The Power 2016

by Naomi Alderman





  • The Power by Naomi Alderman is a science fiction novel that explores the consequences of women gaining power over men. The story follows four main characters: Allie, Roxy, Margot and Tunde. Allie is a teenage girl living in poverty who discovers she has the ability to generate electricity from her body. She uses this newfound power to become an influential leader in her community and eventually joins forces with other powerful women around the world. Roxy is a British gangster’s daughter who also gains powers and becomes one of Allie’s closest allies. Margot is an American politician whose career takes off when she discovers her own abilities; she eventually rises to become President of the United States. Finally, Tunde is a Nigerian journalist who documents these events as they unfold across the globe.

    As more and more women gain their powers, they begin to take control away from men in all aspects of life—from politics to religion—and soon enough there are two distinct classes: those with power (women) and those without (men). This leads to widespread violence between genders as well as within each gender itself as some people struggle for dominance while others fight for equality or freedom from oppression.

    The novel examines how society would change if roles were reversed between genders, exploring themes such as patriarchy, feminism, religion, war and peace. It also looks at how individuals respond differently when faced with new opportunities or challenges depending on their backgrounds or beliefs.

    Ultimately The Power shows us that no matter what form it takes—whether it be physical strength or political influence—power can corrupt even those with good intentions unless we remain vigilant about its use.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Women gain the power to generate electricity from their bodies, giving them a newfound power over men. Idea Summary: In The Power, women gain the ability to generate electricity from their bodies, giving them a newfound power over men and the ability to shape the world in ways they never could before.

    In The Power, women gain the ability to generate electricity from their bodies, giving them a newfound power over men and the ability to shape the world in ways they never could before. This new power is both physical and psychological; it gives women control over their own lives as well as those of others. With this newfound strength comes responsibility: how will these women use their powers? Will they use it for good or evil?

    The novel follows several characters who are affected by this change in gender dynamics. Some embrace their newfound abilities while others struggle with them. As tensions rise between genders, violence erupts around the world as people grapple with what it means to have such an imbalance of power.

    The Power explores themes of gender roles, oppression, and justice through its exploration of a society where women wield immense power. It raises questions about how we can create a more equitable society that respects all genders equally and allows everyone to reach their full potential.

  • #2.     The power shift between men and women leads to a new world order. Idea Summary: In The Power, the newfound power of women leads to a shift in the world order, as men and women must learn to coexist in a new way.

    In Naomi Aldermans novel The Power, a new power is discovered that gives women the ability to generate and control electricity. This newfound power leads to a shift in the world order, as men and women must learn to coexist in a new way. Women become more powerful than ever before, while men are forced to confront their own privilege and oppression of women throughout history. As this power shift takes place, it brings about changes in politics, economics, religion, culture and social norms.

    The story follows four main characters who each represent different aspects of this changing world: Roxy Monke is an ambitious young woman from London who uses her newfound powers for personal gain; Allie is an American teenager whose life has been changed by the emergence of these powers; Tunde is a Nigerian journalist documenting the global effects of this phenomenon; and Margot is an older woman living in England who becomes one of its most influential leaders.

    As these characters navigate their lives within this new reality they come face-to-face with both opportunities and challenges presented by the power shift between men and women. They must grapple with questions such as how will society adjust? How can we ensure equality? What does justice look like when there’s no longer one group on top? Ultimately The Power paints a picture of what could be if gender roles were reversed—a world where everyone has access to equal rights regardless of gender.

  • #3.     Women use their power to gain control over politics, economics, and religion. Idea Summary: In The Power, women use their newfound power to gain control over politics, economics, and religion, allowing them to shape the world in ways they never could before.

    In The Power, women use their newfound power to gain control over politics, economics, and religion. This newfound power gives them the ability to shape the world in ways they never could before. Women can now influence political decisions by voting or running for office; they can create economic opportunities through entrepreneurship and investment; and they can challenge religious norms that have traditionally been oppressive towards women.

