The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Astronomy 2006

by Michael E. Bakich





  • The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Astronomy is a comprehensive guide to the science of astronomy. Written by Michael E. Bakich, it covers all aspects of the field from its history and development to current research and technology. It provides an overview of astronomical objects such as stars, galaxies, planets, comets, asteroids and nebulae; discusses cosmology and theories about the origin and evolution of the universe; explains how astronomers observe celestial bodies using telescopes; describes space exploration missions; outlines methods for calculating distances in space; examines our solar system's structure and dynamics; explores exoplanets (planets outside our solar system); introduces dark matter and dark energy; investigates black holes, neutron stars, white dwarfs and other exotic objects in deep space.

    The book also includes chapters on stellar evolution—the life cycle of stars—and supernovas—explosions that occur when massive stars die. It looks at how scientists measure time with atomic clocks as well as ancient calendars used by civilizations around the world. Additionally, it covers topics such as astrobiology (the study of life beyond Earth), SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) programs searching for signs of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, artificial satellites orbiting Earth used for communication purposes or scientific experiments.

    In addition to providing detailed information on various topics related to astronomy, The Cambridge Encyclopedia also contains numerous illustrations including photographs taken by spacecrafts like Hubble Space Telescope or Cassini-Huygens mission which explored Saturn’s moons Titan & Enceladus. There are also diagrams showing orbits around planets or star systems along with tables listing important data about different types of astronomical objects.

    This book is suitable both for those who want to learn more about astronomy from scratch as well as experienced amateur astronomers looking for a reliable reference source they can use while observing night sky or doing research projects.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     The Solar System: The Solar System consists of the Sun, eight planets, and numerous other objects such as asteroids, comets, and dwarf planets. It is the only known system in the universe that contains life.

    The Solar System is the only known system in the universe that contains life. It consists of the Sun, eight planets, and numerous other objects such as asteroids, comets, and dwarf planets. The Sun is a star at the center of our Solar System which provides light and heat to all its inhabitants. The eight planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune; each one has unique characteristics that make it distinct from the others.

    Mercury is closest to the Sun and has no atmosphere or moons. Venus is covered by thick clouds made up mostly of carbon dioxide gas. Earth is home to many forms of life including humans who have populated it for thousands of years. Mars has two small moons called Phobos and Deimos as well as an active volcano named Olympus Mons which stands 22 km high! Jupiter is a giant planet with four large moons: Io Europa Ganymede Callisto.

    Saturns most famous feature are its rings composed mainly of ice particles ranging in size from dust grains to boulders! Uranus rotates on its side compared to other planets making it appear sideways when viewed from Earth while Neptune was discovered in 1846 after astronomers noticed irregularities in Uranus orbit indicating another planet beyond it.

    In addition to these major bodies there are also countless smaller objects like asteroids comets meteoroids interplanetary dust etc orbiting around them forming what we call our Solar System – a vast collection of celestial bodies held together by gravity!

  • #2.     The Milky Way Galaxy: The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy containing hundreds of billions of stars, including our own Sun. It is surrounded by a halo of dark matter and is part of a larger group of galaxies known as the Local Group.

    The Milky Way Galaxy is an immense spiral galaxy containing hundreds of billions of stars, including our own Sun. It is surrounded by a halo of dark matter and is part of a larger group of galaxies known as the Local Group. The Milky Way has four main components: the disk, which contains most of the stars; the bulge, which consists mostly of older stars; the halo, which contains globular clusters and other stellar populations; and the interstellar medium, made up primarily of gas and dust.

    The Milky Ways disk is about 100 000 light-years in diameter with a thickness ranging from 300 to 1000 light-years. Its central bulge extends outwards for several thousand light-years. The halo stretches out much further than this – some estimates suggest it may extend up to one million light-years away from its center!

    Our Solar System lies within this vast expanse at around 27 000 light years from its galactic center. We are located on one arm (the Orion Arm) that spirals outward from this core region along with many other arms filled with star systems.

