The Power of Focus: How to Hit Your Business, Personal and Financial Targets with Absolute Confidence and Certainty 2001

by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen & Les Hewitt





  • The Power of Focus: How to Hit Your Business, Personal and Financial Targets with Absolute Confidence and Certainty by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen & Les Hewitt is a book that provides readers with the tools they need to achieve success in their business, personal and financial goals. The authors provide an easy-to-follow system for setting goals, creating action plans and staying focused on achieving those goals. They also discuss how to overcome obstacles that may stand in the way of success.

    The book begins by discussing why focus is so important for achieving success. It explains how having a clear vision of what you want to accomplish can help you stay motivated and take consistent action towards your goal. The authors then explain the importance of setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic/Relevant) goals as well as breaking them down into smaller steps or tasks.

    Next, the authors discuss how to create an effective action plan which includes identifying resources needed for each step along the way as well as developing strategies for overcoming any potential obstacles. They also emphasize the importance of taking consistent daily actions towards your goal in order to ensure progress is made over time.

    Finally, they provide tips on staying focused such as using visualization techniques or affirmations; scheduling regular review sessions; rewarding yourself when milestones are achieved; enlisting support from family members or friends; and learning from mistakes rather than dwelling on them. Throughout this process it’s important not only to remain focused but also flexible enough to adjust course if necessary.

    Overall this book provides readers with practical advice on how they can set realistic yet challenging goals while remaining focused throughout their journey towards achieving them. By following these guidelines readers will be able increase their chances of reaching their desired outcomes with confidence and certainty.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Set Clear Goals: It is important to set clear goals in order to focus on what you want to achieve and to stay motivated. Having a clear vision of what you want to accomplish will help you stay on track and reach your goals.

    Setting clear goals is essential for success. It helps to focus your energy and attention on what you want to achieve, and provides a sense of direction that will keep you motivated. When setting goals, its important to be specific about what you want to accomplish. Break down the goal into smaller steps or milestones so that it can be achieved in manageable chunks. Make sure the goal is realistic and achievable within a certain timeframe.

    Its also important to set measurable goals so that progress can be tracked along the way. This will help ensure that you stay on track and make adjustments if needed as you work towards achieving your desired outcome. Finally, write down your goals somewhere visible so they are constantly top-of-mind.

  • #2.     Develop a Plan: Having a plan of action is essential for achieving success. It is important to create a plan that outlines the steps you need to take to reach your goals and to stay organized.

    Developing a plan is an important step in achieving success. It helps to create clarity and focus, as well as providing structure and direction for your goals. A good plan should include specific objectives, strategies for reaching those objectives, timelines for completion of tasks, resources needed to complete the tasks, and milestones that can be used to measure progress.

    When creating a plan it is important to consider all aspects of the project or goal you are trying to achieve. This includes researching potential solutions or approaches that may help you reach your desired outcome. Additionally, it is essential to identify any risks associated with the project so they can be addressed before beginning work on it.

    Once you have identified what needs to be done in order to reach your goals it is time to develop an actionable plan. This should include breaking down each task into smaller steps that can easily be completed one at a time. Additionally, setting deadlines will help keep you motivated and ensure that tasks are completed on time.

    Finally, once the plan has been created it is important not only stick with it but also review and adjust if necessary throughout its implementation. By doing this you will ensure that your efforts remain focused on achieving success.

  • #3.     Take Action: Taking action is the key to achieving success. It is important to take consistent action towards your goals in order to make progress and to stay motivated.

    Taking action is the key to achieving success. It is important to take consistent and deliberate steps towards your goals in order to make progress and stay motivated. Taking action requires you to be proactive, rather than reactive, so that you can focus on what needs to be done in order to reach your desired outcome. This means setting clear objectives for yourself and then taking the necessary steps each day or week in order to move closer towards them.

    When it comes time for you to take action, it’s important that you remain focused on the task at hand. You should also ensure that any actions taken are aligned with your overall goal; this will help keep you from getting sidetracked or distracted by other tasks or activities which may not contribute directly towards reaching your objective.

