The Art of Work 2015

by Jeff Goins





  • The Art of Work by Jeff Goins is a book about finding your purpose in life. It provides readers with practical advice on how to discover their true calling and make it a reality. The book begins by discussing the importance of having an understanding of one’s own identity, values, and passions before embarking on any journey towards discovering one’s purpose. It then goes into detail about how to identify what you are truly passionate about and how to use that passion as fuel for achieving success in whatever field you choose.

    Goins also discusses the importance of taking risks and embracing failure as part of the process towards achieving success. He encourages readers to be open-minded when exploring different paths, even if they seem unconventional or risky at first glance. Additionally, he emphasizes the need for patience while pursuing your dreams; often times it takes years before we can see tangible results from our efforts.

    Throughout the book, Goins shares stories from his own experiences as well as those from other successful people who have found their purpose in life through hard work and dedication. He also offers tips on networking effectively, developing meaningful relationships with mentors, setting goals that will help keep you motivated along your journey, and staying focused despite obstacles or setbacks.

    In conclusion, The Art of Work is an inspiring read full of valuable insights into finding one’s true calling in life. By providing practical advice backed up by real-life examples from successful individuals who have achieved great things through hard work and determination, this book serves as an invaluable resource for anyone looking to find their place in this world.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Find Your Calling: Everyone has a unique purpose in life, and it is important to discover what that is and pursue it. This book provides guidance on how to identify and pursue your calling.

    Finding your calling is an important part of life, and it can be difficult to know where to start. The Art of Work by Jeff Goins provides readers with the tools they need to identify their purpose and pursue it. Through personal stories, practical advice, and inspiring examples from successful people who have found their callings, this book helps readers discover what makes them unique and how they can use that knowledge to make a difference in the world.

    The book begins by exploring why finding our calling is so important. It then dives into topics such as identifying our passions, developing skills related to those passions, taking risks in pursuit of our goals, overcoming fear and doubt along the way, building relationships with mentors who can help us on our journey, learning how to market ourselves effectively once we’ve identified our calling—and more.

    Ultimately The Art of Work encourages readers not only to find their own unique purpose but also take action towards achieving it. By providing guidance on how best to do this through real-life examples from successful individuals who have done just that—this book will help you find your true passion in life and turn it into something meaningful.

  • #2.     Develop Your Craft: Once you have identified your calling, it is important to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue it. This book provides advice on how to hone your craft and become an expert in your field.

    Developing your craft is an essential part of pursuing any calling. It requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to learn from mistakes. To become an expert in your field, you must be willing to invest time and energy into honing the skills necessary for success. This book provides advice on how to do just that.

    The Art of Work offers practical tips on how to develop your craft through self-education, experimentation, and practice. It also encourages readers to take risks and embrace failure as part of the learning process. By following these steps, you can gain the knowledge needed to excel in whatever it is that you are passionate about.

    In addition to providing guidance on developing one’s craft, The Art of Work also emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision for what you want out of life. Having this clarity will help keep you motivated when times get tough or when progress seems slow.

    Ultimately, developing your craft takes commitment and perseverance but it can be incredibly rewarding if done correctly. With The Art of Work by Jeff Goins as a guidebook, anyone can learn how to hone their skillset and become an expert in their chosen field.

  • #3.     Take Action: It is not enough to simply identify and develop your calling; you must also take action and put your skills and knowledge into practice. This book provides guidance on how to take action and make progress towards achieving your goals.

    Taking action is essential to achieving your goals and realizing your calling. It requires courage, dedication, and hard work. But it also requires a plan of action that will help you stay focused on the task at hand.

    The Art of Work provides guidance on how to take action in order to make progress towards achieving your goals. It outlines specific steps for getting started, such as setting realistic expectations, breaking down tasks into manageable chunks, and creating an environment conducive to success.

    It also offers advice on how to stay motivated when things get tough or when obstacles arise. This includes tips for staying organized and disciplined while working towards a goal, as well as strategies for dealing with failure or setbacks.

    Finally, The Art of Work encourages readers to celebrate their successes along the way—no matter how small they may be—in order to keep up momentum and enthusiasm throughout the journey.

