The Holistic Guide for a Healthy Dog 1998

by Juliette de Bairacli Levy





  • The Holistic Guide for a Healthy Dog by Juliette de Bairacli Levy is an essential guide to natural health care for dogs. It provides detailed information on how to keep your dog healthy and happy through holistic methods, such as diet, exercise, herbal remedies, homeopathy and massage. The book covers topics such as nutrition, grooming, behavior modification and training techniques. It also includes advice on dealing with common ailments like fleas and ticks, skin problems and allergies.

    The book begins with an introduction to the principles of holistic health care for dogs. This section explains the importance of providing a balanced diet that meets all of your dog's nutritional needs; it also discusses the benefits of regular exercise and mental stimulation. Additionally, this section outlines various alternative therapies available for treating common canine ailments.

    The next part of the book focuses on specific dietary requirements for different breeds or types of dogs. It offers advice on choosing appropriate foods based on age group (e.g., puppies versus adults), activity level (e.g., active versus sedentary) or special needs (e.g., overweight). In addition to discussing commercial pet food products in detail, this section also provides recipes for homemade meals.

    Subsequent chapters cover topics related to grooming habits; these include bathing frequency guidelines as well as tips about nail trimming and ear cleaning procedures. The author then moves onto behavioral issues such as housebreaking techniques; she emphasizes positive reinforcement methods over punishment-based approaches whenever possible.

    Finally, the last few chapters discuss various treatments available from traditional veterinary medicine alongside those offered by alternative practitioners like acupuncturists or chiropractors; readers are encouraged to explore both options when seeking medical help for their pets.

    Overall The Holistic Guide For A Healthy Dog is an invaluable resource that can help owners provide their furry friends with optimal physical health while promoting emotional wellbeing too!

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Proper nutrition is essential for a healthy dog: A balanced diet of fresh, natural ingredients is the best way to ensure that your dog is getting the nutrients they need to stay healthy.

    Proper nutrition is essential for a healthy dog. A balanced diet of fresh, natural ingredients can provide your pup with the vitamins and minerals they need to stay in top condition. This means avoiding processed foods that are high in sugar, salt, and artificial additives. Instead, opt for whole grains such as brown rice or oats; lean proteins like chicken or fish; vegetables like carrots and broccoli; fruits like apples and bananas; and healthy fats from sources such as olive oil or coconut oil.

    In addition to providing your pup with the right nutrients, it’s important to feed them at regular intervals throughout the day. This will help keep their energy levels up while also preventing overeating. It’s also important to make sure you’re giving them enough water each day – this helps keep their bodies hydrated so they can perform optimally.

    Finally, be sure to consult with your veterinarian about any dietary changes you plan on making for your pet. They can provide valuable advice on what type of food is best suited for your pups individual needs.

  • #2.     Exercise is important for a healthy dog: Regular exercise helps to keep your dog’s body and mind in shape, and can help to prevent behavioral issues.

    Exercise is an important part of keeping your dog healthy. Regular exercise helps to keep your dog’s body and mind in shape, and can help to prevent behavioral issues. Exercise also helps to strengthen the bond between you and your pet, as it gives them a chance to spend quality time with you. It also provides mental stimulation for dogs, which can help reduce boredom-related behaviors such as barking or destructive chewing.

    Physical activity is essential for maintaining muscle tone, joint health, cardiovascular fitness, weight management and overall well-being in dogs. Depending on the breed of your dog, they may need more or less exercise than others; however all breeds should have some form of regular physical activity each day. This could include walks around the neighborhood or playing fetch at a local park.

    In addition to providing physical benefits for your pup, exercising together can be great fun! Not only will it give both of you something enjoyable to do together but it will also provide mental stimulation that will help keep their minds sharp and alert. So make sure that you take some time out each day for playtime with your furry friend – they’ll thank you for it!

  • #3.     Natural remedies can be used to treat common ailments: Herbal remedies, homeopathy, and other natural treatments can be used to treat common ailments in dogs.

    Natural remedies can be a great way to treat common ailments in dogs. Herbal remedies, homeopathy, and other natural treatments are becoming increasingly popular as people look for alternatives to traditional medications. Herbs such as chamomile, ginger, and peppermint have been used for centuries to help with digestive issues, skin problems, and even anxiety. Homeopathic remedies use small doses of substances that cause similar symptoms in healthy individuals to stimulate the body’s own healing response. Other natural treatments include acupuncture and massage therapy which can help reduce pain and improve overall health.