    The Milky Way also contains numerous satellite galaxies such as Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy (SagDEG) etc., all orbiting around it like satellites around their parent planet.

  • #3.     Stars: Stars are massive, luminous spheres of gas that produce energy through nuclear fusion. They come in a variety of sizes, colors, and temperatures, and are the building blocks of galaxies.

    Stars are some of the most fascinating objects in the universe. They come in a variety of sizes, colors, and temperatures, ranging from small red dwarfs to massive blue giants. Stars form when clouds of gas and dust collapse under their own gravity, creating immense pressure at the center that triggers nuclear fusion reactions. This process releases tremendous amounts of energy which is radiated outwards as light and heat.

    The life cycle of stars can be divided into several stages: formation, main sequence burning (where hydrogen is converted to helium), red giant phase (when helium is converted to carbon), planetary nebula stage (when outer layers are expelled) and finally white dwarf or neutron star stage (depending on mass). As stars age they become brighter and hotter until eventually they explode as supernovae.

    Stars play an important role in our understanding of astronomy since they provide us with clues about how galaxies evolve over time. By studying different types of stars we can learn more about stellar evolution processes such as nucleosynthesis – the creation of heavier elements from lighter ones through nuclear fusion reactions inside stars.

  • #4.     Galaxies: Galaxies are collections of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and are the largest structures in the universe.

    Galaxies are some of the most fascinating and awe-inspiring objects in the universe. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from small dwarf galaxies to giant elliptical galaxies that span hundreds of thousands of light years across. Galaxies contain billions or even trillions of stars, along with vast clouds of gas and dust held together by gravity.

    The Milky Way is our home galaxy, containing over 200 billion stars including our own Sun. It is a spiral galaxy with two major arms extending outwards from its center. Other types include barred spirals which have an elongated bar structure at their core, irregulars which lack any distinct shape or pattern, and ellipticals which appear as smooth ovals.

    Galaxies can also be grouped into clusters based on their proximity to one another. These clusters can range from just a few dozen members up to thousands or even millions! Our own Milky Way belongs to the Local Group cluster which contains around 54 galaxies.

  • #5.     Cosmology: Cosmology is the study of the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe. It seeks to explain the physical laws that govern the universe and the formation of galaxies and other structures.

    Cosmology is a fascinating field of study that seeks to understand the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe. It attempts to explain how physical laws govern the formation of galaxies and other structures in space. Cosmologists use observations from telescopes, satellites, and particle accelerators to gain insight into these questions. They also rely on mathematical models and computer simulations to explore different scenarios for how our universe came into being.

    The Big Bang Theory is one of the most widely accepted cosmological theories today. This theory states that about 13.8 billion years ago, all matter in the universe was concentrated in an infinitely dense point known as a singularity before it suddenly expanded outward at an incredibly rapid rate—the so-called “Big Bang” event. Since then, this expansion has continued at an ever-slowing pace as gravity pulls matter together into stars and galaxies.

    Cosmology is constantly evolving with new discoveries made every day by astronomers around the world. As technology advances, we are able to observe more distant objects than ever before which helps us better understand our place in this vast cosmos.

  • #6.     The Big Bang: The Big Bang is the widely accepted theory that the universe began in a single, extremely hot and dense state about 13.8 billion years ago. It is the foundation of modern cosmology.

    The Big Bang is the widely accepted theory that the universe began in a single, extremely hot and dense state about 13.8 billion years ago. It is the foundation of modern cosmology.

    According to this theory, all matter and energy were initially concentrated into an infinitely small point known as a singularity. This singularity then expanded rapidly, creating space and time along with it. As it continued to expand, matter cooled down enough for particles to form atoms which eventually formed stars, galaxies and other structures we see today.