    Finally, when taking action it’s essential that you remain positive and confident about what lies ahead. Having a positive attitude will help motivate and inspire yourself as well as those around you who may be involved in helping achieve your goal.

  • #4.     Stay Focused: Staying focused on your goals is essential for achieving success. It is important to stay focused on what you want to accomplish and to avoid distractions that can take you off track.

    Staying focused on your goals is essential for achieving success. It requires discipline and dedication to stay on track, but the rewards are worth it. To remain focused, you must have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish and be able to identify any potential distractions that could take you off course. You should also set realistic goals and break them down into smaller tasks so that they are easier to achieve.

    It can be helpful to create a plan or schedule for yourself in order to stay organized and motivated. This will help keep you accountable as well as provide structure for your day-to-day activities. Additionally, it’s important to reward yourself when you reach milestones along the way – this will give you something positive to focus on while working towards your ultimate goal.

    Finally, don’t forget why it is important for you personally or professionally that these goals are achieved; having an emotional connection with your objectives can help keep motivation levels high even during difficult times. With hard work and determination, staying focused on what matters most can lead to great success!

  • #5.     Manage Your Time: Managing your time is essential for achieving success. It is important to prioritize tasks and to use your time efficiently in order to stay on track and reach your goals.

    Managing your time is essential for achieving success. It requires discipline and focus to prioritize tasks, set goals, and use your time efficiently. When you manage your time effectively, it can help you stay on track and reach the targets that you have set for yourself.

    The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen & Les Hewitt provides a comprehensive guide to managing your time in order to hit business, personal and financial targets with absolute confidence and certainty. The book outlines strategies such as setting clear objectives; breaking down large projects into smaller tasks; creating an action plan; scheduling activities; delegating responsibilities when necessary; monitoring progress regularly; taking regular breaks throughout the day; avoiding procrastination at all costs; staying organized with lists or calendars; learning how to say “no” when needed in order to avoid overcommitting yourself or spreading yourself too thin.

    By following these tips outlined in The Power of Focus, you will be able to maximize productivity while still maintaining balance between work life and home life. With effective management of your time comes greater efficiency which leads to increased success.

  • #6.     Overcome Obstacles: Overcoming obstacles is essential for achieving success. It is important to identify and address any obstacles that may be preventing you from reaching your goals in order to stay motivated and on track.

    Overcoming obstacles is essential for achieving success. It requires a combination of determination, resilience and creativity to identify and address any barriers that may be preventing you from reaching your goals. To stay motivated and on track, it is important to take the time to assess what challenges are in your way and develop strategies for overcoming them. This could include breaking down large tasks into smaller steps, seeking out resources or support from others, or simply taking a break when needed.

    The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen & Les Hewitt provides valuable insight into how to overcome obstacles with absolute confidence and certainty. The authors emphasize the importance of setting clear objectives as well as developing an action plan that will help you reach those objectives. They also discuss techniques such as visualization which can help keep you focused on your goal even when faced with difficult circumstances.

    By recognizing potential roadblocks ahead of time and having a plan in place for dealing with them effectively, you can increase your chances of success significantly. With dedication and perseverance, anything is possible!

  • #7.     Develop Self-Discipline: Developing self-discipline is essential for achieving success. It is important to stay disciplined and to stay focused on your goals in order to make progress and to stay motivated.

    Developing self-discipline is an important part of achieving success. It requires setting goals and staying focused on them, even when it may be difficult or uncomfortable to do so. Self-discipline also involves developing habits that will help you stay motivated and make progress towards your goals. This could include things like getting up early in the morning, exercising regularly, eating healthy meals, studying for exams or completing tasks at work.

    Self-discipline can also involve learning how to manage stress and emotions effectively. When faced with challenging situations or setbacks, having the ability to remain calm and composed can help you stay focused on what needs to be done in order to reach your goals. Additionally, being able to recognize when it’s time for a break from work or study can help prevent burnout.

    Finally, developing self-discipline means taking responsibility for yourself and your actions. This includes making sure that you are honest with yourself about what needs to be done in order to achieve success as well as holding yourself accountable if something goes wrong.

