The Sleep Solution: Why Your Sleep Is Broken and How to Fix It 2017

by W. Chris Winter





  • The Sleep Solution: Why Your Sleep Is Broken and How to Fix It by W. Chris Winter is a comprehensive guide to understanding the science of sleep, why it’s important, and how to get better quality sleep. The book begins with an overview of the importance of sleep in our lives, discussing its role in physical health, mental health, and overall wellbeing. It then dives into the science behind sleep cycles and circadian rhythms before exploring common causes of poor-quality or insufficient sleep such as stress, anxiety, lifestyle choices like caffeine consumption or late nights on screens.

    Winter provides practical advice for improving your sleeping habits including tips on creating a healthy bedtime routine that works for you; setting up your bedroom environment for optimal rest; managing stress levels through relaxation techniques; avoiding stimulants like caffeine close to bedtime; exercising regularly but not too close to bedtime; eating well balanced meals throughout the day; getting enough natural light during waking hours; and using technology wisely.

    The book also covers topics such as insomnia treatments (including cognitive behavioral therapy), medications used for treating insomnia (such as melatonin supplements), napping strategies (including power naps), jet lag remedies (like adjusting your schedule ahead of time) ,and more. Finally, Winter offers guidance on how to recognize when you need professional help from a doctor or therapist if self-help methods are not working.

    Overall this book is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to improve their quality of sleep so they can lead healthier lives both mentally and physically.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Understand Your Sleep Needs: Everyone has different sleep needs, and it is important to understand your own individual needs in order to get the best quality sleep.

    Understanding your sleep needs is essential for getting the best quality rest. Everyone has different requirements when it comes to how much sleep they need, and what type of environment helps them get the most out of their slumber. It’s important to take into account factors such as age, lifestyle, stress levels, and any medical conditions that may affect your ability to fall asleep or stay asleep.

    It can be helpful to keep a sleep diary in order to track patterns in your sleeping habits. This will help you identify any potential issues that could be causing poor quality sleep. Additionally, it can also help you determine if there are certain times during the day or night when you tend to feel more tired than usual.

    Once you have identified any potential problems with your current sleeping routine, it’s time to start making changes. Try going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning; this will help regulate your body clock so that you feel sleepy at consistent times throughout the day. Additionally, make sure that your bedroom is dark and quiet – this will create an ideal environment for falling asleep quickly and easily.

    Finally, try not to use electronic devices before bedtime as these can interfere with melatonin production which is necessary for good quality restful sleep. If possible avoid caffeine late in the day too as this can disrupt natural circadian rhythms.

  • #2.     Create a Sleep Schedule: Establishing a consistent sleep schedule is essential for getting quality sleep. This includes going to bed and waking up at the same time each day.

    Creating a sleep schedule is an important step in getting quality rest. It involves going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, even on weekends or days off. This helps your body establish a regular rhythm that will help you fall asleep more easily and stay asleep longer. Additionally, it’s important to avoid napping during the day as this can disrupt your natural circadian rhythm.

    It’s also beneficial to create a pre-bedtime routine that signals to your body that it’s time for sleep. This could include taking a warm bath or shower, reading a book, listening to calming music, or doing some light stretching exercises. Avoiding screens such as phones and computers before bed is also recommended as they emit blue light which can interfere with melatonin production.

    Finally, make sure your bedroom environment is conducive for sleeping by keeping it dark and cool (around 65 degrees Fahrenheit). If possible try using blackout curtains or shades if there are bright lights outside of your window.

  • #3.     Avoid Stimulants: Stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine can interfere with your sleep, so it is important to avoid them in the hours leading up to bedtime.

    Avoiding stimulants is an important part of getting a good nights sleep. Stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine can interfere with your bodys natural sleep cycle, making it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep. Caffeine should be avoided for at least six hours before bedtime, while nicotine should be avoided for at least four hours prior to going to bed. Additionally, alcohol should also be limited in the evening as it can disrupt your sleep patterns.

    If you are having trouble sleeping, try avoiding all stimulants in the late afternoon or early evening. This will help ensure that your body has time to wind down before you go to bed so that you can get a restful night of sleep.

  • #4.     Exercise Regularly: Regular exercise can help improve your sleep quality, so it is important to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine.

    Exercising regularly is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Not only does it help to keep your body in shape, but it can also have positive effects on your sleep quality. Regular exercise helps to regulate the hormones that control our sleep-wake cycle, allowing us to fall asleep more easily and stay asleep for longer periods of time. Additionally, regular physical activity can reduce stress levels and improve overall mood, both of which are beneficial for getting a good night’s rest.

    In order to reap the benefits of exercise on your sleep quality, you should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity each day. This could include walking or jogging outside, taking a yoga class or going swimming at the local pool. It is important to note that exercising too close to bedtime may actually interfere with falling asleep due to increased alertness and energy levels.