    The evidence for this theory comes from observations of distant galaxies which appear to be moving away from us at speeds proportional to their distance; this phenomenon is known as redshift. Additionally, measurements of cosmic background radiation show that the universe was once much hotter than it is now.

  • #7.     Dark Matter and Dark Energy: Dark matter and dark energy are mysterious substances that make up most of the universe. They are invisible and have yet to be directly observed, but their effects can be seen in the motions of galaxies.

    Dark matter and dark energy are mysterious substances that make up most of the universe. They are invisible and have yet to be directly observed, but their effects can be seen in the motions of galaxies. Dark matter is believed to account for about 85% of all mass in the universe, while dark energy makes up around 68%. This means that these two components together make up more than 95% of all mass-energy in the universe.

    The exact nature of dark matter and dark energy remains unknown, though there are several theories as to what they could be composed of. One popular theory suggests that dark matter consists primarily of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which interact only through gravity and do not emit or absorb light. Another theory proposes that dark energy is a form of vacuum energy associated with empty space.

    Despite our lack of knowledge about them, it is clear that both dark matter and dark energy play an important role in shaping our universe. Without them, galaxies would not exist as we know them today; instead they would fly apart due to their own internal motion.

  • #8.     Extrasolar Planets: Extrasolar planets are planets that orbit stars other than our Sun. They are difficult to detect, but thousands have been discovered in recent years, and many more are expected to be found.

    Extrasolar planets, also known as exoplanets, are planets that orbit stars other than our Sun. They are difficult to detect due to their small size and the vast distances between them and us. However, advances in technology have enabled astronomers to discover thousands of extrasolar planets since the first one was discovered in 1995.

    The majority of these exoplanets have been found using indirect methods such as radial velocity or transit photometry. Radial velocity measures the Doppler shift of a stars spectrum caused by an orbiting planets gravitational pull on it; while transit photometry looks for periodic dips in a stars brightness when an orbiting planet passes between it and Earth.

    These discoveries have revealed many interesting facts about extrasolar planets: they come in all sizes from super-Earths (up to 10 times larger than Earth) down to sub-Neptunes (smaller than Neptune); some orbit very close to their parent stars while others can be hundreds of times farther away; some even orbit two stars at once! With more powerful telescopes being developed every year, we can expect many more exciting discoveries about extrasolar planets in the future.

  • #9.     Life in the Universe: Life in the universe is a topic of great interest and debate. While there is no definitive answer, the possibility of life on other planets is an exciting prospect.

    Life in the universe is a topic of great interest and debate. While there is no definitive answer, the possibility of life on other planets is an exciting prospect. Scientists have long speculated about the potential for extraterrestrial life, and recent discoveries have only increased this speculation. For example, astronomers have identified thousands of exoplanets orbiting distant stars that could potentially host some form of life.

    The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) has been ongoing since 1960 when Frank Drake first proposed it as a scientific endeavor. SETI involves searching for signals from intelligent civilizations beyond Earth using radio telescopes or optical telescopes to detect electromagnetic radiation coming from space. Although no evidence has yet been found, scientists remain hopeful that one day we may find signs of alien life.

    In addition to looking outwardly at other planets and galaxies, researchers are also studying our own planet to better understand how life began here on Earth. By understanding how complex molecules formed in early Earth’s environment and what conditions were necessary for them to evolve into living organisms, scientists hope to gain insight into how similar processes might occur elsewhere in the universe.

    Ultimately, whether or not there is any form of intelligent or even primitive life out there remains unknown; however, with continued research and exploration we may one day be able to answer this age-old question.

  • #10.     Astronomical Instruments: Astronomical instruments are used to observe and measure the properties of celestial objects. They range from simple telescopes to complex space-based observatories.

    Astronomical instruments are essential tools for studying the universe. Telescopes, both ground-based and space-based, are used to observe distant objects in the sky. They can be as simple as a pair of binoculars or as complex as the Hubble Space Telescope. Other instruments such as spectrographs and photometers measure properties of celestial objects like their temperature, composition, and motion.

