The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way 2004

by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer





  • The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer is a book about how to use the power of intention in order to create the life you want. The book explains that intention is an invisible force that can be used for personal growth and transformation, and it provides practical advice on how to tap into this power in order to manifest your desires. It also explores the idea of co-creation, which involves working with others in order to bring about positive change.

    Dr. Dyer begins by discussing what he calls “the field”—an infinite source of energy from which all things come into being—and how we can access this field through our intentions. He then goes on to explain why it’s important for us to become aware of our own intentions and learn how they affect our lives, as well as those around us. He emphasizes that when we focus on positive intentions, such as love or joy, we are able to attract more abundance into our lives.

    The author also discusses various techniques for using intention effectively, including visualization exercises and affirmations. He encourages readers not only to set goals but also take action towards achieving them; he believes that taking action is essential if one wants their dreams and desires come true.

    In addition, Dr. Dyer talks about the importance of living with integrity and authenticity so that one can align themselves with their highest purpose in life; he stresses that when people live according their values they will experience greater fulfillment than if they simply chase after material possessions or external rewards.

    Finally, Dr. Dyer shares his thoughts on spirituality and its role in creating a meaningful life; he argues that spiritual practices such as meditation help us connect with ourselves at a deeper level so we can discover who we truly are beyond any labels or roles imposed upon us by society.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Intention is a force that exists in the universe: Intention is a powerful force that exists in the universe and can be used to create the life you desire. It is a force that can be harnessed to manifest your dreams and goals.

    Intention is a powerful force that exists in the universe and can be used to create the life you desire. It is an energy that can be directed towards achieving your goals and manifesting your dreams. Intention has been described as a spiritual power, or an invisible force that guides us on our journey through life. When we focus our intention on something, it creates a ripple effect throughout the universe.

    The Power of Intention teaches us how to use this force for positive outcomes in our lives. We learn how to align ourselves with what we want by setting clear intentions and taking action steps towards achieving them. By focusing on what we truly desire, rather than worrying about what might go wrong, we open up possibilities for success and abundance.

    When using intention effectively, it’s important to remember that it works best when combined with other tools such as visualization, affirmations, gratitude practices and meditation. These techniques help us stay focused on our desired outcome while also allowing us to remain open-minded about potential solutions or opportunities along the way.

  • #2.     Intention is a form of energy: Intention is a form of energy that can be used to create positive change in your life. It is a powerful tool that can be used to manifest your desires and bring about the life you want.

    Intention is a form of energy that can be used to create positive change in your life. It is an incredibly powerful tool that can help you manifest the life you want and bring about the desired results. Intention has been described as “the force behind all creation”, and it works by focusing on what we want to achieve rather than what we don’t want. When we focus our intention on something, it creates a vibration or frequency which then attracts similar energies into our lives.

    The power of intention lies in its ability to transform our thoughts into reality. By setting clear intentions for ourselves, we are able to direct our energy towards achieving those goals and creating the life we desire. We can use this power of intention to attract abundance, joy, love, success and more into our lives. The key is to stay focused on your goal while also being open-minded enough to accept new opportunities when they arise.

    When using the power of intention its important not only to set clear goals but also take action towards them. Taking action helps us move closer towards achieving those goals and brings us one step closer towards manifesting what we truly desire in life.

  • #3.     Intention is a choice: Intention is a choice that you make to create the life you want. It is a conscious decision to focus your energy on what you want to manifest in your life.

    Intention is a choice that you make to create the life you want. It is an active decision to focus your energy on what you want to manifest in your life. Intention involves setting goals and taking action towards achieving them, while also being mindful of how our thoughts and actions affect others. When we set intentions, we are making a commitment to ourselves and the universe that we will strive for something greater than ourselves.

    The power of intention lies in its ability to help us stay focused on our desired outcome. By setting clear intentions, we can direct our attention and energy towards creating positive change in our lives. We can use intention as a tool for self-reflection, allowing us to become aware of any limiting beliefs or patterns that may be holding us back from reaching our goals.

