The Cat Bible: Everything Your Cat Expects You to Know 2005

by Tracie Hotchner





  • The Cat Bible: Everything Your Cat Expects You to Know by Tracie Hotchner is a comprehensive guide for cat owners. It covers all aspects of caring for cats, from nutrition and health care to behavior and training. The book begins with an introduction that explains the importance of understanding your cat’s needs in order to provide them with the best possible life. This section also provides tips on how to create a safe and comfortable home environment for your pet.

    The next section focuses on nutrition, discussing what types of food are best for cats as well as how much they should be eating each day. It also includes information about supplements, treats, and other dietary considerations such as allergies or special diets. Following this is a chapter devoted entirely to health care which outlines common illnesses and injuries that can affect cats along with advice on when it’s necessary to take them to the vet.

    The third part of the book looks at behavior issues such as aggression, litter box problems, scratching furniture or carpets, excessive meowing or vocalizing, etc., providing solutions for each one. There is also a chapter dedicated solely to playtime activities that will help keep your cat entertained while helping you bond with them more closely.

    Finally there is an extensive section devoted specifically to training techniques including clicker training methods as well as positive reinforcement strategies like rewards-based systems. The book concludes with helpful resources such as recommended books and websites related to feline care.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Provide your cat with a safe and secure environment: Cats need a safe and secure environment to feel comfortable and secure. This includes providing them with a litter box, food and water, and a place to hide and sleep.

    Cats need a safe and secure environment to feel comfortable and secure. This means providing them with the necessary items for their physical and mental wellbeing, such as a litter box, food and water dishes, scratching posts or pads, toys, beds or blankets for sleeping in comfort, and hiding places. It is also important to provide your cat with plenty of opportunities for exercise by playing games together or allowing them access to an outdoor area.

    Creating a safe space can also involve making sure that all windows are securely closed so cats cannot escape outside; keeping electrical cords out of reach; using childproof locks on cupboards where dangerous chemicals may be stored; ensuring that any plants in the home are non-toxic if ingested; avoiding leaving small objects lying around which could be swallowed by curious cats; regularly checking furniture for signs of damage from claws or teeth marks.

    By creating an environment tailored specifically to your cat’s needs you will help ensure they remain happy and healthy throughout their life.

  • #2.     Understand your cat's behavior: Cats communicate through body language and vocalizations, and it is important to understand these signals in order to better understand your cat's needs and wants.

    Cats communicate through body language and vocalizations, and it is important to understand these signals in order to better understand your cats needs and wants. Cats use their tails, ears, eyes, whiskers, fur patterns, meows and purrs to express themselves. By paying attention to the subtle changes in your cat’s behavior you can learn a lot about what they are feeling or trying to tell you.

    For example if your cat has its tail up high with the tip twitching this could mean that they are alert or curious about something. If their tail is tucked between their legs then this could be an indication of fear or insecurity. Similarly if their ears are flattened back against their head then this usually means that they feel threatened by something.

    It is also important to pay attention to how loud your cat’s meow is as well as the pitch of it. A louder meow may indicate that they want something from you such as food or attention while a softer one might mean that they just want some company. Additionally cats will often purr when content so if you hear them doing this then chances are everything is alright.

    By understanding these signals from your cat you can create a stronger bond with them which will help ensure both of you have happy lives together!

  • #3.     Feed your cat a balanced diet: Cats need a balanced diet of high-quality food that is appropriate for their age and activity level. This includes wet and dry food, as well as treats.

    Feeding your cat a balanced diet is essential for their health and wellbeing. High-quality food that is appropriate for their age and activity level should be the foundation of their diet. This includes wet and dry food, as well as treats. Wet food provides moisture which helps to keep cats hydrated, while dry food can help with dental hygiene by scraping away plaque from teeth. Treats are also important in providing variety to your cats diet, but should only make up 10% or less of their daily caloric intake.

    When selecting a commercial pet food, look for one that has been formulated specifically for cats and contains all the necessary nutrients they need such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Avoid foods with artificial colors or preservatives as these can cause digestive issues in some cats. Additionally, it’s important to feed your cat at regular intervals throughout the day so they dont become overly hungry between meals.

