The Princess Bride 1973

by William Goldman





  • The Princess Bride is a classic fantasy novel written by William Goldman. It tells the story of Buttercup, a beautiful young woman who lives in the fictional country of Florin. She is betrothed to Prince Humperdinck, but she does not love him and instead loves her childhood friend Westley. When Westley leaves to seek his fortune, he is presumed dead after being attacked by pirates.

    Buttercup eventually agrees to marry Humperdinck out of duty, but before their wedding day arrives she is kidnapped by a group of outlaws led by Vizzini and accompanied by Inigo Montoya and Fezzik. The trio plan on taking her back to their homeland so that they can start a war between Florin and Guilder. Along the way they are pursued relentlessly by an enigmatic figure known only as “the Man in Black”.

    The Man in Black turns out to be none other than Westley himself, who has miraculously survived his ordeal with the pirates thanks to Miracle Max's miracle pill. He defeats each member of Vizzini's gang one-by-one until finally confronting Humperdinck himself at the castle gates where he demands Buttercup's release.

    Humperdinck reluctantly agrees and sets off with his army for battle against Guilder while Buttercup and Westley escape together into the Fire Swamp where they must face its many dangers before reaching safety on land owned by Miracle Max's family.

    In the end, all ends happily ever after as Buttercup marries Westley and they live happily ever after with their friends from Florin including Inigo Montoya who finds peace at last having avenged his father’s death at long last.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     True Love: Westley and Buttercup's love for each other is the driving force of the story, and their reunion is the ultimate goal.

    True love is a powerful force, and Westley and Buttercups love for each other is no exception. Despite the many obstacles they face throughout their journey, their devotion to one another never wavers. They are willing to risk everything in order to be reunited, even if it means facing death itself. Their reunion at the end of The Princess Bride serves as a reminder that true love can conquer all.

    Westley and Buttercups relationship is an example of how two people can come together despite any odds or differences between them. It shows us that when we open our hearts to someone else, we can find strength in our connection with them. True love isnt just about physical attraction; its also about understanding each other on a deeper level and being there for one another through thick and thin.

    The story of Westley and Buttercup teaches us that true love doesnt have boundaries or limits; it knows no bounds. No matter what life throws at you, if you truly care for someone then nothing will stand in your way from finding happiness together.

  • #2.     Adventure: The story follows Westley's journey to rescue Buttercup from the evil Prince Humperdinck, encountering many obstacles along the way.

    Westley embarks on a daring adventure to save his beloved Buttercup from the clutches of the evil Prince Humperdinck. Along the way, he faces many obstacles and challenges that test his courage and strength. He must battle fierce creatures such as Rodents of Unusual Size, outwit cunning villains like Vizzini, and survive treacherous environments like the Fire Swamp. Westley also encounters allies who help him in his quest, including Inigo Montoya, Fezzik, Miracle Max and even Buttercup herself.

    Throughout this journey Westley learns valuable lessons about friendship, loyalty and love. He discovers that true heroism is not measured by physical strength or power but rather by ones willingness to risk everything for what they believe in. By facing each challenge with courage and determination Westley ultimately succeeds in rescuing Buttercup from her captors.

  • #3.     Humor: The story is full of humorous moments, from the characters' witty banter to the absurd situations they find themselves in.

    The Princess Bride is full of humorous moments that will make readers laugh out loud. From the characters witty banter to the absurd situations they find themselves in, theres something for everyone. Inigo Montoya and Fezziks bickering over who should carry Westley up the Cliffs of Insanity is a classic example of their comedic chemistry. Meanwhile, Miracle Max and Valeries hilarious back-and-forth about how much life Westley has left in him provides some lighthearted relief from all the action.

    The story also features plenty of slapstick humor as well. The scene where Vizzini keeps drinking wine while trying to figure out which cup contains poison is particularly amusing, as are his attempts to reason with an unconvinced Prince Humperdinck. Even when things get serious, Goldman manages to inject some levity into the narrative by having characters like Buttercup or Count Rugen deliver lines with a hint of sarcasm.

  • #4.     Revenge: Inigo Montoya is on a quest for revenge against the six-fingered man who killed his father.

