The Parrot's Lament: And Other True Tales of Animal Intrigue, Intelligence, and Ingenuity 1999

by Eugene Linden





  • The Parrots Lament: And Other True Tales of Animal Intrigue, Intelligence, and Ingenuity by Eugene Linden is a collection of stories about the remarkable behavior of animals. The book explores how animals use their intelligence to survive in the wild and interact with humans. It also looks at how human activities have impacted animal behavior over time.

    The first story in the book focuses on Alex, an African Grey parrot who was taught to speak English by his owner Irene Pepperberg. Alex had an impressive vocabulary and could understand complex concepts such as shapes, colors, numbers, and even death. He showed signs of empathy towards other birds and demonstrated problem-solving skills that were far beyond what scientists expected from a bird species.

    In another chapter, Linden tells the story of dolphins living off the coast of Florida who learned to cooperate with fishermen in order to get food more easily. The dolphins would herd fish into nets set up by fishermen so they could catch them more efficiently than if they fished alone. This cooperative relationship between humans and dolphins has been going on for centuries.

    Linden also discusses how some animals are able to adapt quickly when faced with new challenges or environments due to their intelligence or ingenuity. For example, he talks about sea otters that figured out how to crack open shellfish using rocks as tools; crows that can recognize individual people; chimpanzees that can learn sign language; and elephants that remember where water sources are located during times of drought.

    Finally, Linden examines how human activities have changed animal behavior over time—from hunting practices leading some species into extinction or near extinction (such as wolves) to urbanization causing changes in migration patterns (such as geese). He argues that it is important for us to be aware of our impact on wildlife so we can take steps towards protecting these creatures before it’s too late.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     The Intelligence of Elephants: Elephants are highly intelligent animals, capable of complex problem solving and communication. They have been observed using tools, recognizing themselves in mirrors, and even mourning the death of their own kind.

    Elephants are highly intelligent animals, capable of complex problem solving and communication. They have been observed using tools to accomplish tasks such as digging for water or breaking open nuts, recognizing themselves in mirrors, and even mourning the death of their own kind. Elephants also demonstrate a remarkable memory; they can remember routes over long distances and recognize individual humans after many years apart.

    In addition to these impressive cognitive abilities, elephants also display an array of social behaviors that suggest a deep understanding of their environment. For example, they form strong bonds with family members and other herd members, cooperate when searching for food or defending against predators, and show empathy towards one another in times of distress.

    The intelligence of elephants is truly remarkable; it is no wonder why they have been revered by cultures around the world for centuries. Their ability to think critically about their surroundings has enabled them to survive in some of the harshest environments on Earth.

  • #2.     The Social Lives of Wolves: Wolves are highly social animals, living in packs and forming strong bonds with their family members. They communicate with each other through a variety of vocalizations and body language, and they have been observed to cooperate in hunting and caring for their young.

    Wolves are highly social animals, living in packs and forming strong bonds with their family members. They communicate with each other through a variety of vocalizations and body language, such as howling, growling, barking, snarling and tail wagging. Wolves also cooperate in hunting for food and caring for their young. In addition to these behaviors that help them survive in the wild, wolves have been observed engaging in playful activities like chasing one another or playing tug-of-war.

    The social lives of wolves are complex and fascinating. Studies have shown that they form close relationships within their pack hierarchy; dominant individuals will often groom subordinate ones while younger wolves may be seen playfully nipping at the heels of older ones. Wolves also show signs of empathy towards one another when injured or distressed.

    The intricate dynamics between wolf packs can provide us with valuable insights into our own behavior as humans. By studying the social lives of wolves we can gain a better understanding not only about animal behavior but also about ourselves.

  • #3.     The Tool-Using Abilities of Crows: Crows are highly intelligent birds, capable of using tools to solve problems. They have been observed using sticks to extract food from hard-to-reach places, and they have even been known to fashion tools from materials found in their environment.

    Crows are remarkable creatures, possessing a level of intelligence that rivals many primates. They have been observed using tools to solve problems and extract food from hard-to-reach places. In some cases, crows have even been known to fashion tools from materials found in their environment. This tool-using ability is an impressive feat for any animal, but especially so for birds.

    The Parrots Lament: And Other True Tales of Animal Intrigue, Intelligence, and Ingenuity by Eugene Linden provides fascinating insight into the lives of these intelligent birds. Through detailed accounts and anecdotes about crow behavior, readers can gain a better understanding of how they use tools to survive in their natural habitats.