    When using any type of natural remedy it is important to consult your veterinarian first before administering anything yourself. Natural remedies may not always work or they could interact with other medications your dog is taking so it is best to get professional advice before trying something new.

  • #4.     Grooming is important for a healthy dog: Regular grooming helps to keep your dog’s coat and skin healthy, and can help to prevent parasites and other skin conditions.

    Grooming is an important part of keeping your dog healthy. Regular brushing and combing helps to remove dirt, debris, and dead hair from the coat, which can help prevent skin conditions such as parasites or other infections. Grooming also helps to stimulate circulation in the skin and fur, promoting a healthier coat overall. Additionally, regular grooming sessions are a great way for you to bond with your pup while checking for any lumps or bumps that may need attention.

    When it comes to grooming tools, there are many options available depending on your dog’s breed and type of coat. Brushes come in different sizes and shapes for short-haired dogs as well as long-haired breeds; combs can be used on both types of coats; clippers are necessary if you plan on giving your pup a trim; nail trimmers should always be used when cutting nails; shampoo specifically designed for dogs should be used during baths; conditioner will help keep their fur soft and shiny.

    It’s important to remember that not all dogs enjoy being groomed so take time getting them accustomed to the process by starting slowly with just one tool at a time. Be sure to reward them with treats throughout the session so they associate grooming with something positive!

  • #5.     Vaccinations are important for a healthy dog: Vaccinations help to protect your dog from serious illnesses and diseases, and should be kept up to date.

    Vaccinations are an important part of keeping your dog healthy. Vaccines help to protect your pet from serious illnesses and diseases, such as distemper, parvovirus, rabies, and leptospirosis. By vaccinating your dog regularly you can reduce the risk of them contracting these potentially fatal diseases.

    It is recommended that puppies receive their first vaccinations at six weeks old and then have booster shots every three to four weeks until they reach sixteen weeks old. After this initial series of vaccinations it is important to keep up with regular boosters throughout their life in order to maintain immunity against these illnesses.

    Your veterinarian will be able to advise you on which vaccines are necessary for your particular breed or lifestyle. It is also important to remember that some areas may require additional vaccinations due to local laws or regulations.

    By ensuring that your dog’s vaccinations are kept up-to-date you can help ensure a long and healthy life for them.

  • #6.     Socialization is important for a healthy dog: Socializing your dog with other animals and people helps to ensure that they are comfortable in different situations.

    Socialization is an important part of raising a healthy dog. It helps to ensure that your pup is comfortable in different situations and around other animals and people. Socializing your dog can help them learn how to interact with others, as well as build confidence and trust. This will make it easier for them to adjust when they are faced with new environments or unfamiliar people.

    When socializing your pup, start slowly by introducing them to one person at a time in a controlled environment. Allow the person to give treats or pet the pup if they want, but don’t force any interaction if the pup seems uncomfortable. As you progress, gradually introduce more people into the mix until your pup is comfortable being around multiple strangers at once.

    It’s also important to take your puppy out on walks so that they can become accustomed to their surroundings and get used to seeing other dogs and people while out on walks. If possible, try taking them somewhere where there are lots of other dogs so that they can practice interacting with their peers in a safe setting.

    Finally, be sure not to overwhelm your puppy during socialization sessions; keep things positive by rewarding good behavior with treats or praise rather than punishing bad behavior. With patience and consistency, you should have no problem helping your furry friend become confident enough for any situation!

  • #7.     Mental stimulation is important for a healthy dog: Mental stimulation helps to keep your dog’s mind active and can help to prevent boredom and destructive behaviors.

    Mental stimulation is an important part of keeping your dog healthy and happy. It helps to keep their minds active, which can help prevent boredom and destructive behaviors. Mental stimulation can come in many forms, such as providing them with interactive toys or puzzles that require problem-solving skills, teaching them new tricks or commands, playing games like fetch or hide-and-seek, taking them on walks to explore new places and smells, introducing them to other dogs for socialization opportunities, and engaging in activities like agility training.

    It’s also important to provide mental stimulation throughout the day so that your dog doesn’t become bored. This could include giving them a variety of different toys each day or rotating through different activities during playtime. Additionally, it’s important to make sure you are providing enough physical exercise for your pup as well; this will help tire out their bodies while stimulating their minds.

    By making sure you are providing adequate mental stimulation for your pup every day you can ensure they stay healthy both physically and mentally!

