Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within 1986

by Natalie Goldberg





  • Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within by Natalie Goldberg is a book about writing and creativity. It offers advice on how to become a better writer, as well as insight into the creative process. The book is divided into three sections: Writing Practice, Writing Life, and Writing Craft.

    In the first section of the book, Goldberg focuses on writing practice—the act of sitting down and actually doing it. She encourages readers to write without worrying about grammar or structure; instead they should focus on getting their thoughts out onto paper in whatever form they take. She also emphasizes that writers should not be afraid to make mistakes or explore new ideas while writing.

    The second section of the book deals with what she calls “writing life”—the lifestyle choices that can help foster creativity and productivity in one’s work. This includes topics such as setting aside time for writing each day, developing good habits like reading widely and often, taking care of oneself physically and mentally so that one has energy for creative pursuits, learning from other writers through workshops or classes if possible, etc.

    Finally, in her third section Goldberg covers craft elements such as plot development techniques; ways to create vivid characters; tips for creating believable dialogue; strategies for revising drafts effectively; advice on submitting manuscripts to publishers/agents/editors; etc.

    Overall this book provides an accessible introduction to becoming a better writer by focusing both on practical exercises (such as free-writing) as well as more theoretical aspects (like understanding how different genres work). Whether you are just starting out or have been writing for years already this is an excellent resource full of useful information!

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Writing is a practice: Writing is a practice that requires dedication and commitment to become a better writer. It is a process of learning and growing, and it is important to be patient and persistent.

    Writing is a practice that requires dedication and commitment to become a better writer. It is a process of learning and growing, and it is important to be patient and persistent. Writing can help us express our thoughts, feelings, ideas, opinions, stories, experiences – all in an organized manner. Through writing we can explore our innermost selves as well as the world around us.

    It takes time to develop good writing skills; there are no shortcuts or quick fixes. We must be willing to put in the effort required for improvement. This means reading widely on topics of interest; studying grammar rules; practicing different styles of writing such as narrative or persuasive essays; experimenting with different forms like poetry or short stories; and engaging in thoughtful self-reflection.

    By committing ourselves to this practice we will find that our writing becomes more confident and expressive over time. We may even discover new aspects of ourselves through the act of putting words down on paper!

  • #2.     Writing is a meditation: Writing can be used as a form of meditation, allowing the writer to explore their thoughts and feelings in a safe and creative way. It can be a way to connect with the inner self and to find peace and clarity.

    Writing can be a powerful form of meditation. It allows the writer to explore their thoughts and feelings in a safe and creative way, without fear of judgement or criticism. Writing can help us connect with our inner selves, allowing us to gain insight into our own emotions and experiences. Through writing we can find peace and clarity, as well as an outlet for self-expression.

    Natalie Goldbergs book Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within is an excellent resource for those looking to use writing as a form of meditation. In it she outlines how writing can be used to access deeper levels of understanding about ourselves, while also providing practical advice on how to get started.

    Whether you are just starting out or have been writing for years, using your words as a tool for self-reflection and exploration is an invaluable practice that will bring you closer to yourself than ever before.

  • #3.     Writing is a journey: Writing is a journey of self-discovery and exploration. It is a way to explore the world and to learn more about oneself. It is a process of growth and transformation.

    Writing is a journey of self-discovery and exploration. It is an opportunity to explore the world around us, to learn more about ourselves, and to grow as individuals. Through writing we can express our thoughts, feelings, and experiences in ways that are meaningful and powerful. Writing allows us to reflect on our lives and gain insight into who we are.

    The process of writing can be both challenging and rewarding. We may find ourselves struggling with ideas or words at times but it is through this struggle that we often discover something new about ourselves or the world around us. Writing helps us develop our creativity by allowing us to think outside the box and come up with unique solutions for problems.

    Writing also provides an outlet for emotions such as joy, sadness, anger, fear etc., which can help bring clarity in difficult situations. By expressing these emotions through writing we can better understand them so that they no longer have power over us.

    Ultimately writing is a journey of growth; one where each step taken leads closer towards understanding oneself better while gaining knowledge about the world around them. It’s a journey worth taking!

