The Illustrated Guide to Astronomy 2012

by Robin Scagell





  • The Illustrated Guide to Astronomy by Robin Scagell is an informative and comprehensive guide to the night sky. It provides a detailed overview of astronomy, from the basics of star-gazing to more advanced topics such as cosmology and astrophysics. The book begins with an introduction to the science of astronomy, including its history, tools used for observation, and how stars are classified. It then moves on to discuss our solar system in detail, covering planets, moons, asteroids and comets.

    The next section covers galaxies beyond our own Milky Way galaxy; it explains their structure and composition as well as how they interact with each other through gravity. This is followed by a discussion of deep space objects such as nebulae and supernovas before moving on to explore exoplanets – planets outside our solar system – which have been discovered in recent years.

    The book also looks at some of the most exciting astronomical discoveries made over the past few decades: black holes; dark matter; gravitational waves; quasars; pulsars; gamma ray bursts etc., providing readers with an understanding of these phenomena that goes beyond what can be seen through telescopes alone.

    Finally, there is a chapter devoted entirely to observing techniques: how best to use binoculars or telescopes for stargazing (including advice on choosing equipment); tips for taking photographs using digital cameras or smartphones; plus information about online resources available for amateur astronomers.

    Overall this book offers a comprehensive overview of modern astronomy suitable both for beginners who want an introduction into this fascinating subject area but also those looking for more detailed knowledge about specific topics within it.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     The Solar System: The Solar System consists of the Sun, eight planets, and a variety of other objects such as asteroids, comets, and dwarf planets. It is the only known system in the universe that contains life.

    The Solar System is a vast and complex system of planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and other objects that orbit the Sun. It is the only known system in the universe to contain life. The eight planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. These planets vary greatly in size and composition; from rocky terrestrial worlds like Earth to gas giants like Jupiter.

    In addition to these major bodies there are also many smaller objects such as asteroids which can be found orbiting between Mars and Jupiter or beyond Neptunes orbit. Comets are icy bodies that originate from either the Oort Cloud or Kuiper Belt regions of our Solar System. Dwarf Planets such as Pluto have been discovered beyond Neptunes orbit.

    Our understanding of this incredible system has grown over time thanks to advances in technology allowing us to explore further into space than ever before. We now know more about how our Solar System formed billions of years ago and continue to learn new things every day.

  • #2.     The Sun: The Sun is the center of the Solar System and is composed of hot gas and plasma. It is the source of light and heat for the planets and is responsible for the day and night cycle.

    The Sun is the most important object in our Solar System. It is a huge, glowing ball of hot gas and plasma that provides light and heat to all the planets in our system. The Suns immense gravity holds everything together, creating an orderly arrangement of planets orbiting around it.

    The Sun also has a major influence on Earths climate and weather patterns. Its energy drives the water cycle, which helps keep temperatures stable over long periods of time. Without this energy from the Sun, life as we know it would not exist.

    The day-night cycle on Earth is caused by the rotation of our planet around its axis relative to the position of the Sun in space. As Earth rotates, different parts are exposed to sunlight at different times throughout each day.

  • #3.     The Planets: The eight planets in the Solar System are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. They vary in size, composition, and distance from the Sun.

    The eight planets in the Solar System are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Each of these planets has its own unique characteristics that make it distinct from the others. Mercury is the smallest planet and closest to the Sun; it is composed mostly of rock and metal. Venus is slightly larger than Earth and has a thick atmosphere made up mainly of carbon dioxide. Earth is our home planet with an abundance of liquid water on its surface; it also has a magnetic field which protects us from solar radiation. Mars is much colder than Earth but still contains some frozen water at its poles; it also has two moons orbiting around it.

    Jupiter is by far the largest planet in our Solar System with four large moons orbiting around it; this gas giants composition consists mainly of hydrogen and helium. Saturn follows closely behind Jupiter in size but differs greatly due to its iconic rings made up mostly of ice particles. Uranus lies further out from the Sun than any other major planet in our system; this icy world rotates on its side giving rise to extreme seasons lasting for decades at a time! Finally we have Neptune which completes our tour through the outer reaches of our Solar System; like Uranus this distant world also features strong winds blowing across its blue-tinted clouds.

