The Cat Who Cried for Help: Attitudes, Emotions, and the Psychology of Cats 1997

by Nicholas Dodman





  • The Cat Who Cried for Help: Attitudes, Emotions, and the Psychology of Cats by Nicholas Dodman is a book that explores the inner lives of cats. It examines how cats think, feel, and interact with their environment. The author draws on his experience as an animal behaviorist to explain why cats do what they do and how we can better understand them. He also provides practical advice on how to create a healthy relationship between humans and cats.

    Dodman begins by discussing the history of cat domestication and its effects on feline behavior. He explains that while some behaviors are instinctive in all cats, others have been shaped by centuries of living alongside humans. This has resulted in many unique traits such as purring or kneading which are not seen in wildcats.

    He then goes into detail about various aspects of cat psychology including communication methods (such as meowing), socialization patterns (including dominance hierarchies), playfulness, fear responses, aggression towards other animals or people, attachment issues (separation anxiety) and more.

    Throughout the book Dodman emphasizes that it is important to recognize each individual cat’s personality when trying to understand their behavior. He also stresses the importance of providing enrichment activities for indoor cats so they don’t become bored or frustrated with their environment.

    Finally he offers advice on dealing with problem behaviors such as scratching furniture or urinating outside the litter box. His solutions involve understanding why these behaviors occur rather than punishing them outright – something he believes will lead to happier relationships between owners and their pets.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Cats are intelligent and emotional creatures: Cats are capable of complex emotions and behaviors, and they can be trained to understand and respond to their owners. They are also capable of forming strong bonds with their owners and other animals.

    Cats are highly intelligent and emotional creatures. They can form strong bonds with their owners, as well as other animals, and they have the capacity to understand and respond to their owners’ commands. Cats also possess a wide range of emotions, from joy to fear, anger to sadness. This means that cats can be trained in ways that many other animals cannot – they can learn tricks or even recognize certain words or phrases.

    In addition to being emotionally complex creatures, cats also display a variety of behaviors which indicate how they feel about different situations. For example, when feeling threatened or scared cats may hiss or growl; when contented they may purr; when curious they may explore new objects; and when happy they may rub against their owners legs.

    The Cat Who Cried for Help: Attitudes, Emotions, and the Psychology of Cats by Nicholas Dodman provides an insightful look into the minds of these fascinating creatures. It explores how cats think and feel in order to better understand them so we can provide them with the best possible care.

  • #2.     Cats can suffer from psychological disorders: Cats can suffer from a variety of psychological disorders, such as separation anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. These disorders can be treated with a combination of medication, behavior modification, and environmental enrichment.

    Cats can suffer from a variety of psychological disorders, just like humans. Separation anxiety is one such disorder that cats may experience when they are separated from their owners or other animals in the home. Symptoms of separation anxiety include excessive vocalization, destructive behavior, and inappropriate elimination.

    Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is another common psychological disorder seen in cats. Cats with OCD will engage in repetitive behaviors such as grooming themselves excessively or pacing back and forth for long periods of time. This type of behavior can be caused by stress or boredom.

    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is also seen in cats who have experienced traumatic events such as abuse or abandonment. Symptoms of PTSD include fearfulness, aggression towards people and other animals, hiding away from people and other animals, changes in appetite and sleep patterns, increased vocalization, and inappropriate elimination.

    Fortunately there are treatments available to help cats suffering from these psychological disorders. Medication may be prescribed to reduce symptoms while behavioral modification techniques can help modify the cat’s response to stressful situations. Environmental enrichment activities such as providing toys for playtime or introducing new scents into the environment can also help reduce stress levels.

  • #3.     Cats communicate through body language: Cats communicate with their owners and other animals through body language, vocalizations, and scent marking. Understanding these signals can help owners better understand their cats and provide them with the best care.

    Cats communicate with their owners and other animals through body language, vocalizations, and scent marking. Body language is an important form of communication for cats; they use it to express a variety of emotions such as fear, aggression, playfulness, or contentment. Understanding these signals can help owners better understand their cats and provide them with the best care.

    Cat body language includes facial expressions like widening eyes or flattening ears; tail movements such as twitching or lashing; postures like arching the back or crouching down low; and physical contact such as rubbing against people’s legs. Cats also make various sounds including meows, purrs, hisses, growls, chirps and trills. Finally cats mark their territory by leaving behind scents from glands located on their cheeks and paws.