    By making exercise part of your daily routine you will not only be improving your overall health but also helping yourself get better quality sleep each night. So make sure you take some time out each day for physical activity – it will pay off in the long run!

  • #5.     Avoid Alcohol: Alcohol can interfere with your sleep, so it is important to avoid drinking it in the hours leading up to bedtime.

    Avoiding alcohol is an important part of getting a good nights sleep. Alcohol can interfere with your bodys natural sleep cycle, making it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. It also reduces the quality of your sleep, leaving you feeling tired and groggy in the morning. To ensure that you get a restful nights sleep, it is best to avoid drinking alcohol in the hours leading up to bedtime.

    Alcohol may make you feel drowsy initially, but this effect wears off quickly as your body processes it. As a result, drinking alcohol before bed can actually disrupt your normal sleeping patterns and leave you tossing and turning all night long. Additionally, consuming too much alcohol can lead to dehydration which further contributes to poor quality sleep.

    If you are having trouble sleeping at night or waking up feeling unrested in the morning, try cutting back on how much alcohol you consume before bedtime. You may find that reducing or eliminating alcoholic beverages from your pre-bed routine helps improve both the quantity and quality of your nightly slumber.

  • #6.     Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine: Establishing a relaxing bedtime routine can help you wind down and prepare for sleep. This can include activities such as reading, taking a warm bath, or listening to calming music.

    Creating a relaxing bedtime routine can be an important part of getting a good nights sleep. A calming and soothing routine can help you wind down from the day, relax your body and mind, and prepare for sleep.

    Some activities that may be included in a bedtime routine are reading, taking a warm bath or shower, listening to calming music or nature sounds, stretching or yoga poses to release tension in the body, writing in a journal to clear your thoughts before going to bed, drinking herbal tea such as chamomile or lavender tea which have natural sedative properties.

    It is also important to create an environment conducive for restful sleep by keeping the bedroom dark and cool with minimal noise. Avoiding screens such as phones and computers at least one hour before bed will help reduce stimulation from blue light exposure which can interfere with melatonin production.

    Establishing this type of nightly ritual will not only help you get better quality sleep but it will also give you something positive to look forward each evening.

  • #7.     Reduce Stress: Stress can interfere with your sleep, so it is important to find ways to reduce stress in your life. This can include activities such as yoga, meditation, or journaling.

    Reducing stress is an important part of improving your sleep. Stress can interfere with your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep, so it’s essential to find ways to reduce the amount of stress in your life. This could include activities such as yoga, meditation, or journaling. Yoga helps you relax by focusing on breathing and stretching exercises that help release tension from the body. Meditation allows you to clear your mind and focus on calming thoughts which can help reduce anxiety levels. Journaling is a great way to express emotions and get them out of your system before bedtime.

    It’s also important to practice good sleep hygiene habits such as avoiding caffeine late in the day, limiting screen time before bed, creating a comfortable sleeping environment, and going to bed at the same time each night. All these things will help create a more relaxed atmosphere for better quality sleep.

  • #8.     Avoid Electronics Before Bed: The blue light emitted from electronic devices can interfere with your sleep, so it is important to avoid using them in the hours leading up to bedtime.

    Avoiding electronics before bed is an important part of getting a good nights sleep. The blue light emitted from electronic devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers can interfere with your bodys natural circadian rhythm and make it harder to fall asleep. This is because the blue light suppresses melatonin production in the brain, which helps regulate our sleep-wake cycle.

    To get the best quality of sleep possible, it is recommended that you avoid using any type of electronic device at least two hours before going to bed. Instead of scrolling through social media or watching TV late into the night, try reading a book or listening to calming music instead. Taking some time for yourself away from screens will help relax your mind and prepare you for a restful nights sleep.

  • #9.     Get Enough Sunlight: Sunlight helps regulate your body’s internal clock, so it is important to get enough exposure to sunlight during the day.

    Getting enough sunlight is essential for good sleep. Sunlight helps to regulate your body’s internal clock, which in turn affects the quality of your sleep. When you are exposed to natural light during the day, it signals to your brain that it is time to be awake and alert. This helps set a regular pattern of wakefulness and restfulness throughout the day.

    Sunlight also increases serotonin levels in the brain, which can help improve mood and reduce stress levels. Stress can interfere with getting a good nights sleep, so reducing stress through exposure to sunlight can be beneficial for improving overall sleep quality.

    It is important to get at least 15 minutes of direct sunlight each day if possible. Try taking a walk outside or sitting on a park bench during lunchtime or after work. If you live in an area where there isnt much sunshine available, try using full-spectrum lighting indoors instead.

  • #10.     Avoid Naps: Napping during the day can interfere with your sleep at night, so it is important to avoid napping if possible.

