The Self-Esteem Workbook for Teens Activity Book 2013

by Lisa M. Schab





  • The Self-Esteem Workbook for Teens Activity Book by Lisa M. Schab is an interactive workbook designed to help teens build self-esteem and confidence. The book provides activities, worksheets, and exercises that can be used in individual or group settings. It also includes information on how to recognize negative thoughts and behaviors, as well as tips for developing positive thinking patterns.

    The book begins with a discussion of the importance of self-esteem and how it affects our lives. It then goes into detail about what self-esteem is, why it’s important, and how we can improve our own levels of self-esteem. The author explains the different types of low self-esteem (such as perfectionism) and offers strategies for overcoming them.

    The second part of the book focuses on building healthy relationships with others. This section covers topics such as communication skills, assertiveness training, dealing with criticism from others, setting boundaries in relationships, understanding emotions in yourself and others, managing stressors like peer pressure or bullying behavior.

    In addition to providing activities related to these topics throughout the book there are also sections dedicated specifically to helping teens develop their problem solving skills through creative thinking techniques such as brainstorming ideas or using visual aids like mind maps. There are also chapters devoted to goal setting which include advice on creating SMART goals (specific measurable achievable realistic timely).

    Finally there is a section at the end that discusses ways teens can take care of themselves physically mentally emotionally spiritually socially etc so they have all aspects covered when it comes to improving their overall wellbeing.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Developing Self-Awareness: Learning to recognize and understand your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors can help you to better understand yourself and make positive changes.

    Developing self-awareness is an important part of personal growth and development. It involves learning to recognize and understand your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in order to gain insight into yourself. By becoming more aware of how you think, feel, and act in different situations, you can begin to make positive changes that will help you reach your goals.

    Self-awareness helps us become better at managing our emotions by recognizing when we are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. We can then take steps to address the underlying issues causing these negative feelings. Additionally, it allows us to identify patterns in our behavior that may be holding us back from achieving success or happiness. With this knowledge we can work on changing those habits so they no longer hinder our progress.

    Finally, developing self-awareness gives us a greater understanding of ourselves which leads to increased confidence and improved relationships with others. When we know who we are and what makes us unique it becomes easier for us to accept ourselves as well as appreciate the differences between people around us.

  • #2.     Understanding Self-Esteem: Self-esteem is an important part of your overall mental health and can be improved by understanding the factors that influence it.

    Understanding self-esteem is essential for maintaining good mental health. Self-esteem is the way we view ourselves and our worth, and it can be influenced by a variety of factors such as family dynamics, relationships with peers, academic performance, physical appearance, and more. It’s important to recognize that these influences are not always positive or negative; rather they can be both depending on how you interpret them.

    Improving your self-esteem requires understanding what affects it in order to make changes where necessary. This could include developing healthier relationships with friends and family members, setting realistic goals for yourself academically or professionally, engaging in activities that boost your confidence like sports or hobbies, learning how to accept compliments from others without feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable about them.

    It’s also important to remember that improving your self-esteem takes time and effort but it will pay off in the long run. With increased awareness of what influences your self-esteem comes greater control over how you feel about yourself which can lead to improved mental health overall.

  • #3.     Building Self-Confidence: Developing self-confidence is an important part of improving your self-esteem and can be done through positive self-talk, setting goals, and taking risks.

    Building self-confidence is an essential part of developing a healthy sense of self-esteem. It can be achieved through positive affirmations, setting achievable goals, and taking risks. Positive affirmations are statements that you say to yourself in order to build your confidence and remind yourself of your worth. Examples include “I am capable” or “I am strong”. Setting goals for yourself helps you focus on what you want to achieve and gives you something tangible to work towards. Taking risks allows you to challenge yourself and grow as a person; it also teaches resilience when things dont go according to plan.

    The Self-Esteem Workbook for Teens Activity Book by Lisa M. Schab provides activities designed specifically for teens who are looking to improve their self-confidence levels. These activities range from writing down positive affirmations about themselves, creating vision boards with images that represent their dreams, making lists of accomplishments they have achieved so far, and more! By engaging in these activities regularly, teens will be able to develop the skills necessary for building up their own self-confidence.