    When it comes down to it, intention is about having faith in yourself and believing that anything is possible if you put your mind into it. With intentional living, there’s no limit as to what you can achieve – all it takes is dedication and hard work!

  • #4.     Intention is a way of being: Intention is a way of being that allows you to create the life you desire. It is a way of living that is focused on manifesting your dreams and goals.

    Intention is a way of being that allows you to create the life you desire. It is an attitude and approach to living that focuses on manifesting your dreams and goals. Intention involves setting clear objectives, visualizing what success looks like, taking action towards achieving those goals, and believing in yourself along the way.

    When we live with intention, we become aware of our thoughts and feelings as they arise throughout the day. We can then choose how to respond in each moment rather than reacting automatically or out of habit. This helps us stay focused on our desired outcomes while also allowing for flexibility when needed.

    Living with intention also means being mindful of our actions and their consequences. We take responsibility for ourselves by recognizing how our choices affect others around us as well as ourselves. By doing this, we are able to make decisions based on what will bring about positive results.

    Ultimately, living with intention means creating a life that reflects who we truly are at heart – one filled with joy, purposeful work, meaningful relationships, and inner peace.

  • #5.     Intention is a way of thinking: Intention is a way of thinking that allows you to create the life you want. It is a way of thinking that is focused on manifesting your desires and goals.

    Intention is a way of thinking that allows you to create the life you want. It is a mindset focused on manifesting your desires and goals, rather than simply reacting to what life throws at you. Intention involves being mindful of your thoughts and actions, as well as understanding how they can shape your reality. By setting an intention for yourself, it becomes easier to stay motivated and take action towards achieving what you want in life.

    The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer explains how this concept works in detail. He outlines the importance of having clarity about what we truly desire, believing that our intentions will be fulfilled, and taking inspired action towards making them happen. He also emphasizes the need for self-reflection so that we can become aware of any limiting beliefs or patterns that may be holding us back from achieving our goals.

    Ultimately, intention is about creating a positive outlook on life and trusting in ourselves to make things happen with effort and dedication. When we set an intention for ourselves with clear focus and determination, anything is possible!

  • #6.     Intention is a way of doing: Intention is a way of doing that allows you to create the life you desire. It is a way of taking action that is focused on manifesting your dreams and goals.

    Intention is a way of doing that allows you to create the life you desire. It is an active process, rather than a passive one, and involves setting goals and taking action in order to manifest them. Intention requires focus and dedication; it means being mindful of your thoughts, words, and actions so that they are aligned with what you want to achieve. By focusing on your desired outcome and taking steps towards achieving it, intention can help bring about positive change in your life.

    The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer provides guidance for how to use intention as a tool for creating the life we want. He explains how our intentions shape our reality through the power of thought energy – when we set clear intentions with focused attention, we can attract what we desire into our lives more easily than if we simply hope or wish for something without any real plan or effort behind it.

    By understanding the power of intention and learning how to use it effectively, we can begin co-creating our world according to our own desires instead of allowing external forces or circumstances dictate what happens in our lives. With practice and dedication, anyone can learn how to harness their inner power through intentional living.

  • #7.     Intention is a way of connecting: Intention is a way of connecting with the universe and manifesting your desires. It is a way of connecting with the energy of the universe and using it to create the life you want.

    Intention is a powerful tool for manifesting your desires and creating the life you want. It is a way of connecting with the energy of the universe and using it to bring about positive change in your life. Intention involves focusing on what you want, believing that it can be achieved, and taking action towards achieving it.

    When we set an intention, we are sending out a signal to the universe that we are ready to receive whatever it is that we desire. This signal creates an energetic vibration which attracts similar vibrations from other sources in the universe. As these energies come together they create opportunities for us to manifest our intentions into reality.

    The power of intention lies in its ability to help us align our thoughts, feelings, words and actions with our desired outcome. When all four elements are working together harmoniously then anything becomes possible! By setting clear intentions and taking consistent action towards them, we can create lasting changes in our lives.

  • #8.     Intention is a way of believing: Intention is a way of believing in yourself and your ability to manifest your desires. It is a way of believing in the power of the universe and using it to create the life you want.