    Napping during the day can have a negative impact on your sleep at night. When you nap, it can disrupt your bodys natural circadian rhythm and make it harder to fall asleep when bedtime rolls around. Additionally, naps that are too long or taken too late in the day can leave you feeling groggy and interfere with nighttime sleep.

    If possible, try to avoid taking naps during the day. Instead of relying on a nap for energy, focus on getting enough quality sleep each night so that you dont need an afternoon snooze. If you do find yourself needing a quick rest during the day, limit your nap time to 20 minutes or less and take it early in the afternoon.

    By avoiding naps and focusing on good nighttime habits such as sticking to a consistent bedtime routine and creating an environment conducive to sleeping well, you will be able to get better quality rest overall.

  • #11.     Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment: Creating a sleep-friendly environment can help you get better quality sleep. This includes making sure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and comfortable.

    Creating a sleep-friendly environment is essential for getting quality rest. This means making sure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and comfortable. Invest in blackout curtains or shades to block out any light from outside sources such as street lamps or the moon. If you live in a noisy area, consider using earplugs or white noise machines to help drown out disruptive sounds. Additionally, make sure your mattress and pillows are supportive and comfortable so that you can get into a relaxed state before bedtime.

    Temperature also plays an important role in creating a sleep-friendly environment. The ideal temperature for sleeping is between 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit (15-19 Celsius). Make sure your room isn’t too hot or cold by investing in air conditioning units if necessary.

    Finally, keep electronics like TVs and phones away from the bedside table as they can be distracting when trying to fall asleep. Instead of scrolling through social media right before bedtime, try reading a book instead.

  • #12.     Avoid Eating Late at Night: Eating late at night can interfere with your sleep, so it is important to avoid eating in the hours leading up to bedtime.

    Eating late at night can have a negative impact on your sleep. Eating close to bedtime can cause indigestion, which can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. Additionally, eating late at night may lead to weight gain as the body is less able to process food efficiently during this time. To ensure you get a good nights rest, it is important to avoid eating in the hours leading up to bedtime.

    If you find yourself feeling hungry before bed, try snacking on something light like fruit or yogurt instead of heavier foods such as burgers or pizza. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol in the evening will also help promote better sleep quality. Finally, if possible, try not to eat anything after 8pm so that your body has enough time for digestion before going to sleep.

  • #13.     Avoid Caffeine Late in the Day: Caffeine can interfere with your sleep, so it is important to avoid drinking it in the hours leading up to bedtime.

    Avoiding caffeine late in the day is an important part of getting a good nights sleep. Caffeine is a stimulant that can interfere with your bodys natural sleep cycle, making it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep. It takes about six hours for half of the caffeine you consume to be eliminated from your system, so if you drink coffee or tea after lunchtime, it could still be affecting you when bedtime rolls around. To ensure that caffeine isnt interfering with your sleep, try not to have any caffeinated beverages after 2 pm.

    If youre having trouble sleeping despite avoiding caffeine late in the day, there are other steps you can take as well. Make sure that your bedroom environment is conducive to restful sleep by keeping it dark and cool; avoid screens before bed; establish a regular bedtime routine; and practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation.

  • #14.     Avoid Large Meals Before Bed: Eating large meals before bed can interfere with your sleep, so it is important to avoid eating in the hours leading up to bedtime.

    Eating large meals before bed can have a negative impact on your sleep. Eating too close to bedtime can cause indigestion, which can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. Additionally, eating late at night may lead to weight gain as the body is less able to burn off calories during sleep. To ensure you get a good night’s rest, try avoiding large meals in the hours leading up to bedtime.

    Instead of having one big meal right before going to bed, consider splitting your dinner into two smaller portions: one earlier in the evening and another closer to when you plan on going to sleep. This will help keep your stomach from becoming overly full or uncomfortable while also providing enough energy for your body until morning. Additionally, if you are feeling hungry late at night, opt for lighter snacks such as fruits or vegetables instead of heavier foods like pizza or burgers.

    By avoiding large meals before bedtime and opting for lighter snacks instead, you can improve both your digestion and quality of sleep. Not only will this help ensure that you wake up feeling refreshed each morning but it may also reduce any potential health risks associated with overeating late at night.

  • #15.     Avoid Drinking Too Much Before Bed: Drinking too much before bed can interfere with your sleep, so it is important to avoid drinking in the hours leading up to bedtime.

    It is important to avoid drinking too much before bedtime in order to ensure a good nights sleep. Alcohol can interfere with the bodys natural sleep cycle, making it harder for you to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. Drinking alcohol close to bedtime can also lead to disrupted sleep patterns, such as waking up frequently during the night or feeling groggy when you wake up in the morning. Additionally, drinking too much before bed can cause dehydration which can further disrupt your sleep.

