The Entrepreneur Mind: 100 Essential Beliefs, Characteristics, and Habits of Elite Entrepreneurs 2011

by Kevin D. Johnson





  • The Entrepreneur Mind: 100 Essential Beliefs, Characteristics, and Habits of Elite Entrepreneurs by Kevin D. Johnson is a comprehensive guide to the mindset of successful entrepreneurs. The book provides an in-depth look at the beliefs, characteristics, and habits that are essential for success as an entrepreneur. It covers topics such as goal setting, risk taking, networking, problem solving, decision making and more.

    The book begins with a discussion on why it is important to have an entrepreneurial mindset. Johnson explains that having this type of mindset will help you become more creative and innovative when it comes to business ideas and strategies. He also emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision for your business so that you can stay focused on achieving your goals.

    Johnson then goes into detail about how to develop the right attitude towards entrepreneurship. He discusses how to cultivate self-confidence while still being open minded enough to take risks when necessary. He also talks about developing resilience in order to be able to handle failure without giving up on your dreams.

    Next he dives into specific traits associated with successful entrepreneurs such as passion for their work; willingness to learn from mistakes; ability to think outside the box; strong communication skills; good time management skills; understanding customer needs; staying organized; being proactive rather than reactive; building relationships with customers/clients/partners etc.; maintaining focus despite obstacles or setbacks etc.

    Finally Johnson offers practical advice on how aspiring entrepreneurs can start implementing these traits in their own lives today including tips like creating action plans for each goal they set out achieve or breaking down tasks into smaller chunks so they don’t feel overwhelmed by them all at once.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Have a Vision: Elite entrepreneurs have a clear vision of what they want to achieve and are able to communicate it to others. They are able to inspire and motivate others to join them in their mission.

    Elite entrepreneurs have a clear vision of what they want to achieve and are able to communicate it effectively. They understand the importance of having a strong, well-defined goal that will guide their actions and decisions. Elite entrepreneurs know that having a vision is essential for success; without one, it can be difficult to stay focused on the task at hand or make progress towards achieving goals.

    Having a vision also helps elite entrepreneurs inspire and motivate others to join them in their mission. By communicating their passion and enthusiasm for their project, they can draw people in who share similar values and interests. This allows them to build an effective team with complementary skillsets that can help bring the vision into reality.

    Elite entrepreneurs recognize that having a strong sense of purpose is key when striving for success. They use this as motivation during times of difficulty or uncertainty, allowing them to remain focused on achieving their goals despite any obstacles they may face along the way.

  • #2.     Take Action: Elite entrepreneurs understand that ideas are only as good as the action taken to bring them to life. They are willing to take risks and make sacrifices to make their vision a reality.

    Elite entrepreneurs understand that ideas are only as good as the action taken to bring them to life. They recognize that having a great idea is not enough; they must take steps to make it happen. Elite entrepreneurs are willing to take risks and make sacrifices in order to turn their vision into reality. They know that success requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance, so they don’t shy away from difficult tasks or uncomfortable situations. Instead, they embrace them with enthusiasm and determination.

    Elite entrepreneurs also have an eye for opportunity and can quickly identify potential opportunities when others may miss them. They act on these opportunities swiftly by taking decisive action before anyone else has a chance to do so. This allows them to gain an edge over their competition while simultaneously increasing their chances of success.

    Finally, elite entrepreneurs understand the importance of learning from failure and using it as fuel for future successes. Rather than being discouraged by setbacks or mistakes, they use these experiences as valuable lessons which help inform their decisions going forward.

  • #3.     Be Resourceful: Elite entrepreneurs are able to make the most of the resources available to them. They are creative and innovative in finding solutions to problems and are able to think outside the box.

    Elite entrepreneurs are highly resourceful individuals. They have the ability to identify and utilize resources that may not be immediately apparent, allowing them to maximize their potential. Elite entrepreneurs understand that there is often more than one way to solve a problem or achieve success, and they use this knowledge to their advantage. They are creative in finding solutions and think outside of traditional methods when necessary.

    Resourcefulness also allows elite entrepreneurs to make the most out of limited resources. By being able to recognize opportunities for growth even in difficult situations, they can create something from nothing and turn seemingly impossible tasks into achievable goals. This type of creativity helps them stay ahead of the competition by coming up with unique ideas that others may not have thought of.