    The novel explores how this new power affects society as a whole. It examines how gender roles are challenged when men no longer hold all of the power, and it looks at how different cultures respond differently to these changes. Ultimately, The Power shows us that with great power comes great responsibility—and that when used wisely, it has the potential to bring about positive change.

  • #4.     Men struggle to cope with the power shift and the new world order. Idea Summary: In The Power, men struggle to cope with the power shift and the new world order, as they must learn to accept their new place in society.

    In The Power, men struggle to cope with the power shift and the new world order. Women have been given a newfound strength that has drastically changed the balance of power in society. Men are no longer seen as superior or dominant figures, but instead must learn to accept their new place in society. This is a difficult transition for many men who have grown up believing they were entitled to certain privileges due to their gender.

    The sudden change can be overwhelming and confusing for some men, as they grapple with feelings of insecurity and inadequacy. They may feel powerless or helpless when faced with situations where women now hold more authority than them. Some may even become resentful towards women because of this shift in power dynamics.

    Men must find ways to adjust and adapt if they want to survive in this new world order. They need to learn how to work alongside women without feeling threatened by them or trying to undermine them at every turn. It will take time for both genders to get used to these changes, but it is essential that everyone works together if we are going create an equitable future.

  • #5.     The power shift leads to a new form of violence. Idea Summary: In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of violence, as women use their newfound power to fight back against oppression.

    In Naomi Aldermans novel The Power, a power shift between men and women leads to a new form of violence. As the novel progresses, it becomes clear that this newfound power has been used by women to fight back against oppression. Women are no longer content with being victims; they use their newfound strength to take control of their lives and challenge the status quo.

    The power shift is seen in many different ways throughout the book. Women become more assertive and confident as they gain access to resources previously denied them. They also begin using physical force when necessary, such as when Allie uses her powers to protect herself from an attacker or when Roxy uses her powers to intimidate those who would harm her family.

    This new form of violence is not only physical but psychological as well. Women use their newfound abilities in order to manipulate others into doing what they want or need them to do. This manipulation can be seen in how Tunde uses his powers on TV reporters or how Margot manipulates people into believing she is someone else entirely.

    Ultimately, this power shift leads to a new form of violence that challenges traditional gender roles and expectations while empowering women everywhere. It shows that even though society may try its best to keep certain groups down, there will always be those willing and able enough rise up against it.

  • #6.     The power shift leads to a new form of justice. Idea Summary: In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of justice, as women use their newfound power to seek retribution for past wrongs.

    In Naomi Aldermans novel The Power, a power shift between men and women leads to a new form of justice. Women have been given the ability to generate electricity from their bodies, giving them newfound strength and control over men. This power shift has caused many women to seek retribution for past wrongs that were done against them by men in positions of authority.

    The new form of justice is based on the idea that those who have been wronged should be able to exact revenge upon those who did them harm. Women are now using their newfound powers to take back what was taken from them, whether it be physical or emotional abuse, financial exploitation, or any other type of injustice they may have suffered at the hands of powerful men.

    This new form of justice is not without its critics; some argue that it could lead to an even greater imbalance in power between genders if left unchecked. However, others believe that this shift will ultimately create a more equitable society where both genders can live together peacefully and with mutual respect.

  • #7.     The power shift leads to a new form of religion. Idea Summary: In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of religion, as women use their newfound power to create their own spiritual beliefs.

    In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of religion. As women gain access to an electrical force that gives them immense physical strength, they begin to use their newfound power in ways that challenge traditional gender roles. This includes creating their own spiritual beliefs and practices, which become known as The New Way.

    The New Way is based on the idea of female empowerment and self-determination. Women are encouraged to embrace their inner strength and take control of their lives. They are taught that they have the ability to shape reality through sheer will alone, allowing them to create whatever future they desire for themselves.

    This new religion also emphasizes compassion towards others, particularly those who have been oppressed by society or treated unfairly due to gender inequality. It encourages its followers to stand up for what is right and fight against injustice wherever it may be found.

    Ultimately, The Powers depiction of a new form of religion serves as a powerful reminder that when given the opportunity, people can create something entirely unique from nothing more than their own imagination.