    If you do choose to drink alcohol before going to bed, it is best practice not to exceed one or two drinks and make sure that they are consumed at least three hours prior to sleeping. This will give your body enough time for the effects of alcohol consumption wear off so that it does not interfere with your ability get quality restful sleep.

  • #16.     Avoid Bright Lights Before Bed: Bright lights can interfere with your sleep, so it is important to avoid using them in the hours leading up to bedtime.

    Bright lights can be stimulating and make it difficult to fall asleep. This is because bright light signals the brain that it’s time to wake up, not go to sleep. To ensure a good nights rest, try avoiding bright lights in the hours leading up to bedtime. Dimming or turning off all electronics such as TVs, computers, phones and tablets will help your body prepare for sleep.

    If you need some light while getting ready for bed or reading before sleeping, use low-wattage bulbs or lamps with shades that diffuse the light. You may also want to consider using blackout curtains if you live in an area where there are streetlights outside your window.

    Finally, if you have trouble falling asleep at night due to stress or anxiety, try taking a warm bath with lavender essential oils before going to bed. The calming scent of lavender has been known to reduce stress levels and promote relaxation which can help improve sleep quality.

  • #17.     Avoid Watching TV Before Bed: Watching TV before bed can interfere with your sleep, so it is important to avoid using it in the hours leading up to bedtime.

    It is important to avoid watching TV before bed, as it can interfere with your sleep. The blue light emitted from the television screen can disrupt your bodys natural circadian rhythm and make it harder for you to fall asleep. Additionally, the content of what you watch on TV may be stimulating or exciting, which will further delay your ability to relax and drift off into a peaceful slumber.

    Instead of watching TV in the hours leading up to bedtime, try engaging in activities that are calming and relaxing such as reading a book or listening to soothing music. Taking a warm bath or shower can also help prepare your body for sleep by lowering its temperature slightly. Finally, if you find yourself having difficulty falling asleep after turning off the television, practice some relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation.

  • #18.     Avoid Working Before Bed: Working before bed can interfere with your sleep, so it is important to avoid doing it in the hours leading up to bedtime.

    Avoiding working before bed is an important part of getting a good nights sleep. Working late into the evening can cause stress and anxiety, which can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. Additionally, staring at screens for long periods of time can disrupt your bodys natural circadian rhythm, making it harder to get quality restorative sleep.

    If you need to work in the evenings, try taking regular breaks throughout the day so that you dont have too much left to do when nighttime rolls around. If possible, switch off all electronic devices at least one hour before bedtime and focus on activities that will help relax your mind and body such as reading a book or listening to calming music.

    Finally, if you find yourself struggling with insomnia due to working late into the night, consider talking with a doctor about ways to improve your sleep hygiene habits. With some simple lifestyle changes and better sleeping habits, you may be able to get back on track with healthy restful nights.

  • #19.     Avoid Checking Your Phone Before Bed: Checking your phone before bed can interfere with your sleep, so it is important to avoid using it in the hours leading up to bedtime.

    Avoiding checking your phone before bed is an important step to ensure a good nights sleep. The blue light emitted from phones and other electronic devices can interfere with the bodys natural production of melatonin, which helps regulate our circadian rhythm and prepare us for sleep. Additionally, scrolling through social media or emails can be stimulating and make it difficult to relax and fall asleep. To get the best rest possible, try turning off all electronics at least one hour before bedtime.

    If you find yourself struggling to stay away from your phone in the evening hours, there are some strategies that may help. First, set up a designated charging station outside of your bedroom so that you wont be tempted to use it while lying in bed. Second, create a nighttime routine that doesnt involve using technology such as reading a book or listening to calming music instead of scrolling through Instagram or watching TV shows on Netflix.

    Finally, if youre having trouble sleeping due to anxiety or stress caused by work-related emails or messages on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, consider setting aside specific times during the day when you check them instead of constantly refreshing throughout the evening hours.

  • #20.     Take Supplements: Certain supplements can help improve your sleep quality, so it is important to talk to your doctor about which ones might be right for you.

    Taking supplements can be an effective way to improve your sleep quality. Certain vitamins, minerals, and herbs have been shown to help people get better rest. For example, magnesium is a mineral that helps relax the body and mind so you can drift off into a deep sleep more easily. Melatonin is another supplement that has been found to help regulate the body’s natural circadian rhythm and promote healthy sleeping patterns.

    Its important to talk with your doctor before taking any kind of supplement for sleep as some may interact with medications or other health conditions you may have. Your doctor will be able to recommend which ones might work best for you based on your individual needs.

    In addition to talking with your doctor about supplements, its also important to make sure you are getting enough exercise during the day and avoiding caffeine late in the evening. These lifestyle changes can go a long way towards improving your overall sleep quality.