  • #8.     Set Deadlines: Setting deadlines is essential for achieving success. It is important to set deadlines for yourself in order to stay on track and to stay motivated.

    Setting deadlines is an important part of achieving success. It helps to keep you on track and motivated, as well as providing a sense of urgency that can help spur you into action. Deadlines also provide structure and organization to your goals, allowing you to break them down into manageable chunks so that they are easier to achieve.

    When setting deadlines for yourself, it’s important to be realistic about what you can accomplish in the time frame given. If the deadline is too short or too long, it won’t be effective in helping you reach your goal. Additionally, make sure that the deadline is something that will motivate and challenge you; if it’s too easy then there won’t be any incentive for completing it.

    Finally, dont forget to reward yourself when reaching each milestone along the way! Celebrating small successes will help keep up your motivation levels and ensure that you stay focused on achieving your ultimate goal.

  • #9.     Take Risks: Taking risks is essential for achieving success. It is important to take calculated risks in order to make progress and to stay motivated.

    Taking risks is an important part of achieving success. It can be intimidating to take a risk, but it is essential for making progress and staying motivated. Taking calculated risks allows you to move forward in life and reach your goals. When taking a risk, it is important to consider the potential rewards as well as the possible consequences before deciding whether or not to proceed.

    The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen & Les Hewitt provides guidance on how to take risks with confidence and certainty. The book outlines strategies for setting achievable targets and developing plans that will help you achieve them. It also offers advice on how to stay focused when faced with obstacles or setbacks along the way.

    By following these steps, you can learn how to make informed decisions about which risks are worth taking in order to reach your desired outcomes. With practice, you will become more confident in your ability to assess situations accurately and make sound decisions that will lead you closer towards success.

  • #10.     Monitor Your Progress: Monitoring your progress is essential for achieving success. It is important to track your progress in order to stay on track and to stay motivated.

    Monitoring your progress is essential for achieving success. It allows you to measure how far you have come and how much further you need to go in order to reach your goals. By tracking your progress, it can help keep you motivated and on track with the tasks that are necessary for reaching those goals.

    The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen & Les Hewitt provides a comprehensive guide on how to monitor your progress effectively. The book outlines strategies such as setting realistic goals, breaking them down into smaller achievable steps, creating an action plan and measuring results regularly. Additionally, the authors provide tips on staying focused and avoiding distractions so that one can stay committed to their objectives.

    By monitoring your progress regularly, it will give you insight into what works best for you when trying to achieve success. This knowledge will enable you to adjust or modify any areas where improvement is needed in order for greater success in the future.

  • #11.     Celebrate Your Successes: Celebrating your successes is essential for achieving success. It is important to recognize and celebrate your successes in order to stay motivated and to stay on track.

    Celebrating your successes is essential for achieving success. It is important to recognize and celebrate your successes in order to stay motivated and on track. Celebrating your successes can be done in a variety of ways, such as taking time out to reward yourself with something special or simply acknowledging the accomplishment with friends and family. Taking the time to appreciate what you have achieved will help keep you focused on future goals.

    When celebrating your successes, it’s important not only to acknowledge the achievement but also reflect on how far you have come since starting out. This reflection can help provide perspective when tackling new challenges or obstacles that may arise along the way. Additionally, reflecting on past accomplishments can give you confidence when facing difficult tasks ahead.

    Finally, celebrating your successes should be an enjoyable experience! Take some time out of each day or week to do something fun that makes you feel good about yourself and all that you have accomplished so far. Whether it’s going for a walk in nature, treating yourself to a massage or just spending quality time with loved ones – make sure that whatever activity brings joy into your life is part of this celebration.

  • #12.     Learn From Your Mistakes: Learning from your mistakes is essential for achieving success. It is important to identify and learn from your mistakes in order to stay motivated and to stay on track.

    Learning from your mistakes is essential for achieving success. It is important to take the time to reflect on what went wrong and why, so that you can learn from it and make better decisions in the future. When you make a mistake, don’t beat yourself up about it; instead, use it as an opportunity to grow and become more successful. Ask yourself questions such as “What could I have done differently?” or “What did I learn from this experience?” This will help you gain insight into how to avoid making similar mistakes in the future.