  • #4.     Managing Stress: Stress can have a negative impact on your self-esteem, so it is important to learn how to manage it in healthy ways.

    Managing stress is an important part of maintaining good self-esteem. Stress can have a negative impact on your mental and physical health, as well as your relationships with others. It can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and even anger. Learning how to manage stress in healthy ways is essential for improving your overall wellbeing.

    There are many different strategies you can use to help manage stress. These include relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation; engaging in regular exercise; setting realistic goals and expectations; getting enough sleep; eating a balanced diet; talking about your worries with someone you trust; taking time out for yourself each day to do something enjoyable like reading or listening to music; and learning how to say “no” when necessary.

    It may take some trial and error before you find the right combination of strategies that work best for you. But once you do, it will be easier for you to cope with stressful situations without letting them negatively affect your self-esteem.

  • #5.     Practicing Self-Care: Taking care of yourself is an important part of improving your self-esteem and can be done through activities such as exercise, relaxation, and healthy eating.

    Practicing self-care is an essential part of improving your self-esteem. Self-care involves taking the time to do activities that make you feel good and help you relax, such as exercise, yoga, meditation, or simply spending time with friends and family. Eating a healthy diet can also be beneficial for both physical and mental health. Additionally, it’s important to take breaks from work or school when needed in order to give yourself some much needed rest and relaxation.

    Self-care doesn’t have to be complicated; even small changes like getting enough sleep each night or taking a few minutes out of your day for yourself can make a big difference in how you feel about yourself. It’s also important to remember that everyone needs different things when it comes to self-care; what works for one person may not work for another so it’s important to find what works best for you.

    Finally, dont forget that practicing self-care isnt selfish - its necessary! Taking care of yourself will help improve your overall wellbeing which will ultimately lead to improved confidence and higher levels of self esteem.

  • #6.     Challenging Negative Thoughts: Negative thoughts can have a negative impact on your self-esteem, so it is important to learn how to challenge them and replace them with more positive ones.

    Challenging negative thoughts is an important part of maintaining a healthy self-esteem. Negative thoughts can be damaging to our mental health, leading to feelings of low self-worth and depression. It is essential that we learn how to recognize these negative thought patterns and challenge them in order to replace them with more positive ones.

    The Self-Esteem Workbook for Teens Activity Book by Lisa M. Schab provides helpful strategies for recognizing and challenging negative thoughts. The book encourages teens to identify their own personal triggers for negative thinking, such as feeling overwhelmed or anxious, so they can better understand the source of their negativity. Additionally, it offers practical tips on how to reframe those thoughts into something more constructive and empowering.

    By learning how to challenge our own negative thought patterns, we can begin the process of building healthier self-esteem and improving our overall wellbeing. With practice and dedication, anyone can learn how to recognize when they are engaging in unhelpful thinking habits and take steps towards replacing them with more positive ones.

  • #7.     Building Positive Relationships: Having positive relationships with others can help to improve your self-esteem, so it is important to learn how to build and maintain them.

    Building positive relationships is an important part of developing a healthy self-esteem. Positive relationships can provide us with support, understanding, and encouragement when we need it most. They can also help to boost our confidence and give us the strength to take on new challenges.

    To build positive relationships, start by being open and honest with others about your thoughts and feelings. Showing vulnerability in this way will help you form deeper connections with those around you. Additionally, be sure to listen actively when someone else is speaking so that they feel heard and understood. Finally, make sure to express appreciation for the people in your life who have been there for you through thick and thin.

    By taking these steps towards building positive relationships, you’ll be able to create a strong network of supportive individuals who will lift up your self-esteem whenever it needs a boost!

  • #8.     Developing Assertiveness: Assertiveness is an important part of improving your self-esteem and can be done by learning how to express your needs and opinions in a respectful way.

    Developing assertiveness is an important part of improving your self-esteem. Assertiveness involves learning how to express your needs and opinions in a respectful way, while also respecting the rights of others. It means being able to stand up for yourself without becoming aggressive or passive.

