-care is an important skill for children to learn in order to better manage their emotions, especially when they are feeling angry. Self-care can include activities such as deep breathing, counting to ten, or taking a break from the situation. It also includes engaging in calming activities like listening to music, reading a book, or going for a walk. Teaching children self-care techniques will help them recognize and understand their feelings of anger and how best to cope with them.

    The Anger Workbook for Kids by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann provides helpful strategies that parents can use to teach their children about self-care. The workbook offers practical advice on how parents can talk with their kids about anger and provide guidance on how they can take care of themselves when they feel overwhelmed by it. Additionally, the workbook contains worksheets that allow kids to practice different coping skills so that they become more comfortable using them during times of distress.

    By teaching children self-care techniques at an early age, we are helping them develop healthy habits that will serve them well into adulthood. With these tools in hand, kids will be better equipped to handle difficult situations without resorting to destructive behaviors like lashing out or bottling up their emotions.

  • #8.     Empathy: It is important for children to learn how to be empathetic towards others, as well as themselves. This will help them to better manage their emotions.

    Empathy is an important skill for children to learn, as it helps them to better understand and manage their emotions. Empathy involves being able to recognize and relate to the feelings of others, as well as having a sense of understanding about how someone else might be feeling in any given situation. Teaching children empathy can help them develop more meaningful relationships with those around them, while also helping them become more aware of their own emotional states. It can also help kids learn how to respond appropriately when faced with difficult situations or challenging emotions.

    When teaching empathy, it’s important that parents model this behavior themselves by showing compassion towards others and expressing understanding for different points of view. Parents should also encourage open communication between family members so that everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgement or criticism. Additionally, role-playing activities are a great way for kids to practice putting themselves in another person’s shoes and learning how best to respond in various scenarios.

    By developing empathy skills early on, children will have the tools they need later on in life when dealing with anger management issues or other difficult emotions. With these skills they will be better equipped not only to handle their own emotions but also those of others around them.

  • #9.     Forgiveness: It is important for children to learn how to forgive themselves and others. This will help them to better manage their emotions.

    Forgiveness is an important lesson for children to learn. It helps them to better manage their emotions and build healthier relationships with others. When a child learns how to forgive themselves, they can move on from mistakes or wrongdoings without feeling guilty or ashamed. This allows them to focus on the present moment and take responsibility for their actions in a more constructive way.

    Teaching children how to forgive others is also beneficial as it encourages empathy and understanding of different perspectives. By learning that everyone makes mistakes, kids can develop compassion towards those who have hurt them instead of holding onto resentment or anger. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting what happened; rather, it means accepting the situation and letting go of negative feelings associated with it.

    The Anger Workbook for Kids by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann provides helpful strategies for teaching children about forgiveness so that they can become emotionally resilient adults. Through activities such as journaling, role-playing scenarios, and discussing real-life examples, kids will gain insight into why forgiveness is important and how they can practice it in their own lives.

  • #10.     Self-Awareness: It is important for children to learn how to be aware of their own thoughts and feelings. This will help them to better manage their emotions.

    Self-awareness is an important skill for children to learn in order to better manage their emotions. It involves being aware of one’s own thoughts and feelings, as well as recognizing how these can affect behavior. By becoming more self-aware, children can begin to understand why they feel the way they do and how this impacts their actions. This understanding will help them develop strategies for managing anger in a healthy way.

    The Anger Workbook for Kids provides activities that are designed to help children become more self-aware. Through these activities, kids can explore their emotions and gain insight into what triggers them. They also learn techniques such as deep breathing or counting backwards from 10 that can be used when feeling overwhelmed by anger or other strong emotions. With practice, these skills will become second nature and allow kids to take control of their reactions instead of letting their anger get the best of them.

  • #11.     Self-Compassion: It is important for children to learn how to be kind and compassionate towards themselves. This will help them to better manage their emotions.

    Self-compassion is an important skill for children to learn in order to better manage their emotions. It involves being kind and understanding towards oneself, even when faced with difficult situations or feelings. Self-compassion can help children recognize that they are not alone in their struggles, and that it is okay to make mistakes. It also helps them develop a more positive outlook on life by allowing them to accept themselves as they are without judgement or criticism.

    The Anger Workbook for Kids: Helping Children & Teens Manage Their Anger by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann provides practical strategies for teaching self-compassion skills such as mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and cognitive reframing. These tools can help children become aware of their thoughts and feelings so that they can respond rather than react in challenging situations. Additionally, the book offers guidance on how parents can model self-compassionate behavior so that kids have a role model from which to learn.