    By paying attention to your cat’s body language you can learn what they are trying to tell you. For example if your cat arches its back when you approach it may be feeling threatened while if it rubs against your leg it could be expressing affection. By understanding how cats communicate through body language owners can create stronger bonds with their pets.

  • #4.     Cats need environmental enrichment: Cats need environmental enrichment to stay healthy and happy. This includes providing them with toys, scratching posts, and other activities to keep them mentally and physically stimulated.

    Cats need environmental enrichment to stay healthy and happy. This includes providing them with toys, scratching posts, and other activities that will keep them mentally and physically stimulated. Toys can help cats express their natural hunting instincts by allowing them to stalk, chase, pounce on, and capture prey-like objects. Scratching posts provide an outlet for cats’ instinctive behavior of clawing at surfaces as well as a way for them to mark their territory with scent glands in their paws. Additionally, interactive playtime with humans or other animals can be beneficial for cats both mentally and physically.

    Environmental enrichment should also include hiding places where cats can retreat when they feel overwhelmed or stressed out. Cats are naturally solitary creatures who enjoy having a safe place to hide away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Providing your cat with plenty of hiding spots around the house will give her a sense of security while still allowing her access to all the fun activities you have provided.

    Finally, it is important to remember that each cat has different needs when it comes to environmental enrichment so make sure you take time getting to know your individual pet’s preferences before deciding what type of stimulation she would benefit from most.

  • #5.     Cats can be trained: Cats can be trained to respond to commands and perform tricks. This can help owners better understand their cats and provide them with the best care.

    Cats can be trained to respond to commands and perform tricks, just like dogs. This type of training helps owners better understand their cats and provide them with the best care. Training a cat requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. It is important to reward your cat for good behavior while also providing gentle corrections when necessary. Cats are intelligent creatures that can learn quickly if given the right motivation.

    Training a cat should begin with basic commands such as “sit” or “come” which will help establish trust between you and your pet. Once these basics have been mastered, more complex tasks such as fetching objects or walking on a leash can be taught. With enough practice, cats can even learn how to use the toilet!

    In addition to teaching obedience skills, training cats provides mental stimulation which helps keep them healthy both physically and mentally. It also strengthens the bond between owner and pet by creating an environment where they both feel safe and secure.

  • #6.     Cats need regular veterinary care: Cats need regular veterinary care to stay healthy and happy. This includes vaccinations, parasite control, and regular check-ups.

    Cats need regular veterinary care to stay healthy and happy. This includes vaccinations, parasite control, and regular check-ups. Vaccinations help protect cats from serious illnesses such as feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and rabies. Parasite control is important for preventing fleas, ticks, heartworms, and other parasites that can cause health problems in cats. Regular check-ups are also essential for detecting any potential health issues early on so they can be treated quickly before they become more serious.

    In addition to these preventive measures, it’s important to keep an eye out for signs of illness or injury in your cat. If you notice anything unusual about your cat’s behavior or appearance – such as changes in appetite or weight loss – take them to the vet right away. Early detection of a problem can make all the difference when it comes to treating it successfully.

    Regular veterinary care is one of the best ways you can ensure your cat stays healthy throughout their life. It’s also a great way to build a relationship with your veterinarian so that if there ever is an emergency situation with your pet, you have someone who knows them well enough to provide appropriate treatment.

  • #7.     Cats need proper nutrition: Cats need proper nutrition to stay healthy and happy. This includes providing them with a balanced diet and fresh water.

    Cats need proper nutrition to stay healthy and happy. This includes providing them with a balanced diet that is rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water. Cats are obligate carnivores so their diets should be composed of mostly animal-based proteins such as chicken or fish. They also require essential fatty acids like omega-3s for skin and coat health. Carbohydrates can be found in grains like wheat or corn but cats do not need large amounts of these foods; they get most of their energy from protein sources.

    Fresh water should always be available for your cat to drink throughout the day. Water helps keep your cat hydrated which is important for overall health and digestion. Its best to provide multiple bowls around the house so that your cat has easy access to fresh water at all times.