    When you are assertive, you can communicate clearly and confidently with others about what you want and need from them. You can also set boundaries that help protect your emotional well-being by saying “no” when necessary. Being assertive helps build relationships based on mutual respect, trust, and understanding.

    To become more assertive, it is important to practice speaking up for yourself in different situations. This could include expressing disagreement with someone else’s opinion or asking for something that you need from another person. It may feel uncomfortable at first but over time it will become easier as you gain confidence in asserting yourself.

    It is also helpful to be aware of any negative thoughts or beliefs that might be holding you back from being more assertive such as feeling like it isn’t okay to speak up for yourself or believing that other people know better than you do what is best for you. Challenging these thoughts can help increase your self-confidence so that it becomes easier to express yourself in a respectful manner.

  • #9.     Setting Boundaries: Setting boundaries is an important part of improving your self-esteem and can be done by learning how to say “no” and setting limits on what you are willing to do.

    Setting boundaries is an important part of taking control of your life and improving your self-esteem. It involves learning how to say “no” when you don’t want to do something, or setting limits on what you are willing to do. This can be difficult at first, but it will help you take back the power in relationships and situations where others may have been trying to control or manipulate you.

    When setting boundaries, it is important to be clear about what they are and communicate them effectively. You should also make sure that the other person understands why these boundaries exist and respects them. If someone does not respect your boundaries, then it is time for a serious conversation about why this behavior isnt acceptable.

    Its also important to remember that setting boundaries doesnt mean being rude or unkind; rather, it means standing up for yourself in a respectful way. Setting healthy boundaries can help improve your self-esteem by giving you more confidence in yourself and helping you feel empowered.

  • #10.     Practicing Mindfulness: Mindfulness is an important part of improving your self-esteem and can be done by learning how to be present in the moment and focus on the positive.

    Practicing mindfulness is an important part of improving your self-esteem. Mindfulness involves learning how to be present in the moment and focus on the positive aspects of life. It can help you become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors so that you can make better decisions for yourself. By being mindful, you can learn to recognize when negative thoughts or emotions arise and take steps to address them in a healthy way.

    Mindfulness also helps us become more aware of our environment and those around us. We are able to observe our surroundings without judgment or attachment, allowing us to appreciate what we have instead of focusing on what we don’t have. This practice allows us to cultivate gratitude for all that we do have in life.

    Finally, practicing mindfulness helps us develop greater self-compassion by recognizing our own worthiness as human beings regardless of any mistakes or failures we may experience along the way. Through this practice, we can learn how to treat ourselves with kindness and understanding even during difficult times.

  • #11.     Overcoming Perfectionism: Perfectionism can have a negative impact on your self-esteem, so it is important to learn how to let go of unrealistic expectations and accept yourself as you are.

    Perfectionism can be a difficult habit to break, but it is possible. The key is to recognize when you are being too hard on yourself and take steps to change your thinking. Start by recognizing that perfectionism is an unrealistic goal and that mistakes are part of life. Remind yourself that everyone makes mistakes and no one expects you to be perfect all the time.

    When you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or anxious about making a mistake, take some deep breaths and remind yourself that it’s okay not to be perfect. Focus on what went right instead of dwelling on what went wrong. Celebrate small successes along the way rather than waiting for everything to turn out perfectly before allowing yourself any satisfaction.

    Finally, practice self-compassion by talking kindly to yourself when things don’t go as planned or if you make a mistake. Acknowledge your feelings without judgment and then move forward with grace and resilience.

  • #12.     Coping with Criticism: Criticism can have a negative impact on your self-esteem, so it is important to learn how to cope with it in healthy ways.

    Coping with criticism can be a difficult task, especially for teens. It is important to remember that criticism does not define who you are as a person and it should not be taken personally. Instead of letting the negative words affect your self-esteem, try to focus on the positive aspects of yourself and your life. Developing healthy coping strategies such as talking to someone you trust about how you feel or writing down your thoughts in a journal can help you process any hurtful comments.

