The Productivity Planner: A Daily Planner to Help You Take Action, Get Stuff Done, and Live an Extraordinary Life 2017

by Charlie Hoehn





  • The Productivity Planner by Charlie Hoehn is a daily planner designed to help people take action, get stuff done, and live an extraordinary life. The book provides readers with the tools they need to become more productive and organized in their lives. It includes tips on how to set goals, prioritize tasks, manage time effectively, stay motivated and focused, and develop good habits that will lead to success.

    The book begins by discussing why productivity matters and how it can be used as a tool for achieving one’s goals. It then goes into detail about the different types of productivity systems available such as the Pomodoro Technique or Getting Things Done (GTD). After this overview of various methods for increasing productivity, Hoehn introduces his own system: The Productivity Planner. This system focuses on breaking down large projects into smaller tasks that are easier to complete.

    Hoehn then explains how he developed his system over time through trial-and-error experimentation. He also shares stories from other successful people who have implemented similar strategies in their own lives. Finally, he provides practical advice on using the planner including setting up your workspace properly; creating lists of tasks; scheduling blocks of uninterrupted work time; tracking progress; taking breaks when needed; rewarding yourself for completing tasks; delegating responsibilities when possible; staying organized with digital tools like Evernote or Trello; and avoiding distractions like social media.

    Overall, The Productivity Planner is an excellent resource for anyone looking to increase their efficiency and effectiveness in both personal and professional endeavors. By following its simple yet effective steps outlined within its pages readers can learn how to better manage their time so they can achieve greater success in all areas of life.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Set Goals: Establishing clear goals is essential for achieving success and living an extraordinary life. The Productivity Planner provides a framework for setting and tracking goals, helping you stay focused and motivated.

    Setting goals is an important part of living an extraordinary life. Goals provide direction and focus, helping you stay motivated and on track to achieving success. The Productivity Planner provides a comprehensive framework for setting and tracking your goals, so that you can make sure you are always working towards something meaningful.

    The planner helps break down big goals into smaller, achievable tasks. This makes it easier to stay focused on the task at hand without getting overwhelmed by the bigger picture. It also allows you to measure progress over time, giving you a sense of accomplishment as each goal is achieved.

    The Productivity Planner also includes helpful tips and advice from experts in productivity and goal-setting. With this guidance, users can learn how to set realistic yet challenging goals that will help them reach their full potential.

  • #2.     Prioritize Tasks: The Productivity Planner helps you prioritize tasks and break them down into manageable chunks, so you can focus on the most important tasks first.

    Prioritizing tasks is an essential part of staying productive and achieving your goals. The Productivity Planner helps you break down large projects into smaller, more manageable chunks so that you can focus on the most important tasks first. It also allows you to prioritize tasks based on their importance or urgency, so that you can make sure the most important things get done first.

    The planner also provides a framework for tracking progress and setting deadlines for each task. This way, you can stay focused on completing each task in a timely manner without getting overwhelmed by too many competing priorities. Additionally, it encourages reflection and self-assessment so that you can identify areas where improvement is needed.

    Overall, The Productivity Planner is designed to help maximize productivity while minimizing stress levels. By breaking down large projects into smaller chunks and prioritizing them according to importance or urgency, it makes it easier to stay organized and motivated throughout the day.

  • #3.     Track Progress: The Productivity Planner provides a way to track your progress and measure your success, so you can stay on track and make adjustments as needed.

    The Productivity Planner is designed to help you stay on track and measure your progress. It provides a way for you to set goals, break them down into manageable tasks, and then track your progress as you work towards achieving those goals. You can use the planner to identify areas where you need improvement or make adjustments in order to reach your desired outcome. The planner also allows you to review past successes so that you can build upon them and continue making progress.

    The Productivity Planner helps keep you motivated by providing an easy-to-follow structure that encourages consistent effort over time. With its daily checklists, goal tracking tools, and reminders of upcoming deadlines, it ensures that nothing falls through the cracks while helping maintain focus on what matters most. Additionally, it offers helpful tips and advice from experts in productivity so that users can learn how best to manage their time.