    Its also important to feed your cat on a regular schedule since cats tend to eat small meals throughout the day rather than one big meal at once. Feeding them twice daily will help ensure they get enough nutrients while still allowing them time between meals for rest and play.

  • #8.     Cats need regular grooming: Cats need regular grooming to stay healthy and happy. This includes brushing, nail trimming, and ear cleaning.

    Cats need regular grooming to stay healthy and happy. This includes brushing their fur, trimming their nails, and cleaning their ears. Brushing helps remove dirt, debris, and loose hair from the coat which can help reduce shedding and matting of the fur. It also stimulates circulation in the skin which can help keep it healthy. Nail trimming is important for cats who spend time outdoors as it prevents them from getting caught on things or injuring themselves while climbing trees or fences. Ear cleaning is necessary to prevent ear mites and other infections that can cause discomfort for your cat.

    Regular grooming also provides an opportunity for you to check your cat’s overall health by looking at its eyes, nose, mouth, skin condition, etc., so that any potential problems can be addressed early on before they become more serious issues. Grooming also gives you a chance to bond with your cat through gentle petting and massage which will make them feel loved and secure.

    Overall regular grooming is essential for keeping your cat healthy both physically and emotionally so make sure you set aside some time each week to give them the attention they deserve!

  • #9.     Cats need regular exercise: Cats need regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. This includes providing them with toys, scratching posts, and other activities to keep them mentally and physically stimulated.

    Cats need regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. This includes providing them with toys, scratching posts, and other activities that will keep them mentally and physically stimulated. Regular playtime is important for cats as it helps to reduce stress levels, keeps their muscles toned, and encourages natural behaviors such as hunting or chasing prey. It also provides an opportunity for bonding between the cat and its owner.

    When playing with your cat, make sure you use interactive toys that encourage movement rather than just leaving a toy out for them to bat around on their own. You can also create obstacle courses in your home using boxes or tunnels so they can practice jumping over obstacles or running through mazes. If you have access to a safe outdoor area then taking your cat outside regularly is another great way of getting some exercise.

    Regular exercise not only benefits cats physically but it also has mental health benefits too; helping to reduce boredom which can lead to destructive behavior such as excessive meowing or scratching furniture. Exercise also releases endorphins which help cats feel relaxed and content after playtime.

  • #10.     Cats need a safe environment: Cats need a safe environment to stay healthy and happy. This includes providing them with a secure home and avoiding dangerous situations.

    Cats need a safe environment to stay healthy and happy. This means providing them with a secure home that is free from potential hazards, such as open windows or balconies where they could fall out, or sharp objects that could injure them. It also means avoiding dangerous situations like leaving cats outside unattended in areas where there are predators or other dangers. Cats should be kept indoors at all times unless supervised by an adult.

    In addition to physical safety, cats need emotional security too. They should have access to food and water at all times, as well as plenty of toys and activities to keep them entertained. Regular interaction with their owners is important for cats’ mental health; it helps build trust between the cat and its owner which can lead to better behavior overall.

    Finally, cats need regular veterinary care in order to stay healthy and prevent disease. Vaccinations are essential for protecting against common illnesses like feline distemper virus (FVRCP) and rabies; regular check-ups help identify any underlying medical issues before they become serious problems.

  • #11.     Cats need socialization: Cats need socialization to stay healthy and happy. This includes providing them with positive interactions with other cats and people.

    Cats need socialization to stay healthy and happy. This means providing them with positive interactions with other cats and people. Socializing a cat can help reduce stress, anxiety, and aggression in the animal. It also helps build trust between the cat and its owner or caretaker. Cats that are not properly socialized may become fearful of humans or other animals, leading to behavioral issues such as scratching furniture or urinating outside of their litter box.

    Socializing a cat should be done gradually over time so that it does not become overwhelmed by too much stimulation at once. Start by introducing your cat to one person at a time in an environment where they feel safe and secure. Allow them to explore their surroundings while you provide gentle petting and verbal reassurance when needed. As your cat becomes more comfortable around people, introduce them to new environments like parks or pet stores.

    It is important for cats to have regular playtime with toys as well as interactive playtime with their owners or other cats in order for them to get enough physical exercise and mental stimulation throughout the day. Playing games like fetching objects, chasing strings, playing hide-and-seek, etc., can help keep your kitty entertained while also helping him/her bond with you.

