The New Natural Cat: A Complete Guide for Finicky Owners 1998

by Anitra Frazier





  • The New Natural Cat: A Complete Guide for Finicky Owners by Anitra Frazier is a comprehensive guide to natural cat care. The book covers topics such as nutrition, grooming, health care, and behavior. It also provides information on how to create an environment that is conducive to the well-being of cats.

    The book begins with an introduction to natural cat care and explains why it is important for cats’ overall health and wellbeing. It then goes into detail about the different types of food available for cats, including raw diets, commercial foods, homemade recipes, supplements and treats. The author also discusses the importance of providing adequate exercise and playtime activities for cats.

    In addition to discussing nutrition and exercise needs of cats, the book also covers other aspects of their care such as grooming techniques; common medical conditions; vaccinations; flea control; dental hygiene; litter box management; behavioral issues such as aggression or anxiety; declawing alternatives; spaying/neutering options; travel tips for taking your cat on vacation or trips away from home.

    The New Natural Cat: A Complete Guide for Finicky Owners provides detailed advice on how best to provide a safe environment in which your cat can thrive. It includes helpful illustrations throughout so readers can easily understand each topic discussed in the book. This guide will help owners make informed decisions when it comes to caring for their feline friends.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Feeding: Cats should be fed a balanced diet of high-quality, species-appropriate food. This includes a combination of wet and dry food, as well as occasional treats.

    Feeding your cat a balanced diet is essential for their health and wellbeing. High-quality, species-appropriate food should be the foundation of their diet. This means that wet and dry food should both be included in their meals, as well as occasional treats. Wet food provides moisture which cats need to stay hydrated, while dry food helps keep teeth clean and healthy.

    When selecting foods for your cat, look for ones that are made with natural ingredients such as meat or fish proteins, vegetables, fruits and grains. Avoid artificial colors or flavors as these can cause digestive issues in cats. Additionally, make sure to read labels carefully so you know exactly what’s going into your pet’s body.

    Its also important to feed your cat at regular intervals throughout the day rather than one large meal once a day. This will help them maintain consistent energy levels throughout the day and prevent overeating.

  • #2.     Grooming: Regular grooming is essential for cats to stay healthy and happy. This includes brushing, nail trimming, and bathing when necessary.

    Grooming is an important part of keeping your cat healthy and happy. Regular brushing helps to remove dead hair, dirt, and dander from their coat. This can help reduce the amount of shedding in your home as well as prevent matting and tangles. Nail trimming should be done regularly to keep them from becoming too long or sharp which can cause discomfort for both you and your cat. Bathing should only be done when necessary, such as if they get into something sticky or smelly that won’t come out with regular brushing.

    When grooming your cat it is important to use a brush specifically designed for cats so that you dont irritate their skin. You also want to make sure that you are gentle while brushing so that they dont become scared or uncomfortable during the process. If possible, try to groom them in a quiet area where there arent any distractions like loud noises or other animals around.

    Regular grooming will not only help keep your cat looking great but it will also help strengthen the bond between you two by providing quality time together each day!

  • #3.     Exercise: Cats need regular exercise to stay healthy and active. This can include playing with toys, running around the house, and going for walks.

    Exercise is an important part of keeping cats healthy and active. Regular exercise helps to keep cats fit, both physically and mentally. Playing with toys such as catnip mice or laser pointers can provide mental stimulation while also providing physical activity. Running around the house gives cats a chance to stretch their legs and get some aerobic exercise. Going for walks outside on a leash can be beneficial too, although it may take some time for your cat to become comfortable with this idea.

    If you have multiple cats in your home, they can play together which will help them stay active and entertained. You should also make sure that there are plenty of places in your home where your cat can hide or climb so they have somewhere safe to go when they need a break from playing.

    Regular exercise is essential for keeping cats happy and healthy, so make sure you set aside time each day for playtime with your feline friend!

  • #4.     Litter Box: Cats should have a clean litter box that is easily accessible. This should be scooped daily and changed regularly to keep it clean and odor-free.

    Having a clean litter box is essential for cats. Not only does it help keep the house smelling fresh, but it also helps to maintain your cats health and hygiene. It should be placed in an easily accessible area of the home, preferably away from high-traffic areas or places where food is prepared. The litter box should be scooped daily and changed regularly to ensure that it remains odor-free and hygienic.

    When changing the litter, make sure to use a non-clumping variety as clumping litters can cause respiratory problems if inhaled by cats. Additionally, avoid using scented litters as they may contain chemicals that are harmful to cats. If you have multiple cats in your household, consider having more than one litter box so each cat has their own space.

  • #5.     Socialization: Cats should be socialized from a young age to help them become comfortable around people and other animals.

