The Addict's Mom: Stories of Hope and Help for Moms of Substance Abusing Kids 2009

by Beverly Conyers





  • The Addicts Mom: Stories of Hope and Help for Moms of Substance Abusing Kids by Beverly Conyers is a book that provides support, understanding, and hope to mothers who have children struggling with substance abuse. The book offers insight into the struggles these moms face on a daily basis as they try to help their children while also dealing with their own feelings of guilt, shame, fear, and helplessness. It includes stories from other moms who have gone through similar experiences as well as advice from experts in the field.

    Conyers begins by discussing how difficult it can be for mothers when they first realize that their child has an addiction problem. She then goes on to discuss the various stages of grief that many parents go through when faced with this situation—denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance—and how important it is for them to recognize these emotions so they can move forward in helping their child. She also talks about the importance of self-care during this time and encourages readers to take care of themselves emotionally and physically.

    The second part of the book focuses on practical strategies for helping your addicted child. This includes tips on setting boundaries; communicating effectively; finding appropriate treatment options; managing finances; navigating legal issues; building relationships with family members or friends who may not understand what you are going through; advocating for your child’s rights at school or work; getting involved in support groups or therapy sessions specifically designed for families affected by addiction; learning more about addiction itself so you can better understand what your loved one is going through.

    Finally, Conyers discusses ways to cope after your child has completed treatment or entered recovery. She emphasizes that recovery is an ongoing process which requires patience and perseverance from both parent and child alike. Additionally she stresses the importance of continuing self-care even after recovery has begun since parenting an addict often takes its toll emotionally.

    Overall The Addicts Mom: Stories Of Hope And Help For Moms Of Substance Abusing Kids By Beverly Conyers provides invaluable information regarding how best to handle having a son or daughter struggling with substance abuse disorder while still taking care of oneself along the way.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Understand the Addiction: Addiction is a complex and powerful disease that can take over a person’s life. It is important for moms of substance abusing kids to understand the nature of addiction and how it affects their child. This will help them to better support their child and make informed decisions.

    Addiction is a powerful and complex disease that can take over a person’s life. It affects not only the individual struggling with addiction, but also their family members and loved ones. For moms of substance abusing kids, it is important to understand the nature of addiction in order to better support their child and make informed decisions.

    Understanding addiction means recognizing that it is a chronic illness characterized by compulsive drug seeking behavior despite negative consequences. Addiction changes how the brain works, making it difficult for an addict to control their impulses or resist cravings for drugs or alcohol. This can lead to destructive behaviors such as lying, stealing, and engaging in risky activities.

    It is also important for moms of substance abusers to recognize that addiction does not discriminate; anyone can become addicted regardless of age, gender, race or socioeconomic status. Furthermore, recovery from addiction requires more than just willpower; treatment programs are often necessary in order for individuals to achieve long-term sobriety.

    By understanding these facts about addiction and its effects on individuals and families alike, moms of substance abusers will be better equipped to provide effective support for their children during this difficult time.

  • #2.     Seek Professional Help: Moms of substance abusing kids should seek professional help to better understand the addiction and how to best support their child. This can include therapy, support groups, and other resources that can provide guidance and support.

    Seeking professional help is an important step for moms of substance abusing kids. It can provide them with the guidance and support they need to better understand their childs addiction and how best to support them. Professional help can come in many forms, such as therapy, support groups, or other resources that specialize in helping families cope with addiction. Through these services, moms can learn more about the causes of addiction and how to effectively communicate with their child about it.

    Therapy sessions are a great way for moms to gain insight into their own feelings surrounding their childs addiction and develop strategies on how best to handle difficult conversations or situations. Support groups offer a safe space where moms can share stories and experiences with others who have gone through similar struggles. Other resources may include educational materials on understanding addiction or connecting families with local organizations that provide additional assistance.

    No matter what form of professional help is chosen, seeking out this type of assistance is essential for any mom trying to navigate her way through her childs substance abuse issues. With the right kind of guidance and support from professionals, she will be able to find ways to better understand her child’s condition while also providing him/her with the love and care needed during this difficult time.

  • #3.     Set Boundaries: Setting boundaries is an important part of helping a child with addiction. Moms should be clear about what behaviors are acceptable and unacceptable and be consistent in enforcing these boundaries.

    Setting boundaries is an essential part of helping a child with addiction. Its important for moms to be clear about what behaviors are acceptable and unacceptable, and then consistently enforce these boundaries. This will help the child understand that certain behaviors have consequences, which can help them make better decisions in the future.

    When setting boundaries, its important to be firm but also understanding. Moms should explain why theyre setting the boundary and how it will benefit their child in the long run. They should also provide support and guidance when needed so that their children know they are not alone on this journey.

    Its also important for moms to remember that while setting boundaries is necessary, it doesnt mean they need to be overly strict or punitive. Instead, focus on providing love and support as well as structure so your child knows you care about them even if you dont always agree with their choices.

  • #4.     Educate Yourself: Moms should educate themselves about addiction and the resources available to help their child. This can include reading books, attending support groups, and talking to professionals.

    Moms of children struggling with addiction face a difficult and often overwhelming situation. It is important for them to educate themselves about the disease of addiction, its causes, and available resources that can help their child. This education can come in many forms such as reading books on the subject, attending support groups specifically designed for parents of addicts, or talking to professionals who specialize in treating substance abuse.

    The book The Addicts Mom: Stories of Hope and Help for Moms of Substance Abusing Kids by Beverly Conyers provides an invaluable resource for moms looking to learn more about addiction. Through personal stories from other mothers who have gone through similar experiences, this book offers insight into how best to approach helping your child while also taking care of yourself during this difficult time.