  • #4.     Provide your cat with mental stimulation: Cats need mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy. This can include interactive toys, scratching posts, and playtime with you.

    Providing your cat with mental stimulation is an important part of keeping them healthy and happy. There are a variety of ways to do this, such as interactive toys, scratching posts, and playtime with you. Interactive toys can help keep cats entertained for hours on end by providing them with something to focus their attention on. Scratching posts provide cats with a way to express their natural instinctive behavior while also helping to keep their claws in good condition. Finally, playing games or engaging in activities together can be a great way for you and your cat to bond while also giving them the mental stimulation they need.

    When it comes to choosing the right type of toy or activity for your cat, it’s important that you take into account their individual personality and preferences. Some cats may prefer chasing after balls or feathers while others might enjoy puzzle-type toys that require problem solving skills. Experimenting with different types of activities will help you find out what works best for your pet.

    In addition to providing physical exercise through playtime, make sure that you spend quality time interacting directly with your cat each day too. This could include brushing them gently or simply talking softly so they know they have your full attention.

  • #5.     Keep your cat's litter box clean: Cats are very particular about their litter boxes, and it is important to keep them clean and free of odors.

    Cats are very particular about their litter boxes, and it is important to keep them clean and free of odors. This means scooping out the waste at least once a day, or more often if you have multiple cats. Its also important to completely empty and scrub the box with warm water and mild detergent every week or two. If your cat has an aversion to certain types of litter, try switching brands until you find one that works for both of you.

    In addition to regular cleaning, its also important to make sure the litter box is in a quiet area away from loud noises or other disturbances that may cause stress for your cat. The location should be easily accessible so they can get in and out quickly without feeling threatened by other animals or people.

    Finally, dont forget about odor control! There are many products available on the market specifically designed for controlling pet odors such as sprays, air fresheners, deodorizers, etc., but natural solutions like baking soda can work just as well. Sprinkle some baking soda into the bottom of the litter box before adding fresh litter each time – this will help absorb any unpleasant smells.

  • #6.     Groom your cat regularly: Regular grooming is important for cats to stay healthy and clean. This includes brushing, bathing, and trimming nails.

    Regular grooming is an important part of keeping your cat healthy and clean. Brushing, bathing, and trimming nails are all essential parts of a regular grooming routine. Brushing helps to remove dead fur and dirt from the coat, as well as distribute natural oils throughout the fur for a glossy shine. Bathing can help keep your cats skin free from parasites or other irritants that may be present in their environment. Trimming nails regularly will help prevent them from becoming too long and uncomfortable for your cat.

    When brushing your cat, use a brush specifically designed for cats with soft bristles that wont scratch or irritate their skin. Start at the head and work down towards the tail using gentle strokes in one direction only - never brush against the grain of their fur! When it comes to bathing time, make sure you use warm water (not hot) along with a mild shampoo formulated especially for cats.

    Finally, when trimming nails always use sharp clippers made specifically for cats so you dont accidentally cut into any sensitive areas on their paws. Be sure to reward your kitty after each session with lots of love and treats! With regular grooming sessions like these, youll have a happy and healthy feline companion.

  • #7.     Provide your cat with regular veterinary care: Regular veterinary care is important for cats to stay healthy and prevent illnesses. This includes vaccinations, parasite prevention, and regular check-ups.

    Regular veterinary care is essential for cats to stay healthy and prevent illnesses. Vaccinations are important to protect your cat from contagious diseases, while parasite prevention can help keep them free of fleas, ticks, and other parasites. Regular check-ups with a veterinarian will also ensure that any health issues are caught early on before they become more serious.

    Your vet should be able to provide advice on the best diet for your cat as well as recommend appropriate exercise levels. They can also advise you on how often your cat needs vaccinations or parasite treatments. It’s important to take their advice seriously in order to keep your pet healthy.

    If you notice any changes in behavior or physical appearance in your cat, it’s always best to consult with a vet right away. This could be anything from excessive scratching or licking of fur, weight loss/gain, vomiting/diarrhea, changes in appetite or energy level – all of which could indicate an underlying medical issue.

    By providing regular veterinary care for your cat throughout its life you can help ensure that it stays happy and healthy for many years!

  • #8.     Train your cat: Training your cat can help them learn good behaviors and can help you better understand their needs and wants.