    Socialization is an important part of raising a healthy, well-adjusted cat. It involves introducing your cat to different people and animals in a safe and positive way so that they become comfortable with them. Socializing cats from a young age helps them learn how to interact appropriately with other creatures, as well as humans. This can help prevent fear-based aggression or shyness around strangers.

    When socializing your cat, it’s important to start slowly and use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats or toys when they show good behavior. Introduce new people gradually by having them sit quietly at first before allowing the person to pet the cat if desired. You should also introduce other animals slowly, making sure both are supervised until you know they will get along safely.

    It’s also important to provide plenty of enrichment activities for your cat such as scratching posts, interactive toys, climbing trees and hiding spots so that they have outlets for their natural behaviors. With patience and consistency, you can help ensure that your feline friend grows up happy and confident!

  • #6.     Health Care: Cats should receive regular veterinary check-ups and vaccinations to stay healthy.

    Cats are living longer and healthier lives than ever before, thanks to advances in veterinary medicine. To ensure that your cat stays healthy, it is important to take them for regular check-ups and vaccinations at the vet. During these visits, the vet will examine your cat from head to toe and look for any signs of illness or injury. They may also recommend certain tests or treatments depending on your cats age and lifestyle.

    Vaccinations are an important part of keeping cats healthy as they protect against serious illnesses such as feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and rabies. Your veterinarian can advise you on which vaccines are necessary based on where you live, how often your cat goes outdoors, their age, health status, etc. It is also important to keep up with parasite prevention such as flea control products or deworming medications.

    In addition to regular veterinary care, there are other things you can do at home to help keep your cat healthy. Feeding a balanced diet appropriate for their life stage is essential for maintaining good health throughout their lifetime. Providing plenty of fresh water daily helps prevent dehydration while providing toys and scratching posts encourages physical activity which helps maintain muscle tone.

  • #7.     Spaying/Neutering: Cats should be spayed or neutered to prevent unwanted litters and reduce the risk of certain diseases.

    Spaying and neutering cats is an important part of responsible pet ownership. Not only does it help to prevent unwanted litters, but it can also reduce the risk of certain diseases in cats. Spaying a female cat eliminates her heat cycles, which can be disruptive for both the cat and its owners. Neutering a male cat reduces his urge to roam and fight with other males, as well as reducing his risk of developing testicular cancer.

    In addition to these health benefits, spaying or neutering your cat will also help reduce the number of homeless animals in shelters. By preventing unplanned pregnancies you are helping to ensure that fewer cats end up without homes or proper care.

    If you have not already done so, consider having your cat spayed or neutered today! It’s one of the best things you can do for their long-term health and wellbeing.

  • #8.     Flea/Tick Prevention: Cats should be regularly treated for fleas and ticks to prevent infestations and the spread of disease.

    Flea and tick prevention is an important part of keeping your cat healthy. Regularly treating your cat for fleas and ticks can help prevent infestations, as well as the spread of disease. There are a variety of products available to treat cats for fleas and ticks, including topical treatments, oral medications, collars, sprays, shampoos, and powders. It’s important to choose the right product for your cat based on their age and lifestyle.

    When using any type of flea or tick treatment on your cat it’s essential to follow all instructions carefully. Make sure you apply the product correctly according to the manufacturers directions in order to ensure its effectiveness. Additionally, be sure that you use only products specifically designed for cats; never use dog products on cats.

    It’s also important to regularly check your cat for signs of fleas or ticks such as scratching or biting at their fur or skin. If you notice any signs that may indicate an infestation then take action immediately by consulting with a veterinarian who can recommend appropriate treatments.

  • #9.     Dental Care: Cats should receive regular dental care to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

    Cats need regular dental care just like humans do. Without proper oral hygiene, cats can develop tooth decay and gum disease which can lead to serious health problems. Regular brushing is the best way to keep your cats teeth clean and healthy. If you are unable to brush your cats teeth yourself, there are special treats available that help reduce plaque buildup on their teeth. Additionally, it is important to take your cat for regular checkups with a veterinarian who specializes in feline dentistry.

    During these visits, the vet will examine your cat’s mouth for any signs of infection or other issues such as broken or missing teeth. They may also recommend professional cleaning if necessary. Professional cleaning involves scaling and polishing of the teeth under anesthesia so that all tartar and plaque can be removed from hard-to-reach areas of the mouth.

    It is important to remember that dental care should not be neglected when caring for cats; it is an essential part of keeping them healthy and happy!

  • #10.     Behavior: Cats should be trained to understand basic commands and behaviors. This can help them stay safe and out of trouble.