    In addition to providing information on the tool-using abilities of crows, this book also offers insights into other aspects of crow behavior such as communication methods and social dynamics. It is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in learning more about these amazing animals.

  • #4.     The Language of Dolphins: Dolphins are highly intelligent animals, capable of communicating with each other through a variety of vocalizations and body language. They have been observed to use complex vocalizations to communicate with each other, and they have even been known to recognize their own names.

    Dolphins are highly intelligent animals, capable of communicating with each other through a variety of vocalizations and body language. Scientists have studied the communication patterns of dolphins for decades, and they have discovered that these creatures use complex vocalizations to communicate with one another. They can recognize their own names, as well as those of other dolphins in their pod. Dolphins also use body language to express themselves; they may slap their tails against the water or leap out of it to make a point.

    The complexity and sophistication of dolphin communication has led some researchers to suggest that there is an underlying “language” among them. This language would be composed not only of vocalizations but also gestures and postures used by dolphins when interacting with each other. While this idea remains largely theoretical at present, further research into dolphin behavior could help us better understand how these amazing creatures interact with one another.

  • #5.     The Problem-Solving Abilities of Chimpanzees: Chimpanzees are highly intelligent animals, capable of solving complex problems. They have been observed using tools to extract food from hard-to-reach places, and they have even been known to use sign language to communicate with humans.

    Chimpanzees are incredibly intelligent animals, capable of solving complex problems. They have been observed using tools to extract food from hard-to-reach places and even communicating with humans through sign language. Studies have shown that chimpanzees can recognize patterns, remember solutions to problems theyve encountered before, and use trial and error to find the best solution for a given problem. In addition, they are able to plan ahead by anticipating future events or outcomes based on their past experiences.

    In one study conducted at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany, researchers found that chimpanzees were able to solve a puzzle box task faster than human children when given the same amount of time. This suggests that chimps may be better equipped than humans when it comes to problem-solving abilities. Furthermore, research has also revealed that chimps possess an impressive ability to learn new skills quickly and retain them over long periods of time.

    The problem-solving abilities of chimpanzees demonstrate just how smart these animals really are. Their intelligence is often underestimated due to their physical appearance but this should not be the case as they clearly possess remarkable cognitive capabilities which rival those of humans in many ways.

  • #6.     The Memory of Elephants: Elephants have an impressive memory, capable of remembering the locations of food sources and the faces of other elephants. They have been observed to recognize the bones of their dead relatives, and they have even been known to remember the locations of water sources over long periods of time.

    The memory of elephants is truly remarkable. They have been observed to remember the locations of food sources and the faces of other elephants, even after long periods of time. In addition, they are capable of recognizing the bones of their dead relatives. This incredible ability has been studied extensively by researchers in order to better understand how animals use memories for survival.

    Elephants also demonstrate a unique form of intelligence when it comes to remembering things. For example, they can recall events that happened years ago with great accuracy and detail. This suggests that their memories are not only powerful but also highly organized and structured.

    In addition to being able to remember past events, elephants also possess an impressive capacity for learning new information quickly and accurately. Studies have shown that they can learn complex tasks such as navigating mazes or identifying objects from photographs with relative ease.

    The memory capabilities of elephants make them one of the most fascinating creatures on earth. Their ability to store vast amounts of information over long periods makes them invaluable research subjects for scientists studying animal behavior and cognition.

  • #7.     The Intelligence of Parrots: Parrots are highly intelligent birds, capable of learning and using human language. They have been observed to recognize words and phrases, and they have even been known to mimic human speech.

    Parrots are incredibly intelligent creatures, capable of learning and using human language. They have been observed to recognize words and phrases, as well as mimic human speech. Parrots can even be taught to do tricks or play games with their owners. Studies have shown that parrots can remember information for long periods of time, making them ideal companions for those who want a pet that is both entertaining and smart.

    In addition to being able to learn language, parrots also possess an impressive problem-solving ability. They are able to use tools in order to solve puzzles or gain access to food rewards. This shows just how clever these birds really are!

    The intelligence of parrots has made them popular pets around the world. Not only do they provide companionship and entertainment, but they also offer us insight into animal behavior and cognition.

  • #8.     The Social Lives of Monkeys: Monkeys are highly social animals, living in large groups and forming strong bonds with their family members. They communicate with each other through a variety of vocalizations and body language, and they have been observed to cooperate in caring for their young.