  • #8.     Training is important for a healthy dog: Training helps to ensure that your dog is well-behaved and can help to prevent behavioral issues.

    Training is an essential part of having a healthy dog. It helps to ensure that your pet understands the rules and boundaries you set for them, as well as teaching them how to interact with other animals and people in a safe and appropriate manner. Training can also help prevent behavioral issues such as aggression or destructive behavior, which can be dangerous for both your pet and those around them.

    When training your dog, it’s important to use positive reinforcement techniques such as rewards-based methods rather than punishment-based ones. This will help create a strong bond between you and your pet while also helping them learn quickly what behaviors are acceptable. Additionally, regular exercise is important for keeping dogs physically fit; this can include walks, playtime with toys or games like fetch.

    Overall, training is key when it comes to having a happy and healthy pup! With patience and consistency on your part, you’ll soon have a furry friend who knows their place in the family – one who loves spending time with you just as much as they love playing outdoors.

  • #9.     Flea and tick prevention is important for a healthy dog: Regular flea and tick prevention helps to keep your dog free from parasites and other pests.

    Flea and tick prevention is an important part of keeping your dog healthy. Fleas and ticks can cause a variety of health problems for dogs, including skin irritation, hair loss, infection, and even disease. Regular flea and tick prevention helps to keep your dog free from these parasites and other pests.

    There are several methods available for preventing fleas and ticks on your pet. The most common method is the use of topical treatments such as spot-on products or sprays that contain insecticides or repellents. These products should be applied monthly in order to provide continuous protection against fleas and ticks.

    In addition to using topical treatments, its also important to regularly groom your pet with a flea comb or brush designed specifically for removing parasites from their fur. This will help remove any existing eggs or larvae before they have a chance to hatch into adult insects.

    Finally, its important to keep your home clean by vacuuming carpets regularly and washing bedding frequently in hot water. This will help reduce the number of potential hosts for fleas and ticks in the environment around your pet.

  • #10.     Regular veterinary check-ups are important for a healthy dog: Regular check-ups help to ensure that your dog is healthy and can help to detect any potential health issues.

    Regular veterinary check-ups are an important part of keeping your dog healthy. During these visits, the vet will examine your pet for any signs of illness or injury and can provide advice on how to keep them in good health. The vet may also recommend vaccinations, flea and tick treatments, heartworm prevention medications, and other preventative care measures.

    Your veterinarian can also help you identify potential problems before they become serious. For example, if your dog is showing signs of arthritis or joint pain, the vet can diagnose it early and prescribe medication to reduce inflammation and discomfort. Regular check-ups also allow the vet to monitor changes in weight or behavior that could indicate a more serious underlying condition.

    Finally, regular check-ups give you peace of mind knowing that your pet is receiving proper medical attention when needed. This helps ensure that any illnesses or injuries are treated promptly so that your dog remains happy and healthy for years to come.

  • #11.     Spaying and neutering is important for a healthy dog: Spaying and neutering helps to prevent unwanted litters and can help to reduce the risk of certain health issues.

    Spaying and neutering is an important part of responsible pet ownership. Not only does it help to prevent unwanted litters, but it can also reduce the risk of certain health issues in dogs. Spaying a female dog eliminates her heat cycle, which reduces the chances of uterine infections and breast cancer. Neutering a male dog prevents testicular cancer and prostate problems, as well as reducing aggressive behavior.

    In addition to these medical benefits, spaying or neutering your pet can also help with behavioral issues such as roaming or marking territory. It may even make them more affectionate towards you!

    It’s important to talk to your veterinarian about when is the best time for your particular breed or individual dog to be spayed or neutered. Generally speaking, puppies should be at least six months old before they are altered.

  • #12.     Proper dental care is important for a healthy dog: Regular brushing and dental check-ups help to keep your dog’s teeth and gums healthy and can help to prevent dental issues.

    Proper dental care is essential for a healthy dog. Regular brushing and dental check-ups can help to keep your dog’s teeth and gums in good condition, as well as preventing the development of any potential issues. Brushing your dog’s teeth on a daily basis helps to remove plaque build-up, which can lead to gum disease if left untreated. Additionally, regular visits to the vet for professional cleanings are important in order to detect any underlying problems that may not be visible during at-home brushing sessions.