    Training cats can be a rewarding experience for both the cat and its owner. Teaching basic commands such as “sit”, “come”, and “stay” can help keep cats safe in potentially dangerous situations. Additionally, teaching behaviors like using a scratching post instead of furniture or not jumping on counters can help prevent destructive behavior from developing. Training should always be done with positive reinforcement such as treats or verbal praise to ensure that the cat is motivated to learn.

    When training your cat it is important to remember that they are individuals with their own personalities and preferences. Some cats may take longer than others to learn certain behaviors so patience is key when working with them. It also helps if you break down each command into small steps so that your cat has an easier time understanding what you want them to do.

    Overall, training your cat can be a great way to bond with them while helping them stay safe and out of trouble. With patience and consistency, you will soon have a well-behaved feline companion!

  • #11.     Scratching: Cats should have scratching posts to help them keep their claws healthy and to prevent them from scratching furniture.

    Scratching is an important part of a cats natural behavior. It helps cats keep their claws healthy and strong, as well as providing them with mental stimulation and exercise. Scratching also serves to mark territory, so its important for cats to have access to scratching posts or other surfaces that they can use for this purpose.

    When choosing a scratching post for your cat, look for one that is sturdy enough to withstand vigorous use. The post should be tall enough so that the cat can stretch out fully when using it. If possible, provide multiple scratching posts in different locations around the house so your cat has plenty of options available.

    Its also important to make sure you dont punish your cat if they scratch furniture or other items in the home. Instead, redirect their attention by offering them an appropriate alternative such as a scratching post or cardboard scratcher. With patience and consistency, you can help teach your cat where it is acceptable to scratch.

  • #12.     Toys: Cats should have a variety of toys to keep them entertained and active.

    Cats need stimulation and exercise to stay healthy, both mentally and physically. Toys are a great way to provide this for your cat. There is an array of toys available that can keep cats entertained for hours on end. From interactive toys like laser pointers or feather wands, to plush mice and balls with bells inside them, there’s something out there for every type of feline personality.

    It’s important to rotate the toys you give your cat so they don’t get bored with the same ones over time. You should also make sure that all the toys you give your cat are safe and non-toxic in case they decide to chew on them or swallow any pieces. Additionally, it’s best if you supervise playtime when giving your cat new toys as some may contain small parts that could be dangerous if swallowed.

    Toys can help cats stay active while providing mental stimulation at the same time. Not only will this help keep them from getting bored but it will also help prevent destructive behaviors such as scratching furniture or other items around the house due to lack of activity.

  • #13.     Mental Stimulation: Cats should have mental stimulation to help them stay engaged and active.

    Mental stimulation is an important part of keeping cats healthy and happy. Cats are intelligent creatures, and they need to be challenged in order to stay engaged and active. Mental stimulation can come in the form of interactive play with toys or puzzles that require problem-solving skills. It can also include activities such as teaching your cat tricks, providing them with stimulating environments like window perches or scratching posts, or simply spending quality time playing together.

    Cats should have access to a variety of different types of mental stimulation throughout the day so that they don’t become bored or frustrated. This will help keep their minds sharp and prevent behavioral issues from developing due to lack of activity. Additionally, it’s important for cats to have plenty of physical exercise as well; this helps keep them fit and healthy while also providing mental stimulation.

  • #14.     Stress Management: Cats should have a safe and comfortable environment to help them manage stress.

    Stress management for cats is an important part of their overall health and wellbeing. Cats should have a safe, comfortable environment that allows them to feel secure and relaxed. This can include providing plenty of hiding places, such as boxes or cat trees; offering multiple litter boxes in different locations; ensuring they have access to fresh water at all times; providing toys and scratching posts for stimulation; and making sure there are no loud noises or other disturbances that could cause stress.

    Its also important to provide your cat with regular veterinary care, including vaccinations, parasite control, dental check-ups, and spaying/neutering if necessary. Regular visits to the vet will help ensure your cat stays healthy both physically and mentally.

    Finally, its essential to give your cat plenty of love and attention on a daily basis. Spend time playing with them each day so they know youre there for them when they need it most. Showing affection through petting or brushing can be especially calming for cats who may be feeling anxious or stressed out.

  • #15.     Travel: Cats should be trained to travel safely in a carrier to help them stay safe and comfortable.

    Traveling with cats can be a stressful experience for both the cat and its owner. Cats should be trained to travel safely in a carrier to help them stay safe and comfortable. This training should start when they are kittens, so that they become accustomed to being in the carrier before their first journey. Owners should make sure that the carrier is large enough for their cat, has plenty of ventilation, and is lined with something soft like a towel or blanket.

    When introducing your cat to the carrier, its important to make it an enjoyable experience by providing treats or toys inside. You may also want to leave the door open at first so your cat can explore without feeling trapped. Once your cat is comfortable entering and exiting on its own, you can begin closing the door while offering treats or playing games nearby.