    Inigo Montoya is a skilled swordsman who has been on a quest for revenge since he was a young boy. His father, Domingo Montoya, was killed by the six-fingered man when Inigo was only eleven years old. Since then, Inigo has dedicated his life to finding and killing the six-fingered man in order to exact revenge for his fathers death. He travels across the country searching for clues that will lead him to his target and eventually finds himself at the castle of Prince Humperdinck where he meets Westley, Buttercup, Fezzik and Vizzini.

    Throughout The Princess Bride novel by William Goldman, Inigo continues on his mission of vengeance as he battles against obstacles such as Rousillon soldiers and giant rodents of unusual size. Despite all these challenges however, Inigo never wavers from his goal; even when it seems like all hope is lost he remains determined to find justice for what happened to his father. Eventually after many trials and tribulations along with some help from friends both new and old, Inigo finally gets the chance to face off against the six-fingered man in an epic sword fight which ends with him victorious.

    The story of Inigo Montoyas quest for revenge serves as an inspiring reminder that no matter how difficult or seemingly impossible our goals may be we should never give up on them if they are important enough to us. It also shows us that sometimes we need help from others in order achieve our dreams but ultimately it is up to us alone whether or not we succeed.

  • #5.     Friendship: Westley and Inigo form a strong bond of friendship as they travel together to rescue Buttercup.

    Westley and Inigos friendship is one of the most powerful relationships in The Princess Bride. They meet as strangers, but quickly form a bond that transcends their differences. Westley is an unassuming farm boy who has been hired to rescue Buttercup from her captors, while Inigo is a skilled swordsman on a quest for revenge against the six-fingered man who killed his father. Despite their disparate backgrounds, they come together to help each other achieve their goals.

    The two men share many adventures during their journey, including fighting off Rodents of Unusual Size and battling with Prince Humperdinck’s soldiers. Through these experiences, they learn more about each other and develop mutual respect and admiration. By the end of the story, Westley and Inigo have become close friends—so much so that when Westley appears to die at the hands of Count Rugen (the six-fingered man), it devastates Inigo.

    Their friendship serves as an example of how people can overcome any obstacle if they are willing to work together towards a common goal. It also shows us that even though we may come from different backgrounds or have different beliefs, we can still find ways to connect with one another.

  • #6.     Magic: Miracle Max and his wife Valerie use their magical powers to help Westley on his quest.

    Magic plays a major role in William Goldmans novel The Princess Bride. Miracle Max and his wife Valerie are two of the most powerful magical characters in the book, and they use their powers to help Westley on his quest. When Westley is poisoned by iocane powder, it is Miracle Max who concocts an antidote that saves him from certain death. Later, when Westley needs to rescue Buttercup from Prince Humperdincks castle, it is Valerie who casts a spell that allows him to scale the walls undetected.

    Miracle Max and Valerie also provide comic relief throughout the story with their bickering relationship and witty banter. They often argue about how best to use their magic for good or evil purposes, but ultimately they always come together to help out Westley in whatever way they can. In addition to providing assistance on his quest, Miracle Max and Valerie also offer sage advice about life which helps guide Westley through some of his toughest decisions.

  • #7.     Courage: Westley displays great courage in the face of danger, never giving up on his mission to save Buttercup.

    Throughout The Princess Bride, Westley displays remarkable courage in the face of danger. He never wavers from his mission to save Buttercup, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. When he is captured by the Dread Pirate Roberts and forced into servitude, he does not give up hope that one day he will be reunited with Buttercup. Even after being tortured by Count Rugen and left for dead in the Fire Swamp, Westley refuses to accept defeat and continues on his quest.

    Westleys courage is further demonstrated during his battle against Inigo Montoya. Despite being severely injured from a previous fight, Westley stands firm against Inigos swordplay and eventually defeats him. His determination to protect Buttercup at all costs drives him forward despite any physical pain or exhaustion he may feel.

    In addition to facing physical dangers head-on, Westley also shows great emotional strength throughout The Princess Bride. After learning that Buttercup has married Prince Humperdinck, Westley still chooses to stay loyal to her instead of giving up on their love story. This act of bravery proves just how much courage it takes for someone like Westley—who has already been through so much—to keep fighting for what they believe in.