  • #8.     The power shift leads to a new form of education. Idea Summary: In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of education, as women use their newfound power to create their own educational systems.

    In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of education. Women use their newfound power to create their own educational systems that are tailored to their needs and interests. These schools focus on teaching girls how to use and control their powers, as well as providing them with knowledge about history, science, mathematics, literature, art, music and other subjects. In addition to traditional academic courses such as math or English language arts classes, these schools also offer classes in self-defense and combat training.

    The curriculum is designed not only for practical purposes but also for intellectual development. Girls learn how to think critically about the world around them while developing an understanding of social justice issues such as gender equality. They are encouraged to explore different perspectives on topics like politics or religion without fear of judgement or criticism from others.

    These new educational systems provide girls with the opportunity to gain confidence in themselves and develop leadership skills that will help them succeed in life after school. By giving young women access to resources they may not have had before due to gender inequality, this type of education helps level the playing field between genders.

  • #9.     The power shift leads to a new form of economics. Idea Summary: In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of economics, as women use their newfound power to create their own economic systems.

    In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of economics. Women are now able to use their newfound power to create their own economic systems, which often differ from traditional ones. For example, in some societies, women become the primary breadwinners while men take on more domestic roles such as childcare and housework. This shift in gender roles has led to an increase in female entrepreneurship and investment opportunities for women.

    The new economy also allows for greater flexibility when it comes to work-life balance. Women can choose how much time they want to spend working or taking care of family responsibilities without feeling like they have to sacrifice one for the other. Additionally, with more money coming into households through female-led businesses, families are able to invest more in education and healthcare.

    Finally, this new form of economics is helping close the gender wage gap by providing equal pay opportunities for both genders regardless of job title or experience level. As a result, many countries are seeing an overall improvement in living standards due to increased wages among both sexes.

  • #10.     The power shift leads to a new form of government. Idea Summary: In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of government, as women use their newfound power to create their own political systems.

    In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of government. Women gain the ability to generate electrical currents from their bodies, giving them an unprecedented level of physical strength and control over others. This newfound power is used by women around the world to create their own political systems, which are based on principles of equality and justice for all genders.

    The new governments created by women are more democratic than those that existed before; they prioritize social welfare programs such as universal healthcare and education, while also providing greater protection for marginalized groups like LGBTQ+ individuals. Additionally, these governments strive to ensure that everyone has access to basic human rights regardless of gender or other factors.

    The power shift in The Power ultimately leads to a more equitable society where both men and women have equal opportunities for success. It serves as a reminder that when given the chance, people can come together in order to create positive change in our world.

  • #11.     The power shift leads to a new form of warfare. Idea Summary: In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of warfare, as women use their newfound power to fight against oppressive regimes.

    In Naomi Aldermans novel The Power, a power shift between men and women leads to a new form of warfare. Women have been given the ability to generate electrical currents from their bodies, giving them an unprecedented level of physical strength and control over their environment. This newfound power is used by some women to fight against oppressive regimes that had previously kept them in subjugation.

    The novel follows several characters as they navigate this new world order, with each character representing different aspects of the struggle for equality. Some use their powers for good while others use it for evil; some are willing to accept the status quo while others strive for change; and some find themselves caught in between these two extremes.

    The Power paints a vivid picture of how this power shift affects society at large, exploring themes such as gender roles, politics, religion, and morality. It also serves as a cautionary tale about what can happen when one group gains too much power over another—and how difficult it can be to regain balance once it has been lost.

  • #12.     The power shift leads to a new form of technology. Idea Summary: In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of technology, as women use their newfound power to create their own technological advancements.

    In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of technology. Women are now able to access an electrical current that runs through their bodies, allowing them to control electricity and use it as a weapon. This newfound ability gives women unprecedented power over men, who no longer have the physical strength or technological advantage they once had. As a result, women begin creating their own technological advancements in order to further empower themselves.

