The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan: Lose Weight Through Better Sleep 2013

by Michael Breus





  • The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan: Lose Weight Through Better Sleep by Michael Breus is a book that provides readers with an innovative approach to weight loss. The author, Dr. Michael Breus, is a board-certified sleep specialist and clinical psychologist who has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show and other media outlets. He believes that getting enough quality sleep can help people lose weight more effectively than dieting alone.

    In this book, Dr. Breus outlines his three-step plan for losing weight through better sleep: 1) Get Enough Quality Sleep; 2) Eat Right for Your Body Type; 3) Exercise Regularly. He explains how each of these steps works together to create an effective program for achieving healthy body composition and improved overall health.

    Dr. Breus also discusses the importance of understanding your own individual needs when it comes to sleeping patterns and nutrition in order to achieve optimal results from his program. He emphasizes the need for adequate restful sleep as well as proper nutrition in order to reach one’s goals in terms of both physical appearance and overall health.

    The book includes detailed information about different types of diets such as low carb, high protein, vegetarian/vegan diets etc., along with tips on how best to incorporate them into one’s lifestyle in order to maximize their effectiveness while still allowing you time for adequate restful sleep each night.

    Finally, Dr. Breus offers advice on how best to manage stress levels so they don't interfere with your ability to get good quality restful sleep or sabotage your efforts at maintaining a healthy diet plan over time.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Get enough sleep: Getting enough sleep is essential for weight loss and overall health. The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan outlines how to get the right amount of sleep for optimal health and weight loss.

    Getting enough sleep is essential for weight loss and overall health. According to The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan, by Michael Breus, getting the right amount of sleep can help you reach your weight loss goals. The plan outlines how to get the right amount of sleep each night in order to maximize its benefits. It recommends that adults should aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep per night, while children and teenagers need more like eight to ten hours.

    The plan also suggests ways to improve your sleeping habits such as avoiding caffeine late in the day, exercising regularly but not too close to bedtime, creating a comfortable sleeping environment with minimal noise and light pollution, and establishing a regular bedtime routine.

    By following these tips from The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan you can ensure that you are getting enough restful sleep each night which will help support your weight loss efforts as well as promote better overall health.

  • #2.     Understand your sleep needs: Everyone has different sleep needs, and understanding your own is key to getting the right amount of sleep. The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan provides guidance on how to determine your individual sleep needs.

    Understanding your sleep needs is essential for getting the right amount of rest. Everyone has different requirements when it comes to how much sleep they need, and The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan provides guidance on how to determine your individual needs. It suggests tracking your sleeping patterns over a period of time in order to identify any trends or irregularities that may be affecting the quality and quantity of your sleep. Once you have identified these factors, you can then adjust your lifestyle accordingly in order to get the best possible nights rest.

    The plan also recommends making sure that you are following good sleep hygiene practices such as avoiding caffeine late at night, limiting screen time before bedtime, and creating a comfortable environment for sleeping. Additionally, it encourages regular exercise during the day which can help improve overall energy levels and promote better quality sleep.

    By understanding our own unique sleep needs we can ensure that we are getting enough rest each night so that we feel energized throughout the day. With this knowledge in hand, we can make informed decisions about our lifestyle choices which will ultimately lead us towards healthier habits.

  • #3.     Create a sleep schedule: Creating a consistent sleep schedule is essential for getting the right amount of sleep. The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan outlines how to create a sleep schedule that works for you.

    Creating a consistent sleep schedule is essential for getting the right amount of sleep. The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan outlines how to create a sleep schedule that works for you. It suggests setting an alarm and going to bed at the same time each night, even on weekends. This helps your body get used to a regular routine and makes it easier to fall asleep when it’s time. Additionally, try not to nap during the day as this can disrupt your nighttime sleeping pattern.

    The plan also recommends avoiding caffeine late in the day, exercising regularly but not too close to bedtime, and creating a relaxing pre-bedtime ritual such as reading or taking a warm bath. These activities help signal your body that it’s time for rest and make it easier for you to drift off into dreamland.