    Ground-based telescopes use lenses or mirrors to collect light from distant stars and galaxies. The larger the telescopes aperture (the diameter of its lens or mirror), the more light it can gather and thus fainter objects it can detect. Some large telescopes have multiple mirrors that work together to create an even larger effective aperture.

    Space-based observatories provide unique advantages over ground-based ones due to their location outside Earth’s atmosphere. This allows them to observe in wavelengths that would otherwise be blocked by our planet’s atmosphere, such as X-rays and infrared radiation. Additionally, they do not suffer from atmospheric turbulence which blurs images taken with ground based telescopes.

  • #11.     Space Exploration: Space exploration is the study of the universe beyond Earth. It has been conducted by both robotic probes and human astronauts, and has yielded a wealth of knowledge about the universe.

    Space exploration is the study of the universe beyond Earth. It has been conducted by both robotic probes and human astronauts, and has yielded a wealth of knowledge about the universe. Through space exploration, we have discovered new planets, stars, galaxies, and other celestial bodies that were previously unknown to us. We have also gained insight into our own solar systems formation and evolution as well as how it interacts with its environment.

    In addition to providing us with an understanding of our place in the cosmos, space exploration has enabled us to develop technologies that can be used for practical applications here on Earth. For example, satellites are used for communication purposes such as television broadcasts or GPS navigation systems; they can also be used for scientific research such as monitoring climate change or tracking endangered species. Space-based telescopes allow astronomers to observe distant objects in greater detail than ever before.

    The potential benefits from continued space exploration are immense: from gaining further insights into our cosmic origins to discovering resources that could help sustain life on Earth. As technology advances and costs decrease over time, more ambitious projects become possible—such as sending humans deeper into outer space or establishing permanent settlements on other worlds.

  • #12.     The Sun: The Sun is the closest star to Earth and is the source of most of the energy that sustains life on our planet. It is a medium-sized star, and its activity can be observed from Earth.

    The Sun is the closest star to Earth and is the source of most of the energy that sustains life on our planet. It is a medium-sized star, with a diameter of 1.4 million kilometers (870,000 miles). Its mass accounts for 99.86% of all matter in the Solar System.

    The Suns activity can be observed from Earth through its visible light output, which varies over an 11-year cycle known as the solar cycle. During this time, sunspots appear and disappear on its surface due to changes in magnetic fields within it. The number and size of these spots are used to measure solar activity.

    The Sun also emits other forms of radiation such as X-rays and ultraviolet rays which can affect Earths atmosphere and climate. These emissions are monitored by satellites orbiting around it.

  • #13.     The Moon: The Moon is Earth’s only natural satellite and is the only object in the Solar System to have been visited by humans. It has a unique geology and is the source of many interesting phenomena.

    The Moon is Earth’s only natural satellite and is the only object in the Solar System to have been visited by humans. It has a unique geology that sets it apart from other celestial bodies, making it an interesting subject of study for astronomers. The Moons surface features are heavily cratered due to its lack of atmosphere, which also means that there is no weathering or erosion on its surface. Its gravitational pull creates tides on Earth and causes eclipses when it passes between the Sun and Earth.

    The Moons orbit around Earth takes 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes and 11 seconds to complete one revolution. This period of time is known as a lunar month because it corresponds with the length of time between full moons. During this cycle, we can observe different phases of the moon such as waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter and waning crescent.

    The far side of the Moon was not seen until 1959 when Soviet spacecraft Luna 3 took pictures from space. Since then many more missions have been sent to explore our closest neighbor in space including Apollo 11 which landed two astronauts on its surface in 1969 becoming humanity’s first successful mission to another world.

  • #14.     Asteroids and Comets: Asteroids and comets are small bodies that orbit the Sun. They are remnants of the formation of the Solar System and can be studied to gain insight into its history.