  • #4.     Writing is a tool for self-expression: Writing is a tool for self-expression and communication. It is a way to express thoughts and feelings that may not be able to be expressed in other ways.

    Writing is a tool for self-expression and communication. It allows us to express thoughts and feelings that may not be able to be expressed in other ways. Writing can help us explore our innermost emotions, allowing us to gain insight into ourselves and the world around us.

    Writing also provides an outlet for creativity, enabling us to create stories, poems, essays or any other form of writing that we choose. Through this creative process we can discover new ideas and perspectives on life.

    Finally, writing gives us the opportunity to share our experiences with others. We can use it as a way of connecting with people from all walks of life by sharing our stories or expressing our opinions on various topics.

  • #5.     Writing is a form of healing: Writing can be used as a form of healing, allowing the writer to process difficult emotions and experiences. It can be a way to gain insight and understanding.

    Writing is a powerful form of healing. It can be used to process difficult emotions and experiences, allowing the writer to gain insight and understanding. Writing down our thoughts and feelings can help us make sense of them, as well as provide an outlet for expressing ourselves in ways that we may not feel comfortable doing verbally.

    In her book Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within, Natalie Goldberg explains how writing can be used as a tool for self-discovery. She encourages writers to explore their innermost thoughts without judgement or fear of criticism. By taking time to write about our experiences, we are able to reflect on them more deeply and come away with greater clarity.

    Writing also provides an opportunity for emotional release. When we put words on paper it allows us to express our feelings in a safe space where they won’t be judged or criticized by others. This helps us work through difficult emotions such as anger, sadness, or grief in a constructive way.

    Overall, writing is an effective form of healing that can help us better understand ourselves and our lives. Through writing we are able to explore our deepest thoughts and feelings while gaining valuable insight into who we are.

  • #6.     Writing is a form of communication: Writing is a form of communication that can be used to share ideas and stories with others. It is a way to connect with others and to express oneself.

    Writing is a form of communication that can be used to share ideas and stories with others. It is a way to connect with others and to express oneself. Writing allows us to explore our thoughts, feelings, and experiences in an organized manner. Through writing we can communicate our innermost thoughts without fear of judgement or criticism.

    Writing also provides an opportunity for self-reflection and growth. By taking the time to write down our thoughts, we are able to gain insight into ourselves as well as those around us. We can use this knowledge to make better decisions in life and become more aware of how we interact with the world.

    Finally, writing gives us the chance to create something lasting that will outlive us. Our words have the power to inspire future generations and leave behind a legacy that will live on long after we are gone.

  • #7.     Writing is a form of creativity: Writing is a form of creativity that allows the writer to explore their imagination and to create something new. It is a way to express oneself in a unique and creative way.

    Writing is a form of creativity that allows the writer to explore their imagination and to create something new. It is a way to express oneself in a unique and creative way. Writing can be used as an outlet for emotions, ideas, stories, or even just random thoughts.

    When writing, it is important to let go of any expectations or preconceived notions about what should be written. Instead, allow yourself the freedom to write whatever comes into your mind without judgement or criticism. This will help you tap into your own creativity and find inspiration from within.

    Writing also provides an opportunity for self-reflection and growth. As you write down your thoughts and feelings on paper, you may gain insight into yourself that would otherwise remain hidden away in the depths of your subconscious mind.

    Finally, writing can be therapeutic in nature; it can provide comfort during difficult times by allowing us to process our emotions through words instead of bottling them up inside ourselves.

  • #8.     Writing is a form of exploration: Writing is a form of exploration that allows the writer to explore their thoughts and feelings. It is a way to gain insight and understanding about oneself and the world.

    Writing is a form of exploration that allows the writer to delve into their innermost thoughts and feelings. It can be used as a tool for self-discovery, helping us gain insight and understanding about ourselves and our place in the world. Writing can also help us explore new ideas, perspectives, and possibilities.

    Through writing we are able to express our emotions in ways that may not be possible through spoken language alone. We can use words to capture moments of joy or sorrow, allowing us to reflect on them later with greater clarity. Writing gives us an opportunity to explore different aspects of life from multiple angles.