    Finally, if you find yourself lying awake in bed unable to fall asleep after 20 minutes or so, get up and do something calming until you feel sleepy again before returning back under the covers.

  • #4.     Avoid caffeine and alcohol: Caffeine and alcohol can disrupt sleep and should be avoided. The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan provides guidance on how to reduce or eliminate caffeine and alcohol from your diet.

    Avoiding caffeine and alcohol is an important part of getting a good nights sleep. Caffeine is a stimulant that can interfere with your bodys natural sleep cycle, while alcohol can make it harder to stay asleep throughout the night. The Sleep Doctor’s Diet Plan provides guidance on how to reduce or eliminate caffeine and alcohol from your diet in order to get better quality sleep.

    The plan recommends avoiding caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, energy drinks, and soda after 2 pm each day. It also suggests limiting alcoholic beverages to no more than two per day for men and one per day for women. Additionally, the plan encourages people to avoid drinking any type of beverage within three hours of bedtime.

    By following these guidelines you will be able to improve your overall quality of sleep by reducing or eliminating caffeine and alcohol consumption before bedtime. This will help you wake up feeling refreshed and energized each morning!

  • #5.     Exercise regularly: Regular exercise can help improve sleep quality and quantity. The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan outlines how to incorporate exercise into your daily routine.

    Exercising regularly is an important part of improving your sleep quality and quantity. According to The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan, regular exercise can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling more refreshed. Exercise also helps reduce stress levels which can interfere with a good nights rest.

    The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan outlines how to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. It recommends that adults get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most days of the week. This could include walking, jogging, swimming or cycling. Additionally, it suggests adding strength training exercises such as pushups or squats two to three times per week.

    Regular exercise not only improves sleep but has many other health benefits too! It can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels while increasing energy levels and overall fitness level.

  • #6.     Avoid late-night snacks: Eating late at night can disrupt sleep and should be avoided. The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan provides guidance on how to avoid late-night snacking.

    Late-night snacking can be a major contributor to poor sleep quality. Eating late at night can cause indigestion, which can lead to discomfort and difficulty falling asleep. Additionally, eating too close to bedtime may also increase the risk of developing obesity or diabetes due to increased calorie intake and decreased metabolism during sleep.

    The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan provides guidance on how to avoid late-night snacking. It recommends avoiding high-fat snacks such as chips or cookies that are often consumed in the evening hours. Instead, it suggests opting for lighter snacks such as fruits or vegetables that will not disrupt your sleep cycle. Additionally, The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan encourages individuals to plan their meals ahead of time so they do not feel tempted by unhealthy snacks when hunger strikes later in the day.

    By following these guidelines from The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan, you can help ensure better quality sleep while still satisfying your cravings for something tasty!

  • #7.     Manage stress: Stress can disrupt sleep and should be managed. The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan outlines how to manage stress in order to get better sleep.

    Stress can have a major impact on your sleep. It can cause difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings during the night, and early morning awakenings. In order to get better sleep, it is important to manage stress in your life.

    The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan outlines several strategies for managing stress that will help you get better sleep. These include relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation; cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) which helps you identify and change negative thought patterns; exercise; yoga or tai chi; meditation; journaling; and getting enough restful sleep each night.

    These strategies can help reduce stress levels so that you are able to fall asleep more easily at night and stay asleep longer. Additionally, they may also improve overall health by reducing anxiety levels, improving moods, increasing energy levels, boosting immunity, and helping with weight loss.

  • #8.     Create a sleep-friendly environment: Creating a sleep-friendly environment is essential for getting the right amount of sleep. The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan outlines how to create a sleep-friendly environment.

    Creating a sleep-friendly environment is essential for getting the right amount of sleep. The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan outlines how to create a sleep-friendly environment. To start, it’s important to make sure your bedroom is dark and cool. Blackout curtains or shades can help keep out light from outside sources like street lamps or car headlights. Additionally, keeping the temperature in your room between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit will help you stay comfortable while sleeping.