    Finally, elite entrepreneurs know how important it is to be resourceful with time as well as money. They prioritize tasks based on importance rather than urgency so that they can focus on what matters most without getting bogged down by trivial details. This allows them to get more done in less time while still maintaining high standards for quality work.

  • #4.     Develop a Network: Elite entrepreneurs understand the importance of networking and building relationships. They are able to leverage their contacts to gain access to resources and opportunities.

    Developing a network of elite entrepreneurs is essential for any aspiring businessperson. By connecting with other successful individuals, you can gain access to resources and opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable. You can also learn from their experiences and use them as mentors to help guide your own journey. Additionally, having a strong network of contacts will give you the confidence to take risks and pursue new ideas without fear of failure.

    Building relationships with elite entrepreneurs requires dedication and effort. It’s important to attend networking events, join professional organizations, or even volunteer in order to meet people who are already established in the industry. Once you have made connections, it’s important to nurture those relationships by staying in touch regularly through emails or phone calls. Finally, don’t forget about social media – platforms like LinkedIn are great ways to stay connected with your contacts.

    By developing a network of elite entrepreneurs, you can open up many doors for yourself professionally and personally. Not only will this give you access to valuable resources but it will also provide invaluable insight into how successful businesses operate.

  • #5.     Embrace Change: Elite entrepreneurs are comfortable with change and are able to adapt quickly to new situations. They understand that change is inevitable and are able to use it to their advantage.

    Elite entrepreneurs understand that change is a part of life and they embrace it. They recognize that the only constant in business is change, and they use this to their advantage. Elite entrepreneurs are able to quickly adapt to new situations and take calculated risks when necessary. They don’t shy away from challenges or opportunities; instead, they view them as an opportunity for growth.

    Elite entrepreneurs also have the ability to think outside of the box and come up with creative solutions when faced with difficult problems. They are open-minded and willing to try new things, even if it means taking a risk or going against conventional wisdom. This allows them to stay ahead of their competition by staying on top of trends in their industry.

    Finally, elite entrepreneurs understand that failure is part of success. Instead of being discouraged by setbacks, they use these experiences as learning opportunities so that they can become better at what they do. By embracing change rather than resisting it, elite entrepreneurs are able to remain agile and competitive in todays ever-changing business landscape.

  • #6.     Take Responsibility: Elite entrepreneurs take responsibility for their actions and are accountable for their decisions. They understand that success and failure are both part of the journey.

    Elite entrepreneurs understand that taking responsibility for their actions and decisions is essential to achieving success. They recognize that they are the ones who must make the tough calls, take risks, and put in the hard work necessary to reach their goals. Elite entrepreneurs dont shy away from failure; instead, they use it as a learning opportunity to grow and become better businesspeople. They also understand that success isnt guaranteed; it takes dedication, resilience, and perseverance to achieve long-term success.

    Elite entrepreneurs know that no one else can be held accountable for their successes or failures—only themselves. This means they have an unwavering commitment to doing whats right even when its difficult or unpopular. They take ownership of their mistakes and learn from them so they can move forward with greater wisdom and insight.

    Ultimately, elite entrepreneurs realize that taking responsibility is part of being successful in business. It requires courage, humility, self-awareness, discipline—all qualities which will help them succeed in any endeavor.

  • #7.     Persevere: Elite entrepreneurs are resilient and are able to persevere in the face of adversity. They understand that failure is part of the process and are able to learn from their mistakes.

    Elite entrepreneurs understand that success is not a straight line, but rather a winding path full of obstacles and challenges. They are resilient and have the ability to persevere in the face of adversity. Elite entrepreneurs recognize that failure is part of the process and use it as an opportunity to learn from their mistakes. They don’t give up when things get tough; instead they find ways to push through and keep going until they reach their goals.

    Elite entrepreneurs also know how important it is to stay focused on their vision despite any setbacks or failures along the way. They remain committed to achieving their goals no matter what comes their way, understanding that hard work will eventually pay off if they continue working towards them with determination and perseverance.

    Perseverance is essential for elite entrepreneurs because it allows them to stay motivated even when times are tough. It gives them the strength and courage needed to overcome any obstacle in order achieve success in business.