    By educating themselves on addiction and the resources available to help their child, moms are better equipped to provide effective support throughout their child’s recovery journey. With knowledge comes power; it is essential that moms take advantage of all the information out there so they can be informed advocates for their children.

  • #5.     Take Care of Yourself: Moms should take care of themselves and prioritize their own health and wellbeing. This can include getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation.

    Moms should take care of themselves and prioritize their own health and wellbeing. This means getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation. Taking care of yourself is essential for being able to provide the best possible support for your child who is struggling with substance abuse. When you are well-rested, nourished, and relaxed it will be easier to handle difficult conversations or challenging situations.

    It can also help to find a supportive community where you can share your experiences with other moms who understand what you’re going through. Having someone to talk to about the struggles of parenting an addict can be invaluable in helping you cope with the stressors associated with this situation.

    Finally, don’t forget that self-care isn’t just about physical health; it also includes mental health. Make sure that you are taking time out each day for yourself – whether it’s reading a book, listening to music, or simply taking a walk outside – so that you can stay emotionally balanced during this difficult time.

  • #6.     Be Patient: Addiction is a long and difficult process and it is important for moms to be patient and understanding. This can help to create a supportive environment for their child and foster a sense of hope.

    Addiction is a long and difficult process, and it can be hard for moms to remain patient while their child struggles with substance abuse. However, patience is essential in order to create a supportive environment that will help their child find hope. Moms should strive to understand the challenges their child faces and provide them with unconditional love and support throughout the recovery process.

    Its important for moms to remember that addiction isnt something that can be fixed overnight; it takes time, effort, and dedication from both the addict and those around them. Its also important for moms not to take on too much responsibility or blame themselves if things dont go as planned. Instead, they should focus on providing emotional support during this difficult time.

    Moms of addicts need all the strength they can get in order to stay positive during this trying period. They should seek out resources such as The Addicts Mom: Stories of Hope and Help for Moms of Substance Abusing Kids by Beverly Conyers which provides helpful advice on how best to navigate through these challenging times.

  • #7.     Don’t Enable: Moms should not enable their child’s addiction by providing money or other resources that can be used to support the addiction.

    Moms should not enable their childs addiction by providing money or other resources that can be used to support the addiction. This means that moms should not give their children money for drugs, alcohol, or any other substances they may be using. Additionally, moms should not provide a place for their child to use these substances or allow them access to items such as needles and pipes which could facilitate drug use. Moms also need to be aware of how they are responding emotionally when it comes to their child’s addiction; enabling behavior often involves trying too hard to make things better for the addict in an effort to avoid facing reality.

    Enabling behavior is counterproductive because it allows the addict more time and energy devoted towards feeding his/her habit instead of seeking help. It also sends a message that substance abuse is acceptable and reinforces negative behaviors associated with addiction. Instead of enabling your child’s addiction, focus on helping him/her find treatment options and supporting recovery efforts once he/she has made the decision to get sober.

  • #8.     Be Supportive: Moms should be supportive of their child’s recovery and provide encouragement and understanding. This can help to create a safe and supportive environment for their child.

    Moms should be a source of support and understanding for their child during recovery. It is important to create an environment that is safe and supportive, where the child can feel comfortable expressing themselves without fear of judgement or criticism. Moms should provide encouragement and reassurance throughout the process, letting their child know that they are there for them no matter what. This will help build trust between parent and child, which is essential in any successful recovery journey.

    It’s also important to remember that each person’s recovery journey is unique; it may take some time before progress starts to show. During this period, moms should remain patient and understanding while continuing to offer words of encouragement when needed. Additionally, moms can look into resources such as support groups or therapy sessions for both themselves and their children so they have access to additional guidance if necessary.

    Ultimately, being supportive does not mean enabling bad behavior; rather it means providing love and compassion while helping your child make positive changes in their life. With patience, understanding, and unconditional love from mom – anything is possible!

  • #9.     Don’t Blame Yourself: Moms should not blame themselves for their child’s addiction. Addiction is a complex disease and it is important to remember that it is not the mom’s fault.

    It is important for moms to remember that addiction is a complex disease and it is not their fault if their child has become addicted. Addiction can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, environment, and mental health issues. It is important for moms to understand that they are not responsible for the choices their children make or the consequences of those choices.

    Moms should also recognize that there are many resources available to help them cope with having an addicted child. Seeking out support from family members, friends, counselors, or support groups can provide much needed emotional relief during this difficult time. Additionally, learning about addiction and its effects on individuals and families can help moms better understand what their child may be going through.

    Above all else, it’s essential for moms to take care of themselves while supporting their addicted child. This means taking breaks when necessary in order to recharge emotionally and physically so they have the energy needed to continue providing love and support throughout recovery.

  • #10.     Find a Support System: Moms should find a support system of other moms who are going through similar experiences. This can provide a sense of understanding and camaraderie.

    Finding a support system of other moms who are going through similar experiences can be an invaluable resource for mothers of substance abusing kids. It is important to have people in your life who understand what you are going through and can provide emotional support, advice, and encouragement. Having someone to talk to about the struggles that come with parenting an addict can help alleviate feelings of isolation and loneliness.

    Support groups specifically designed for parents of addicts offer a safe space where members can share their stories without fear or judgement. These groups often provide resources such as referrals to treatment centers, information on addiction recovery programs, and tips on how to cope with difficult situations. Additionally, many group members become close friends over time which helps create a sense of community.

    If attending meetings isn’t possible due to scheduling conflicts or lack of access in your area, there are online forums available where you can connect with other parents from around the world. You may also find comfort in talking one-on-one with another parent who has been through similar experiences.

    No matter how you choose to build your support system, it is essential that you take care of yourself first so that you have the strength and energy needed when caring for your child. Finding understanding peers will not only benefit both parties but will also give each person hope during this difficult journey.