    It is also important to remember that everyone makes mistakes – even successful people! Dont let fear of failure stop you from taking risks or trying new things. Instead, focus on learning from your experiences and using them as stepping stones towards greater success.

    Finally, be sure to celebrate your successes along with your failures. Acknowledge when something has gone well and reward yourself for all of your hard work – this will keep you motivated and inspired throughout any journey.

  • #13.     Get Support: Getting support is essential for achieving success. It is important to get support from family, friends, and mentors in order to stay motivated and to stay on track.

    Getting support is essential for achieving success. It can be difficult to stay motivated and on track when pursuing a goal, but having the right people in your corner can make all the difference. Family, friends, and mentors are invaluable sources of encouragement and guidance that can help you stay focused on your goals.

    Having someone to talk to about your progress or setbacks can also provide valuable insight into how best to move forward. Having an outside perspective from someone who has been through similar experiences or achieved similar goals can give you new ideas and strategies for tackling any obstacles that may arise.

    Finally, it’s important not to underestimate the power of positive reinforcement. Knowing that there are people out there rooting for you will give you the confidence boost needed to keep going even when things get tough.

  • #14.     Stay Positive: Staying positive is essential for achieving success. It is important to stay positive and to focus on the positive aspects of your goals in order to stay motivated and to stay on track.

    Staying positive is essential for achieving success. It means having a mindset that focuses on the good and not the bad, and believing in yourself and your abilities to reach your goals. When you stay positive, it helps you to remain motivated and focused on what needs to be done in order to achieve success. It also allows you to see opportunities instead of obstacles, which can help you move forward with confidence.

    The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen & Les Hewitt provides strategies for staying positive while working towards your goals. The authors emphasize the importance of setting realistic expectations for yourself so that when things don’t go as planned or expected, it doesn’t derail your progress or motivation. They also suggest focusing on small successes along the way rather than dwelling on failures or setbacks.

    In addition, they recommend surrounding yourself with people who are supportive and encouraging; this will help keep you motivated even during difficult times. Finally, they suggest taking time out from work every day to relax and recharge so that when it comes time to tackle tasks again, you have renewed energy and enthusiasm.

  • #15.     Take Care of Yourself: Taking care of yourself is essential for achieving success. It is important to take care of your physical and mental health in order to stay motivated and to stay on track.

    Taking care of yourself is essential for achieving success. It means taking the time to nourish your body with healthy food, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. It also means taking the time to relax and unwind from stressors in life. Taking care of your mental health is just as important as physical health; it involves engaging in activities that bring you joy, connecting with friends and family, and finding ways to manage stress.

    It’s also important to take care of yourself emotionally by setting boundaries with others, expressing your feelings openly and honestly, learning how to forgive yourself when needed, and practicing self-compassion. When you take good care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally – you will be better equipped to handle any challenges that come your way.

    By taking the time each day or week for self-care activities such as yoga or meditation can help reduce stress levels while increasing focus on what matters most in life. Additionally having a positive attitude towards life can help keep motivation high even during difficult times.

  • #16.     Stay Organized: Staying organized is essential for achieving success. It is important to stay organized and to create systems that will help you stay on track and reach your goals.

    Staying organized is an important part of achieving success. It helps to create systems that will keep you on track and help you reach your goals. When staying organized, it is important to prioritize tasks and set deadlines for yourself. This will ensure that all of the necessary steps are taken in order to complete a task or project in a timely manner. Additionally, it can be helpful to break down larger projects into smaller tasks so that they are easier to manage and complete.

    Organizing your workspace can also be beneficial when trying to stay organized. Having everything in its place makes it easier for you to find what you need quickly and efficiently without wasting time searching through piles of clutter. Additionally, having a designated area for each type of task or project can help keep things separate and make them easier to locate when needed.

    Finally, staying organized requires discipline and dedication from yourself as well as those around you who may be involved with the same projects or tasks. Everyone should understand their roles within the organization structure so that everyone knows what needs done when, how long it should take, etc., which will ultimately lead towards successful completion of any given task.