    Writing down our thoughts helps bring order out of chaos; it enables us to make sense of complex situations by breaking them down into smaller parts. By putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) we are able create something tangible out of intangible ideas – something that has the potential for lasting impact.

    In her book Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within, Natalie Goldberg encourages writers “to write what you don’t know” – using writing as a way of exploring unknown territory both within ourselves and without. Through this process we can uncover hidden truths about who we are and how we fit into this ever-changing world.

  • #9.     Writing is a form of self-discovery: Writing is a form of self-discovery that allows the writer to explore their inner self and to gain insight and understanding. It is a way to learn more about oneself and to grow.

    Writing is a form of self-discovery that allows the writer to explore their inner self and to gain insight and understanding. It is a way to learn more about oneself and to grow. Through writing, we can uncover our deepest thoughts, feelings, beliefs, values, hopes, dreams and fears. Writing helps us make sense of our lives by allowing us to express ourselves in ways that are meaningful for us.

    Writing also provides an opportunity for reflection on past experiences as well as present ones. We can look back at what has happened in our lives so far and consider how it has shaped who we are today. By reflecting on these events through writing, we can gain greater clarity into why certain things have occurred or why certain decisions were made.

    Finally, writing gives us the chance to create something new from within ourselves – whether it be a story or poem or essay – which can help bring out hidden talents or ideas that may not have been discovered otherwise. Writing down the bones of our life stories enables us to discover parts of ourselves that may have remained dormant until now.

  • #10.     Writing is a form of liberation: Writing is a form of liberation that allows the writer to express themselves freely and without judgement. It is a way to break free from the constraints of society and to explore one’s true self.

    Writing is a form of liberation that allows the writer to express themselves freely and without judgement. It is a way to break free from the constraints of society and to explore one’s true self. Writing can be used as an outlet for emotions, thoughts, ideas, and experiences that may otherwise remain hidden or suppressed. Through writing, we are able to find our own voice and create something unique.

    Writing also provides us with an opportunity to reflect on our lives in ways that would not be possible through other forms of communication. We can use it as a tool for self-discovery by exploring our innermost feelings and beliefs. By expressing ourselves through writing, we gain insight into who we are at our core.

    In addition, writing gives us the freedom to express ourselves without fear of criticism or judgement from others. We can write whatever we want without worrying about what people might think or say about it. This makes it easier for us to share our stories honestly and openly.

    Ultimately, writing is a powerful form of liberation that allows us to explore ourselves in ways that would not be possible otherwise. It gives us the freedom to express ourselves authentically while gaining valuable insights into who we truly are.

  • #11.     Writing is a form of connection: Writing is a form of connection that allows the writer to connect with others and to share stories and ideas. It is a way to build relationships and to create a sense of community.

    Writing is a form of connection that allows the writer to connect with others and to share stories and ideas. It is a way to build relationships and to create a sense of community. Writing can be used as an outlet for emotions, thoughts, or experiences that may not have been expressed in other ways. Through writing, we are able to communicate our feelings and perspectives in ways that can be understood by others.

    Writing also provides us with an opportunity for self-reflection. By taking time out from our busy lives to write down our thoughts, we can gain insight into ourselves and how we interact with the world around us. We can explore different aspects of ourselves through writing – such as our values, beliefs, hopes, dreams – which helps us become more aware of who we are.

    Finally, writing gives us the chance to express ourselves creatively. Whether it’s fiction or nonfiction; poetry or prose; short stories or novels; there are endless possibilities when it comes to expressing yourself through words on paper (or screen). Writing allows you the freedom to explore your imagination without any boundaries.

  • #12.     Writing is a form of transformation: Writing is a form of transformation that allows the writer to explore their thoughts and feelings and to gain insight and understanding. It is a way to grow and to become a better writer.

    Writing is a form of transformation that allows the writer to explore their thoughts and feelings and to gain insight and understanding. It is a way for the writer to express themselves in ways they may not have been able to before, allowing them to discover new perspectives on life. Through writing, writers can learn more about themselves, their beliefs, values, and experiences. Writing also provides an opportunity for self-reflection as well as growth.