  • #12.     Mindfulness: It is important for children to learn how to be mindful of their thoughts and feelings. This will help them to better manage their emotions.

    Mindfulness is an important skill for children to learn in order to better manage their emotions. Mindfulness involves being aware of one’s thoughts and feelings, without judgment or criticism. It helps children recognize when they are feeling angry, frustrated, or overwhelmed so that they can take steps to address the emotion before it escalates into a full-blown tantrum or outburst. Practicing mindfulness also allows children to become more aware of how their behavior affects others and encourages them to think about the consequences of their actions.

    The Anger Workbook for Kids provides practical strategies for teaching kids how to be mindful of their emotions. Through activities such as deep breathing exercises, guided imagery, and journaling prompts, this book helps kids identify what triggers their anger and develop coping skills that will help them stay calm in difficult situations. By learning these techniques early on in life, children can gain greater control over their emotions and reactions.

  • #13.     Positive Thinking: It is important for children to learn how to think positively about themselves and their situations. This will help them to better manage their emotions.

    Positive thinking is an important skill for children to learn in order to help them manage their emotions. It involves looking at situations and oneself in a positive light, rather than focusing on the negative aspects. This can be done by reframing thoughts and using affirmations or mantras that focus on the good things about oneself or one’s situation. For example, if a child feels like they are not doing well in school, instead of dwelling on this thought they could think “I am capable of learning new things” or “I will work hard and do my best”. By shifting their perspective from negative to positive, it can help them feel more empowered and motivated to take action towards achieving their goals.

    It is also important for children to practice self-compassion when engaging in positive thinking. Self-compassion involves being kind and understanding towards oneself even when mistakes have been made or challenges arise. This helps create a sense of acceptance which allows children to move forward with confidence despite any setbacks they may experience.

    Teaching children how to think positively can be beneficial as it helps them develop resilience which is essential for navigating lifes ups and downs successfully. Positive thinking also has many other benefits such as improved mental health, increased optimism, better problem solving skills, enhanced creativity, greater motivation levels and improved relationships with others.

  • #14.     Healthy Habits: It is important for children to learn how to develop healthy habits, such as eating well and getting enough sleep. This will help them to better manage their emotions.

    Developing healthy habits is an important part of helping children and teens manage their anger. Eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and engaging in regular physical activity can help to reduce stress levels and improve overall emotional wellbeing. Teaching kids how to make healthy choices when it comes to food, exercise, and rest will help them better regulate their emotions. Additionally, teaching kids relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation can be beneficial for managing angry feelings.

    It’s also important for parents to model these behaviors themselves so that children learn by example. Parents should strive to maintain a consistent routine with meals and bedtimes while also making time for family activities like going on walks or playing games together. This helps create positive associations between spending time with family members and feeling good about oneself.

    By encouraging the development of healthy habits from an early age, we can equip our children with the tools they need to effectively manage their anger now and into adulthood.

  • #15.     Healthy Relationships: It is important for children to learn how to develop healthy relationships with others. This will help them to better manage their emotions.

    Healthy relationships are essential for children to learn in order to develop emotionally and socially. A healthy relationship is one that is based on mutual respect, trust, communication, and understanding. It allows both parties to express their feelings without fear of judgement or criticism. In a healthy relationship, each person should feel safe enough to be open and honest with the other person about their thoughts and feelings. This will help them build strong connections with others which can lead to better problem-solving skills.

    The Anger Workbook for Kids provides helpful strategies for teaching children how to manage their anger while also developing positive relationships with those around them. The book offers activities such as role-playing scenarios that allow kids to practice expressing themselves in a respectful way when they are feeling angry or frustrated. Additionally, it encourages kids to think about how their actions might affect someone else before they act out in anger.

    By learning how to create healthy relationships from an early age, children will have the tools necessary for managing difficult emotions like anger more effectively throughout life. They will also be able gain insight into what makes a good relationship so that they can continue building meaningful connections with others as they grow older.

  • #16.     Stress Management: It is important for children to learn how to manage their stress in a healthy way. This will help them to better manage their emotions.