  • #17.     Develop Good Habits: Developing good habits is essential for achieving success. It is important to develop good habits that will help you stay on track and reach your goals.

    Developing good habits is essential for achieving success. It requires discipline and dedication to form new habits that will help you reach your goals. Habits such as setting daily goals, planning ahead, staying organized, and taking time to relax can all contribute to a successful life. Additionally, it is important to stay motivated by rewarding yourself when you accomplish something or make progress towards your goal.

    The Power of Focus: How to Hit Your Business, Personal and Financial Targets with Absolute Confidence and Certainty by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen & Les Hewitt provides an in-depth look at how developing good habits can lead to success. The book outlines the importance of having clear objectives and focusing on them until they are achieved. It also emphasizes the need for self-discipline in order to stick with these objectives over time.

    In addition, this book offers practical advice on how to develop effective strategies for reaching one’s goals. This includes creating a plan of action that outlines specific steps needed in order achieve each objective as well as breaking down larger tasks into smaller ones so that progress can be tracked more easily.

    Overall, developing good habits is key for achieving success in any area of life. By following the advice outlined in The Power of Focus: How To Hit Your Business Personal And Financial Targets With Absolute Confidence And Certainty by Jack Canfield et al., individuals can learn how best utilize their resources and create positive changes within themselves.

  • #18.     Set Reasonable Expectations: Setting reasonable expectations is essential for achieving success. It is important to set realistic expectations in order to stay motivated and to stay on track.

    Setting reasonable expectations is an important part of achieving success. It helps to keep us motivated and on track, as well as ensuring that we dont set ourselves up for disappointment or failure. When setting expectations, its important to be realistic about what can be achieved in a given timeframe and with the resources available. We should also consider our own capabilities and limitations when setting goals; if something seems too ambitious or unrealistic, then it may be better to break it down into smaller achievable steps.

    Its also important to remember that progress doesnt always happen in a linear fashion; there will likely be setbacks along the way which need to be taken into account when setting expectations. Being flexible and open-minded can help us adjust our plans accordingly so that we stay focused on reaching our ultimate goal.

    Finally, having support from others can make all the difference when striving towards success. Having someone who believes in you and encourages you throughout your journey can provide invaluable motivation during difficult times.

  • #19.     Take Breaks: Taking breaks is essential for achieving success. It is important to take breaks in order to stay motivated and to stay on track.

    Taking breaks is essential for achieving success. It allows us to step away from our work and recharge, so that we can come back with a fresh perspective and renewed energy. Taking regular breaks helps us stay focused on the task at hand, as well as prevents burnout. Breaks also give us an opportunity to reflect on what we have accomplished and plan out our next steps.

    When taking a break, it’s important to make sure you are doing something that will help you relax and refresh your mind. This could be anything from going for a walk or reading a book, to listening to music or meditating. Whatever activity you choose should be one that brings joy into your life.

    It is also beneficial to take short breaks throughout the day in order to stay motivated and productive. For example, if you find yourself getting distracted by emails or social media notifications while working on an important project, try setting aside five minutes every hour just for checking those messages – this way you won’t feel overwhelmed when trying to focus on the task at hand.

    Finally, remember that taking breaks doesn’t mean giving up; rather it means allowing yourself time away from work in order to come back stronger than before!

  • #20.     Have Fun: Having fun is essential for achieving success. It is important to enjoy the process and to have fun in order to stay motivated and to stay on track.

    Having fun is essential for achieving success. It can help to keep us motivated and on track, even when the going gets tough. When we enjoy what we are doing, it makes the process more enjoyable and helps us stay focused on our goals.

    When we have fun while working towards our goals, it also helps to reduce stress levels and increase productivity. This in turn leads to better results as well as a greater sense of satisfaction from having achieved something meaningful.

    It is important to take time out for yourself and do things that you find enjoyable. Whether this means taking a break from work or engaging in activities such as sports or hobbies, these activities can help you relax and recharge your batteries so that you can come back feeling refreshed and ready to tackle any challenges ahead.

    Having fun should be an integral part of any successful journey – whether personal or professional. So don’t forget to make time for yourself every now and then!