    By using the Productivity Planner regularly, users will be able to monitor their progress more effectively than ever before. They’ll have a better understanding of which tasks are taking up too much of their time or not yielding enough results; they’ll be able to adjust accordingly; and they’ll be able to celebrate small victories along the way as they move closer towards reaching their ultimate goal.

  • #4.     Manage Time: The Productivity Planner helps you manage your time more effectively, so you can get more done in less time.

    Managing time is essential for achieving success in any area of life. The Productivity Planner helps you to do this by providing a daily planner that allows you to plan out your day and prioritize tasks. It also provides tools such as goal setting, task tracking, and progress monitoring so that you can stay on top of your goals and make sure they are being achieved. Additionally, the planner includes tips and tricks for staying organized and productive throughout the day.

    The Productivity Planner also offers guidance on how to break down large projects into smaller tasks so that they can be completed more efficiently. This makes it easier to focus on one task at a time without getting overwhelmed or distracted by other things. Furthermore, it encourages users to take regular breaks throughout their workday in order to remain energized and motivated.

    Overall, The Productivity Planner is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to manage their time more effectively in order to get more done in less time. By following its advice and using its features regularly, users will be able to achieve greater productivity levels than ever before.

  • #5.     Reduce Stress: The Productivity Planner helps you reduce stress by providing a system for organizing and tracking tasks, so you can stay focused and on top of your workload.

    Reducing stress is essential for productivity and success. The Productivity Planner helps you do just that by providing a system to organize and track tasks, so you can stay focused on the important things. With this planner, youll be able to prioritize your workload and break it down into manageable chunks. This will help reduce stress levels as well as increase efficiency in completing tasks.

    The Productivity Planner also provides helpful tips on how to manage time more effectively, such as setting deadlines for yourself or breaking up large projects into smaller ones. Additionally, it offers strategies for dealing with procrastination and staying motivated when faced with difficult tasks. By following these guidelines, youll be able to reduce stress while still getting stuff done.

    Finally, the Productivity Planner encourages self-reflection through daily journaling exercises that allow users to reflect on their progress and identify areas of improvement. Through this process of reflection, users can gain insight into their own behavior patterns which can lead to better decision making in the future.

  • #6.     Increase Productivity: The Productivity Planner helps you increase productivity by providing a system for organizing and tracking tasks, so you can stay focused and on top of your workload.

    Increasing productivity is essential for achieving success in any field. The Productivity Planner provides a comprehensive system to help you stay organized and on top of your workload. It helps you break down tasks into manageable chunks, prioritize them, and track progress so that nothing falls through the cracks.

    The planner also includes helpful tips and tricks to maximize efficiency, such as setting deadlines for yourself, breaking up large projects into smaller pieces, delegating tasks when possible, taking regular breaks throughout the day to recharge your batteries, and using technology tools like task management apps or time tracking software.

    By following these strategies consistently over time, you can increase your productivity significantly. With the Productivity Planner by your side every step of the way, its easier than ever before to get stuff done quickly and efficiently!

  • #7.     Improve Focus: The Productivity Planner helps you improve focus by providing a system for organizing and tracking tasks, so you can stay focused and on top of your workload.

    The Productivity Planner is designed to help you improve focus and stay on top of your workload. It provides a system for organizing tasks, tracking progress, and setting goals. With the planner, you can break down large projects into smaller steps that are easier to manage. You can also prioritize tasks based on importance or urgency so that you know which ones need to be done first.

    The planner also helps with time management by providing tools such as daily checklists and weekly reviews. This allows you to keep track of what needs to be done each day and review your progress over the course of the week. Additionally, it encourages reflection so that you can identify areas where improvements could be made in order to become more productive.

    Overall, The Productivity Planner is an effective tool for improving focus and staying organized. By breaking down tasks into manageable chunks, prioritizing them according to importance or urgency, tracking progress regularly, and reflecting on how things are going overall – this planner will help ensure that nothing slips through the cracks.

  • #8.     Develop Habits: The Productivity Planner helps you develop habits that will help you stay productive and achieve success.