    It is also important to practice self-compassion when dealing with criticism. Remind yourself that everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect; this will help put things into perspective and make it easier for you to move forward from any negative feedback. Additionally, take time out for yourself by engaging in activities that bring joy or relaxation such as reading, listening to music, or spending time outdoors.

    Finally, don’t forget that there are people around who care about you and want what’s best for you—seek out their support if needed! With these tips in mind, learning how to cope with criticism can become an empowering experience rather than something overwhelming.

  • #13.     Dealing with Failure: Failure can have a negative impact on your self-esteem, so it is important to learn how to accept it and use it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

    Dealing with failure can be a difficult and daunting task. It is important to remember that failure does not define you, but rather it is an opportunity to learn and grow. When faced with failure, it is important to take the time to reflect on what went wrong and how you could have done things differently. This reflection will help you develop strategies for future success.

    It is also essential to practice self-compassion when dealing with failure. Acknowledge your feelings of disappointment or frustration without judging yourself harshly. Remind yourself that everyone experiences setbacks from time to time, and use this as motivation for improvement in the future.

    Finally, don’t forget that there are many resources available if you need additional support while dealing with failure. Talking through your experience with a trusted friend or family member can provide valuable insight into how best to move forward after experiencing a setback.

  • #14.     Building Resilience: Resilience is an important part of improving your self-esteem and can be done by learning how to cope with difficult situations and bounce back from setbacks.

    Building resilience is an important part of improving your self-esteem. Resilience is the ability to cope with difficult situations and bounce back from setbacks. It involves developing a sense of inner strength, so that you can face challenges without feeling overwhelmed or defeated. To build resilience, it’s important to recognize your own strengths and weaknesses, as well as those of others around you. You should also learn how to manage stress in healthy ways, such as through exercise or relaxation techniques.

    It’s also helpful to practice positive thinking by focusing on solutions rather than problems and looking for opportunities instead of obstacles. Additionally, building strong relationships with supportive people can help you develop a sense of security and trust in yourself and others. Finally, taking care of yourself physically by eating nutritious foods and getting enough sleep will help ensure that you have the energy needed to tackle any challenge.

  • #15.     Overcoming Fear: Fear can have a negative impact on your self-esteem, so it is important to learn how to face it and take risks in order to reach your goals.

    Overcoming fear is an important part of developing self-esteem. Fear can be paralyzing and prevent us from taking risks or trying new things. It can also lead to feelings of low self-worth, as we feel like we are not capable of achieving our goals. However, it is possible to learn how to face your fears and take risks in order to reach your goals.

    The first step in overcoming fear is recognizing that it exists and understanding why you may be feeling scared or anxious about a particular situation. Once you have identified the source of your fear, you can begin working on strategies for managing it. This could include deep breathing exercises, positive affirmations, visualization techniques, or talking with someone who understands what you’re going through.

    It’s also important to remember that failure is a part of life and should not be feared but embraced as an opportunity for growth. Taking small steps towards facing your fears will help build confidence over time so that eventually even the most daunting tasks seem manageable.

    Finally, don’t forget to reward yourself when you do something brave! Celebrating successes—no matter how small—will help motivate you to keep pushing forward despite any obstacles that come up along the way.

  • #16.     Practicing Self-Acceptance: Self-acceptance is an important part of improving your self-esteem and can be done by learning how to accept yourself as you are and recognize your strengths and weaknesses.

    Practicing self-acceptance is an important part of improving your self-esteem. It involves learning to accept yourself as you are, recognizing both your strengths and weaknesses. This can be done by taking time to reflect on who you are and what makes you unique. You can also practice positive affirmations, such as telling yourself that you are worthy and capable of achieving great things. Additionally, it’s important to focus on the good qualities about yourself rather than dwelling on any negative aspects or comparing yourself to others.

    It’s also helpful to take a step back from situations where you feel judged or criticized in order to gain perspective and remind yourself that everyone has flaws and imperfections. Lastly, try not to be too hard on yourself when mistakes happen; instead, use them as opportunities for growth.