  • #8.     Fencing: Inigo and the Man in Black engage in a thrilling fencing duel, showcasing Inigo's skill with a sword.

    The fencing duel between Inigo and the Man in Black is one of the most iconic scenes from The Princess Bride. Its a thrilling battle that showcases Inigos incredible skill with a sword. He moves gracefully, dodging and parrying each attack with ease. His opponent is no slouch either, matching him blow for blow as they fight across the rocky terrain.

    Inigo manages to land several hits on his adversary, but it isnt until he finally lands a powerful thrust that he gains an advantage. With his foe at his mercy, Inigo demands to know why he killed his father all those years ago. After hearing the answer, Inigo spares him and allows him to go free.

    The fencing duel between Inigo and the Man in Black is not only exciting but also serves as an important plot point in The Princess Bride. It reveals information about both characters pasts while showcasing their impressive swordsmanship skills.

  • #9.     Fezzik: Fezzik is a gentle giant who joins Westley and Inigo on their quest, using his strength to help them.

    Fezzik is a lovable giant who joins Westley and Inigo on their quest to rescue Buttercup. He is an incredibly strong man, but he has a gentle heart and loves to make people laugh. Fezziks strength comes in handy when the trio needs help getting out of sticky situations, such as when they are attacked by Rodents of Unusual Size or when they need to break into the castle where Buttercup is being held captive. His size also helps him intimidate anyone who stands in their way.

    Fezziks kind nature makes him an invaluable companion for Westley and Inigo. He often provides comic relief during tense moments with his silly jokes and jovial attitude. Despite his intimidating size, Fezzik has a soft spot for animals, which leads him to befriending four white horses that carry them across the Fire Swamp safely.

    Throughout The Princess Bride, Fezzik proves himself time and again as a loyal friend who will do anything for those he cares about. His immense strength combined with his compassionate spirit make him one of the most beloved characters from William Goldman’s classic novel.

  • #10.     R.O.U.S.: Westley and his companions must battle a giant, man-eating rodent of unusual size.

    In the eighth chapter of The Princess Bride, Westley and his companions come face to face with a giant, man-eating rodent of unusual size (R.O.U.S.). This creature is described as being as big as a bear and having long yellow teeth. It is an incredibly dangerous foe that must be defeated in order for Westley and his friends to continue on their quest. In order to defeat it, they devise a plan involving blinding the R.O.U.S., tying it up with rope, and then using Fezziks strength to carry it away from them.

    The battle against the R.O.U.S proves difficult but ultimately successful due to the ingenuity of Westleys companions; Inigo Montoya uses his sword skills to blind the beast while Fezzik ties it up with rope so that they can safely transport it away from them without fear of attack or injury.

    Ultimately, this encounter serves as an important lesson for Westley and his companions: no matter how daunting or seemingly impossible a task may seem at first glance, there are always ways around obstacles if one has enough courage and creativity.

  • #11.     Miracle Max: Miracle Max is a wise-cracking wizard who helps Westley and his friends with his magical powers.

    Miracle Max is a beloved character from the classic novel The Princess Bride by William Goldman. He is an eccentric wizard who helps Westley and his friends with his magical powers. Miracle Max has a unique sense of humor, often making jokes at the expense of those around him. He also has a deep understanding of magic, which he uses to help Westley and his companions on their quest to save Buttercup from Prince Humperdinck.

    Maxs most famous line in the book comes when he tells Westley that Life is pain, Highness! Anyone who says differently is selling something. This quote perfectly encapsulates Miracle Maxs cynical outlook on life and serves as an important reminder for readers not to take things too seriously.

    In addition to being wise-cracking and sarcastic, Miracle Max also shows great courage throughout the story. Despite being old and frail, he stands up against Prince Humperdincks soldiers in order to protect Westley and his friends. His bravery ultimately leads them all to victory over evil.

    Overall, Miracle Max is one of the most memorable characters from The Princess Bride due to his wit, wisdom, courage, and magical abilities. He provides comic relief during tense moments while still managing to be an integral part of helping Westley achieve success in rescuing Buttercup.

  • #12.     Humperdinck: Prince Humperdinck is the story's villain, a cruel and power-hungry ruler who wants to marry Buttercup.