  • #4.     Embrace Failure: Failure is an inevitable part of the journey towards success, and it is important to embrace it and learn from it. This book provides advice on how to use failure as a learning opportunity and move forward.

    Embracing failure is an important part of the journey towards success. It can be difficult to accept that we have failed, but it is essential to recognize and learn from our mistakes in order to move forward. The Art of Work by Jeff Goins provides advice on how to use failure as a learning opportunity and grow from it. He encourages readers to take risks, make mistakes, and embrace the failures that come with them. By doing so, we can gain valuable insight into ourselves and our goals.

    Goins emphasizes that failure should not be seen as a negative experience; instead, he suggests viewing it as an opportunity for growth. He explains that when we fail at something, we are presented with the chance to reflect on what went wrong and adjust accordingly in order to improve our chances of succeeding next time around. This kind of self-reflection allows us to become more aware of our strengths and weaknesses so that we can better prepare for future challenges.

    The Art of Work offers practical tips on how best to approach failure: focus on progress rather than perfection; don’t let fear stop you from taking risks; remember that there are no guarantees in life; stay positive even when things don’t go your way; practice resilience by bouncing back quickly after setbacks; celebrate small successes along the way.

    By embracing failure rather than avoiding it or letting it define us, we open up new possibilities for growth and success. With this books guidance, readers will learn how they can turn their failures into stepping stones towards achieving their goals.

  • #5.     Find Your Tribe: Surrounding yourself with like-minded people who share your passion and goals can help you stay motivated and make progress. This book provides guidance on how to find and build relationships with your tribe.

    Finding your tribe is an important part of achieving success. When you have a group of people who share the same goals and passions as you, it can be incredibly motivating and inspiring. Its also helpful to have a support system when things get tough or when you need advice on how to move forward.

    In The Art of Work by Jeff Goins, he provides guidance on how to find and build relationships with your tribe. He explains that having like-minded people around you will help keep you motivated and make progress towards achieving your goals faster than if you were alone. He also offers tips on how to identify potential members for your tribe, such as attending events related to your interests or joining online communities.

    Goins emphasizes the importance of building meaningful relationships with those in your tribe so that everyone can benefit from each other’s knowledge and experience. This includes being open about what challenges they are facing, offering feedback, providing encouragement, and celebrating successes together.

    By finding your tribe, not only will it help motivate you but it will also provide invaluable resources for learning new skills or gaining insight into different perspectives. With this book as a guide, anyone can learn how to create their own supportive network that will help them reach their goals faster.

  • #6.     Create a Plan: Having a plan and setting goals can help you stay focused and make progress towards achieving your goals. This book provides advice on how to create a plan and set goals.

    Creating a plan and setting goals is essential for achieving success. In The Art of Work, Jeff Goins provides advice on how to create an effective plan that will help you stay focused and make progress towards your goals. He explains the importance of having a clear vision for what you want to achieve, breaking down big tasks into smaller steps, and creating deadlines to keep yourself motivated.

    Goins also emphasizes the need for flexibility in your plans. He encourages readers to be open-minded about their plans and adjust them as needed when unexpected obstacles arise or new opportunities present themselves. Additionally, he suggests taking regular breaks from work so that you can come back with fresh ideas and renewed energy.

    By following these tips from The Art of Work, you can create an effective plan that will help guide you towards achieving your goals.

  • #7.     Take Risks: Taking risks can be scary, but it is often necessary in order to make progress and achieve success. This book provides guidance on how to take risks and make progress.

    Taking risks can be intimidating, but it is often necessary in order to make progress and achieve success. Taking risks involves stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new or different. It means taking a chance on yourself and believing that you have the potential to succeed.

    The Art of Work by Jeff Goins provides guidance on how to take risks effectively. The book outlines strategies for assessing risk, understanding the consequences of failure, and developing an action plan for achieving success. It also offers advice on how to stay motivated when things dont go as planned, as well as tips for overcoming fear and self-doubt.

    By following the steps outlined in this book, readers will gain insight into their own strengths and weaknesses while learning how to take calculated risks that lead them closer towards their goals.