  • #17.     Developing Self-Compassion: Self-compassion is an important part of improving your self-esteem and can be done by learning how to be kind and understanding to yourself.

    Developing self-compassion is an important part of improving your self-esteem. It involves learning how to be kind and understanding to yourself, even when you make mistakes or feel like you’ve failed. Self-compassion can help you accept yourself for who you are, rather than constantly striving for perfection. It also helps build resilience so that when life throws challenges at you, it won’t seem as overwhelming.

    Self-compassion starts with recognizing your own worth and value as a person. This means accepting both the good and bad parts of yourself without judgment or criticism. You should strive to treat yourself with kindness and respect just as if someone else were in your shoes—you would want them to have compassion too!

    It can also be helpful to practice mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing or meditation which can help bring awareness to difficult emotions without getting overwhelmed by them. Additionally, talking positively about yourself out loud can help boost your confidence and remind you of all the wonderful things about who you are.

  • #18.     Taking Responsibility: Taking responsibility for your actions is an important part of improving your self-esteem and can be done by learning how to accept the consequences of your choices.

    Taking responsibility for your actions is an essential part of developing a healthy self-esteem. It means recognizing that you are in control of your life and the choices you make, and being willing to accept the consequences of those decisions. This can be difficult at times, but it is important to remember that taking responsibility for yourself will help you become more confident and independent.

    One way to start taking responsibility for yourself is by learning how to recognize when something has gone wrong or when a mistake has been made. Acknowledging mistakes can be hard, but it’s important not to beat yourself up over them; instead, focus on what you can do differently next time so that similar issues don’t arise again. Additionally, try not to blame others or external factors for any negative outcomes – take ownership of your own actions.

    Finally, practice making decisions with confidence and trust in yourself. Taking risks may feel scary at first but they often lead us down paths we never expected! Remembering that no one else knows what’s best for you better than you do will help build self-confidence as well as personal accountability.

  • #19.     Overcoming Procrastination: Procrastination can have a negative impact on your self-esteem, so it is important to learn how to break the habit and take action.

    Overcoming procrastination is an important step in improving your self-esteem. Procrastination can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and low self-worth. It can also prevent you from achieving the goals that are important to you. To break this habit, it is essential to identify what triggers your procrastination and develop strategies for overcoming it.

    Start by recognizing when you are avoiding a task or putting something off. Ask yourself why you’re doing this – is it because the task seems too difficult or overwhelming? Is there something else more interesting that you would rather be doing? Once you have identified the cause of your procrastination, create a plan for tackling the task at hand.

    Break down large tasks into smaller chunks so they seem less daunting. Set realistic deadlines and reward yourself with small treats when each goal is achieved. Make sure to take regular breaks throughout the day as well; taking time away from work will help keep your motivation levels up and make completing tasks easier.

    Finally, remember that mistakes happen! Don’t let them derail all of your hard work – instead use them as learning experiences and move forward with renewed determination. With practice and dedication, overcoming procrastination can become second nature – allowing you to reach new heights in both personal achievement and self-esteem.

  • #20.     Creating a Positive Future: Creating a positive future for yourself is an important part of improving your self-esteem and can be done by setting goals and taking steps to reach them.

    Creating a positive future for yourself is an important part of improving your self-esteem. It involves setting goals and taking steps to reach them, so that you can feel more confident in yourself and your abilities. To create a positive future, start by identifying what it is that you want to achieve. This could be anything from getting better grades in school or college, to finding a job or starting a business. Once you have identified the goal, break it down into smaller achievable tasks and set deadlines for each one.

    Its also important to focus on the process rather than just the end result when creating a positive future for yourself. Celebrate small successes along the way as this will help keep motivation levels high and give you something tangible to look back on when times get tough. Additionally, make sure that any goals are realistic; if theyre too ambitious then it may become difficult to stay motivated.

    Finally, dont forget about having fun! Creating a positive future doesnt mean sacrificing all leisure activities - take time out every now and again to relax with friends or do something enjoyable like going for walks or playing sports.