    Its also important to get your cat used to car rides before taking any long trips together. Start off by taking short drives around town while giving lots of praise and rewards along the way. As your pet becomes more relaxed during these outings, gradually increase their length until youre ready for longer journeys.

  • #16.     Indoor/Outdoor: Cats should be kept indoors to protect them from predators and other dangers.

    Keeping cats indoors is the best way to protect them from predators and other dangers. Indoor cats are much less likely to be injured or killed by cars, dogs, wild animals, or people who may not understand their behavior. They also have a lower risk of contracting diseases such as feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and rabies. Additionally, indoor cats are less likely to get into fights with other cats that could result in injury.

    Indoor living can provide your cat with a safe environment where they can explore without fear of harm. You can create an interesting space for your cat by providing plenty of toys and scratching posts for them to play with. You should also make sure there is enough room for them to move around freely so they don’t feel confined or stressed out.

    By keeping your cat indoors you will be able to monitor their health more closely and ensure that they receive regular veterinary care when needed. This will help keep them healthy and happy throughout their life.

  • #17.     Declawing: Cats should not be declawed as it can cause pain and discomfort.

    Declawing cats is a controversial practice that has been widely debated in recent years. While some people believe it is necessary to protect furniture and other items from being scratched, the procedure can cause pain and discomfort for cats. Declawing involves amputating the last joint of each toe on a cats paw, which can be extremely painful for them. It also removes their primary defense mechanism against predators, leaving them vulnerable if they ever escape outdoors.

    In addition to physical pain, declawed cats may experience psychological distress as well. They may become more aggressive or withdrawn due to the trauma of having their claws removed. This could lead to behavioral problems such as biting or scratching out of fear or frustration.

    For these reasons, many animal welfare organizations have come out against declawing cats and instead recommend using alternatives such as nail trimming and providing scratching posts for your pet. By taking these steps you can help keep your cat healthy while still protecting your home from damage.

  • #18.     Diet Supplements: Cats may benefit from certain dietary supplements to help them stay healthy.

    Dietary supplements can be a great way to ensure that your cat is getting all the nutrients they need. Supplements are available in many forms, including powders, tablets, and liquids. They can provide essential vitamins and minerals that may not be present in your cats regular diet. Some of the most common dietary supplements for cats include omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, taurine, glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate complex, and antioxidants.

    Omega-3 fatty acids help support healthy skin and coat as well as joint health. Probiotics aid digestion by providing beneficial bacteria to the digestive tract which helps break down food more efficiently. Taurine is an amino acid found naturally in meat proteins which supports heart health and vision development. Glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate complex helps maintain joint flexibility while also helping reduce inflammation associated with arthritis or other joint issues. Antioxidants help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

    It’s important to consult with your veterinarian before giving any supplement to your cat so you know what dosage is appropriate for their size and age. Dietary supplements should never replace a balanced diet but rather complement it.

  • #19.     Senior Care: Cats should receive special care as they age to help them stay healthy and comfortable.

    Senior cats require special care to ensure they stay healthy and comfortable as they age. This includes regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, plenty of exercise, and mental stimulation. It is important to monitor your cats weight and activity level so that any changes can be addressed quickly. Additionally, providing your senior cat with a warm bed in a quiet area will help them feel safe and secure.

    It is also important to provide your aging cat with plenty of love and attention. As cats age their senses may become duller or weaker which can lead to anxiety or depression if not properly managed. Spending quality time playing with your senior cat or brushing their fur can help keep them feeling contented.

    Finally, it is essential for owners of senior cats to recognize when their pet needs extra assistance such as help getting up onto furniture or into litter boxes. Providing these accommodations will make life easier for both you and your beloved feline companion.

  • #20.     End-of-Life Care: Cats should receive special care and attention during their end-of-life stages.

    End-of-life care for cats is an important part of providing a good quality of life for our feline friends. Cats should receive special attention and care during their end-of-life stages, as they may experience physical and emotional changes that can be difficult to cope with. It is important to provide them with the necessary medical treatment, such as pain relief or other medications, while also offering comfort and companionship.

    It is essential to ensure that cats are comfortable in their environment during this time by making sure they have access to soft bedding, warm blankets, and plenty of food and water. Additionally, it is beneficial to spend extra time with your cat so you can monitor any changes in behavior or health status. This will help you identify any potential problems early on so that appropriate action can be taken.

    Finally, it is important to remember that each cat’s end-of-life journey will be unique; some cats may pass away peacefully at home while others may need more intensive veterinary care until the very end. Regardless of how long your cat has left on this earth, make sure you give them all the love and support they need during this difficult time.