    Writing can be used as a tool for healing or simply as an outlet for creativity. It gives us the chance to take our ideas from abstract concepts into tangible words on paper or screen. Writing helps us make sense of our lives by providing structure and clarity when we are feeling overwhelmed or confused. By putting our thoughts down on paper we can better understand ourselves and how we interact with others.

    Writing is ultimately a journey of self-discovery that leads us closer towards becoming who we truly want to be. As Natalie Goldberg said in her book Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within “writing practice offers you access into your own mind” – it opens up possibilities within yourself that you never knew existed.

  • #13.     Writing is a form of exploration: Writing is a form of exploration that allows the writer to explore their thoughts and feelings and to gain insight and understanding. It is a way to learn more about oneself and the world.

    Writing is a form of exploration that allows the writer to delve into their innermost thoughts and feelings. It can be used as a tool for self-discovery, helping us to gain insight and understanding about ourselves and our place in the world. Writing gives us an opportunity to explore ideas, express emotions, and create something new.

    Through writing we can uncover hidden truths about ourselves, discover new perspectives on life, or simply find joy in creating something from nothing. Writing helps us make sense of our experiences by giving them shape and meaning. We can use it as a way to process difficult emotions or reflect on past events.

    Writing down the bones frees up our creative energy so that we can explore without fear or judgement. It encourages us to take risks with our words and push beyond what is comfortable or familiar. By allowing ourselves this freedom of expression we open up possibilities for growth both personally and professionally.

  • #14.     Writing is a form of self-reflection: Writing is a form of self-reflection that allows the writer to explore their thoughts and feelings and to gain insight and understanding. It is a way to gain clarity and to become more aware of oneself.

    Writing is a form of self-reflection that allows the writer to explore their thoughts and feelings in an honest and meaningful way. It can be used as a tool for personal growth, helping the writer gain insight into themselves and their life experiences. Writing can help us become more aware of our own emotions, motivations, values, beliefs, and goals.

    Through writing we are able to express ourselves in ways that may not be possible through verbal communication alone. We can reflect on our past experiences or imagine future possibilities without fear of judgement or criticism from others. Writing also gives us the opportunity to process difficult emotions such as grief or anger in a safe space.

    Writing down our thoughts helps us make sense of them by allowing us to organize them into coherent ideas. This process encourages critical thinking skills which can lead to greater understanding and clarity about ourselves and our lives. In addition, writing provides an outlet for creativity which can help reduce stress levels.

    Ultimately, writing is a powerful form of self-reflection that enables us to gain insight into who we are at any given moment in time. Through this practice we are able to better understand ourselves so that we may live more authentically with purposeful intention.

  • #15.     Writing is a form of expression: Writing is a form of expression that allows the writer to express their thoughts and feelings in a creative and unique way. It is a way to communicate with others and to share stories and ideas.

    Writing is a form of expression that allows the writer to express their thoughts and feelings in a creative and unique way. It is a way to communicate with others and to share stories and ideas.

    Through writing, we can explore our innermost thoughts, emotions, beliefs, values, opinions, experiences, memories and dreams. Writing gives us an opportunity to reflect on our lives in ways that are meaningful for us.

    Writing also helps us connect with other people by allowing us to share our stories with them. We can use writing as a tool for self-expression or as a means of connecting with others through dialogue.

    Writing down the bones frees the writer within by providing an outlet for creativity and exploration. By taking time out from everyday life to write about what matters most to you – your passions, hopes and fears – you can gain insight into yourself while creating something beautiful at the same time.

  • #16.     Writing is a form of exploration: Writing is a form of exploration that allows the writer to explore their thoughts and feelings and to gain insight and understanding. It is a way to learn more about oneself and the world.

    Writing is a form of exploration that allows the writer to delve into their innermost thoughts and feelings. It can be used as a tool for self-discovery, helping us to gain insight and understanding about ourselves and our place in the world. Writing gives us an opportunity to explore ideas, express emotions, and create something new.

