The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom 1997

by Don Miguel Ruiz





  • The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz is a book that explores the power of personal freedom and how it can be achieved through four simple agreements. The first agreement is to be impeccable with your word, which means speaking with integrity and avoiding gossiping or using hurtful language. The second agreement is to not take anything personally, which encourages readers to recognize that other people’s opinions are their own and should not affect one’s self-worth. The third agreement is to not make assumptions, which emphasizes the importance of asking questions in order to gain clarity on any situation before making decisions or judgments. Finally, the fourth agreement is always do your best, which encourages readers to strive for excellence in all areas of life regardless of external circumstances.

    Throughout the book, Ruiz provides practical advice on how each agreement can be applied in everyday life as well as stories from his own experiences that illustrate its effectiveness. He also explains why these agreements are so important for achieving personal freedom and happiness; they help us break free from our limiting beliefs about ourselves and others while allowing us to live authentically without fear or judgment. Ultimately, this book serves as an inspiring reminder that we have the power within us to create lives filled with joy and fulfillment if we choose wisely.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Be Impeccable with Your Word: Speak with integrity and be mindful of the power of your words. This agreement encourages us to be mindful of the words we use and to speak with integrity and truth.

    Be Impeccable with Your Word is an agreement that encourages us to be mindful of the words we use and to speak with integrity and truth. It reminds us that our words have power, and can create or destroy relationships, influence others’ opinions of us, and even shape our own self-image. We should strive to always choose our words carefully, being honest but also kind in what we say. We should never make promises we cannot keep or spread rumors about others without verifying their accuracy first.

    This agreement also calls on us to take responsibility for the things we say. If something has been said in anger or haste that was hurtful or untrue, it is important to apologize sincerely for any harm caused by those words. Taking ownership of our mistakes helps build trust between ourselves and those around us.

    Finally, this agreement asks us not only to be mindful of how we communicate with others but also how we talk to ourselves. Our inner dialogue shapes who we are as much as anything else; therefore it is essential that when speaking internally about ourselves, it is done so kindly and compassionately.

  • #2.     Don’t Take Anything Personally: Don’t take anything personally and don’t let the opinions of others affect your self-worth. This agreement encourages us to be aware of our own self-worth and to not let the opinions of others define us.

    The idea of not taking anything personally is an important one to remember in life. It can be difficult to separate our own feelings from the opinions of others, but it is essential for maintaining a healthy sense of self-worth and emotional wellbeing. When we take things personally, we are allowing other people’s words or actions to define us and our worth. This can lead to negative thoughts about ourselves that can have long-term effects on our mental health.

    Instead, by choosing not to take anything personally, we are able to maintain a positive outlook on ourselves and our lives. We recognize that other people’s opinions do not necessarily reflect who we truly are as individuals. We also learn how to better manage criticism without letting it affect us too deeply or negatively.

    By understanding this concept and applying it in everyday life, we can become more resilient when faced with challenging situations or criticism from others. Ultimately, this will help us build stronger relationships with those around us while still being true to ourselves.

  • #3.     Don’t Make Assumptions: Don’t make assumptions and ask questions to ensure understanding. This agreement encourages us to be mindful of our assumptions and to ask questions to ensure understanding.

    Don’t Make Assumptions is an important agreement to keep in mind when interacting with others. It encourages us to be mindful of our assumptions and to ask questions instead of making assumptions about the other persons intentions or beliefs. This agreement helps us avoid misunderstandings, miscommunication, and hurt feelings that can arise from assuming something without verifying it first. Asking questions allows us to gain clarity on a situation before jumping into conclusions.

    This agreement also encourages us to take responsibility for our own thoughts and actions rather than blaming someone else for what we think they meant or did wrong. By asking questions, we are able to get more information so that we can make informed decisions based on facts rather than assumptions.

    Finally, this agreement reminds us that communication is key in any relationship. We should always strive for open dialogue between ourselves and those around us so that everyone involved has a clear understanding of each others expectations.