    The Productivity Planner is designed to help you develop habits that will lead to greater productivity and success. It provides a daily planner with prompts, reminders, and exercises that can help you stay focused on your goals. The planner also includes tips for developing good habits such as setting realistic goals, breaking down tasks into manageable chunks, and scheduling time for rest and relaxation. Additionally, the planner offers advice on how to create an environment conducive to productivity by eliminating distractions and creating systems of accountability.

    The Productivity Planner helps you track progress towards your goals so that you can measure your successes over time. This allows you to identify areas where improvement is needed or where additional effort may be required in order to reach desired outcomes. By tracking progress regularly, it becomes easier to recognize patterns of behavior which may be hindering productivity or preventing successful completion of tasks.

    By using the Productivity Planner consistently over time, it becomes possible to develop productive habits which will enable greater success in both personal and professional endeavors. With its helpful prompts and reminders along with practical advice on how best to use them effectively, this tool can provide invaluable assistance in achieving one’s objectives.

  • #9.     Create Routines: The Productivity Planner helps you create routines that will help you stay productive and achieve success.

    Creating routines is an essential part of staying productive and achieving success. The Productivity Planner helps you create routines that will help you stay focused, organized, and on track with your goals. It provides a daily planner to help you plan out your day in advance so that you can make the most of every minute. You can also use it to set reminders for yourself throughout the day so that nothing slips through the cracks.

    The Productivity Planner also offers tips and advice on how to develop effective habits and stick with them over time. It encourages users to break down their tasks into smaller chunks, prioritize their activities, and focus on one task at a time in order to maximize productivity. Additionally, it provides tools such as goal-setting worksheets and progress tracking charts which allow users to monitor their progress towards reaching their goals.

    By creating routines using The Productivity Planner, users are able to take control of their lives by setting achievable goals and taking actionable steps towards achieving them. This ultimately leads to greater success both professionally and personally.

  • #10.     Track Habits: The Productivity Planner helps you track your habits and routines, so you can stay on track and make adjustments as needed.

    The Productivity Planner is designed to help you stay on track and reach your goals. It allows you to track your habits and routines, so that you can identify areas where adjustments need to be made in order to improve productivity. The planner also helps you set achievable goals for yourself, as well as break down those goals into smaller tasks that are easier to manage. This way, its easier for you to focus on the task at hand without getting overwhelmed by the bigger picture.

    The planner also provides a space for reflection and self-assessment. You can use this time to reflect on how far youve come since starting the plan, what changes have been successful or unsuccessful, and what new strategies might work better in the future. By taking stock of your progress regularly, its much easier for you to make any necessary adjustments along the way.

    Overall, The Productivity Planner is an invaluable tool when it comes to staying organized and productive. With its ability to help track habits and routines while providing a space for reflection and goal setting, it makes achieving success much more attainable.

  • #11.     Set Deadlines: The Productivity Planner helps you set deadlines for tasks, so you can stay on track and make sure you complete tasks on time.

    Setting deadlines is an important part of staying productive and achieving your goals. The Productivity Planner helps you set realistic deadlines for tasks, so that you can stay on track and make sure you complete them in a timely manner. It also allows you to break down larger projects into smaller, more manageable tasks with their own individual deadlines.

    The planner provides helpful reminders when its time to start working on a task or project, as well as when the deadline is approaching. This way, you wont forget about any of your commitments or let anything slip through the cracks. Youll be able to focus on what needs to get done without worrying about missing something important.

    By setting clear deadlines for yourself and sticking to them, youll be able to maximize your productivity and reach your goals faster than ever before!

  • #12.     Track Expenses: The Productivity Planner helps you track your expenses, so you can stay on top of your budget and make sure you’re not overspending.

    The Productivity Planner is designed to help you stay on top of your finances and make sure that you are not overspending. It allows you to track all of your expenses, so that you can easily see where your money is going each month. You can also set up budget categories for yourself, so that you know exactly how much money should be allocated towards different areas such as groceries, entertainment, or travel. This way, if something unexpected comes up or if a purchase goes over budget, it’s easy to adjust accordingly.

    The planner also helps with long-term financial planning by allowing users to set goals and create plans for reaching them. For example, if someone wants to save up for a down payment on a house in the next five years they can use the planner to break down their goal into smaller steps and track their progress along the way. The planner will even remind users when payments need to be made or when bills are due.