    During these check-ups, your vet will also look out for signs of periodontal disease or other oral health issues such as broken or missing teeth. If caught early enough, many of these conditions can be treated with antibiotics or other medications before they become more serious. In addition to regular brushing and veterinary visits, providing your pet with chew toys and treats designed specifically for dental hygiene can help reduce plaque buildup between brushings.

    By taking proper care of their teeth and gums through regular brushing and check-ups, you can ensure that your pup stays happy and healthy throughout their life!

  • #13.     Proper parasite control is important for a healthy dog: Regular parasite control helps to keep your dog free from parasites and other pests.

    Proper parasite control is essential for a healthy dog. Parasites can cause serious health problems, including skin and coat issues, digestive disturbances, anemia, and even death in extreme cases. Regular deworming and flea/tick prevention are important steps to take to ensure your pup stays healthy.

    Deworming should be done at least twice a year or more often if recommended by your veterinarian. This helps keep parasites from multiplying inside the body of your pet. Flea/tick prevention should also be used regularly as these pests can carry diseases that can affect both you and your pet.

    Its also important to check for external parasites such as ticks on a regular basis. If you find any ticks on your dog, remove them immediately with tweezers or tick removal tools available at most pet stores.

    Finally, its important to practice good hygiene around pets by washing hands after handling them and cleaning up their living areas regularly. By taking these simple steps youll help keep parasites away from your beloved pup!

  • #14.     Proper nutrition for pregnant and nursing dogs is important for a healthy dog: A balanced diet of fresh, natural ingredients is the best way to ensure that your pregnant or nursing dog is getting the nutrients they need.

    Proper nutrition for pregnant and nursing dogs is essential for the health of both mother and puppies. A balanced diet of fresh, natural ingredients will provide your dog with all the nutrients they need to stay healthy during this important time. This includes proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water. Protein should make up about 25-30% of their daily caloric intake while carbohydrates should be around 40-50%. Fats should account for 15-20%, while vitamins and minerals are needed in small amounts.

    It’s also important to ensure that your pregnant or nursing dog has access to plenty of clean drinking water throughout the day. Water helps keep them hydrated as well as aiding digestion and helping flush out toxins from their body. If you’re feeding a commercial food product it’s best to choose one specifically designed for pregnant or lactating dogs.

    In addition to providing a balanced diet it’s also beneficial to supplement with omega 3 fatty acids such as fish oil which can help support brain development in puppies as well as promoting joint health in momma dog. Probiotics may also be helpful in maintaining digestive balance during pregnancy.

    By following these guidelines you can rest assured that your pregnant or nursing dog is getting all the nutrition they need for a happy and healthy life!

  • #15.     Proper nutrition for senior dogs is important for a healthy dog: A balanced diet of fresh, natural ingredients is the best way to ensure that your senior dog is getting the nutrients they need.

    Proper nutrition for senior dogs is essential to ensure that they stay healthy and active as they age. A balanced diet of fresh, natural ingredients can provide the necessary vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates needed for a healthy life. Senior dogs may require more frequent meals than younger dogs due to their slower metabolism and reduced energy levels. It’s important to feed your senior dog high-quality food with plenty of protein from sources such as lean meats or fish. Whole grains like brown rice are also beneficial in providing complex carbohydrates for sustained energy throughout the day.

    In addition to a balanced diet, it’s important to supplement your senior dog’s diet with omega-3 fatty acids which help reduce inflammation associated with aging joints and muscles. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in foods such as salmon oil or flaxseed oil but should always be given under veterinary supervision. Other supplements such as glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate may also be recommended by your veterinarian depending on your pets individual needs.

    Finally, make sure you keep an eye on how much food you give your senior dog; obesity can lead to serious health problems so it’s important not to overfeed them! With proper nutrition and regular exercise tailored specifically for seniors, you can help keep your beloved companion happy and healthy well into their golden years.

  • #16.     Proper nutrition for puppies is important for a healthy dog: A balanced diet of fresh, natural ingredients is the best way to ensure that your puppy is getting the nutrients they need.

    Proper nutrition for puppies is essential to ensure that they grow into healthy, happy dogs. A balanced diet of fresh, natural ingredients will provide the necessary nutrients and energy needed for growth and development. Puppies need a variety of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals in order to stay healthy. Feeding your puppy high-quality food with plenty of protein from sources such as lean meats or fish can help them reach their full potential.

    Its important to feed your puppy several small meals throughout the day rather than one large meal. This helps keep their blood sugar levels stable and prevents overeating which can lead to obesity later on in life. Additionally, its important to make sure that you are providing enough water for your pup; dehydration can be dangerous so always have fresh water available at all times.