  • #4.     Always Do Your Best: Do your best in any situation and don’t judge yourself for the outcome. This agreement encourages us to do our best in any situation and to not judge ourselves for the outcome.

    Always Do Your Best is an important agreement to make with yourself. It encourages us to strive for excellence in all that we do, without judging ourselves too harshly if the outcome isnt what we had hoped for. Doing our best means giving our full effort and attention to whatever task or situation we are facing, no matter how difficult it may be. We should not compare ourselves to others or expect perfection from ourselves; instead, focus on doing the best you can with what you have.

    This agreement also reminds us that life is unpredictable and things don’t always turn out as planned. Even when faced with disappointment or failure, Always Do Your Best helps us stay focused on learning from our experiences and growing from them rather than dwelling on negative outcomes.

    By committing to this agreement, we can learn how to take responsibility for our actions while still being kind and compassionate towards ourselves. This will help us become more resilient in the face of adversity and better equipped to handle any challenge that comes our way.

  • #5.     Be Skeptical of Your Thoughts: Be aware of your thoughts and don’t believe everything you think. This agreement encourages us to be mindful of our thoughts and to not believe everything we think.

    It is important to be aware of our thoughts and not take them at face value. We should question the validity of our own thoughts, as they can often lead us astray. Our minds are powerful tools that can help us make decisions, but we must also be mindful of how these decisions may affect us in the long run. It is easy to get caught up in a thought or idea without considering its consequences. Being skeptical of your thoughts allows you to think more critically about what you believe and why.

    We all have biases and preconceived notions that shape our thinking, so it’s important to recognize when these might be influencing our beliefs. Taking a step back from your own thoughts can help you gain perspective on an issue and consider alternative viewpoints before making any decisions. This practice encourages open-mindedness and helps prevent rash judgments.

    Being skeptical of your thoughts also means being honest with yourself about what you truly believe or feel about something. It’s easy to tell ourselves one thing while feeling another way deep down inside; however, this kind of self-deception only serves to complicate matters further down the line. By being honest with ourselves about our true feelings, we can better understand where we stand on an issue.

    Ultimately, being skeptical of your own thoughts is essential for personal growth and development. It allows us to challenge ourselves intellectually by questioning assumptions and exploring new ideas without fear or hesitation.

  • #6.     Live in the Present Moment: Don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future, focus on the present moment. This agreement encourages us to be mindful of the present moment and to not dwell on the past or worry about the future.

    Living in the present moment is a powerful way to bring more joy and peace into our lives. It allows us to be fully engaged with what we are doing, rather than worrying about things that have already happened or may happen in the future. When we focus on the present moment, we can appreciate all of its beauty and richness without getting caught up in regret or anxiety.

    The practice of living in the present moment also helps us to become aware of our thoughts and feelings so that we can make conscious choices about how to respond. We can learn from past experiences but not get stuck there; instead, use them as a guide for making better decisions going forward. By being mindful of each moment, we can savor life’s simple pleasures while avoiding unnecessary stress.

    Living in the present moment doesn’t mean ignoring long-term goals or planning for the future; it simply means focusing on what is happening right now and taking action accordingly. This agreement encourages us to stay focused on what matters most—the here and now—and enjoy every second of it.

  • #7.     Don’t Judge Others: Don’t judge others and accept them for who they are. This agreement encourages us to accept others for who they are and to not judge them.

    We all have the right to be who we are and to express ourselves freely. Judging others for their beliefs, values, or lifestyle choices is not only disrespectful but also a form of oppression. When we judge someone else, it can lead to feelings of resentment and animosity that can damage relationships.

    By agreeing not to judge others, we open up our minds and hearts to understanding them better. We learn more about different cultures and lifestyles by listening without judgment. This helps us build bridges between people from different backgrounds instead of creating walls.

    When we don’t judge others, it allows us to accept them as they are without trying to change them or make assumptions about their character. It encourages us to respect each other’s differences while still being able to connect on a deeper level.

    The agreement “Don’t Judge Others” reminds us that everyone has something valuable and unique within themselves that should be celebrated rather than judged harshly. By accepting people for who they are, we create an environment where everyone feels safe enough to express themselves authentically.