    Asteroids and comets are small bodies that orbit the Sun. They are remnants of the formation of the Solar System, and can provide us with valuable insight into its history. Asteroids are made up mostly of rock and metal, while comets contain a mixture of ice, dust, and rocky material. Both asteroids and comets have been studied extensively by astronomers over the years in order to better understand their composition, structure, origin, evolution, dynamics within our Solar System.

    Asteroids range in size from several hundred kilometers across down to tiny pebbles just a few millimeters wide. Most asteroids lie between Mars and Jupiter in an area known as the asteroid belt; however some asteroids have orbits that cross Earths path around the Sun or even come close enough for us to observe them through telescopes on Earth.

    Comets also vary greatly in size but tend to be much smaller than asteroids; they typically measure only a few kilometers across at most. Comets usually originate from beyond Neptunes orbit in an area called the Oort Cloud before being pulled towards our inner Solar System by gravitational forces such as those exerted by planets like Jupiter or passing stars. As they approach closer to our Sun their icy surfaces begin to heat up causing gas and dust particles to be released creating what is known as a comet’s tail.

  • #15.     The Solar System’s Formation: The Solar System formed about 4.6 billion years ago from a cloud of gas and dust. Its formation is thought to have been triggered by a nearby supernova explosion.

    The Solar System formed about 4.6 billion years ago from a cloud of gas and dust. Its formation is thought to have been triggered by a nearby supernova explosion. This event caused the cloud to collapse in on itself, forming a rotating disk-like structure known as the protoplanetary disk.

    As this disk cooled, it began to form clumps of material that eventually became planets and other objects such as asteroids and comets. The Sun was born at the center of this process, with its immense gravity drawing in more matter from the surrounding area.

    Over time, these objects collided with each other or were pulled together by their mutual gravitational attraction until they reached their current orbits around the Sun. In addition to planets, moons were also formed during this period through collisions between larger bodies.

    Today, our Solar System consists of eight major planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune), five dwarf planets (Ceres Pluto Haumea Makemake Eris) numerous smaller bodies such as asteroids and comets orbiting around our star –the Sun– which provides us with light energy for life on Earth.

  • #16.     The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) is an effort to detect signals from intelligent civilizations in other parts of the universe. It has been conducted for decades, but no signals have yet been detected.

    The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) is an effort to detect signals from intelligent civilizations in other parts of the universe. It has been conducted for decades, using a variety of methods such as radio telescopes and optical telescopes. SETI searches are typically conducted by scanning large areas of the sky for narrow-bandwidth signals that could be indicative of extraterrestrial intelligence. These signals may include anything from laser pulses to modulated radio waves.

    In addition to searching for these types of signals, SETI also looks at stars and planets around them in order to determine if they might host life or have conditions suitable for it. This includes looking at their size, temperature, composition, age and distance from Earth. If any star or planet meets certain criteria then it is considered a potential candidate for hosting life.

    Despite decades of research no definitive evidence has yet been found indicating the presence of extraterrestrial intelligence. However this does not mean that there isnt any out there; rather it means that we havent yet detected any signs pointing towards its existence.

  • #17.     The Search for Habitable Worlds: The Search for Habitable Worlds is an effort to identify planets that could potentially support life. It is a difficult task, but recent advances in technology have made it more feasible.

    The Search for Habitable Worlds is an ongoing effort to identify planets that could potentially support life. It involves a combination of observations and theoretical calculations, as well as the development of new technologies to aid in the search. Astronomers use a variety of techniques to detect exoplanets, including radial velocity measurements, transit photometry, direct imaging, and astrometry. Once detected, astronomers can then analyze the data collected on these planets to determine their size and composition.

    In addition to detecting exoplanets, scientists must also consider whether or not they are capable of supporting life. This requires looking at factors such as temperature range (too hot or too cold), atmospheric pressure (too high or too low), presence of liquid water (essential for most known forms of life) and other environmental conditions that may be necessary for habitability. Theoretical models are used to estimate these parameters based on what we know about our own Solar System.