    Prince Humperdinck is a ruthless and ambitious ruler who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He has no qualms about using violence or manipulation to achieve his goals, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to gain power. His ultimate goal is to marry Buttercup, the beautiful princess of Florin, in order to secure an alliance with her kingdom. In order to accomplish this, Humperdinck sends out a team of assassins known as the Albino and Giant on a mission to kidnap Buttercup from her home in Guilder. He also orders his men-at-arms into battle against Westleys ship when they attempt rescue her.

    Humperdincks cruelty knows no bounds; he even goes so far as attempting murder by poisoning Westley during their duel. Despite all of these attempts at gaining power through force, Humperdinck ultimately fails due to the courage and ingenuity of those opposing him - namely Westley and his friends - proving that good can triumph over evil.

  • #13.     Yellin: Yellin is the captain of the prince's guard, a loyal and brave soldier who helps Westley and his friends.

    Yellin is a stalwart and loyal soldier, devoted to protecting the Princess Buttercup and her kingdom. He is an experienced warrior who has seen many battles, but he also possesses a strong sense of justice and honor. Yellins loyalty to his duty is unwavering; when Westley and his friends come to rescue the princess from Prince Humperdinck, Yellin does not hesitate to join them in their quest. Despite being outnumbered by the princes forces, Yellin stands firm in defense of what he believes is right. His courage inspires others around him as they fight for freedom against tyranny.

    Yellin serves as an example of true heroism throughout The Princess Bride. He never wavers in his commitment to protect those under his charge, even if it means putting himself at risk or going against orders from higher-ups. In addition, he shows great respect for Westley and his companions despite their unconventional methods of rescuing Buttercup—a testament to Yellins open-mindedness and willingness to accept help wherever it may come from.

    Ultimately, Yellin proves himself time and again as a brave leader who will do whatever it takes for justice prevail—even if that means standing up against powerful adversaries like Prince Humperdinck. His courage serves as an inspiration for all readers of The Princess Bride.

  • #14.     The Albino: The Albino is a mysterious figure who helps Westley and his friends on their quest.

    The Albino is a mysterious figure who appears throughout the story of The Princess Bride. He first appears when Westley and his friends are in need of assistance on their quest to rescue Buttercup from Prince Humperdinck. Despite being shrouded in mystery, it is clear that the Albino has an important role to play in helping Westley and his companions succeed.

    The Albinos true identity remains unknown, but he seems to have some kind of supernatural power or knowledge that allows him to help out Westley and his friends at key moments during their journey. For example, he helps them escape from the Zoo of Death by providing them with a magical rope ladder; he also provides them with information about how they can get past the Fire Swamp unscathed. In addition, it is implied that he may be able to communicate telepathically with other characters.

    Although we never learn much about the Albinos background or motivations for helping Westley and company, it is clear that without him they would not have been able to complete their mission successfully. His enigmatic presence adds an extra layer of intrigue and suspense as readers follow along on this exciting adventure.

  • #15.     The Machine: The Machine is a powerful weapon created by the prince to hunt down Westley and his friends.

    The Machine was a powerful weapon created by the prince to hunt down Westley and his friends. It was described as an enormous, black metal contraption with four legs that could move quickly across land and sea. The Machine had two heads, one of which contained a large cannon capable of firing deadly projectiles at its targets. Its other head held a variety of weapons such as swords, spears, maces, and axes. In addition to these weapons it also had several magical abilities including the ability to create illusions and cast spells.

    The Machine was incredibly powerful and nearly unstoppable in battle. It could easily outmatch any opponent in terms of strength or speed. Even when faced with overwhelming odds it would still be able to hold its own against multiple opponents at once due to its sheer power and versatility.

    Westleys group eventually managed to defeat the Machine by using their wits rather than brute force. They used clever tactics such as luring it into quicksand where it became stuck until they were able to destroy it from afar with explosives.

  • #16.     The Fire Swamp: Westley and his friends must traverse the treacherous Fire Swamp, filled with deadly creatures.