    Stress management is an important skill for children to learn in order to help them cope with the pressures of life. It can be difficult for kids to understand and manage their emotions, especially when they are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. Teaching children how to recognize and express their feelings in a healthy way can help them better manage stress. This could include activities such as deep breathing, mindfulness exercises, journaling, talking about their worries with a trusted adult or friend, physical activity like yoga or running, art projects that allow them to express themselves creatively, and more.

    The Anger Workbook for Kids by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann provides helpful strategies on how parents can teach their children effective ways of managing anger and other strong emotions. The book includes worksheets that guide kids through identifying triggers of anger and developing coping skills such as problem-solving techniques. Additionally, it offers tips on how adults can provide support during times of distress while also setting appropriate boundaries.

  • #17.     Self-Esteem: It is important for children to learn how to build their self-esteem. This will help them to better manage their emotions.

    Self-esteem is an important part of emotional health and well-being. It helps children to feel good about themselves, their abilities, and their accomplishments. Building self-esteem in children can help them better manage their emotions, including anger. This can be done through positive reinforcement from parents or caregivers, such as praising a child for completing tasks or showing kindness towards others. Additionally, teaching children how to recognize and express their feelings in healthy ways can also help build self-esteem.

    In The Anger Workbook for Kids: Helping Children & Teens Manage Their Anger by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann, the author provides strategies that parents and caregivers can use to help kids learn how to manage their anger while building self-esteem at the same time. These include helping kids identify triggers that lead to angry outbursts; providing guidance on how they should respond when feeling angry; encouraging problem solving skills; teaching relaxation techniques; and modeling appropriate behavior.

    By implementing these strategies into everyday life with your child or teen, you will not only be helping them learn how to better manage their anger but also boosting their self-confidence along the way!

  • #18.     Communication: It is important for children to learn how to communicate their needs and feelings in a healthy way. This will help them to better manage their emotions.

    Communication is an essential skill for children to learn in order to manage their emotions. It helps them express their needs and feelings in a healthy way, rather than resorting to anger or other negative behaviors. Teaching children how to communicate effectively can help them better understand themselves and others, as well as build strong relationships with those around them. This can be done through active listening, expressing empathy towards others, and using appropriate language when speaking.

    The Anger Workbook for Kids: Helping Children & Teens Manage Their Anger by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann provides helpful strategies on how parents can teach communication skills to their children. These include teaching kids the importance of taking turns while talking, being aware of body language during conversations, understanding the difference between assertive versus aggressive behavior when communicating with others, and learning how to resolve conflicts peacefully.

    By helping children develop effective communication skills from an early age they will have the tools necessary for managing their emotions throughout life. With practice and guidance from adults these skills will become second nature over time.

  • #19.     Assertiveness: It is important for children to learn how to be assertive in their interactions with others. This will help them to better manage their emotions.

    Assertiveness is an important skill for children to learn in order to effectively manage their emotions. Being assertive means being able to express ones needs and feelings without aggression or passivity. It involves standing up for oneself, setting boundaries, and communicating clearly with others. When children are assertive, they can better handle difficult situations that may arise in relationships with peers or adults. They will be more likely to stand up for themselves when faced with bullying or other forms of mistreatment.

    Learning how to be assertive helps children develop self-confidence and a sense of control over their lives. Assertiveness also teaches them the importance of respecting the rights of others while still advocating for themselves. With practice, children can become more comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings in a respectful manner that allows them to get what they need from interactions with others.

  • #20.     Self-Advocacy: It is important for children to learn how to advocate for themselves in difficult situations. This will help them to better manage their emotions.

    Self-advocacy is an important skill for children to learn in order to help them manage their emotions. Self-advocacy involves being able to recognize and express one’s own needs, wants, and feelings in a healthy way. It also means having the ability to stand up for oneself when faced with difficult situations or people who may be trying to take advantage of them. Teaching children self-advocacy skills can help them better understand their emotions and how they can best handle challenging situations. This will give them the confidence they need to make decisions that are right for themselves.

    The Anger Workbook for Kids by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann provides helpful strategies on how parents can teach their children self-advocacy skills. The book offers activities such as role playing scenarios where kids practice expressing themselves assertively without becoming angry or aggressive. It also includes tips on how parents can encourage their childs autonomy while still providing guidance and support when needed.

    By teaching children self-advocacy skills, it will empower them with the tools necessary to navigate through life’s challenges more effectively. They will gain greater insight into what makes them feel angry or frustrated so that they can address these issues head on instead of bottling up negative emotions which could lead to further problems down the line.