    Recent advances in technology have made it possible for us to detect more distant worlds than ever before. In particular, space-based telescopes like NASA’s Kepler mission have been able to observe thousands of stars simultaneously over long periods of time – allowing us unprecedented insight into planetary systems beyond our own Solar System.

    The Search for Habitable Worlds is an exciting field with many potential discoveries still waiting out there in the cosmos! As technology continues advancing and our understanding grows deeper each day – who knows what secrets will be revealed?

  • #18.     The Search for Earth-like Planets: The Search for Earth-like Planets is an effort to identify planets that are similar to Earth in size, composition, and other characteristics. Such planets could potentially support life.

    The Search for Earth-like Planets is an ongoing effort to identify planets that are similar to our own in size, composition, and other characteristics. These planets could potentially support life as we know it. To do this, astronomers use a variety of techniques such as radial velocity measurements, transit photometry, astrometry, and direct imaging. Radial velocity measurements measure the Doppler shift of stars caused by orbiting planets; transit photometry measures the dimming of light from a star when a planet passes in front of it; astrometry measures the tiny wobble in a stars position due to gravitational pull from its orbiting planets; and direct imaging takes pictures of exoplanets directly.

    In addition to these methods, scientists also look for signs that indicate potential habitability on any given planet. This includes looking at factors like temperature range (too hot or too cold), atmospheric pressure (too high or too low), presence of liquid water (essential for life as we know it) and more. By combining all these different techniques together with computer simulations and models, astronomers can get an idea if any particular exoplanet might be suitable for hosting life.

  • #19.     The Search for Life in the Solar System: The Search for Life in the Solar System is an effort to identify signs of life on other planets and moons in our Solar System. It has yielded some interesting results, but no definitive evidence of life has yet been found.

    The Search for Life in the Solar System is an ongoing effort to identify signs of life on other planets and moons in our Solar System. Scientists have been looking for evidence of life beyond Earth since the dawn of modern astronomy, but it wasnt until recently that technology advanced enough to allow us to search more thoroughly. In recent years, spacecraft have been sent out to explore Mars, Jupiters moon Europa, Saturns moon Titan, and other places where conditions might be favorable for life.

    So far, these efforts have yielded some interesting results. For example, scientists believe they may have found evidence of liquid water on Mars and Europa which could potentially support microbial life forms. On Titan there are organic molecules that could form the basis for a primitive biosphere if given the right conditions. However, no definitive evidence of extraterrestrial life has yet been found.

    The Search for Life in the Solar System continues as new technologies become available and missions are launched into space with ever-increasing sophistication. It is hoped that one day we will find conclusive proof that we are not alone in this vast universe.

  • #20.     The Search for Life Beyond the Solar System: The Search for Life Beyond the Solar System is an effort to identify signs of life on planets orbiting other stars. It is a difficult task, but recent advances in technology have made it more feasible.

    The Search for Life Beyond the Solar System is an ambitious endeavor to identify signs of life on planets orbiting other stars. It is a difficult task, as these exoplanets are incredibly distant and hard to observe. However, recent advances in technology have made it more feasible than ever before. Telescopes such as the Hubble Space Telescope and ground-based observatories like the Very Large Array have enabled astronomers to detect faint signals from far away worlds that may be capable of supporting life.

    In addition, new techniques such as spectroscopy allow scientists to analyze light from distant stars and determine what elements are present in their atmospheres. This can provide clues about whether or not a planet has conditions suitable for sustaining life forms. For example, if oxygen is detected in an exoplanet’s atmosphere then this could indicate that photosynthetic organisms exist there.

    The search for extraterrestrial life beyond our solar system continues with great enthusiasm among astronomers around the world. With each passing year we learn more about our universe and its potential inhabitants – perhaps one day soon we will find definitive evidence of alien civilizations!