    Intention is a way of believing in yourself and your ability to manifest your desires. It is the belief that you have the power to create the life you want, by harnessing the energy of the universe. Intention involves setting goals and taking action towards achieving them, while also being open to receiving guidance from higher sources.

    When we set an intention, we are sending out a signal into the universe that we are ready for change. We become more aware of our thoughts and feelings, as well as those around us. This heightened awareness allows us to be more mindful of how our actions affect others and ourselves. By focusing on what we truly desire, rather than what society tells us should be desired, we can begin creating positive changes in our lives.

    The Power of Intention teaches us how to use this powerful tool in order to co-create with the Universe. Dr Wayne Dyer explains that when we align ourselves with universal energies through intention setting, it helps bring about greater clarity and understanding about who we really are at our core level – allowing us access to deeper levels of creativity and potential.

  • #9.     Intention is a way of creating: Intention is a way of creating the life you want. It is a way of using the power of the universe to manifest your dreams and goals.

    Intention is a powerful tool for creating the life you want. It involves setting an intention and then taking action to make it happen. Intention is about focusing on what you want, rather than what you dont have or dont want. When we focus our attention on something positive, we create more of that in our lives.

    The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer explains how to use this power to manifest your dreams and goals. He suggests that when we set an intention with clarity and conviction, the universe will respond accordingly and help us achieve our desired outcome. This means that if we are clear about what we want, the universe will provide us with opportunities to make it happen.

    By using intention as a way of creating the life you desire, you can take control over your destiny and become empowered to live out your dreams. With practice and dedication, anything is possible!

  • #10.     Intention is a way of manifesting: Intention is a way of manifesting your desires and bringing them into reality. It is a way of using the power of the universe to create the life you want.

    Intention is a powerful tool for manifesting your desires and bringing them into reality. It is the process of using the power of the universe to create the life you want. Intention involves setting an intention, visualizing it, and then taking action towards achieving it.

    When you set an intention, you are sending out a signal to the universe that this is what you desire. This sends out vibrations that attract similar energies in order to bring about your desired outcome. Visualization helps to focus on what you want and brings clarity to your intentions.

    Taking action towards achieving your goals is essential in order for them to become reality. Taking small steps each day will help move closer towards reaching your goal. As long as there is effort put forth with positive energy behind it, success can be achieved.

  • #11.     Intention is a way of living: Intention is a way of living that is focused on manifesting your dreams and goals. It is a way of living that is focused on creating the life you want.

    Intention is a way of living that is focused on manifesting your dreams and goals. It involves setting clear intentions for what you want to create in life, and then taking action towards achieving those goals. Intentional living requires being mindful of the choices you make each day, as well as how they will affect your future. It also means having an awareness of the power of thought and its ability to shape reality.

    Living with intention means making conscious decisions about how you spend your time, energy, and resources. You become aware of the impact that every choice has on your life path. This includes everything from what kind of job you take to who you choose to surround yourself with. Living intentionally allows us to be more present in our lives so we can focus on creating meaningful experiences.

    When we live with intention, we are able to align our actions with our values and beliefs. We become more intentional about how we use our time by focusing on activities that bring us joy or help us reach our goals faster. We also become better at recognizing opportunities when they arise because we have taken the time to think through what it is that truly matters most in life.

  • #12.     Intention is a way of being present: Intention is a way of being present in the moment and using the power of the universe to manifest your desires. It is a way of being present in the moment and using the power of the universe to create the life you want.

    Intention is a way of being present in the moment and using the power of the universe to manifest your desires. It is an active process that requires focus, clarity, and commitment. Intention involves setting goals for yourself and then taking action to achieve them. It also involves having faith that what you want will come true if you put in the effort.

    When we set intentions, we are connecting with our higher selves and allowing ourselves to be guided by our intuition. We become aware of our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, values, and actions as they relate to achieving our desired outcome. By focusing on these aspects of ourselves with intentionality, we can create positive change in our lives.