  • #8.     Find Balance: It is important to find balance between work and life in order to stay healthy and productive. This book provides advice on how to find balance and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Finding balance between work and life is essential for staying healthy and productive. In his book, The Art of Work, Jeff Goins provides advice on how to achieve this balance. He suggests that it’s important to set boundaries between your professional and personal lives in order to avoid burnout. This includes setting aside time for yourself each day, taking regular breaks from work, and making sure you have enough sleep.

    Goins also emphasizes the importance of having a purposeful career that aligns with your values. He encourages readers to take the time to reflect on their goals and passions so they can find meaningful work that brings them joy. Additionally, he recommends finding ways to make your job more enjoyable by focusing on what you love about it rather than what you don’t like.

    Ultimately, Goins believes that finding balance between work and life is key for achieving success in both areas. By following his advice, readers can learn how to create a lifestyle where they are able to enjoy their job while still having enough energy left over for other activities outside of work.

  • #9.     Stay Motivated: Staying motivated is essential in order to make progress and achieve success. This book provides guidance on how to stay motivated and make progress.

    Staying motivated is essential for achieving success. It can be difficult to stay focused and driven when faced with obstacles or setbacks, but its important to remember that progress is possible if you remain determined and committed. The Art of Work by Jeff Goins provides guidance on how to stay motivated and make progress in any endeavor. This book offers practical advice on setting goals, developing a plan of action, staying organized, managing time effectively, overcoming procrastination, dealing with failure and rejection, finding inspiration from others who have achieved success in the same field as you are pursuing.

    The book also emphasizes the importance of self-care in order to maintain motivation levels. Self-care includes activities such as getting enough sleep each night; eating healthy meals; exercising regularly; taking breaks throughout the day; engaging in hobbies or activities that bring joy; spending quality time with family and friends; meditating or practicing mindfulness techniques; reading inspiring books or articles related to your goal/endeavor etc.

    By following these tips outlined in The Art of Work by Jeff Goins one can stay motivated while working towards their goals. With dedication and perseverance anything is possible!

  • #10.     Find Your Voice: Finding your voice and expressing yourself authentically is essential in order to make progress and achieve success. This book provides advice on how to find and use your voice.

    Finding your voice is an important part of personal growth and development. Its about discovering who you are, what you believe in, and how to express yourself authentically. When we find our voice, it gives us the confidence to speak up for ourselves and make a difference in the world.

    In The Art of Work by Jeff Goins, readers will learn how to identify their unique gifts and talents so they can use them to create meaningful work. Through practical advice on topics such as goal setting, networking, creativity, productivity, and more – this book provides a roadmap for finding your true purpose in life.

    The Art of Work also offers guidance on developing self-awareness so that readers can better understand their own strengths and weaknesses. By learning how to recognize their individual needs and values – they can then use these insights to craft a career path that aligns with who they truly are.

    Ultimately, this book helps readers discover their authentic voice so that they can confidently pursue success without sacrificing themselves or compromising their beliefs. With its inspiring stories from successful people around the world – The Art of Work is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to find their place in the world.

  • #11.     Take Time to Reflect: Taking time to reflect on your progress and experiences can help you stay motivated and make progress. This book provides guidance on how to take time to reflect and make progress.

    Taking time to reflect on your progress and experiences can be a powerful tool for staying motivated and making progress. Reflection allows us to take stock of our successes, failures, and lessons learned along the way. It helps us gain clarity about what we’ve accomplished so far, where we want to go next, and how best to get there.

    In The Art of Work by Jeff Goins, readers are provided with guidance on how to make reflection an integral part of their journey towards success. Through practical advice such as setting aside dedicated time each day or week for reflection; writing down thoughts in a journal; or talking through ideas with trusted friends or mentors – readers will learn how they can use reflection as a means of gaining insight into their goals and objectives.

    By taking the time to reflect regularly on our progress and experiences, we can stay focused on our goals while also learning from past mistakes. This book provides valuable insights into how this process works – helping readers become more mindful about their work life balance while still achieving great things.

  • #12.     Find Inspiration: Finding inspiration and staying creative can help you stay motivated and make progress. This book provides advice on how to find and use inspiration.

    Finding inspiration can be a challenge, especially when you’re feeling stuck or unmotivated. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In The Art of Work by Jeff Goins, readers are given advice on how to find and use inspiration in order to stay motivated and make progress.