    Finally, its important not to overfeed your puppy as this could cause health problems down the line. Consult with a veterinarian about how much food is appropriate for your pup based on their age and activity level.

  • #17.     Proper nutrition for working dogs is important for a healthy dog: A balanced diet of fresh, natural ingredients is the best way to ensure that your working dog is getting the nutrients they need.

    Proper nutrition for working dogs is essential to ensure that they stay healthy and perform at their best. A balanced diet of fresh, natural ingredients is the best way to provide your dog with all the nutrients they need. This means avoiding processed foods and opting instead for a variety of whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. Feeding your dog a combination of these nutrient-rich foods will help them maintain energy levels throughout the day while also providing important vitamins and minerals.

    In addition to providing a nutritious diet for your working dog, it’s also important to make sure that they are getting enough exercise. Regular physical activity helps keep muscles strong and joints flexible so that your pup can work hard without injury or fatigue. Make sure you take time each day to give your pup plenty of opportunities for playtime or walks in order to keep them fit and active.

    Finally, don’t forget about mental stimulation! Working dogs need just as much mental stimulation as physical exercise in order to stay sharp mentally. Providing interactive toys such as puzzles or treat dispensers can help keep their minds engaged while also helping prevent boredom.

  • #18.     Proper nutrition for show dogs is important for a healthy dog: A balanced diet of fresh, natural ingredients is the best way to ensure that your show dog is getting the nutrients they need.

    Proper nutrition for show dogs is essential to ensure that they remain healthy and perform at their best. A balanced diet of fresh, natural ingredients should be the foundation of any show dogs diet. This means avoiding processed foods with artificial additives, preservatives, or fillers as much as possible. Instead, focus on providing your dog with a variety of whole grains, lean proteins such as fish and poultry, vegetables and fruits in season, dairy products like yogurt or cottage cheese (in moderation), eggs (cooked), nuts and seeds (unsalted).

    In addition to providing a nutritious diet for your show dog it is also important to make sure they are getting enough exercise. Regular walks or playtime will help keep them fit and active while helping them maintain muscle tone which can improve their performance in the ring. It is also important to provide plenty of mental stimulation through activities such as agility training or obedience classes.

    Finally, regular visits to the vet are essential for maintaining good health in all dogs but especially those competing in shows where stress levels may be higher than normal due to travel and competition demands. Your veterinarian can advise you on specific dietary needs based on your individual pet’s age, breed type and activity level.

  • #19.     Proper nutrition for sporting dogs is important for a healthy dog: A balanced diet of fresh, natural ingredients is the best way to ensure that your sporting dog is getting the nutrients they need.

    Proper nutrition for sporting dogs is essential to ensure that they stay healthy and perform at their best. A balanced diet of fresh, natural ingredients is the best way to provide your dog with all the nutrients they need. This means avoiding processed foods and opting instead for whole grains, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, as well as healthy fats like olive oil or coconut oil.

    Its also important to make sure that your dog gets enough exercise in order to maintain a healthy weight. Regular walks or runs are great ways to keep them active and help them burn off excess energy. Additionally, providing plenty of mental stimulation through activities such as agility training can help keep them mentally sharp.

    Finally, its important to remember that every dog has different nutritional needs depending on their age, breed and activity level. Consulting with a veterinarian or canine nutritionist can be helpful in determining what type of food will work best for your particular pet.

  • #20.     Proper nutrition for hunting dogs is important for a healthy dog: A balanced diet of fresh, natural ingredients is the best way to ensure that your hunting dog is getting the nutrients they need.

    Proper nutrition for hunting dogs is essential to ensure they stay healthy and perform at their best. A balanced diet of fresh, natural ingredients should be the foundation of any hunting dog’s diet. This means avoiding processed foods that are high in sugar, salt, and artificial additives as these can cause health problems over time. Instead, focus on providing your dog with a variety of lean proteins such as chicken or fish; complex carbohydrates like brown rice or sweet potatoes; and plenty of fruits and vegetables for vitamins and minerals.

    In addition to providing a nutritious diet, its important to make sure your hunting dog gets enough exercise. Regular walks or runs will help keep them fit while also giving them an opportunity to explore new smells and sights which can help stimulate their minds. Finally, dont forget about mental stimulation! Providing toys that require problem-solving skills or puzzles can help keep your pup mentally engaged when youre not out in the field.