    The novel explores how this new technology affects society at large. It shows how the balance of power has shifted from male-dominated institutions like governments and corporations towards female-led ones such as religious organizations and grassroots movements. It also examines how these changes affect relationships between genders, both personally and professionally.

    Ultimately, The Power demonstrates that when given equal opportunities for advancement, women can create powerful technologies that can revolutionize our world for the better. By showing us what is possible when we embrace gender equality in all aspects of life—including technology—the novel encourages readers to think about how they can use their own skillsets to make positive change in their communities.

  • #13.     The power shift leads to a new form of media. Idea Summary: In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of media, as women use their newfound power to create their own forms of communication.

    In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of media. As women gain access to an electrical power that can be used as a weapon, they begin to use it in order to create their own forms of communication. This new form of media is not only more powerful than traditional forms, but also allows for greater freedom of expression and creativity.

    The new medium gives rise to a variety of different outlets such as blogs, podcasts, video channels and social networks. Women are able to share their stories with each other on these platforms without fear or censorship from male-dominated institutions. They are also able to challenge existing norms by creating content that speaks directly about issues affecting them.

    This newfound ability for women’s voices to be heard has far-reaching implications beyond just the realm of media. It provides an opportunity for female perspectives on politics, culture and society at large which had previously been silenced or ignored.

    Ultimately this power shift leads not only towards greater equality between genders but also towards a more diverse range of voices being heard in our world today.

  • #14.     The power shift leads to a new form of art. Idea Summary: In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of art, as women use their newfound power to create their own forms of expression.

    In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of art. As women gain access to an energy source that gives them physical strength and control over others, they use this newfound power to create their own forms of expression. Women begin creating works of art that reflect their experiences with oppression and subjugation, as well as their newfound freedom. These works often take on a more abstract form than traditional artworks, reflecting the complexity of emotions associated with the power shift.

    The new artwork created by women is also heavily influenced by technology. With access to powerful tools such as electricity and computers, female artists are able to explore ideas in ways never before possible. They create digital installations that combine soundscapes with visuals or interactive sculptures that respond to movement or touch. This type of artwork allows for greater exploration into themes related to gender roles and identity.

    The emergence of this new form of art has had a profound impact on society at large. It has given voice to those who have been silenced for centuries while providing an outlet for people from all walks of life—regardless of gender—to express themselves freely without fear or judgement.

  • #15.     The power shift leads to a new form of literature. Idea Summary: In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of literature, as women use their newfound power to create their own stories.

    In Naomi Aldermans novel The Power, a power shift between men and women leads to a new form of literature. As the women in the novel gain access to an electrical power that gives them physical strength and dominance over men, they begin to use their newfound power to create stories about themselves. These stories are often written from a female perspective, exploring themes such as gender roles, sexuality, and identity.

    The emergence of this new form of literature is seen as empowering for women who have been traditionally excluded from writing or having their voices heard. It also serves as an important reminder that when given the opportunity, people can create powerful works of art that challenge existing norms and push boundaries.

    The Power demonstrates how literature can be used as a tool for social change by giving voice to those who have been silenced or marginalized. By creating stories with strong female protagonists at its center, it encourages readers to think critically about gender roles and consider different perspectives on issues such as sexism and patriarchy.

  • #16.     The power shift leads to a new form of medicine. Idea Summary: In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of medicine, as women use their newfound power to create their own forms of healing.

    In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of medicine. Women are now able to use their newfound power to create their own forms of healing. This new form of medicine is based on the idea that energy can be used as a healing force, rather than relying solely on traditional medical treatments such as drugs or surgery. Women learn how to manipulate this energy in order to heal themselves and others, using techniques such as massage therapy, acupuncture, meditation, visualization and more.

    This new form of medicine also focuses on preventative care by encouraging healthy lifestyle choices such as proper nutrition and exercise. It emphasizes the importance of emotional well-being through practices like yoga and mindfulness meditation. Additionally, it encourages people to take responsibility for their own health by educating them about natural remedies they can use at home.