  • #8.     Don’t Take Anything Personally: Don’t take anything personally and don’t let the opinions of others affect your self-worth. This agreement encourages us to be aware of our own self-worth and to not let the opinions of others define us.

    The idea of not taking anything personally is an important one to remember in life. It can be difficult to separate our own feelings from the opinions of others, but it is essential for maintaining a healthy sense of self-worth and emotional wellbeing. When we take things personally, we are allowing other people’s words or actions to define us and our worth. This can lead to negative thoughts about ourselves that can have long-term effects on our mental health.

    Instead, by choosing not to take anything personally, we are able to maintain a positive outlook on ourselves and our lives. We recognize that other people’s opinions do not necessarily reflect who we truly are as individuals. We also learn how to better manage criticism without letting it affect us too deeply or negatively.

    By understanding this concept and applying it in everyday life, we can become more resilient when faced with challenging situations or criticism from others. Ultimately, this will help us build stronger relationships with those around us while still being true to ourselves.

  • #9.     Don’t Make Assumptions: Don’t make assumptions and ask questions to ensure understanding. This agreement encourages us to be mindful of our assumptions and to ask questions to ensure understanding.

    The idea of not making assumptions is an important one to keep in mind when engaging with others. Making assumptions can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings, as well as missed opportunities for growth and learning. When we make assumptions about someone else’s intentions or beliefs, we are often wrong and this can cause unnecessary conflict. Instead, it is better to ask questions that will help us gain a better understanding of the other person’s perspective.

    By asking questions instead of making assumptions, we open up the possibility for dialogue and mutual understanding. We also create space for empathy by allowing ourselves to consider another person’s point of view without judgement or preconceived notions. This agreement encourages us to be mindful of our own biases and take time to really listen before forming opinions.

    Ultimately, Don Miguel Ruizs advice on not making assumptions helps us build stronger relationships with those around us by fostering communication based on respect and understanding rather than assumption-based judgements.

  • #10.     Respect Yourself: Respect yourself and be true to your own values and beliefs. This agreement encourages us to be true to our own values and beliefs and to respect ourselves.

    Respect yourself and be true to your own values and beliefs. This agreement encourages us to take responsibility for our actions, thoughts, and feelings. It also reminds us that we are the only ones who can determine what is right or wrong for ourselves. We should strive to make decisions based on our own personal values rather than those of others.

    When we respect ourselves, it allows us to have a greater sense of self-worth and confidence in our abilities. We become more aware of how we interact with others and how they perceive us. Respect for oneself also helps build trust within relationships as well as foster mutual respect between individuals.

    By respecting ourselves, we can learn to accept criticism without taking it personally or feeling threatened by it. Instead, use constructive feedback from others as an opportunity for growth and development. Additionally, when you practice self-respect you will be less likely to engage in activities that could harm yourself or your reputation.

  • #11.     Respect Others: Respect others and accept them for who they are. This agreement encourages us to accept others for who they are and to respect them.

    Respect others and accept them for who they are. This agreement encourages us to be open-minded and tolerant of the differences between people, regardless of race, gender, religion or any other factor. It also means that we should not judge or criticize someone else’s beliefs or opinions. Instead, we should listen with an open mind and try to understand where they are coming from.

    We can show respect by being polite in our interactions with others and treating them as equals. We should also take into account their feelings when making decisions that affect them directly. Respect is a two-way street; it requires both parties to treat each other with kindness and consideration.

    When we practice this agreement, it helps create a more harmonious environment in which everyone feels respected and accepted for who they are. This allows us to build stronger relationships based on mutual understanding rather than judgment.

  • #12.     Don’t Take Anything Personally: Don’t take anything personally and don’t let the opinions of others affect your self-worth. This agreement encourages us to be aware of our own self-worth and to not let the opinions of others define us.

    The idea of not taking anything personally is an important one to remember in life. It can be difficult to separate our own feelings from the opinions of others, but it is essential for maintaining a healthy sense of self-worth and emotional wellbeing. When we take things personally, we are allowing other people’s words or actions to define us and our worth. This can lead to negative thoughts about ourselves that can have long-term effects on our mental health.