    Training your cat can be a rewarding experience for both you and your pet. It helps them learn good behaviors, such as using the litter box, not scratching furniture or people, and coming when called. Training also allows you to better understand their needs and wants so that you can provide them with an enriched environment.

    The Cat Bible: Everything Your Cat Expects You to Know by Tracie Hotchner is a great resource for learning how to train your cat. The book covers topics such as understanding feline body language, teaching basic commands like sit and stay, introducing new cats into the home, dealing with problem behaviors like aggression or inappropriate elimination habits, and more. With step-by-step instructions on how to properly train your cat in each of these areas, this book will help ensure that both you and your furry friend have a happy relationship.

  • #9.     Introduce new cats slowly: When introducing a new cat to your home, it is important to do so slowly and carefully to ensure a smooth transition.

    When introducing a new cat to your home, it is important to do so slowly and carefully. Start by keeping the cats separated in different rooms for several days or even weeks. This will give them time to get used to each others scent without having direct contact. During this period, you can also start feeding them on either side of a closed door so they become familiar with one anothers presence.

    Once the cats seem comfortable with each other’s scent, you can begin supervised visits in neutral territory such as a bathroom or laundry room. Allow plenty of time for these visits and be sure that both cats have access to food, water, litter boxes and toys during their interactions. If there are any signs of aggression between the two cats during these meetings, separate them immediately.

    If all goes well after several supervised visits then you can gradually introduce the new cat into your home environment while continuing to monitor their behavior closely. Make sure that both cats have access to resources such as food bowls and litter boxes throughout your house so neither feels threatened by the other’s presence.

  • #10.     Understand your cat's needs: Cats have different needs than humans, and it is important to understand these needs in order to provide them with the best care.

    Cats are unique creatures with their own individual personalities and needs. It is important to understand these needs in order to provide them with the best care possible. Cats need a safe, comfortable environment that meets all of their physical and emotional requirements. This includes providing them with adequate nutrition, exercise, mental stimulation, social interaction, grooming and veterinary care.

    Providing your cat with proper nutrition is essential for its health and wellbeing. A balanced diet should include high-quality proteins from animal sources as well as carbohydrates from grains or vegetables. Additionally, cats require certain vitamins and minerals which can be found in specially formulated cat food or supplements.

    Exercise is also an important part of a healthy lifestyle for cats. Regular playtime helps keep cats active both physically and mentally while also helping to reduce stress levels. Toys such as scratching posts or interactive toys can help encourage activity.

    Mental stimulation is just as important for cats as it is for humans; boredom can lead to destructive behaviors such as excessive meowing or scratching furniture. Providing your cat with stimulating activities like puzzle feeders or hiding treats around the house will help keep them engaged.

    Social interaction plays an integral role in keeping cats happy and healthy; they need companionship just like any other pet! Spending quality time playing together each day will help strengthen the bond between you two while providing much needed mental stimulation.

    Grooming not only keeps your cat looking good but it’s also beneficial for their overall health by removing dirt, debris, parasites etc.. Brushing regularly helps remove excess fur which reduces shedding around the home while regular nail trims prevent overgrown nails from becoming painful when walking on hard surfaces.

    Finally, regular visits to the vet are necessary in order ensure that your cat remains healthy throughout its life span; vaccinations against common diseases should be kept up-to-date along with routine checkups every 6 months (or more frequently if recommended).

  • #11.     Provide your cat with a scratching post: Scratching posts are important for cats to keep their claws healthy and to prevent them from scratching furniture.

    Providing your cat with a scratching post is essential for their health and wellbeing. Scratching posts help cats keep their claws healthy by allowing them to stretch and exercise the muscles in their paws, as well as providing an outlet for natural behaviors such as clawing and stretching. Additionally, having a designated scratching post can prevent cats from damaging furniture or other household items.

    When selecting a scratching post, its important to choose one that is sturdy enough to withstand regular use. Look for posts made of sisal rope or carpet-covered wood; these materials are ideal because they provide good traction for cats claws while also being durable enough to last through many uses. Its also important to make sure the post is tall enough so that your cat can fully extend its body when using it.