    Monkeys are highly social animals, living in large groups and forming strong bonds with their family members. They communicate with each other through a variety of vocalizations and body language, such as facial expressions, hand gestures, and postures. Monkeys have been observed to cooperate in caring for their young by sharing food resources or providing protection from predators. In addition to these cooperative behaviors, monkeys also engage in playful activities like chasing one another around trees or playing tag.

    The social lives of monkeys can be quite complex; they form alliances within the group that may last for years. These alliances often involve grooming one another or exchanging favors such as food or protection from predators. Monkeys also use vocalizations to express emotions such as fear or aggression towards outsiders who enter their territory.

    In recent years, researchers have begun studying the cognitive abilities of monkeys more closely. Studies suggest that some species of monkey possess advanced problem-solving skills and even show signs of self-awareness when presented with mirrors. This research has shed light on how intelligent primates can be when given the opportunity to learn new things.

  • #9.     The Tool-Using Abilities of Otters: Otters are highly intelligent animals, capable of using tools to solve problems. They have been observed using rocks to crack open shellfish, and they have even been known to fashion tools from materials found in their environment.

    Otters are incredibly intelligent animals, capable of using tools to solve problems. They have been observed using rocks to crack open shellfish and other food sources, demonstrating their ability to use objects as tools. In some cases, otters have even been known to fashion tools from materials found in their environment. This remarkable behavior is a testament to the intelligence of these creatures.

    The tool-using abilities of otters can be seen in many different contexts. For example, they may use sticks or stones as levers when trying to access food that is out of reach. They also use rocks and shells as anvils for cracking open hard-shelled prey such as clams and mussels. Additionally, they may construct dams with sticks and mud in order to create pools where they can hunt for fish.

    The tool-using abilities of otters demonstrate how intelligent these animals truly are. Their capacity for problem solving shows us just how adaptable they can be when faced with challenging situations or environments. Its no wonder why humans have long admired the resourcefulness and ingenuity of these amazing creatures!

  • #10.     The Language of Whales: Whales are highly intelligent animals, capable of communicating with each other through a variety of vocalizations and body language. They have been observed to use complex vocalizations to communicate with each other, and they have even been known to recognize their own names.

    The language of whales is an intriguing and mysterious phenomenon. Scientists have long been fascinated by the complex vocalizations that whales use to communicate with each other, as well as their ability to recognize their own names. It has been suggested that these animals may even possess a rudimentary form of language, although this remains unproven.

    Whales are highly social creatures and they often live in large groups or pods. They use a variety of vocalizations to communicate with one another, including clicks, whistles, and pulsed calls. These sounds can be used for many different purposes such as finding food sources or warning others about potential danger. Whales also use body language to express themselves; they will slap their tails against the water surface or wave their fins in order to signal something.

    It is clear that whales have developed sophisticated ways of communicating with each other over time. While we may never fully understand what it is they are saying, it is fascinating to observe how these majestic creatures interact with one another using sound and body language.

  • #11.     The Problem-Solving Abilities of Ravens: Ravens are highly intelligent birds, capable of solving complex problems. They have been observed using tools to extract food from hard-to-reach places, and they have even been known to use sign language to communicate with humans.

    Ravens are incredibly intelligent birds, capable of solving complex problems. They have been observed using tools to extract food from hard-to-reach places and even communicating with humans through sign language. Ravens can also recognize individual human faces and remember them for years, as well as distinguish between different types of objects. Studies have shown that ravens can plan ahead by caching food in multiple locations so they will be able to access it later when needed.

    In addition to their problem-solving abilities, ravens are also highly social creatures who form strong bonds with other members of their flock. They use vocalizations and body language to communicate with each other, and they often cooperate on tasks such as finding food or defending territory. Ravens are also known for their playful behavior; they enjoy playing games like tag or hide-and-seek with each other.

    The problem-solving abilities of ravens make them one of the most fascinating animals on earth. Their intelligence is remarkable, and it’s no wonder why these birds have been revered throughout history by many cultures around the world.

  • #12.     The Memory of Dolphins: Dolphins have an impressive memory, capable of remembering the locations of food sources and the faces of other dolphins. They have been observed to recognize the bones of their dead relatives, and they have even been known to remember the locations of water sources over long periods of time.