    Through writing we can uncover hidden truths about ourselves, discover new perspectives on life, or simply find joy in creating something from nothing. Writing helps us make sense of our experiences by giving them shape and meaning. We can use it as a way to process difficult emotions or reflect on past events.

    Writing down the bones frees up our creative energy so that we can explore without fear or judgement. It encourages us to take risks with our words and push beyond what is comfortable or familiar. By allowing ourselves this freedom of expression we open up possibilities for growth both personally and professionally.

  • #17.     Writing is a form of communication: Writing is a form of communication that allows the writer to share stories and ideas with others. It is a way to connect with others and to express oneself.

    Writing is a form of communication that allows the writer to share stories and ideas with others. It is a way to connect with others and to express oneself. Writing can be used as an outlet for emotions, thoughts, and experiences that may not be able to be expressed in other ways.

    Writing also serves as a tool for self-reflection. Through writing, one can explore their own feelings and beliefs while gaining insight into themselves. Writing can help us understand our lives better by allowing us to look at things from different perspectives.

    Finally, writing provides an opportunity for creativity. Writers have the freedom to create whatever they want without any restrictions or limitations. This creative process can lead to new discoveries about ourselves and the world around us.

  • #18.     Writing is a form of creativity: Writing is a form of creativity that allows the writer to explore their imagination and to create something new. It is a way to express oneself in a unique and creative way.

    Writing is a form of creativity that allows the writer to explore their imagination and to create something new. It is a way to express oneself in a unique and creative way. Writing can be used as an outlet for emotions, ideas, stories, or even just random thoughts.

    When writing, it is important to let go of any expectations or preconceived notions about what should be written. Instead, allow yourself the freedom to write whatever comes into your mind without judgement or criticism. This will help you tap into your own creativity and find inspiration from within.

    Writing also provides an opportunity for self-reflection and growth. As you write down your thoughts and feelings on paper, you may gain insight into yourself that would otherwise remain hidden away in the depths of your subconscious mind.

    Finally, writing can be therapeutic in nature; it can provide comfort during difficult times by allowing us to process our emotions through words instead of bottling them up inside ourselves.

  • #19.     Writing is a form of liberation: Writing is a form of liberation that allows the writer to express themselves freely and without judgement. It is a way to break free from the constraints of society and to explore one’s true self.

    Writing is a form of liberation that allows the writer to express themselves freely and without judgement. It is a way to break free from the constraints of society and to explore one’s true self. Writing can be used as an outlet for emotions, thoughts, ideas, and experiences that may otherwise remain hidden or suppressed. Through writing, we are able to find our own voice and create something unique.

    Writing also provides us with an opportunity to reflect on our lives in ways that would not be possible through other forms of communication. We can use it as a tool for self-discovery by exploring our innermost feelings and beliefs. By expressing ourselves through writing, we gain insight into who we are at our core.

    In addition, writing gives us the freedom to express ourselves without fear of criticism or judgement from others. We can write whatever we want without worrying about what people might think or say about it. This makes it easier for us to share our stories honestly and openly.

    Ultimately, writing is a powerful form of liberation that allows us to explore ourselves in ways that would not be possible otherwise. It gives us the freedom to express ourselves authentically while gaining valuable insights into who we truly are.

  • #20.     Writing is a form of healing: Writing can be used as a form of healing, allowing the writer to process difficult emotions and experiences. It can be a way to gain insight and understanding.

    Writing is a powerful form of healing. It can be used to process difficult emotions and experiences, allowing the writer to gain insight and understanding. Writing down our thoughts and feelings can help us make sense of them, as well as provide an outlet for expressing ourselves in a safe space.

    Natalie Goldbergs book Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within encourages writers to explore their innermost thoughts through writing. She suggests that by writing freely without worrying about grammar or structure, we can access deeper levels of creativity and self-expression.

    Writing also provides an opportunity for reflection on our lives. We can look back at what we have written with fresh eyes, gaining new perspectives on our experiences. This helps us move forward with greater clarity and purpose.

    Ultimately, writing is a way to connect with ourselves more deeply while finding peace within ourselves. By taking time out from our busy lives to write regularly, we are able to nurture both our mental health and creative spirit.