    The power of intention lies in its ability to help us stay focused on what matters most—our dreams and aspirations—and take steps towards making them a reality. When we use intention as part of our daily practice it helps us stay connected with who we truly are at heart; it helps us align with our highest potentials; it helps us make decisions from a place of love rather than fear; it helps us live life more fully.

  • #13.     Intention is a way of being mindful: Intention is a way of being mindful of your thoughts and actions and using them to manifest your desires. It is a way of being mindful of your thoughts and actions and using them to create the life you want.

    Intention is a way of being mindful of your thoughts and actions. It involves taking the time to consider what you want out of life, and then actively working towards achieving it. Intention requires focus, dedication, and commitment in order to manifest your desires into reality. By setting an intention for yourself each day, you can create a powerful force that will help guide you on your journey.

    When practicing intentionality, it’s important to be aware of how your thoughts and actions are affecting the outcome. Every decision we make has consequences; therefore it’s essential to take responsibility for our choices by understanding their implications before acting upon them. Being mindful allows us to stay focused on our goals while also allowing us the flexibility needed when circumstances change or unexpected events occur.

    The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way by Dr. Wayne W Dyer provides readers with practical advice on how they can use intention as a tool for personal growth and transformation. The book encourages readers to become more conscious about their intentions so that they can live with purposeful intent rather than simply reacting unconsciously from moment-to-moment.

  • #14.     Intention is a way of being grateful: Intention is a way of being grateful for what you have and using the power of the universe to manifest your desires. It is a way of being grateful for what you have and using the power of the universe to create the life you want.

    Intention is a way of being grateful for what you have and using the power of the universe to manifest your desires. It is an attitude that allows us to recognize our blessings, be thankful for them, and use this gratitude as fuel to create more abundance in our lives. Intention involves recognizing that we are part of something much larger than ourselves – a universal energy field – and understanding how we can tap into it to bring about positive change.

    When we practice intention, we become aware of the interconnectedness between all things. We understand that everything in life is connected on some level, and by focusing on what we want with clarity and purpose, rather than worrying about what might go wrong or not happen at all, we open up possibilities for creating positive outcomes.

    By expressing gratitude for what already exists in our lives while also setting intentions for what could be possible if only given enough focus and effort, we can begin to co-create our world according to our own vision. Intention helps us stay focused on achieving goals while also allowing us to remain open-minded about potential opportunities along the way.

  • #15.     Intention is a way of being open: Intention is a way of being open to the possibilities of the universe and using the power of the universe to manifest your desires. It is a way of being open to the possibilities of the universe and using the power of the universe to create the life you want.

    Intention is a way of being open to the possibilities of the universe and using the power of the universe to manifest your desires. It is an attitude that allows us to tap into our inner wisdom, intuition, and creativity in order to create what we want in life. Intention involves setting clear goals for ourselves and then taking action towards achieving them. It also involves having faith that whatever we set out to do will be successful.

    When we are intentional about our lives, it helps us stay focused on what matters most. We become more aware of how our thoughts, words, and actions affect our reality. This awareness can help us make better decisions that lead us closer towards achieving our goals. Additionally, when we are intentional with our lives it gives us a sense of purpose which can help motivate us even further.

    Being open with intention means allowing yourself to be vulnerable enough to take risks and trust in yourself as well as trusting in the process itself. When you have an intention-filled mindset you become more mindful about how you spend your time each day so that you can focus on creating positive outcomes for yourself.

  • #16.     Intention is a way of being compassionate: Intention is a way of being compassionate towards yourself and others and using the power of the universe to manifest your desires. It is a way of being compassionate towards yourself and others and using the power of the universe to create the life you want.

    Intention is a way of being compassionate towards yourself and others. It is about recognizing the power of the universe to manifest your desires, and using that power to create the life you want. Intention involves understanding that we are all connected, and that our thoughts have an impact on our lives and those around us. By focusing on positive intentions, we can create more love, joy, peace, abundance and success in our lives.

    When we practice intention with compassion for ourselves and others, it helps us stay focused on what matters most: creating a life filled with meaning and purpose. We become aware of how our actions affect not only ourselves but also those around us. This awareness allows us to make conscious choices based on what will bring greater happiness into our lives.