  • #12.     Cats need mental stimulation: Cats need mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy. This includes providing them with toys, puzzles, and other activities to keep them mentally engaged.

    Cats need mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy. This means providing them with toys, puzzles, and other activities that will keep their minds engaged. Toys such as scratching posts, catnip-filled balls, or interactive laser pointers can help cats stay active and entertained. Puzzles like food mazes or treat dispensers can also provide a stimulating challenge for cats while they search for rewards. Additionally, playing games like hide-and-seek or fetch with your cat can be an enjoyable way to give them the mental stimulation they crave.

    In addition to physical activity, cats also benefit from having access to different environments in which they can explore and interact with their surroundings. Providing your cat with multiple levels of perches around the house gives them a chance to observe their environment from different angles while giving them something new to investigate each day. You could even create an outdoor enclosure where your cat has access to fresh air and natural elements such as grasses or trees.

    Finally, it is important not only that you provide your cat with physical exercise but also emotional enrichment through positive reinforcement training techniques such as clicker training or reward-based playtime sessions. These types of activities allow cats to learn new behaviors while strengthening the bond between you and your pet.

  • #13.     Cats need affection: Cats need affection to stay healthy and happy. This includes providing them with positive interactions and physical contact.

    Cats need affection to stay healthy and happy. This includes providing them with positive interactions, such as petting, brushing, playing games, or simply talking to them. Physical contact is also important for cats; they enjoy being held and cuddled. Additionally, cats benefit from having a safe place where they can retreat when feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

    Its important to remember that cats are social animals who crave attention and interaction from their owners. They may not always show it in the same way as dogs do—by jumping up on you or following you around the house—but they still need love and care just like any other pet. Showing your cat affection will help build trust between you two while strengthening your bond.

  • #14.     Cats need a consistent routine: Cats need a consistent routine to stay healthy and happy. This includes providing them with regular meals, playtime, and other activities.

    Cats need a consistent routine to stay healthy and happy. This includes providing them with regular meals, playtime, and other activities that they can look forward to each day. A predictable schedule helps cats feel secure in their environment and gives them something to anticipate throughout the day. Regular meal times help keep cats from becoming overweight or underweight, while scheduled playtimes provide mental stimulation and physical exercise.

    In addition to providing regular meals and playtime, it is important for cat owners to give their pets plenty of attention. Cats are social animals who thrive on interaction with humans as well as other cats. Spending quality time with your pet will help build trust between you both, which can lead to a stronger bond.

    Finally, it is important for cat owners to make sure their pet has access to clean litter boxes at all times. Keeping the litter box clean not only prevents odors but also reduces stress levels in cats since they prefer having a designated area for elimination purposes.

  • #15.     Cats need a clean environment: Cats need a clean environment to stay healthy and happy. This includes providing them with a litter box, bedding, and other items that are regularly cleaned.

    Cats need a clean environment to stay healthy and happy. This means providing them with a litter box that is regularly cleaned, as well as bedding and other items that are also kept clean. Cats can be sensitive to odors, so its important to keep their living space free of any unpleasant smells. Regularly vacuuming or sweeping the area where your cat spends most of its time will help reduce dust and dander in the air.

    Its also important to provide cats with plenty of fresh water throughout the day, as well as food dishes that are washed regularly. Keeping these areas clean helps prevent bacteria from growing which could make your cat sick. Additionally, cats should have access to scratching posts or toys they can play with when theyre feeling bored.

    Finally, its essential for cats to have an area where they feel safe and secure away from loud noises or other animals in the home. Providing them with a quiet place such as a bedroom or bathroom can help ensure their emotional wellbeing.

  • #16.     Cats need to be monitored: Cats need to be monitored to stay healthy and happy. This includes observing their behavior and providing them with the best care.

    Cats need to be monitored in order to stay healthy and happy. This means observing their behavior, noting any changes or signs of distress, and providing them with the best care possible. It is important to pay attention to how much they eat, how often they use the litter box, if they are grooming themselves properly, and if there are any signs of illness or injury. Regular visits to the vet for check-ups can help ensure that your cat is getting all the necessary vaccinations and treatments it needs.