  • #4.     Dwarf Planets: Dwarf planets are small, icy objects that orbit the Sun. They are not considered to be full-fledged planets, but they are still important members of the Solar System.

    Dwarf planets are small, icy objects that orbit the Sun. They are not considered to be full-fledged planets like Earth or Mars, but they still play an important role in our Solar System. Dwarf planets have a wide range of sizes and compositions, from Ceres which is about 950 km across to Eris which is almost 2400 km across. Most dwarf planets are located in the Kuiper Belt beyond Neptunes orbit, although some can also be found closer to the Sun.

    Unlike regular planets, dwarf planets do not clear their orbits of other objects; instead they share their space with asteroids and comets. This means that there could potentially be many more dwarf planet candidates out there waiting to be discovered!

    The International Astronomical Union (IAU) officially defines a “dwarf planet” as any celestial body orbiting around the sun that has enough mass for its own gravity to pull it into a nearly round shape but has not cleared its orbital path of other objects.

  • #5.     Asteroids: Asteroids are small, rocky objects that orbit the Sun. They are believed to be the remnants of a planet that was destroyed in the early days of the Solar System.

    Asteroids are small, rocky objects that orbit the Sun. They range in size from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers across and can be found throughout the Solar System. Asteroids are believed to be the remnants of a planet that was destroyed in the early days of our Solar Systems formation. It is thought that this destruction occurred when two large planets collided with each other, causing pieces of debris to break off and form asteroids.

    These asteroids have been studied extensively by astronomers over the years as they provide valuable insight into how our Solar System formed and evolved. By studying their composition, we can learn more about what materials were present during its formation and gain an understanding of how it has changed since then.

    In addition to providing us with information about our past, asteroids also pose potential threats for Earths future. Some asteroids may come close enough to Earth that they could cause significant damage if they were ever to collide with us. For this reason, scientists continue to monitor them closely so that any potential danger can be identified quickly.

  • #6.     Comets: Comets are icy objects that orbit the Sun. They are believed to be made up of frozen gases and dust, and they can produce spectacular displays of light when they pass close to the Sun.

    Comets are some of the most fascinating objects in our Solar System. They are made up of frozen gases and dust, and they orbit the Sun on highly elliptical paths. As a comet approaches the Sun, it begins to heat up and its icy surface starts to vaporize, releasing gas and dust into space. This forms a glowing coma around the nucleus of the comet, which can be seen from Earth with binoculars or even with just your eyes.

    When comets pass close enough to the Sun they can produce spectacular displays of light known as cometary tails. These tails form when solar radiation pushes away particles from the coma that have been released by sublimation (the process where solid ice turns directly into gas). The tail is usually curved due to pressure from solar wind particles.

    Comets have fascinated people for centuries because their unpredictable behavior makes them difficult to predict or understand. Some comets appear only once every few hundred years while others may return more frequently than that. Comets also provide us with valuable information about our Solar Systems history since they contain material left over from its formation billions of years ago.

  • #7.     The Moon: The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite. It orbits the Earth and is responsible for the tides and the day and night cycle.

    The Moon is Earths only natural satellite. It orbits the Earth at an average distance of 384,400 kilometers and completes one orbit every 27.3 days. The Moon has a diameter of 3476 kilometers, making it about 1/4 the size of the Earth.

    The Moons gravitational pull on the oceans causes tides in our seas and oceans twice a day. Its regular cycle of phases also creates our day-night cycle as it moves around us, illuminated by sunlight from different angles.

    The surface of the moon is covered with craters formed by meteorite impacts over billions of years. There are also dark patches known as maria (Latin for seas) which were created when molten lava filled impact basins billions of years ago.

  • #8.     The Stars: Stars are huge balls of gas that produce light and heat. They are the most numerous objects in the universe and can be seen in the night sky.

    Stars are some of the most fascinating objects in the universe. They come in a variety of sizes, colors, and temperatures, and they can be found scattered throughout our galaxy and beyond. Stars form when clouds of gas collapse under their own gravity, creating immense pressure that causes them to heat up until nuclear fusion begins. This process releases energy in the form of light and heat which is what we see from Earth.

