The Anger Management Workbook for Kids: Helping Children Handle Their Anger 2020

by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann





  • The Anger Management Workbook for Kids: Helping Children Handle Their Anger by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann is a comprehensive guide to helping children understand and manage their anger. The book provides an overview of the causes of anger, how it affects children’s behavior, and strategies for managing it. It also includes activities that can help kids learn to recognize and express their feelings in healthy ways.

    The book begins with an introduction to the concept of anger management, including what it is, why it's important, and how parents can help their child develop these skills. It then goes on to discuss different types of anger triggers such as frustration or disappointment. The author explains how these triggers can lead to angry outbursts or aggressive behaviors if not managed properly.

    Next, the book covers techniques for recognizing signs of escalating emotions before they become too intense. This includes learning relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises or counting backwards from ten when feeling overwhelmed. Additionally, there are tips on communicating effectively with your child about his/her feelings so that he/she feels heard and understood.

    Finally, the workbook offers several activities designed specifically for kids who struggle with managing their emotions. These include role-playing scenarios where kids practice expressing themselves calmly in difficult situations; journaling prompts which encourage them to reflect on what makes them angry; coloring pages which allow them to express themselves creatively; and games which teach problem-solving skills while having fun at the same time.

    Overall, The Anger Management Workbook for Kids: Helping Children Handle Their Anger by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann is a great resource for parents looking for guidance on teaching their children effective coping strategies when dealing with strong emotions like anger.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Identifying Anger: Help children recognize the signs of anger in themselves and others. Summary: This book helps children identify the signs of anger in themselves and others, such as physical sensations, facial expressions, and behaviors. It also provides strategies for managing and expressing anger in healthy ways.

    This book helps children identify the signs of anger in themselves and others, such as physical sensations, facial expressions, and behaviors. It provides an understanding of why people get angry and how to recognize when it is happening. The book also offers strategies for managing and expressing anger in healthy ways. Through activities like role-playing scenarios, journaling exercises, relaxation techniques, problem solving skills, communication tips, and more; children can learn how to better understand their emotions and develop positive coping mechanisms.

    The Anger Management Workbook for Kids encourages kids to take responsibility for their actions while teaching them that it’s okay to feel angry sometimes. It emphasizes the importance of self-awareness so that they can recognize when they are feeling overwhelmed or out of control before things escalate into a full-blown tantrum or outburst. This workbook will help children gain insight into their own feelings as well as those of others around them.

  • #2.     Understanding Anger: Teach children to understand the causes of their anger. Summary: This book helps children understand the causes of their anger, such as feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or powerless. It also provides tools to help them process their emotions and develop healthy coping strategies.

    Understanding Anger: Teach children to understand the causes of their anger is a book that helps children recognize and process their emotions. It provides them with tools to help them identify the sources of their anger, such as feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or powerless. The book also offers strategies for managing these feelings in healthy ways. Through activities and exercises, it encourages kids to explore how they can express themselves without resorting to aggression or violence. Additionally, it teaches them techniques for calming down when they feel angry and how to communicate effectively with others.

    The Anger Management Workbook for Kids is designed specifically for young people aged 8-12 years old. It covers topics such as understanding triggers and warning signs of anger; developing problem-solving skills; learning relaxation techniques; building self-esteem; improving communication skills; setting boundaries; dealing with bullying behavior; and more. With its easy-to-follow format and engaging illustrations, this workbook will help kids learn how to manage their emotions in positive ways.

  • #3.     Managing Anger: Teach children to manage their anger in healthy ways. Summary: This book helps children learn how to manage their anger in healthy ways, such as taking deep breaths, counting to ten, and using positive self-talk. It also provides tips for communicating their feelings in a constructive manner.

    Managing Anger: Teach children to manage their anger in healthy ways is a book that helps children learn how to cope with their emotions. It provides practical strategies for managing anger, such as taking deep breaths, counting to ten, and using positive self-talk. The book also offers tips on communicating feelings in a constructive manner. Through activities and exercises, the book encourages kids to explore different techniques for expressing their emotions without resorting to aggression or violence.

    The workbook includes helpful information about recognizing triggers of anger and understanding why it can be difficult for some people to control their temper. It also covers topics like problem solving skills and developing empathy towards others. With its easy-to-follow instructions and engaging illustrations, this workbook is an invaluable resource for helping kids understand how they can better manage their anger.

  • #4.     Expressing Anger: Teach children to express their anger in appropriate ways. Summary: This book helps children learn how to express their anger in appropriate ways, such as using “I” statements and problem-solving. It also provides guidance on how to handle difficult emotions and situations.

    This book provides children with the tools they need to express their anger in healthy and appropriate ways. It helps them understand why they feel angry, how to recognize signs of anger in themselves, and how to communicate their feelings without resorting to aggression or violence. The book also offers strategies for problem-solving and conflict resolution, as well as tips on managing difficult emotions such as frustration and disappointment. Through activities like role-playing scenarios, journaling exercises, and relaxation techniques, children can learn how to manage their anger more effectively.