    The power shift has allowed women to reclaim control over their bodies and minds in ways that were previously impossible under male domination. By creating this new form of medicine which puts emphasis on holistic approaches towards health care instead of just treating symptoms with drugs or surgery, women have been empowered with an alternative way to take charge of their wellbeing.

  • #17.     The power shift leads to a new form of science. Idea Summary: In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of science, as women use their newfound power to create their own forms of scientific inquiry.

    In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of science. Women use their newfound power to create their own forms of scientific inquiry, which is based on understanding the nature of electricity and its potential for manipulation. This new science allows them to develop technologies that can be used in various ways, such as healing wounds or creating weapons. It also gives them access to knowledge previously denied them by male-dominated societies.

    The development of this new science has far-reaching implications for society at large. For example, it could lead to advances in medicine and technology that would benefit both genders equally. Additionally, it could provide an opportunity for women to gain greater autonomy over their lives by allowing them more control over how they interact with the world around them.

    Ultimately, this power shift leads not only to a new form of science but also a different way of looking at gender roles within society. By giving women access to knowledge previously denied them due to patriarchal structures, it opens up possibilities for greater equality between genders and creates opportunities for collaboration across gender lines.

  • #18.     The power shift leads to a new form of law. Idea Summary: In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of law, as women use their newfound power to create their own legal systems.

    In Naomi Aldermans novel The Power, a power shift between men and women leads to a new form of law. As the women gain control over their own lives, they begin to create their own legal systems that are based on principles of justice and fairness. These laws are designed to protect the rights of all people regardless of gender or social status. Women become judges, lawyers, and police officers in order to enforce these laws.

    The new legal system is also used as a tool for empowerment by allowing women more freedom than ever before. They can now make decisions about their own bodies without fear of retribution from men or society at large. This newfound autonomy gives them greater control over their lives and allows them to pursue opportunities that were previously unavailable.

    The power shift has also led to an increase in female representation in politics and other areas where traditionally only men have held positions of authority. This has allowed for more diverse perspectives when it comes to making decisions about how society should be run.

  • #19.     The power shift leads to a new form of culture. Idea Summary: In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of culture, as women use their newfound power to create their own forms of art, literature, and music.

    In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of culture. Women use their newfound power to create art, literature, and music that reflects their experiences in a world where they are no longer oppressed by men. This new culture is characterized by boldness and strength; it celebrates female empowerment while also exploring themes of violence, trauma, and oppression.

    The novel follows several characters as they navigate this changing landscape. Allie is an orphan who discovers her own powers early on in life; she uses them to become a powerful leader within her community. Roxy is the daughter of a crime lord who learns how to wield her power with finesse and cunning. Tunde is an ambitious journalist whose reporting brings attention to the growing movement for gender equality.

    Through these characters’ stories, Alderman paints a vivid picture of what happens when women gain control over their lives—and how society must adapt accordingly. As more women come into positions of authority, traditional gender roles begin to break down; meanwhile, those who resist change find themselves increasingly marginalized.

    Ultimately, The Power shows us that when one group gains power over another—whether through physical or political means—it can lead not only to conflict but also creativity: A new form of culture emerges from the ashes of oppression.

  • #20.     The power shift leads to a new form of society. Idea Summary: In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of society, as women use their newfound power to create their own social structures and norms.

    In The Power, the power shift between men and women leads to a new form of society. Women gain the ability to generate electricity from their fingertips, giving them an unprecedented level of physical strength and control over others. This newfound power allows them to create their own social structures and norms that are distinct from those traditionally imposed by men.

    Women use this newfound power in various ways: some become powerful political leaders while others take on roles as religious figures or business owners. They also begin to challenge traditional gender roles, such as taking on traditionally male-dominated professions like engineering or law enforcement. As a result, they create a more equitable society where both genders have equal opportunities for success.

    The novel explores how this new form of society affects individuals and communities around the world. It examines how people respond differently depending on their gender identity, race, class, religion, sexuality and other factors. Ultimately it shows that when given the opportunity to shape their own destiny through access to power—whether literal or figurative—people can create positive change in themselves and in the world around them.