    The size of stars varies greatly; some are much larger than our Sun while others may be only a fraction as big. The color also depends on its temperature; cooler stars appear redder while hotter ones look bluer or even white. Some stars have planets orbiting around them, while others exist alone in space.

    Stars play an important role in astronomy since they provide us with clues about how galaxies evolve over time. By studying their brightnesses and spectra (the way they emit light), astronomers can learn more about their composition, age, distance from Earth, and other properties.

    The night sky is full of these amazing celestial bodies that have captivated people for centuries – it’s no wonder why so many cultures have created stories about them!

  • #9.     Constellations: Constellations are groups of stars that form patterns in the night sky. They are used to help identify different parts of the sky and to tell stories about the gods and heroes of ancient times.

    Constellations are an important part of astronomy and have been used for centuries to help identify different parts of the night sky. They consist of groups of stars that form patterns, often resembling animals or mythical figures. These constellations can be used to tell stories about gods and heroes from ancient times, as well as helping us navigate our way around the night sky.

    The most famous constellation is probably Orion, which is made up of seven bright stars in a distinctive pattern. It has been known since antiquity and was named after a hunter in Greek mythology. Other popular constellations include Ursa Major (the Great Bear) and Cassiopeia (the Queen).

    In addition to being useful for navigation, constellations can also provide insight into the history and culture of different civilizations. For example, some cultures saw certain star patterns as symbols or omens that could influence their lives. Constellations were also seen by many cultures as representations of gods or other supernatural beings.

    Today we use modern technology such as telescopes to observe distant galaxies and planets far beyond our own solar system. But even with all this advanced equipment at our disposal, it’s still possible to look up at the night sky on a clear evening and find familiar shapes among the stars – just like people have done for thousands of years.

  • #10.     Galaxies: Galaxies are huge collections of stars, gas, and dust that are held together by gravity. Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, is home to billions of stars.

    Galaxies are some of the most fascinating objects in the universe. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from small dwarf galaxies to giant elliptical galaxies that span hundreds of thousands of light-years across. Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, is an example of a spiral galaxy – it has a flat disc shape with arms that wrap around its center.

    The stars within each galaxy are held together by gravity and orbit around its center. In addition to stars, galaxies also contain vast amounts of gas and dust which can be seen as nebulae or dark clouds when viewed through powerful telescopes. These clouds form new stars over time as they collapse under their own gravity.

    Galaxies often interact with one another through gravitational forces; sometimes merging together into larger structures such as clusters or superclusters. This process is thought to have been responsible for the formation of our own Milky Way billions of years ago.

  • #11.     The Universe: The universe is the sum total of all matter and energy that exists. It is believed to be expanding and is estimated to be around 13.8 billion years old.

    The universe is an incredibly vast and mysterious place. It is believed to be composed of all matter and energy that exists, including stars, galaxies, planets, moons, asteroids, comets and more. The universe is estimated to be around 13.8 billion years old and continues to expand as time passes.

    Astronomers have been studying the universe for centuries in order to better understand its origins and evolution. Through their research they have discovered a variety of phenomena such as dark matter, black holes and gravitational waves which help us gain insight into how the universe works.

    The study of astronomy has also allowed us to explore distant galaxies far beyond our own Milky Way galaxy. By doing so we can learn about other star systems that may contain habitable worlds or even intelligent life forms.

    No matter what mysteries remain unsolved in the depths of space there will always be something new waiting for us out there among the stars.

  • #12.     The Big Bang: The Big Bang is the theory that the universe began with a single, massive explosion. It is believed to have occurred around 13.8 billion years ago and is the source of all matter and energy in the universe.

    The Big Bang is the theory that the universe began with a single, massive explosion. It is believed to have occurred around 13.8 billion years ago and is the source of all matter and energy in the universe.

    This initial explosion created an incredibly hot and dense state known as a singularity, from which space, time, matter, and energy expanded outward at an incredible rate. This expansion continues today as galaxies move away from each other due to dark energy pushing them apart.

    As this expansion continued over billions of years, it cooled down enough for particles to form atoms which then combined into stars and galaxies. The Big Bang also explains why we observe a cosmic microwave background radiation throughout space - this is leftover heat from when the universe was first formed.

    The Big Bang Theory has been widely accepted by scientists since its inception in 1927 by Georges Lemaître. Since then it has been further refined through observations made by astronomers using powerful telescopes such as Hubble Space Telescope.