    Dolphins have an impressive memory, capable of remembering the locations of food sources and the faces of other dolphins. They have been observed to recognize the bones of their dead relatives, and they have even been known to remember the locations of water sources over long periods of time. This remarkable ability has led some researchers to suggest that dolphins may possess a form of eidetic or photographic memory, allowing them to recall images with great accuracy.

    This incredible capacity for recollection is further evidenced by reports from fishermen who claim that dolphins can remember boats which had previously provided them with food. In addition, there are numerous accounts from aquariums around the world where trainers report that individual dolphins can be identified by name after years apart.

    The memory capabilities displayed by these intelligent creatures are truly remarkable and provide us with insight into how animals interact with their environment in ways we may never fully understand.

  • #13.     The Intelligence of Dogs: Dogs are highly intelligent animals, capable of learning and using human language. They have been observed to recognize words and phrases, and they have even been known to mimic human speech.

    Dogs are highly intelligent animals, capable of learning and using human language. They have been observed to recognize words and phrases, and they have even been known to mimic human speech. This remarkable intelligence has enabled them to form strong bonds with their owners, as well as learn complex tasks such as search-and-rescue operations or drug detection. Dogs can also be trained for agility competitions or obedience trials, demonstrating their ability to understand commands and respond accordingly.

    The intelligence of dogs is further demonstrated by their capacity for problem solving. For example, some breeds are able to open doors or figure out how to get food from a container that is too high up for them to reach directly. Additionally, research has shown that dogs can remember the locations of objects in an environment better than humans can.

    Overall, it is clear that dogs possess a unique level of intelligence which allows them not only to understand our language but also solve problems on their own terms. With proper training and care, these amazing creatures can become loyal companions who will always be there when we need them most.

  • #14.     The Social Lives of Elephants: Elephants are highly social animals, living in large groups and forming strong bonds with their family members. They communicate with each other through a variety of vocalizations and body language, and they have been observed to cooperate in caring for their young.

    Elephants are highly social animals, living in large groups and forming strong bonds with their family members. They communicate with each other through a variety of vocalizations and body language, such as trumpeting, rumbling, chirping, waving their ears or flapping them against the ground. Elephants have also been observed to cooperate in caring for their young; mothers will often help each other raise calves by babysitting or providing protection from predators.

    In addition to these familial relationships, elephants also form friendships outside of their immediate families. These friendships can last for years and even decades! Studies have shown that elephants remember individuals they havent seen in many years and greet them warmly when reunited. This demonstrates just how important social connections are to elephants.

    The complex social lives of elephants provide us with an insight into the intelligence and ingenuity of these majestic creatures. By studying elephant behavior we can gain a better understanding not only about how they interact with one another but also about ourselves as humans.

  • #15.     The Tool-Using Abilities of Chimpanzees: Chimpanzees are highly intelligent animals, capable of using tools to solve problems. They have been observed using sticks to extract food from hard-to-reach places, and they have even been known to fashion tools from materials found in their environment.

    The tool-using abilities of chimpanzees are remarkable. They have been observed using sticks to extract food from hard-to-reach places, and they have even been known to fashion tools from materials found in their environment. This demonstrates a level of problem solving that is quite advanced for an animal species. Chimpanzees can also use tools to communicate with one another, as well as manipulate objects in order to achieve desired outcomes.

    Chimpanzees are able to learn how to use tools quickly and efficiently, often without any instruction or guidance from humans. This suggests that the ability is innate rather than learned through experience or observation. It also indicates that chimpanzees possess a high degree of intelligence and creativity when it comes to problem solving.

    The tool-using abilities of chimpanzees demonstrate just how intelligent these animals really are. Their capacity for learning new skills and adapting them for different purposes shows us just how capable they are at finding solutions on their own terms.

  • #16.     The Language of Parrots: Parrots are highly intelligent birds, capable of learning and using human language. They have been observed to recognize words and phrases, and they have even been known to mimic human speech.

    Parrots are remarkable creatures, capable of learning and using human language. They have been observed to recognize words and phrases, and they can even mimic human speech. This ability has made them popular pets for centuries, as people enjoy teaching their parrots to talk. But the language of parrots goes beyond mere mimicry; research suggests that these birds may be able to understand what they hear in a meaningful way.