    It’s also important to reduce noise levels in your bedroom as much as possible. Investing in earplugs or white noise machines can be helpful if there are loud noises coming from outside sources such as traffic or construction sites nearby. If you have pets that tend to move around during the night, consider putting them in another room so they dont disturb your rest.

    Finally, try not to use electronic devices before bedtime since their blue light can interfere with melatonin production and disrupt natural circadian rhythms. Instead, opt for activities that promote relaxation such as reading a book or taking a warm bath before going to bed.

  • #9.     Avoid screens before bed: Screens can disrupt sleep and should be avoided before bed. The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan provides guidance on how to reduce or eliminate screen time before bed.

    Avoiding screens before bed is an important part of getting a good nights sleep. Screens, such as televisions, computers, and phones emit blue light which can disrupt the bodys natural circadian rhythm and make it harder to fall asleep. Additionally, the content on these screens can be stimulating or distracting which can further interfere with sleep.

    The Sleep Doctor’s Diet Plan provides guidance on how to reduce or eliminate screen time before bed. This includes setting a specific time each day when all screens are turned off and avoiding using them in the hour leading up to bedtime. It also suggests replacing screen time with activities that promote relaxation such as reading a book or taking a warm bath.

    By following this advice from The Sleep Doctor’s Diet Plan you will be able to get better quality sleep and improve your overall health by reducing stress levels and improving concentration during the day.

  • #10.     Take naps: Naps can help improve sleep quality and quantity. The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan outlines how to incorporate naps into your daily routine.

    Naps can be a great way to improve your sleep quality and quantity. According to The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan, napping is an important part of getting the rest you need. Naps should be taken at regular intervals throughout the day, with each nap lasting no more than 30 minutes. This will help ensure that you get enough restful sleep during the night.

    The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan outlines how to incorporate naps into your daily routine. It suggests taking two or three short naps throughout the day, spaced out evenly between meals and other activities. If possible, try to take these naps in a quiet place where you wont be disturbed by noise or light.

    In addition to helping improve your overall sleep quality and quantity, taking regular naps can also provide numerous health benefits such as improved alertness and concentration levels, increased energy levels, reduced stress levels, improved moods and better memory recall.

  • #11.     Eat a balanced diet: Eating a balanced diet is essential for weight loss and overall health. The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan outlines how to create a balanced diet that works for you.

    Eating a balanced diet is essential for weight loss and overall health. A balanced diet should include all the major food groups, including fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, dairy products and healthy fats. Eating a variety of foods from each group ensures that you get all the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy.

    The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan outlines how to create a balanced diet that works for you. It provides guidance on portion sizes and suggests meal plans with recipes that are easy to follow. The plan also includes tips on how to make healthier choices when eating out or snacking between meals.

    In addition to following the Sleep Doctors Diet Plan, it’s important to be mindful of what you eat throughout the day. Pay attention to portion sizes and try not to overindulge in unhealthy snacks or processed foods. Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day as well.

  • #12.     Avoid processed foods: Processed foods can disrupt sleep and should be avoided. The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan provides guidance on how to reduce or eliminate processed foods from your diet.

    Processed foods are those that have been altered from their natural state, often through the addition of preservatives, flavorings, and other additives. These types of foods can disrupt sleep in several ways. For example, they may contain high levels of sugar or sodium which can cause an increase in blood sugar levels and lead to insomnia. Additionally, processed foods tend to be low in fiber which can slow digestion and make it difficult for your body to relax at night.

    The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan provides guidance on how to reduce or eliminate processed foods from your diet. It recommends eating a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as lean proteins such as fish or poultry. The plan also suggests avoiding refined carbohydrates like white breads and pastas as well as sugary snacks like candy bars or cookies.

    In addition to reducing processed food intake, the Sleep Doctors Diet Plan encourages people to get adequate amounts of exercise each day. Exercise helps promote better sleep by releasing endorphins that help you relax before bedtime. Finally, the plan emphasizes getting enough restful sleep each night by setting a consistent bedtime routine.