  • #13.     Dark Matter and Dark Energy: Dark matter and dark energy are mysterious substances that make up most of the universe. They are believed to be responsible for the expansion of the universe and the formation of galaxies.

    Dark matter and dark energy are mysterious substances that make up most of the universe. They cannot be seen directly, but their presence can be inferred from their gravitational effects on visible matter. Dark matter is believed to account for around 85% of all mass in the universe, while dark energy makes up about 70%.

    Dark matter is thought to interact with gravity and other forces in ways that ordinary matter does not. It has been proposed as an explanation for why galaxies rotate faster than expected based on the amount of visible material they contain. Dark energy, meanwhile, is believed to be responsible for the expansion of the universe and its accelerating rate.

    The exact nature of both dark matter and dark energy remains a mystery, though scientists have developed several theories about what they might be composed of. Some suggest that they could consist of particles such as axions or weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). Others propose that they may represent some form of vacuum energy or even a fifth fundamental force.

  • #14.     Black Holes: Black holes are regions of space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. They are believed to be the endpoints of stars that have collapsed under their own gravity.

    Black holes are mysterious and fascinating objects in the universe. They form when a star runs out of fuel, collapses under its own gravity, and becomes so dense that not even light can escape its gravitational pull. Black holes come in different sizes; some are only a few times more massive than our Sun while others have masses millions or billions of times greater than our Sun.

    The boundary around a black hole is called the event horizon, which marks the point beyond which nothing can escape from the intense gravitational field. Inside this region lies an area known as the singularity where matter is compressed to infinite density and space-time curves infinitely. The exact nature of what happens inside a black hole remains unknown.

    Although we cannot observe them directly due to their immense gravity, astronomers have been able to detect them indirectly by observing how they interact with other objects in space such as stars or gas clouds. By studying these interactions, scientists have been able to learn more about these enigmatic objects.

  • #15.     The Life Cycle of Stars: Stars are born, live, and die in a cycle that can last billions of years. They start out as clouds of gas and dust, and eventually become white dwarfs, neutron stars, or black holes.

    Stars are born when a cloud of gas and dust collapses under its own gravity. This process can take millions or even billions of years, depending on the size of the cloud. As it contracts, the material in the cloud heats up until nuclear fusion begins at its core. The star is now officially “born” and will continue to shine for many more years.

    The life cycle of stars depends on their mass; larger stars live shorter lives than smaller ones. During this time, they go through several stages as they burn through their fuel supply: main sequence, red giant, supergiant, planetary nebula and white dwarf. Eventually all that remains is a small stellar remnant such as a neutron star or black hole.

    After billions of years have passed since its birth, a star dies out completely leaving behind only an expanding shell of gas known as a supernova remnant. These remnants eventually disperse into interstellar space where new stars may form from them one day.

  • #16.     Exoplanets: Exoplanets are planets that orbit stars other than our Sun. They are believed to be common in the universe, and many of them may be capable of supporting life.

    Exoplanets, also known as extrasolar planets, are planets that orbit stars other than our Sun. They were first discovered in the 1990s and since then thousands of exoplanets have been identified. It is believed that there may be billions of them throughout the universe.

    These distant worlds come in a variety of sizes and compositions, from gas giants to rocky super-Earths. Some may even be capable of supporting life! Scientists continue to search for signs of life on these faraway worlds using powerful telescopes such as the Hubble Space Telescope.

    The study of exoplanets has revolutionized our understanding of planetary systems beyond our own Solar System. We now know that many stars host multiple planets, some with orbits similar to those found in our own Solar System while others have wildly different configurations.

  • #17.     The Search for Extraterrestrial Life: Scientists are searching for signs of life on other planets and moons in our Solar System and beyond. They are using a variety of techniques to look for evidence of life in the universe.

    The search for extraterrestrial life is an exciting and ongoing endeavor. Scientists are using a variety of techniques to look for signs of life in the universe, from studying planets and moons within our Solar System to searching for signals from distant stars. They use telescopes to observe light coming from other worlds, analyze data collected by spacecraft sent out into space, and even listen for radio waves that could be evidence of intelligent civilizations.