    Finally, be sure to place the scratching post in an area where your cat likes to spend time—this will encourage them to use it more often! You may even want to sprinkle some catnip on the post occasionally if you find that your kitty isnt using it regularly.

  • #12.     Provide your cat with a place to hide: Cats need a place to hide and feel safe, such as a cat tree or a cardboard box.

    Cats need a place to hide and feel safe, just like humans do. Providing your cat with a designated hiding spot can help them feel secure in their environment. A great option is to get a cat tree or scratching post that has an enclosed area for your cat to retreat into when they are feeling overwhelmed or scared. You could also provide them with a cardboard box that they can crawl into if they want some privacy.

    Having this kind of space available will give your cat the opportunity to take time out from socializing and exploring, which is important for their mental health and wellbeing. It’s also beneficial for cats who live in multi-cat households as it gives each one their own personal space away from the others.

    If you don’t have room for a large structure such as a cat tree, there are other options available too. For example, you could create an enclosed corner using furniture or boxes where your cat can go when they need some alone time.

  • #13.     Understand your cat's body language: Cats communicate through body language, and it is important to understand these signals in order to better understand your cat's needs and wants.

    Cats communicate through body language, and it is important to understand these signals in order to better understand your cats needs and wants. Cats use a variety of postures, facial expressions, vocalizations, and tail movements to express their feelings. By learning how to interpret these signs you can gain insight into what your cat is trying to tell you.

    When a cat feels threatened or scared they may crouch down low with their ears flattened against the head. This posture indicates fear or submission. If your cat has its back arched up high with fur standing on end this could be an indication that they are feeling defensive or aggressive towards something.

    A relaxed cat will have its eyes half-closed and its tail held loosely in the air while walking around. When cats are content they often purr which is usually accompanied by kneading motions with their paws as well as rubbing against people or objects nearby. A happy kitty may also roll over onto its back exposing its belly for petting.

    It’s important to pay attention when interacting with your feline friend so that you can accurately read their body language and respond appropriately. Understanding what your cat is trying to tell you will help create a stronger bond between the two of you!

  • #14.     Provide your cat with toys: Toys are important for cats to stay mentally stimulated and to prevent boredom.

    Providing your cat with toys is an important part of keeping them mentally stimulated and preventing boredom. Toys can help cats stay active, engaged, and entertained while also providing a safe outlet for their natural hunting instincts. Cat toys come in all shapes and sizes, from simple balls or feathers to interactive puzzles that require problem-solving skills. Some cats may prefer one type of toy over another, so it’s important to experiment with different types until you find the ones they like best.

    When selecting toys for your cat, look for those made specifically for cats as these are designed to be safe and durable. Avoid any small parts that could be swallowed or chewed off as these can pose a choking hazard. Additionally, make sure the materials used are non-toxic since some cats may try to chew on them or even eat them!

    It’s also important to provide variety when it comes to playtime by rotating out old toys with new ones every few weeks. This will keep things interesting and prevent boredom from setting in too quickly.

  • #15.     Understand your cat's social needs: Cats are social animals and need interaction with other cats and humans in order to stay healthy and happy.

    Cats are social animals and need interaction with other cats and humans in order to stay healthy and happy. Cats can form strong bonds with their owners, as well as other cats they live with or meet regularly. It is important for cat owners to provide their pet with plenty of opportunities for socialization, such as playtime, cuddles, grooming sessions, and even trips outside the home.

    In addition to providing your cat with companionship from you or another feline friend, it is also important that your cat has access to a variety of toys that will keep them entertained when alone. Toys should be rotated often so that your cat does not become bored; this will help prevent destructive behaviors like scratching furniture or urinating outside the litter box.

    Finally, make sure you give your cat plenty of love and attention! Petting them frequently helps build trust between you two while also providing mental stimulation. Additionally, try talking softly to them during these moments – cats may not understand what we’re saying but they do recognize our tone of voice which can help create a stronger bond between the two of you.

  • #16.     Understand your cat's hunting instincts: Cats have natural hunting instincts, and it is important to understand these instincts in order to provide them with appropriate toys and activities.

    Cats are natural hunters, and it is important to understand their hunting instincts in order to provide them with the best possible care. Cats have an innate drive to hunt, stalk, and capture prey. This instinctive behavior can be seen when cats play with toys or chase after a laser pointer. It is also important for owners to recognize that cats may become frustrated if they cannot satisfy this instinct.