    Overall, tracking expenses with The Productivity Planner makes it easier than ever before for people to manage their finances and reach their financial goals without feeling overwhelmed or stressed out about it.

  • #13.     Track Progress: The Productivity Planner helps you track your progress, so you can stay on track and make adjustments as needed.

    The Productivity Planner is designed to help you stay on track and make progress towards your goals. It allows you to set daily, weekly, and monthly objectives that are tailored to your specific needs. You can also use the planner to break down larger tasks into smaller steps so that they become more manageable. As you complete each step, you can mark it off in the planner as a way of tracking your progress.

    The Productivity Planner also provides helpful reminders throughout the day so that you dont forget important tasks or deadlines. This helps keep you focused and motivated as well as ensuring that nothing slips through the cracks. Additionally, by keeping track of what has been accomplished over time, its easier to identify areas where improvements need to be made or where additional resources may be needed.

    Overall, The Productivity Planner is an invaluable tool for anyone looking for a better way to manage their time and get things done efficiently. By helping users stay organized and on top of their goals, this planner makes it easy for them to achieve success in whatever endeavor they choose.

  • #14.     Track Goals: The Productivity Planner helps you track your goals, so you can stay on track and make sure you’re making progress towards achieving them.

    The Productivity Planner is designed to help you stay focused and motivated on your goals. It allows you to track your progress, so that you can see how far you’ve come and what still needs to be done. You can set daily, weekly, or monthly goals for yourself and then use the planner to keep track of them. This way, it’s easy to stay organized and make sure that all of your tasks are completed in a timely manner.

    The planner also helps with accountability by allowing you to review past accomplishments as well as future plans. This makes it easier for you to stay on top of things and ensure that nothing slips through the cracks. Additionally, tracking your goals gives you an opportunity to reflect on what has been accomplished so far and identify areas where improvement may be needed.

    Overall, The Productivity Planner provides an effective tool for staying organized while working towards achieving personal goals. By keeping track of progress over time, it becomes much easier to remain focused on the task at hand while also being able to recognize successes along the way.

  • #15.     Track Success: The Productivity Planner helps you track your successes, so you can stay motivated and celebrate your accomplishments.

    The Productivity Planner is designed to help you stay motivated and celebrate your successes. It allows you to track your progress, so that you can see how far you have come and what goals you have achieved. With the planner, its easy to set realistic goals for yourself and then measure your success against them. You can also use the planner to identify areas where improvement is needed, so that you can focus on those areas in order to reach even greater heights of productivity.

    The Productivity Planner helps keep track of all aspects of life: from work tasks and deadlines, to personal projects or hobbies. This way, no matter what kind of goal or project one has in mind, they will be able to easily monitor their progress towards achieving it. The planner also provides a space for reflection; allowing users to take stock of their accomplishments as well as any challenges they may face along the way.

    By tracking successes with The Productivity Planner, users are able to stay motivated by seeing tangible evidence of their hard work paying off. Celebrating small victories along the way gives us a sense of accomplishment which encourages us further down our path towards success.

  • #16.     Track Failures: The Productivity Planner helps you track your failures, so you can learn from them and make adjustments as needed.

    The Productivity Planner helps you track your failures so that you can learn from them and make adjustments as needed. This is an important part of the productivity process, because it allows you to identify areas where improvement is necessary. By tracking your failures, you can pinpoint what went wrong and why, which will help you develop strategies for avoiding similar mistakes in the future. Additionally, by recognizing when something didn’t work out as planned, it gives you a chance to adjust your approach or try something new.

    Tracking failures also provides valuable insight into how well certain tasks are being completed. For example, if a task takes longer than expected or doesnt yield the desired results despite multiple attempts at completion then this could be indicative of an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. Tracking these types of issues over time can provide invaluable information about how best to tackle certain tasks in order to maximize efficiency.

    Overall, The Productivity Planners ability to track failures makes it an invaluable tool for anyone looking to increase their productivity and get more done in less time. By learning from past mistakes and adjusting accordingly based on data-driven insights gained through failure tracking, users can ensure theyre always working smarter rather than harder.