    The Fire Swamp was a dangerous place, filled with all sorts of perils. Westley and his friends had to be careful as they navigated the treacherous terrain. The swamp was home to many creatures that could easily kill them if they werent careful. There were giant rats, shrieking eels, and even an occasional flame spurt from the ground that could set them ablaze in seconds.

    Westley and his companions also had to watch out for quicksand pits which could swallow them up without warning. They had no choice but to press on through this deadly landscape in order to reach their destination. It took great courage and skill for Westley and his friends to make it through the Fire Swamp alive.

  • #17.     The Cliffs of Insanity: Westley and Inigo must scale the Cliffs of Insanity in order to reach the prince's castle.

    The Cliffs of Insanity are a formidable obstacle for Westley and Inigo in their quest to rescue the princess. The cliffs are incredibly tall, with sheer walls that make them impossible to climb without special equipment or skills. Even then, it is an arduous task that requires great strength and endurance. As they scale the cliffs, Westley and Inigo must battle fierce winds, treacherous footing, and even giant eagles that swoop down from above.

    The journey up the Cliffs of Insanity is not only physically demanding but also mentally taxing as well. With each step forward comes a new challenge or danger that must be overcome before progress can be made. It takes courage and determination for Westley and Inigo to keep going despite all these obstacles.

    In the end, however, their hard work pays off when they reach the top of the cliff unscathed. From there they can see far into the distance—the castle where Princess Buttercup awaits her rescuers.

  • #18.     The Pit of Despair: Westley and his friends must rescue Buttercup from the Pit of Despair, a deep and dark dungeon.

    The Pit of Despair was a dark and dreary dungeon located deep beneath the castle where Buttercup was being held captive. It was filled with all manner of horrors, from giant spiders to deadly snakes. Westley and his friends had to brave these dangers in order to rescue Buttercup from her captors. The walls were lined with sharp spikes that could easily impale anyone who attempted to climb them, while the floor was covered in slimy mud that made it difficult for anyone to move around without slipping or falling.

    Westley and his companions faced many obstacles as they ventured into the depths of the Pit of Despair. They encountered fierce creatures such as giant bats and man-eating rats, which they had to fight off before they could reach their goal. In addition, there were numerous traps set by Buttercups captors designed specifically to keep intruders out.

    Eventually, after much peril and danger, Westley and his friends managed to make it through the Pit of Despair unscathed. With courage and determination, they rescued Buttercup from her captors clutches and brought her back safely home.

  • #19.     The Zoo of Death: Westley and his friends must battle the creatures of the Zoo of Death in order to reach the prince's castle.

    Westley and his friends had heard tales of the Zoo of Death, a place where creatures from all over the world were kept in captivity. They knew that if they wanted to reach the princess castle, they would have to brave this dangerous land. As they ventured into the zoo, Westley and his companions encountered strange beasts such as giant spiders, man-eating tigers, and dragons with razor sharp claws. Despite their fear, Westley and his friends fought courageously against these monsters until eventually reaching the castle.

    Once inside the castle walls, Westley was reunited with Buttercup who had been held captive by Prince Humperdinck. With her help he was able to defeat Humperdincks forces and save both himself and Buttercup from certain death at The Zoo of Death.

  • #20.     True Love Conquers All: In the end, Westley and Buttercup's love for each other triumphs over all obstacles, and they are reunited.

    The idea of true love conquering all is a powerful one, and it is exemplified in the story of Westley and Buttercup from The Princess Bride. Despite the many obstacles they face throughout their journey, including death-defying feats and battles with villains, their love for each other never wavers. In the end, Westleys courage and determination to be reunited with his beloved Buttercup triumphs over all odds. He risks his life multiple times to save her from harm, proving that no obstacle can stand in the way of true love.

    Westleys unwavering devotion to Buttercup serves as an inspiring reminder that when two people are truly meant for each other, nothing can keep them apart. Even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges or impossible situations, if two people have genuine feelings for one another then those feelings will eventually prevail. This message resonates strongly within The Princess Bride; even after being separated by death itself, Westley and Buttercup find a way back together through sheer force of will.

    Ultimately this timeless tale proves that true love conquers all - no matter what stands in its way. It shows us that if we remain devoted to our loved ones despite any difficulties we may encounter along the way then our bond will ultimately prove stronger than anything else.