  • #8.     Be Passionate: Elite entrepreneurs are passionate about their work and are driven by their desire to make a difference. They are able to use their passion to inspire and motivate others.

    Elite entrepreneurs are passionate about their work and have a deep-seated desire to make a difference. They understand that success is not just about making money, but also about creating something meaningful and lasting. This passion drives them to push themselves further than they ever thought possible in order to achieve their goals.

    This passion can be contagious, inspiring others around them to strive for greatness as well. Elite entrepreneurs use this enthusiasm to motivate those around them, encouraging collaboration and innovation within the team. Their commitment and dedication often leads to breakthroughs that would otherwise remain undiscovered.

    The passion of elite entrepreneurs is what sets them apart from the rest; it’s what makes them successful in business and life. It’s an essential characteristic of any entrepreneur who wants to reach the highest levels of success.

  • #9.     Be Open-Minded: Elite entrepreneurs are open to new ideas and are willing to consider different perspectives. They understand that there is always more to learn and are able to use this knowledge to their advantage.

    Elite entrepreneurs understand that being open-minded is essential to success. They are willing to consider different perspectives and ideas, even if they dont agree with them. This allows them to gain new insights and knowledge which can be used to their advantage. Elite entrepreneurs also recognize the importance of staying up-to-date on industry trends and developments in order to stay ahead of the competition.

    In addition, elite entrepreneurs have a growth mindset; they believe that anything is possible with hard work and dedication. They are not afraid of failure but instead use it as an opportunity for learning and improvement. By embracing change, taking risks, and having an open mind towards new ideas, elite entrepreneurs create innovative solutions that set them apart from their competitors.

  • #10.     Be Disciplined: Elite entrepreneurs are disciplined and are able to stay focused on their goals. They understand that success requires hard work and dedication and are willing to put in the effort.

    Elite entrepreneurs understand that success does not come easily. They are disciplined and stay focused on their goals, no matter how difficult the journey may be. They know that hard work and dedication are essential to achieving success, so they put in the effort required to reach their objectives. Elite entrepreneurs also have a strong sense of self-discipline; they dont let distractions or temptations get in the way of reaching their goals. Instead, they remain steadfastly committed to what needs to be done and take action accordingly.

    Elite entrepreneurs also recognize that discipline is key when it comes to managing time effectively. They prioritize tasks according to importance and urgency, ensuring that important tasks are completed first before moving onto less pressing matters. This helps them stay organized and productive throughout the day while avoiding procrastination.

    Finally, elite entrepreneurs use discipline as a tool for personal growth. By setting realistic goals for themselves and following through with them consistently over time, they can develop new skills or habits which will help them become more successful in business.

  • #11.     Take Calculated Risks: Elite entrepreneurs understand that taking risks is part of the process. They are able to assess the risks and rewards of a situation and make informed decisions.

    Elite entrepreneurs understand that taking calculated risks is an essential part of the entrepreneurial process. They are able to assess the potential rewards and risks associated with a situation, weigh their options, and make informed decisions. This ability to take calculated risks allows them to pursue opportunities that may have otherwise been overlooked or deemed too risky by others. By doing so, they can gain a competitive advantage in their industry and increase their chances of success.

    Taking calculated risks also requires elite entrepreneurs to be comfortable with uncertainty. They must be willing to accept failure as part of the process and learn from it in order to move forward. Elite entrepreneurs recognize that there will always be some degree of risk involved when pursuing any venture but they use this knowledge as motivation rather than fear.

    Finally, elite entrepreneurs understand that taking calculated risks is not about being reckless or impulsive; it’s about making smart decisions based on sound research and analysis. They know how important it is to gather all available information before making any decision so they can make sure they are making the best possible choice for themselves and their business.

  • #12.     Be Flexible: Elite entrepreneurs are flexible and are able to adjust their plans as needed. They understand that the path to success is rarely linear and are able to adapt to changing circumstances.

    Elite entrepreneurs understand that being flexible is key to success. They are able to adjust their plans as needed and recognize that the path to success is rarely linear. They have the ability to adapt quickly when faced with changing circumstances, which allows them to stay ahead of the competition and remain successful in their endeavors.