    Providing your cat with appropriate toys and activities can help fulfill their need to hunt. Toys such as feather wands or balls of yarn that mimic prey will give your cat something safe and fun to practice their hunting skills on. You can also create interactive games like hide-and-seek where you hide treats around the house for your cat to find.

    It is essential for owners of indoor cats especially, who do not have access to outdoor spaces where they could naturally hunt, that they provide opportunities for their cats’ hunting instincts to be satisfied in a safe environment.

  • #17.     Provide your cat with a comfortable bed: Cats need a comfortable bed to sleep in and feel safe.

    Providing your cat with a comfortable bed is essential for their health and wellbeing. A good quality bed should be large enough to allow them to stretch out, but small enough that they feel secure and safe. It should also provide plenty of cushioning so that your cat can rest comfortably without any pressure points or discomfort.

    Look for beds made from materials like memory foam, which will conform to the shape of your cat’s body and provide extra support. If you have multiple cats in the house, make sure each one has its own bed so they don’t have to compete for space. You may even want to consider getting an elevated bed if you live in a multi-level home.

    Finally, it’s important to keep your cat’s bed clean by washing it regularly with pet-safe detergent. This will help ensure that your furry friend stays healthy and happy!

  • #18.     Understand your cat's sleep needs: Cats need a lot of sleep, and it is important to provide them with a comfortable and quiet place to sleep.

    Cats need a lot of sleep, and it is important to provide them with a comfortable and quiet place to sleep. Cats typically spend up to 16 hours per day sleeping, so its essential that their sleeping area be as cozy and inviting as possible. A cat bed or blanket in an out-of-the-way spot can help your cat feel safe and secure while they rest. Make sure the bedding is soft enough for your cat to curl up in comfortably, but also thick enough that they wont get cold during the night.

    Its also important to keep noise levels low when cats are trying to sleep; loud noises can startle them awake or disrupt their slumber. If you have other pets in the house, make sure there is plenty of space between them so that one pet doesnt disturb another while theyre resting. Additionally, try not to move around too much near where your cat sleeps; sudden movements may scare them away from their favorite napping spot.

    Finally, if you notice any changes in your cats sleeping habits—such as difficulty falling asleep or waking frequently throughout the night—it could be a sign of an underlying medical issue such as anxiety or pain. In this case, it’s best to consult with your veterinarian right away.

  • #19.     Understand your cat's grooming needs: Cats need regular grooming to stay healthy and clean, and it is important to understand their grooming needs in order to provide them with the best care.

    Cats are naturally clean animals and they groom themselves regularly. However, cats can benefit from regular brushing and combing to help keep their coats healthy and free of mats or tangles. Regular grooming also helps remove dirt, debris, parasites, and allergens that may be present in the coat.

    In addition to brushing your cat’s fur regularly, you should also trim their nails as needed. This will help prevent them from scratching furniture or people accidentally. You should also check for any lumps or bumps on your cat’s skin during grooming sessions so that any potential health issues can be addressed quickly.

    Finally, it is important to provide your cat with a safe place to groom itself such as a scratching post or other designated area where they can scratch without damaging furniture or carpets. By understanding your cats grooming needs and providing them with the necessary tools for proper care, you can ensure that they stay happy and healthy.

  • #20.     Understand your cat's environmental needs: Cats need a safe and secure environment to feel comfortable and secure, and it is important to understand their environmental needs in order to provide them with the best care.

    Cats need a safe and secure environment to feel comfortable and content. This means providing them with plenty of places to hide, such as cat trees or boxes, so they can retreat when feeling overwhelmed or scared. It also means making sure their litter box is in an area that is easily accessible but not too close to where they eat or sleep.

    Providing your cats with toys and scratching posts will help keep them entertained and give them something to do other than scratch furniture. Additionally, it’s important to make sure the temperature in your home is comfortable for cats—not too hot or cold—and that there are no drafts coming from windows or doors.

    Finally, it’s essential that you provide your cats with regular veterinary care so any health issues can be addressed quickly. Regular check-ups will ensure your cat stays healthy and happy for years to come.