    By practicing intention with compassion for ourselves and others, we open up possibilities for growth in all areas of life – physical health, emotional wellbeing, relationships with family members or friends – as well as spiritual development. Through this process of self-discovery we learn how to be kinder to ourselves while still striving towards achieving goals.

  • #17.     Intention is a way of being authentic: Intention is a way of being authentic and true to yourself and using the power of the universe to manifest your desires. It is a way of being authentic and true to yourself and using the power of the universe to create the life you want.

    Intention is a way of being authentic and true to yourself. It is about connecting with the power of the universe to manifest your desires and create the life you want. Intention involves setting clear goals, visualizing them, taking action towards achieving them, and believing in their manifestation.

    When we are intentional about our lives, we become more aware of our thoughts and feelings. We can then use this awareness to make conscious choices that align with our values and beliefs. This helps us stay focused on what matters most to us while also allowing us to be open-minded enough to explore new possibilities.

    By being intentional in all aspects of life – from relationships, career decisions, health habits – we can live an authentic life that reflects who we truly are. When we take ownership over our lives by living intentionally, it gives us a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

  • #18.     Intention is a way of being in alignment: Intention is a way of being in alignment with your true self and using the power of the universe to manifest your desires. It is a way of being in alignment with your true self and using the power of the universe to create the life you want.

    Intention is a way of being in alignment with your true self and using the power of the universe to manifest your desires. It is an intentional act that requires focus, clarity, and commitment. Intention involves setting clear goals for yourself and taking action towards achieving them. When you are in alignment with your true self, you can tap into the energy of the universe to create what you want.

    The Power of Intention teaches us how to use our thoughts and feelings as tools for creating our reality. By focusing on positive intentions, we can attract more abundance into our lives. We can also use intention to heal ourselves emotionally and spiritually by releasing negative patterns from our pasts.

    When we align ourselves with intention, we become aware of how powerful we truly are. We learn that anything is possible when we put forth effort combined with faith in ourselves and trust in the universe’s ability to provide us with what we need.

  • #19.     Intention is a way of being in harmony: Intention is a way of being in harmony with the universe and using the power of the universe to manifest your desires. It is a way of being in harmony with the universe and using the power of the universe to create the life you want.

    Intention is a way of being in harmony with the universe and using the power of the universe to manifest your desires. It is an attitude that allows you to align yourself with what you want, rather than what you dont want. Intention involves focusing on positive outcomes and taking action towards achieving them. When we are in alignment with our intentions, we can create powerful results.

    The Power of Intention teaches us how to use intention as a tool for creating our lives according to our own design. It encourages us to be mindful of our thoughts and feelings so that we can direct them towards achieving our goals. By understanding how intention works, we can learn how to co-create with the universe and manifest whatever it is that we desire.

    When used correctly, intention has the potential to bring about profound changes in ones life. Through intentional living, one can become more aware of their innermost desires and take steps towards making those dreams come true. With practice, anyone can learn how to use this powerful tool for personal growth and transformation.

  • #20.     Intention is a way of being in balance: Intention is a way of being in balance with yourself and the universe and using the power of the universe to manifest your desires. It is a way of being in balance with yourself and the universe and using the power of the universe to create the life you want.

    Intention is a way of being in balance with yourself and the universe. It involves recognizing that you are part of something much larger than yourself, and using the power of the universe to manifest your desires. Intention is about aligning your thoughts, words, and actions with what you truly want in life. When we focus our attention on what we desire rather than on what we don’t have or can’t do, it helps us create positive energy that attracts more abundance into our lives.

    When we practice intention, we become aware of how our thoughts shape our reality. We learn to be mindful of how our beliefs influence our behavior and decisions. By focusing on creating positive intentions for ourselves and others, we can begin to co-create a world where everyone has access to their highest potential.

    The power of intention allows us to tap into an infinite source of creative energy that can help us manifest whatever it is that we desire in life. Through intentional living, we learn how to use this powerful force within us as a tool for transformation—to bring forth greater joy, peace, love and abundance into all aspects of life.