  • #17.     Track Time: The Productivity Planner helps you track your time, so you can stay on top of your workload and make sure you’re not wasting time.

    Track Time: The Productivity Planner is a great tool for anyone looking to stay on top of their workload and maximize their productivity. It helps you track your time, so you can see exactly how much time you’re spending on each task or project. This allows you to identify areas where you may be wasting time, and make adjustments accordingly. You can also use the planner to set goals and deadlines for yourself, so that you have an incentive to stay focused and productive.

    The Productivity Planner also provides helpful tips and advice on how best to manage your time. It includes strategies such as breaking down large tasks into smaller chunks, setting realistic expectations for yourself, taking regular breaks throughout the day, delegating tasks when possible, and more. With these tools at your disposal, it becomes easier than ever before to get stuff done in a timely manner.

    Overall, Track Time: The Productivity Planner is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to increase their productivity levels while still maintaining balance in their life. By tracking your progress over time with this planners help, it will become easier than ever before to reach all of your goals!

  • #18.     Track Energy: The Productivity Planner helps you track your energy levels, so you can make sure you’re taking care of yourself and not overworking.

    The Productivity Planner helps you track your energy levels so that you can make sure you are taking care of yourself and not overworking. This is an important part of staying productive, as it allows you to recognize when your energy levels are low and take steps to restore them. The planner includes a daily tracker where users can rate their energy level on a scale from 1-10, allowing them to easily identify patterns in their energy levels throughout the day. Additionally, the planner provides tips for how to increase or maintain your energy level depending on what score they give themselves.

    The Productivity Planner also encourages users to be mindful of their overall health by providing reminders about getting enough sleep, eating healthy meals, exercising regularly, and taking breaks throughout the day. By tracking these habits along with their daily energy level ratings, users will have a better understanding of how different activities affect their productivity and well-being.

    By using The Productivity Planner’s “Track Energy” feature, users will be able to stay focused on achieving their goals while still making sure they are taking care of themselves. With this tool at hand, anyone can become more productive without sacrificing self-care!

  • #19.     Track Health: The Productivity Planner helps you track your health, so you can make sure you’re taking care of yourself and not neglecting your health.

    The Productivity Planner helps you track your health, so that you can stay on top of your wellbeing and make sure that you are taking care of yourself. It allows you to set goals for yourself related to physical activity, nutrition, sleep, stress management and more. You can also use the planner to monitor how well you’re doing in each area by tracking progress over time. This way, if something isn’t going as planned or if there is an issue with one particular aspect of your health, it will be easier to identify and address it quickly.

    The Productivity Planner also provides helpful tips and advice on how best to take care of yourself in order to reach optimal health. For example, it might suggest ways for reducing stress levels or provide information about healthy eating habits. Additionally, the planner includes a section dedicated solely towards helping users create a personalized plan for their own individual needs.

    Overall, The Productivity Planner is an excellent tool for anyone looking to improve their overall health and wellbeing while staying productive at the same time. By tracking progress over time and providing useful tips along the way, this planner makes it easy for users to stay on top of their health without neglecting other important tasks.

  • #20.     Track Happiness: The Productivity Planner helps you track your happiness, so you can make sure you’re taking care of yourself and not neglecting your mental health.

    The Productivity Planner helps you track your happiness, so that you can make sure to take care of yourself and not neglect your mental health. It allows you to set goals for yourself and measure how close or far away from them you are. You can also use it to identify areas where you need improvement in order to reach those goals. The planner provides a way for users to monitor their progress over time, allowing them to adjust their strategies as needed.

    The planner includes features such as tracking moods throughout the day, setting reminders for self-care activities like exercise or meditation, and creating daily checklists with tasks that will help increase productivity. Additionally, it offers tips on how best to manage stress levels and stay motivated when things get tough. By using this tool regularly, users can gain insight into what makes them happy and develop habits that lead towards greater overall wellbeing.

    Overall, the Productivity Planner is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to improve their life by taking better care of themselves mentally and physically. With its easy-to-use interface and helpful features designed specifically with mental health in mind, it’s a great way for people of all ages and backgrounds to start tracking their happiness today!