  • #13.     Eat foods that promote sleep: Certain foods can help promote sleep. The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan outlines which foods to eat in order to get better sleep.

    Certain foods can help promote sleep. The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan outlines which foods to eat in order to get better sleep. Foods that are high in magnesium, calcium, and tryptophan can all help you relax and fall asleep faster. Magnesium-rich foods include dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, legumes, fish and whole grains. Calcium-rich foods include dairy products like yogurt or cheese as well as fortified plant milks such as almond milk or oat milk. Tryptophan is an amino acid found in turkey, eggs and other animal proteins.

    In addition to these nutrient-dense options for promoting sleep there are also certain beverages that may be beneficial before bedtime. Herbal teas such as chamomile tea have been known to reduce stress levels while helping you drift off into a peaceful slumber.

    Finally it’s important not only what we eat but when we eat it too! Eating late at night can disrupt our circadian rhythm so it’s best to avoid eating large meals close to bedtime if possible.

  • #14.     Avoid stimulants: Stimulants can disrupt sleep and should be avoided. The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan provides guidance on how to reduce or eliminate stimulants from your diet.

    Avoiding stimulants is an important part of getting a good nights sleep. Stimulants, such as caffeine and nicotine, can disrupt your natural sleep cycle and make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. The Sleep Doctor’s Diet Plan provides guidance on how to reduce or eliminate stimulants from your diet. This includes avoiding coffee, tea, energy drinks, soda, chocolate and other caffeinated beverages; limiting alcohol consumption; avoiding cigarettes and other forms of tobacco; and reducing the amount of sugar in your diet.

    The plan also recommends that you avoid taking any medications that contain stimulants before bedtime. If you are taking medication for a medical condition that contains stimulants, talk to your doctor about alternative treatments or ways to minimize the effects of the medication on your sleep.

    In addition to eliminating stimulants from your diet, there are several lifestyle changes you can make that will help improve the quality of your sleep. These include exercising regularly (but not too close to bedtime), establishing a regular bedtime routine with calming activities like reading or listening to music before going to bed each night, keeping electronics out of the bedroom during sleeping hours (including phones!), and making sure that all lights in the room are turned off at least one hour before going to bed.

  • #15.     Get sunlight: Sunlight can help improve sleep quality and quantity. The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan outlines how to incorporate sunlight into your daily routine.

    Getting enough sunlight is an important part of getting a good nights sleep. Sunlight helps to regulate our circadian rhythm, which is the bodys natural clock that tells us when its time to wake up and go to bed. Sunlight also helps boost serotonin levels in the brain, which can help improve mood and reduce stress.

    The Sleep Doctor’s Diet Plan outlines how to incorporate sunlight into your daily routine. It recommends spending at least 15 minutes outside each day during daylight hours without sunglasses or sunscreen on so that you can get direct exposure to the sun’s rays. This should be done as soon as possible after waking up in order for your body’s internal clock to reset itself properly.

    In addition, The Sleep Doctor’s Diet Plan suggests avoiding bright screens such as TVs and computers before bedtime since they can interfere with melatonin production, making it harder for you to fall asleep. Instead, try reading a book or taking a walk outdoors in the evening if possible.

  • #16.     Avoid large meals before bed: Eating large meals before bed can disrupt sleep and should be avoided. The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan provides guidance on how to avoid large meals before bed.

    Eating large meals before bed can disrupt sleep and should be avoided. Eating a heavy meal late at night can cause indigestion, heartburn, and other digestive issues that make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. Additionally, eating too close to bedtime can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels which may also interfere with sleep.

    The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan provides guidance on how to avoid large meals before bed. It recommends avoiding eating within two hours of going to bed and suggests having a light snack such as yogurt or fruit if you are still hungry after dinner. The plan also encourages people to eat smaller portions throughout the day rather than one big meal at night.