    Instead, by choosing not to take anything personally, we are able to maintain a positive outlook on ourselves and our lives. We recognize that other people’s opinions do not necessarily reflect who we truly are as individuals. We also learn how to better manage criticism without letting it affect us too deeply or negatively.

    By understanding this concept and applying it in everyday life, we can become more resilient when faced with criticism or negativity from others. We will be better equipped at dealing with difficult situations without letting them bring us down emotionally or mentally.

  • #13.     Don’t Make Assumptions: Don’t make assumptions and ask questions to ensure understanding. This agreement encourages us to be mindful of our assumptions and to ask questions to ensure understanding.

    Don’t Make Assumptions is an important agreement to keep in mind when interacting with others. It encourages us to be mindful of our assumptions and to ask questions instead of making assumptions about the other persons intentions or beliefs. This agreement helps us avoid misunderstandings, miscommunication, and hurt feelings that can arise from assuming something without verifying it first. Asking questions allows us to gain clarity on a situation before jumping into conclusions.

    This agreement also encourages us to take responsibility for our own thoughts and actions rather than blaming someone else for what we think they meant or did wrong. By asking questions, we are able to get more information so that we can make informed decisions based on facts rather than assumptions.

    Finally, this agreement reminds us that communication is key in any relationship. We should always strive for open dialogue between ourselves and those around us so that everyone involved has a clear understanding of each others expectations.

  • #14.     Don’t Judge Others: Don’t judge others and accept them for who they are. This agreement encourages us to accept others for who they are and to not judge them.

    We all have the right to be who we are and to express ourselves freely. Judging others for their beliefs, values, or lifestyle choices is not only disrespectful but also a form of oppression. When we judge someone else, it can lead to feelings of resentment and animosity that can damage relationships.

    When we accept people for who they are without judgment, it creates an atmosphere of understanding and respect. We should strive to create an environment where everyone feels safe and accepted regardless of their differences. This will help foster meaningful connections between individuals from different backgrounds.

    It’s important to remember that no one is perfect; everyone makes mistakes at some point in life. Instead of judging them harshly for these mistakes, try offering support or advice instead. Showing compassion towards others will help build trust and strengthen relationships.

    By following the agreement “Don’t Judge Others” we can create a more inclusive society where everyone feels respected and valued regardless of their background or beliefs.

  • #15.     Don’t Take Anything Personally: Don’t take anything personally and don’t let the opinions of others affect your self-worth. This agreement encourages us to be aware of our own self-worth and to not let the opinions of others define us.

    The idea of not taking anything personally is an important one to remember in life. It can be difficult to separate our own feelings from the opinions of others, but it is essential for maintaining a healthy sense of self-worth and emotional wellbeing. When we take things personally, we are allowing other people’s words or actions to define us and our worth. This can lead to negative thoughts about ourselves that can have long-term effects on our mental health.

    Instead, by choosing not to take anything personally, we are able to maintain a positive outlook on ourselves and our lives. We recognize that other people’s opinions do not necessarily reflect who we truly are as individuals. We also learn how to better manage criticism without letting it affect us too deeply or negatively.

    By understanding this concept and applying it in everyday life, we can become more resilient when faced with challenging situations or criticism from others. Ultimately, this will help us build stronger relationships with those around us while still being true to ourselves.

  • #16.     Don’t Make Assumptions: Don’t make assumptions and ask questions to ensure understanding. This agreement encourages us to be mindful of our assumptions and to ask questions to ensure understanding.

    Don’t Make Assumptions is an important agreement to keep in mind when interacting with others. It encourages us to be mindful of our assumptions and to ask questions instead of making assumptions about the other persons intentions or beliefs. This agreement helps us avoid misunderstandings, miscommunication, and hurt feelings that can arise from assuming something without verifying it first. Asking questions allows us to gain clarity on a situation before jumping into conclusions.