    Goins suggests that the best way to find inspiration is by looking outside yourself for ideas and perspectives. He encourages readers to explore different cultures, read books from other genres, watch movies with unfamiliar settings, listen to music from different countries—all of which can help open up new possibilities for creative thinking.

    He also recommends taking time away from work in order to gain perspective and recharge your creativity. Taking breaks throughout the day or going on vacation can give you the opportunity to step back and look at things differently so that you come back refreshed with new ideas.

    Finally, Goins emphasizes the importance of connecting with others who share similar interests as well as those who don’t. Talking about your work with people who understand what you do can provide valuable insight into how they approach their own projects while talking with someone completely unrelated may spark an idea that would never have occurred otherwise.

  • #13.     Take Care of Yourself: Taking care of yourself is essential in order to stay healthy and productive. This book provides guidance on how to take care of yourself and make progress.

    Taking care of yourself is essential in order to stay healthy and productive. This means taking the time to eat well, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and practice self-care. It also involves setting boundaries with others so that you can focus on your own needs without feeling guilty or overwhelmed.

    The Art of Work provides guidance on how to take care of yourself while making progress towards achieving your goals. It offers practical advice for creating a balanced lifestyle that allows you to make progress without sacrificing your health or wellbeing. The book covers topics such as goal setting, managing stress, developing habits that support success, and more.

    By following the advice in this book, you will be able to create a life where you are taking care of yourself while still making progress towards achieving your goals. You will learn how to set realistic expectations for yourself and manage stress so that it doesn’t become overwhelming. You will also gain insight into how small changes can have big impacts when it comes to improving your overall wellbeing.

  • #14.     Find Your Flow: Finding your flow and getting into a state of flow can help you stay productive and make progress. This book provides advice on how to find and use your flow.

    Finding your flow is an important part of achieving success in any endeavor. Flow is a state of mind where you are completely focused and engaged in the task at hand, allowing you to work more efficiently and effectively. In his book The Art of Work, Jeff Goins provides advice on how to find and use your flow. He explains that it’s not enough just to be productive; we must also be mindful about our productivity so that we can make progress towards our goals.

    Goins suggests several strategies for finding your flow, such as setting clear objectives for yourself, breaking down tasks into manageable chunks, focusing on one thing at a time, eliminating distractions from your environment, and taking regular breaks throughout the day. He also emphasizes the importance of self-care when trying to achieve peak performance—including getting adequate sleep each night and eating healthy meals during the day.

    By following these tips outlined by Goins in The Art of Work, you can learn how to find your flow and maximize productivity while still maintaining balance in other areas of life. With practice and dedication over time, you will become better able to recognize when you are entering a state of flow so that you can take advantage of it whenever possible.

  • #15.     Embrace Change: Change is inevitable, and it is important to embrace it and use it to your advantage. This book provides guidance on how to embrace change and make progress.

    Embracing change is essential for growth and progress. It can be difficult to accept that things are constantly changing, but its important to recognize that this is a natural part of life. Change can bring new opportunities and experiences, so its important to embrace it rather than resist it.

    The Art of Work by Jeff Goins provides guidance on how to make the most out of change. The book offers practical advice on how to identify what needs changing in your life, develop strategies for embracing change, and use those changes as an opportunity for personal growth. It also explores the importance of having a vision for yourself and your future, which will help you stay focused when faced with unexpected changes.

    By learning how to embrace change instead of resisting it, youll be able to take advantage of new opportunities while still staying true to who you are. With the right mindset and tools from The Art of Work by Jeff Goins, youll be able to make positive progress in all areas of your life.

  • #16.     Find Your Why: Knowing your why and understanding your purpose can help you stay motivated and make progress. This book provides advice on how to find and use your why.

    Finding your why is an important part of understanding yourself and what motivates you. It can help you stay focused on the things that matter most to you, and make progress towards achieving your goals. In The Art of Work by Jeff Goins, he provides advice on how to find and use your why. He suggests asking yourself questions such as “What do I want my life to be about?” or “What am I passionate about?” These questions can help you identify what drives you and gives meaning to your life. Once you have identified these core values, it will be easier for you to set meaningful goals that align with them.