    In addition, the plan advises limiting caffeine intake in the evening as well as avoiding alcohol before bed since both substances can interfere with quality sleep. Finally, it is important to drink plenty of water during the day so that you don’t become dehydrated which could affect your ability to get restful sleep.

  • #17.     Avoid nicotine: Nicotine can disrupt sleep and should be avoided. The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan provides guidance on how to reduce or eliminate nicotine from your diet.

    Nicotine is a stimulant that can disrupt sleep and should be avoided. The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan provides guidance on how to reduce or eliminate nicotine from your diet. This includes avoiding cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, and other forms of nicotine delivery such as e-cigarettes and vaping products. Additionally, the plan recommends avoiding secondhand smoke exposure.

    The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan also suggests strategies for reducing cravings for nicotine. These include drinking plenty of water throughout the day to help flush out toxins; eating healthy snacks like fruits and vegetables; exercising regularly; practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or yoga; getting enough restful sleep each night; and seeking support from family members or friends who are trying to quit smoking.

    Quitting smoking can be difficult but it is possible with dedication and commitment. With the right tools in place you can successfully avoid nicotine while still enjoying a good night’s sleep!

  • #18.     Take supplements: Certain supplements can help promote sleep. The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan outlines which supplements to take in order to get better sleep.

    Taking supplements can be a great way to help promote better sleep. The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan outlines which supplements are best for improving sleep quality and duration. According to the book, some of the most beneficial supplements include melatonin, magnesium, and GABA. Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate your body’s natural circadian rhythm and can help you fall asleep faster. Magnesium helps relax muscles and reduce stress levels, while GABA is an amino acid that has calming effects on the brain.

    In addition to these three key ingredients, other helpful supplements may include valerian root extract, chamomile tea extract, 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan), L-theanine or lemon balm extract. All of these have been shown in studies to improve sleep quality when taken regularly over time.

    It’s important to note that not all supplements are created equal – it’s important to do your research before taking any supplement as they may interact with medications or cause side effects if taken in large doses.

  • #19.     Avoid bright lights before bed: Bright lights can disrupt sleep and should be avoided before bed. The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan provides guidance on how to reduce or eliminate bright lights before bed.

    Avoiding bright lights before bed is an important part of getting a good nights sleep. Bright lights can disrupt the bodys natural circadian rhythm, making it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep. The Sleep Doctor’s Diet Plan provides guidance on how to reduce or eliminate bright lights before bed. This includes turning off all electronics at least one hour before bedtime, dimming the lights in your bedroom, and using blackout curtains or shades if necessary.

    The plan also recommends avoiding blue light from electronic devices such as phones and tablets for two hours prior to going to sleep. Blue light has been shown to suppress melatonin production which can make it more difficult for you to get a restful night’s sleep. If you must use these devices during this time frame, consider wearing blue-light blocking glasses.

    Finally, the plan suggests that you should avoid caffeine after 2 pm as well as alcohol close to bedtime since both substances can interfere with your ability to get quality restorative sleep.

  • #20.     Practice relaxation techniques: Relaxation techniques can help improve sleep quality and quantity. The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan outlines how to incorporate relaxation techniques into your daily routine.

    Practicing relaxation techniques can be an effective way to improve sleep quality and quantity. The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan outlines a variety of ways to incorporate relaxation techniques into your daily routine. These include deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, yoga poses, and meditation.

    Deep breathing exercises involve taking slow breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth while focusing on each breath as it enters and leaves the body. Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing then relaxing different muscles throughout the body one at a time starting with the feet and working up to the head. Guided imagery is a form of visualization that helps you relax by imagining yourself in peaceful settings such as beaches or forests.

    Yoga poses are another great way to relax both physically and mentally before bedtime. Meditation is also beneficial for calming down before going to sleep; this can be done either sitting or lying down in bed with eyes closed while focusing on your breath or repeating mantras silently in your mind.

    By incorporating these various relaxation techniques into your daily routine, you will find that you are able to get better quality sleep more easily which will help you lose weight faster!