    It is also important to monitor your cat’s emotional state. Cats can become stressed out by changes in their environment or routine so it is important to keep an eye on them for signs of anxiety such as excessive meowing or hiding away from people. If you notice these behaviors then it may be time for a visit with a veterinarian who specializes in feline behavior.

    Finally, cats need plenty of love and attention from their owners! Providing toys and scratching posts will give them something fun to do while spending quality time together will help build trust between you both. With regular monitoring and proper care your cat should remain healthy and content throughout its life.

  • #17.     Cats need to be handled properly: Cats need to be handled properly to stay healthy and happy. This includes providing them with gentle handling and avoiding rough play.

    Cats need to be handled with care and respect in order to stay healthy and happy. This means providing them with gentle handling, avoiding rough play, and being mindful of their body language. Cats can become stressed or scared if they are handled too roughly or without consideration for their feelings. It is important to pay attention to the signals cats give when they are uncomfortable, such as hissing, growling, flattening their ears back against their head, or arching their backs. If a cat shows any of these signs it is best to stop whatever you are doing immediately.

    It is also important not to pick up cats unless absolutely necessary; instead try petting them on the ground where they feel more secure. When picking up a cat make sure that you support its hindquarters so that all four feet remain on the ground at all times – this will help prevent injury from struggling while being held.

    Finally, always remember that cats have individual personalities just like people do; some may enjoy being cuddled while others prefer more independent interactions such as playing with toys together. By taking time to get know your cat’s preferences you can ensure that both of you have an enjoyable experience when interacting.

  • #18.     Cats need to be protected: Cats need to be protected to stay healthy and happy. This includes providing them with a secure home and avoiding dangerous situations.

    Cats need to be protected in order to stay healthy and happy. This means providing them with a safe home environment, free from danger or harm. It also means being aware of potential risks that cats may encounter when they are outdoors, such as cars, other animals, and toxic substances. Owners should take steps to ensure their cats safety by keeping them indoors or supervising them while outside.

    In addition to physical protection, cats need emotional security as well. Cats can become stressed if their routine is disrupted or if there are changes in the household dynamics. Providing your cat with a consistent schedule for meals and playtime can help reduce stress levels and create an atmosphere of trust between you and your pet.

    Finally, it is important to remember that cats have unique personalities just like humans do. Taking the time to get to know your cat’s individual needs will help you provide the best possible care for him or her. With proper protection and understanding, cats can live long lives full of love and joy.

  • #19.     Cats need to be respected: Cats need to be respected to stay healthy and happy. This includes providing them with positive interactions and understanding their needs.

    Cats need to be respected in order to stay healthy and happy. This means providing them with positive interactions, such as petting, playing, and talking to them. It also means understanding their needs for food, water, shelter, exercise, mental stimulation and socialization. Respectful owners will take the time to learn about their cat’s individual personality traits so they can provide an environment that meets all of its needs.

    Respectful owners will also recognize when a cat is feeling stressed or anxious and take steps to reduce it. This could include providing hiding places or other forms of environmental enrichment that allow cats to feel safe and secure in their home. Additionally, respecting cats means not forcing them into situations they are uncomfortable with such as being held against their will or having strangers come over without warning.

    Finally, respectful owners should never use physical punishment on cats as this can cause fear-based aggression which can lead to further behavioral issues down the line. Instead of punishing a cat for unwanted behavior it is important for owners to identify what may have caused the behavior in the first place so they can address any underlying issues.

  • #20.     Cats need to be loved: Cats need to be loved to stay healthy and happy. This includes providing them with affection, attention, and understanding.

    Cats need to be loved in order to stay healthy and happy. This means providing them with affection, attention, and understanding. Cats are social animals that thrive on companionship and interaction with their owners. They need regular playtime, petting sessions, cuddles, and verbal communication from their humans in order to feel secure and contented.

    It is important for cats to have a safe environment where they can explore without fear of being hurt or attacked by other animals or people. Providing your cat with plenty of toys will help keep them entertained while also giving them an outlet for their natural curiosity. Additionally, it is essential that cats receive proper nutrition as well as regular veterinary care.

    Finally, cats should never be neglected or ignored; they require love just like any other living creature does! Showing your cat kindness through words of affirmation or simply spending quality time together can go a long way towards creating a strong bond between you both.