    These entrepreneurs also know how important it is to be open-minded and willing to try new things. They don’t get stuck in a rut or become complacent; instead, they embrace change and use it as an opportunity for growth. Elite entrepreneurs are constantly looking for ways to improve themselves, their businesses, and their products or services.

    Finally, elite entrepreneurs understand that failure can often lead them closer towards success. Instead of viewing mistakes as setbacks, they view them as learning opportunities from which they can grow stronger. This flexibility helps them stay resilient even during difficult times.

  • #13.     Be Innovative: Elite entrepreneurs are creative and innovative in their approach to problem-solving. They are able to think outside the box and come up with unique solutions.

    Elite entrepreneurs are constantly looking for ways to innovate and improve upon existing solutions. They have the ability to identify problems, analyze them from different angles, and come up with creative solutions that no one else has thought of before. Elite entrepreneurs understand that innovation is key in order to stay ahead of the competition and create something truly unique.

    Innovation requires a combination of creativity, knowledge, experience, and risk-taking. Elite entrepreneurs are willing to take risks in order to achieve their goals; they recognize that failure is part of the process but also know how to learn from it and move forward. They use data-driven decision making when possible but also trust their intuition when necessary.

    Elite entrepreneurs strive for continuous improvement by staying abreast of new technologies or trends in their industry so they can be at the forefront of innovation. They are not afraid to challenge conventional wisdom or push boundaries in order to find better solutions than what already exists.

  • #14.     Be Self-Aware: Elite entrepreneurs are self-aware and understand their strengths and weaknesses. They are able to use this knowledge to their advantage and are able to recognize their blind spots.

    Being self-aware is an essential trait for elite entrepreneurs. It involves understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as recognizing blind spots. Self-awareness allows entrepreneurs to use their knowledge of themselves to their advantage in order to make better decisions and take more informed risks. Elite entrepreneurs are able to identify areas where they need help or guidance, allowing them to seek out the right resources that can help them succeed.

    Self-awareness also helps elite entrepreneurs stay focused on what matters most. They understand how their actions affect others and are mindful of the impact they have on those around them. This awareness enables them to be more effective leaders who can inspire others with confidence and clarity.

    Elite entrepreneurs also recognize when its time for a change or adjustment in strategy, whether its related to business operations or personal development goals. By being aware of their own limitations, theyre able to adjust accordingly without getting too attached or overwhelmed by any particular outcome.

    Finally, self-awareness gives elite entrepreneurs the ability to remain humble while still striving for success. They know that no matter how successful they become, there will always be room for improvement and growth—and this keeps them motivated even during difficult times.

  • #15.     Be Focused: Elite entrepreneurs are able to stay focused on their goals and are able to prioritize their tasks. They understand that multitasking can be counterproductive and are able to stay on track.

    Elite entrepreneurs understand that success requires focus and dedication. They are able to prioritize their tasks, understanding which ones need to be done first in order to reach their goals. They also know that multitasking can be counterproductive, so they stay focused on the task at hand until it is completed.

    These elite entrepreneurs have a clear vision of what they want to achieve and use this as motivation when times get tough. They don’t let distractions or obstacles stand in their way; instead, they remain laser-focused on achieving their goals no matter what challenges come up along the way.

    Elite entrepreneurs also recognize the importance of taking breaks from work in order to recharge and refocus. This helps them stay productive while avoiding burnout. By staying focused on their goals and taking regular breaks, these elite entrepreneurs are able to maximize productivity while still maintaining balance in other areas of life.

  • #16.     Be Persuasive: Elite entrepreneurs are persuasive and are able to communicate their ideas effectively. They understand the power of persuasion and are able to use it to their advantage.

    Elite entrepreneurs understand the importance of being persuasive. They know that in order to be successful, they must be able to effectively communicate their ideas and persuade others to believe in them. Elite entrepreneurs are skilled at using language and body language to make a compelling argument for their vision. They also have an innate understanding of how people think and what motivates them, which allows them to craft persuasive messages tailored specifically for each individual.

    In addition, elite entrepreneurs recognize the power of storytelling as a tool for persuasion. By weaving together stories with facts and figures, they can create powerful narratives that capture the imagination of their audience and inspire action. Furthermore, elite entrepreneurs use data-driven insights to back up their arguments so that they can prove why their idea is worth investing in or supporting.