    This agreement also encourages us to take responsibility for our own thoughts and actions rather than blaming someone else for what we think they meant or did wrong. By asking questions, we are able to get more information so that we can make informed decisions based on facts rather than assumptions.

    Finally, this agreement reminds us that communication is key in any relationship. We should always strive for open dialogue between ourselves and those around us so that everyone involved has a clear understanding of each others expectations.

  • #17.     Be Authentic: Be authentic and be true to yourself. This agreement encourages us to be true to ourselves and to be authentic.

    Being authentic means being true to yourself and living in accordance with your own values, beliefs, and principles. It is about being honest with yourself and others, even if it may be uncomfortable or unpopular. Authenticity requires us to take responsibility for our actions and decisions, as well as the consequences that come from them.

    Authenticity also involves embracing who we are without trying to fit into a certain mold or image of what society expects us to be. We should strive to live an authentic life by expressing ourselves honestly and openly while respecting the opinions of others. This allows us to build meaningful relationships based on trust and understanding.

    Living authentically can help bring clarity into our lives by allowing us to focus on what truly matters most. When we are true to ourselves, we can make better decisions that align with our core values instead of following trends or succumbing peer pressure.

    By committing ourselves to authenticity, we can create a more fulfilling life filled with purposeful experiences that will enrich both our personal growth and development.

  • #18.     Be Open-Minded: Be open-minded and be willing to learn from others. This agreement encourages us to be open-minded and to be willing to learn from others.

    Being open-minded means being willing to consider new ideas and perspectives, even if they are different from our own. It is important to remember that we can learn something from everyone, regardless of their background or beliefs. We should strive to be open-minded in order to gain a better understanding of the world around us.

    When we are open-minded, we become more aware of our biases and prejudices. This allows us to challenge them and grow as individuals. Being open-minded also helps us develop empathy for others by allowing us to see things from their perspective. By doing this, we can create meaningful connections with people who may have different views than ours.

    The Four Agreements encourages us to be open-minded so that we can learn from each other’s experiences and knowledge. When we are willing to listen without judgment or preconceived notions, it opens up a whole new world of possibilities for growth and learning.

  • #19.     Be Compassionate: Be compassionate and treat others with kindness. This agreement encourages us to be compassionate and to treat others with kindness.

    Be Compassionate: We should strive to be compassionate and treat others with kindness. This agreement encourages us to show compassion for ourselves and for those around us, regardless of their background or beliefs. It is important that we recognize the humanity in everyone, even if we do not agree with them. We can practice this by being patient and understanding when interacting with others, listening without judgement, and offering support where it is needed.

    Compassion does not mean that we have to accept bad behavior from others; rather it means that we are willing to understand why someone may act a certain way or think a certain way. By showing compassion towards another person, we create an environment of mutual respect which allows both parties involved to feel heard and understood.

    By practicing compassion on a daily basis, our relationships will become stronger as well as our own sense of self-worth. When faced with difficult situations or people who challenge us, remember the Four Agreements – Be Compassionate – so that you can remain true to yourself while still treating others kindly.

  • #20.     Live in the Now: Live in the present moment and don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future. This agreement encourages us to be mindful of the present moment and to not dwell on the past or worry about the future.

    Living in the now is a concept that encourages us to be mindful of our present moment and not dwell on the past or worry about the future. It means being aware of what we are doing, feeling, thinking, and experiencing right now. This can help us to stay focused on what matters most in life – living with intention and purpose. When we live in the present moment, we can appreciate all that life has to offer without getting caught up in worrying about things that may never happen.

    By focusing on the here-and-now instead of dwelling on regrets from our past or anxieties for our future, we can make better decisions based on facts rather than fear. We also become more open to new experiences because we’re no longer stuck ruminating over old ones. Living in the now allows us to savor each moment as it comes and find joy even when times are tough.

    The idea of living in the now isn’t just a philosophical concept; it’s something you can practice every day by taking time out for yourself and engaging your senses fully with whatever activity you choose. Whether it’s going for a walk outside or simply sitting quietly at home, take some time each day to focus solely on your current experience without letting thoughts from either your past or future intrude.