    Goins also encourages readers to take action in order to bring their why into reality. This could involve taking small steps each day towards a larger goal or making changes in ones lifestyle that reflect their values. Taking action helps reinforce the importance of our why and keeps us motivated when we encounter obstacles along the way.

    Ultimately, finding our why is essential for living a fulfilling life because it allows us to focus on what matters most while still striving for success in other areas of our lives. By understanding ourselves better through this process, we are able to create more meaningful relationships with others as well as achieve greater satisfaction from our work.

  • #17.     Take Time to Rest: Taking time to rest and recharge is essential in order to stay healthy and productive. This book provides guidance on how to take time to rest and make progress.

    Taking time to rest and recharge is essential for our physical, mental, and emotional health. It helps us stay productive and focused on the tasks at hand. In The Art of Work by Jeff Goins, readers are provided with guidance on how to take time to rest in order to make progress.

    Goins encourages readers to prioritize their own well-being by taking regular breaks throughout the day. He suggests that we should use these moments of respite as an opportunity for reflection or relaxation rather than scrolling through social media feeds or checking emails.

    He also emphasizes the importance of getting enough sleep each night so that we can be more alert during the day and have a better chance of achieving our goals. Additionally, he recommends scheduling vacations throughout the year in order to give ourselves a much needed break from work.

    By following Goins’ advice on taking time to rest, we can ensure that we remain healthy and productive while still making progress towards our goals.

  • #18.     Find Your Focus: Finding your focus and staying focused can help you stay productive and make progress. This book provides advice on how to find and use your focus.

    Finding your focus is essential for staying productive and making progress. In his book, The Art of Work, Jeff Goins provides advice on how to find and use your focus. He explains that its important to identify what youre passionate about and then set goals based on those passions. Once you have identified the areas in which you want to make progress, he suggests breaking down each goal into smaller tasks so that they are more manageable.

    Goins also emphasizes the importance of setting aside time for focused work without distractions or interruptions. This can help ensure that you stay on track with your goals and dont get sidetracked by other activities or obligations. Additionally, he encourages readers to take breaks throughout their day in order to recharge their energy levels and remain motivated.

    Ultimately, finding your focus is an important part of achieving success in any endeavor. By following the advice outlined in The Art of Work, readers can learn how to identify their passions and create achievable goals while maintaining a sense of balance between work and leisure.

  • #19.     Take Time to Celebrate: Taking time to celebrate your successes can help you stay motivated and make progress. This book provides guidance on how to take time to celebrate and make progress.

    Taking time to celebrate your successes is an important part of staying motivated and making progress. Celebrating can help you recognize the hard work that has gone into achieving a goal, as well as give you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. It also helps to keep you focused on what’s important in life, rather than getting bogged down by everyday stressors.

    In The Art of Work, Jeff Goins provides guidance on how to take time to celebrate your successes. He suggests setting aside specific times throughout the year or month for celebrating accomplishments, such as birthdays or anniversaries. He also recommends taking regular breaks from work and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation—such as going out with friends or taking a vacation—to reward yourself for all the hard work you have done.

    Goins emphasizes that it’s not just about having fun; it’s about recognizing your achievements and giving yourself permission to enjoy them. Taking time to celebrate will help keep you motivated so that when challenges arise, you are better equipped to face them head-on.

  • #20.     Live with Intention: Living with intention and being mindful of your actions can help you stay focused and make progress. This book provides advice on how to live with intention and make progress.

    Living with intention means being mindful of your actions and staying focused on what you want to achieve. It is about setting goals, making plans, and taking action in order to reach those goals. This book provides advice on how to live with intention by helping readers identify their purpose, set meaningful goals, create a plan for achieving them, and take consistent action towards reaching those goals.

    The Art of Work also offers practical tips for staying motivated and overcoming obstacles that may arise along the way. It encourages readers to be aware of their thoughts and feelings so they can stay focused on their intentions. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of self-care as an essential part of living with intention.

    Ultimately, this book helps readers understand that living with intention requires dedication and hard work but can lead to greater satisfaction in life. By following its advice, readers will learn how to make progress towards achieving their dreams while still enjoying the journey.