    In addition to looking at physical evidence, scientists also study the chemistry of other worlds. By analyzing the composition of atmospheres on planets or moons they can determine if there might be conditions suitable for life as we know it. They also look at how much energy is available on these bodies – too little energy means no chance of sustaining any kind of living organism.

    Finally, scientists are exploring ways to detect biosignatures – molecules that indicate the presence of biological activity such as photosynthesis or respiration. These molecules may not necessarily point directly towards intelligent life forms but they do provide clues about whether a planet has ever been able to support some form of living creature.

  • #18.     Space Exploration: Space exploration is the study of the universe beyond Earth. It is conducted by both robotic probes and human astronauts, and has resulted in many important discoveries about the universe.

    Space exploration is an exciting and important field of study. It has enabled us to learn more about our universe, its origins, and the potential for life beyond Earth. Through space exploration, we have been able to send robotic probes into deep space to collect data on distant planets and stars. We have also sent human astronauts into orbit around Earth and even further out into the solar system.

    The discoveries made through space exploration are invaluable in helping us understand our place in the universe. By studying other planets, moons, asteroids, comets, stars and galaxies we can gain insight into how our own planet formed billions of years ago. Space exploration has also revealed evidence that suggests there may be other forms of life elsewhere in the universe.

    In addition to providing scientific knowledge about our universe, space exploration has had a profound impact on humanity as a whole. It has inspired generations of people with dreams of exploring new worlds and discovering what lies beyond them. The technology developed for use in space missions has led to many advances here on Earth such as improved communication systems and medical treatments.

    Space exploration continues today with ambitious projects like sending humans back to the Moon or even further out into deep space towards Mars or beyond! As we continue this journey of discovery it is sure to bring forth many more amazing revelations about ourselves and our place in this vast cosmos.

  • #19.     Space Travel: Space travel is the act of traveling to other planets and moons in our Solar System. It is made possible by powerful rockets and spacecraft, and has enabled humans to explore the universe beyond Earth.

    Space travel is an exciting and ambitious endeavor that has enabled us to explore the universe beyond Earth. It involves powerful rockets and spacecraft, which are used to propel humans into space and allow them to visit other planets and moons in our Solar System. Space travel has opened up a world of possibilities for scientific research, as well as providing opportunities for recreational activities such as space tourism.

    The technology involved in space travel is complex but fascinating. Rockets must be designed with enough power to break through Earths atmosphere, while spacecraft must be equipped with life support systems so that astronauts can survive the journey. In addition, navigation systems must be precise enough to ensure that the craft reaches its destination safely.

    Space exploration has been ongoing since the 1950s when Russia launched Sputnik 1 – the first artificial satellite – into orbit around Earth. Since then, many more satellites have been sent into space by various countries around the world, allowing us to gain valuable insights about our planet and its place in the universe.

    Today, there are numerous private companies working on projects related to space exploration and commercialization of outer-space resources. This includes plans for human missions beyond low-Earth orbit (LEO) such as Mars or even further out into deep space destinations like Jupiter’s moon Europa or Saturn’s moon Titan.

  • #20.     The Future of Astronomy: Astronomy is an ever-evolving field of study. New technologies and discoveries are constantly being made, and the future of astronomy is sure to be filled with exciting new discoveries.

    The future of astronomy is sure to be filled with exciting new discoveries. Advances in technology have enabled us to explore the universe like never before, and this trend will continue as we develop more powerful telescopes and other instruments. We can expect to learn much more about our own solar system, distant galaxies, and even dark matter in the coming years.

    Astronomers are also working on ways to detect planets outside our solar system that may be capable of supporting life. This could lead to a major breakthrough in understanding how common or rare life is throughout the universe. In addition, astronomers are exploring ways to use gravitational waves from merging black holes or neutron stars for further study.

    Finally, space exploration has become increasingly accessible due to advances in rocketry and satellite technology. Private companies such as SpaceX have made it possible for anyone with enough money and ambition to send their own spacecraft into orbit around Earth or beyond. This opens up many possibilities for research that would otherwise not be available.

    The future of astronomy promises an exciting journey into unknown realms of knowledge about our universe. With each passing year we gain a better understanding of what lies beyond our planets atmosphere – something that was once thought impossible just decades ago.