    In his book The Parrots Lament: And Other True Tales of Animal Intrigue, Intelligence, and Ingenuity, Eugene Linden explores the fascinating world of animal communication. He examines how parrots use vocalizations to communicate with each other in the wild as well as how they interact with humans when kept as pets. Through anecdotes from pet owners around the world, he reveals just how intelligent these birds really are.

    Linden also looks at some of the more unusual aspects of parrot behavior such as their tendency to form strong bonds with humans or their ability to remember things for long periods of time. By exploring this unique relationship between man and bird, Linden sheds light on an often overlooked aspect of animal intelligence.

  • #17.     The Problem-Solving Abilities of Crows: Crows are highly intelligent birds, capable of solving complex problems. They have been observed using tools to extract food from hard-to-reach places, and they have even been known to use sign language to communicate with humans.

    Crows are incredibly intelligent birds, capable of solving complex problems. They have been observed using tools to extract food from hard-to-reach places and even communicating with humans through sign language. Crows can recognize individual human faces and remember them for years, as well as distinguish between different types of objects. Studies have also shown that crows can plan ahead by storing food in multiple locations so they don’t run out during lean times.

    In addition to their problem-solving abilities, crows are also highly social creatures who live in large groups called “murders”. These groups cooperate when it comes to finding food or defending against predators. Crows will often share information about potential threats or sources of food with other members of the group.

    The intelligence and problem-solving abilities of crows make them fascinating animals to study and observe. Their ability to use tools, communicate with humans, recognize individual faces, store food for later use, and work together in a group all demonstrate how smart these birds really are.

  • #18.     The Memory of Wolves: Wolves have an impressive memory, capable of remembering the locations of food sources and the faces of other wolves. They have been observed to recognize the bones of their dead relatives, and they have even been known to remember the locations of water sources over long periods of time.

    Wolves have an impressive memory, capable of remembering the locations of food sources and the faces of other wolves. They have been observed to recognize the bones of their dead relatives, and they have even been known to remember the locations of water sources over long periods of time. This remarkable ability has enabled them to survive in some of the harshest environments on earth.

    Their memories are so powerful that they can recall events from years ago with incredible accuracy. Wolves also possess a strong sense of smell which helps them locate prey or potential danger quickly and accurately. In addition, their keen hearing allows them to detect sounds from far away.

    The memory capabilities possessed by wolves is truly remarkable and it serves as a testament to their intelligence and adaptability as a species. It is no wonder why these animals are often seen as symbols for strength, loyalty, and wisdom.

  • #19.     The Intelligence of Monkeys: Monkeys are highly intelligent animals, capable of learning and using human language. They have been observed to recognize words and phrases, and they have even been known to mimic human speech.

    Monkeys are incredibly intelligent animals, capable of learning and using human language. Studies have shown that monkeys can recognize words and phrases, as well as mimic human speech. In fact, some species of monkey have even been known to use sign language to communicate with humans. This remarkable intelligence has enabled them to solve complex problems and puzzles in laboratory settings.

    The Parrots Lament: And Other True Tales of Animal Intrigue, Intelligence, and Ingenuity by Eugene Linden is a fascinating book which explores the incredible intelligence of monkeys further. It looks at how they interact with their environment and other animals around them in order to survive. The book also examines the unique ways in which different species of monkey think and behave differently from one another.

    This book provides an insightful look into the minds of these highly intelligent creatures, giving readers a better understanding of their behavior patterns and capabilities. By exploring this topic further we can gain greater appreciation for the amazing abilities that monkeys possess.

  • #20.     The Social Lives of Otters: Otters are highly social animals, living in large groups and forming strong bonds with their family members. They communicate with each other through a variety of vocalizations and body language, and they have been observed to cooperate in caring for their young.

    Otters are highly social animals, living in large groups and forming strong bonds with their family members. They communicate with each other through a variety of vocalizations and body language, such as chirping, whistling, barking, and slapping the waters surface with their tails or paws. Otters have also been observed to cooperate in caring for their young; mothers will often bring food back to the den for her pups while fathers may help protect them from predators.

    In addition to being social creatures, otters are also incredibly intelligent. Studies have shown that they can remember where theyve stored food underwater for up to two weeks! Theyre also capable of using tools like rocks or sticks to break open shells or dig into mud banks. This intelligence has enabled them to adapt well in different environments around the world.

    The social lives of otters provide us with an interesting glimpse into animal behavior and communication. By studying these fascinating creatures we can gain insight into how animals interact within their own species as well as how they respond to changes in their environment.