    Ultimately, elite entrepreneurs understand that persuasion is essential when it comes to achieving success as an entrepreneur. Through effective communication skills combined with data-driven insights and creative storytelling techniques, these individuals are able to convince others of the value of their ideas – making them some of the most influential people in business today.

  • #17.     Be Confident: Elite entrepreneurs are confident in their abilities and are able to take on challenges with a positive attitude. They understand that confidence is key to success and are able to use it to their advantage.

    Elite entrepreneurs understand that confidence is essential to success. They have an unwavering belief in their own abilities and are not afraid to take on challenges with a positive attitude. They know that having the right mindset can make all the difference when it comes to achieving success, and they use this knowledge to their advantage. Elite entrepreneurs are able to stay focused on their goals despite any obstacles or setbacks they may face along the way.

    Confidence also helps elite entrepreneurs build strong relationships with others. By believing in themselves, they become more approachable and trustworthy which makes them easier for people to connect with. This allows them to form meaningful connections with potential partners, investors, customers, and other important contacts who can help further their business endeavors.

    Finally, being confident gives elite entrepreneurs the courage needed to take risks without fear of failure. Knowing that they have what it takes gives them the strength necessary for taking calculated risks which often leads them down paths of greater opportunity than if they had stayed within their comfort zone.

  • #18.     Be Organized: Elite entrepreneurs are organized and are able to manage their time and resources effectively. They understand that organization is key to success and are able to use it to their advantage.

    Elite entrepreneurs understand that organization is essential to success. They are able to manage their time and resources effectively, allowing them to maximize their productivity and efficiency. Elite entrepreneurs have a system in place for organizing tasks, projects, and goals so they can stay on track with their plans. They also use organizational tools such as calendars, task lists, reminders, and notes to ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.

    Organization helps elite entrepreneurs prioritize tasks based on importance or urgency. This allows them to focus on what needs to be done first while still being aware of other important tasks that need attention later down the line. Organization also helps elite entrepreneurs identify areas where they may be wasting time or energy so they can make adjustments accordingly.

    Finally, organization gives elite entrepreneurs an overall view of how far along they are in achieving their goals. By having everything organized into one place it’s easier for them to see progress over time which keeps them motivated and focused on reaching those goals.

  • #19.     Be Adaptable: Elite entrepreneurs are adaptable and are able to adjust their strategies as needed. They understand that the market is constantly changing and are able to use this knowledge to their advantage.

    Elite entrepreneurs understand that the market is constantly changing and they are able to use this knowledge to their advantage. They recognize that in order to stay competitive, they must be adaptable and adjust their strategies as needed. This means being open-minded and willing to try new things, even if it means taking risks or going against conventional wisdom. Elite entrepreneurs also have a keen eye for spotting trends before others do, allowing them to capitalize on opportunities quickly.

    Adaptability is key when it comes to success in business. Elite entrepreneurs know how important it is not only to keep up with changes but also anticipate them so they can take advantage of any potential opportunities. They are always looking for ways to improve their processes and products while staying ahead of the competition.

    Being adaptable requires an entrepreneurial mindset – one that embraces change rather than resists it. It’s about having the courage and confidence necessary to make decisions quickly without fear of failure or criticism from others. Elite entrepreneurs understand that there will be times when things don’t go according plan, but they remain flexible enough to pivot when needed.

  • #20.     Be Humble: Elite entrepreneurs are humble and understand that success is not about them. They are able to recognize the contributions of others and are able to use this knowledge to their advantage.

    Being humble is an essential trait for elite entrepreneurs. They understand that success is not about them, but rather the collective effort of everyone involved in their business. Elite entrepreneurs are able to recognize and appreciate the contributions of others, which helps them build strong relationships with those around them. This allows them to leverage these relationships to further their own success.

    Elite entrepreneurs also use humility as a tool for self-improvement. By recognizing their own shortcomings and mistakes, they can learn from them and become better leaders. Additionally, being humble gives elite entrepreneurs the ability to take feedback without becoming defensive or taking it personally; this allows them to grow both professionally and personally.

    Finally, humility enables elite entrepreneurs to remain grounded despite any successes they may have achieved. It keeps them focused on what matters most: creating value for customers and stakeholders alike while continuing to strive towards greater heights.