    The Anger Management Workbook for Kids is an invaluable resource for parents who want to help their children develop better coping skills when it comes to expressing their emotions. By teaching kids about the importance of self-awareness and communication skills, this workbook will help them become more confident in handling difficult situations that may arise.

  • #5.     Developing Empathy: Help children develop empathy for others. Summary: This book helps children develop empathy for others by teaching them to recognize and understand the feelings of others. It also provides strategies for responding to difficult emotions in a compassionate manner.

    Developing Empathy: Help Children Develop Empathy for Others is a book that helps children learn to recognize and understand the feelings of others. It provides strategies for responding to difficult emotions in a compassionate manner, helping children develop empathy towards those around them. The book includes activities such as role-playing scenarios, stories, and games that help kids practice understanding how other people feel. Additionally, it offers advice on how to talk about emotions with children in an age-appropriate way.

    The Anger Management Workbook for Kids also provides guidance on teaching kids anger management skills so they can better manage their own emotions when faced with challenging situations. It covers topics such as recognizing triggers and warning signs of anger, calming techniques, problem solving skills, communication tips, and more. This workbook is designed to be used by both parents and professionals who are working with children.

  • #6.     Building Resilience: Teach children to build resilience in the face of adversity. Summary: This book helps children build resilience in the face of adversity by teaching them to recognize their strengths and weaknesses. It also provides guidance on how to develop problem-solving skills and cope with difficult emotions.

    Building Resilience: Teach children to build resilience in the face of adversity is a book that helps children develop the skills they need to cope with difficult situations. It provides guidance on how to recognize their strengths and weaknesses, as well as how to develop problem-solving skills. The book also offers strategies for managing emotions such as anger, fear, and sadness. Through activities and exercises, it encourages kids to practice self-care techniques like deep breathing or mindfulness meditation.

    The Anger Management Workbook for Kids: Helping Children Handle Their Anger by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann is an excellent resource for teaching children about building resilience. This workbook includes age-appropriate activities designed specifically for helping kids learn how to manage their anger in healthy ways. It also provides helpful tips on communication and conflict resolution so that kids can better understand themselves and others.

    By providing guidance on recognizing strengths and weaknesses, developing problem-solving skills, managing emotions effectively, practicing self-care techniques, communicating effectively with others, and resolving conflicts peacefully; this book helps children build resilience in the face of adversity.

  • #7.     Understanding Feelings: Help children understand their feelings. Summary: This book helps children understand their feelings by teaching them to recognize and label their emotions. It also provides strategies for managing difficult emotions and developing healthy coping skills.

    Understanding Feelings: Help children understand their feelings is a book that helps children recognize and label their emotions. It provides strategies for managing difficult emotions, such as anger, fear, sadness, and anxiety. The book also offers guidance on developing healthy coping skills to help children better manage their feelings. Through activities like journaling and role-playing scenarios, the book encourages kids to explore how they feel in different situations and learn how to express themselves in positive ways.

    The Anger Management Workbook for Kids: Helping Children Handle Their Anger by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann is an excellent resource for parents looking to help their child develop emotional intelligence. This workbook includes exercises designed specifically for helping kids identify triggers of anger and practice calming techniques when feeling overwhelmed or frustrated. Additionally, it provides helpful tips on communication skills so that kids can effectively communicate with adults about what they are feeling.

  • #8.     Developing Coping Skills: Teach children to develop healthy coping skills. Summary: This book helps children develop healthy coping skills, such as deep breathing, positive self-talk, and problem-solving. It also provides guidance on how to handle difficult emotions and situations.

    Developing Coping Skills: Teach children to develop healthy coping skills is a book that helps children learn how to manage their emotions and handle difficult situations. It provides guidance on deep breathing, positive self-talk, and problem-solving techniques that can help them cope with anger or other strong emotions. The book also offers strategies for dealing with challenging people or events in a constructive way. Through activities such as role playing, journaling, and art projects, the book encourages kids to explore their feelings and find ways of expressing themselves without resorting to aggression.

    The Anger Management Workbook for Kids also includes tips on how parents can support their child’s emotional development by providing an understanding environment where they feel safe enough to express themselves. Additionally, it gives advice on when professional help may be needed if the child’s behavior becomes unmanageable.

    This workbook is designed for use by both parents and professionals who are looking for effective tools to help children learn how to manage their anger in healthy ways.

  • #9.     Setting Boundaries: Teach children to set boundaries with others. Summary: This book helps children learn how to set boundaries with others, such as saying “no” and communicating their needs. It also provides guidance on how to handle difficult emotions and situations.

    Setting boundaries is an important skill for children to learn. This book helps them do just that by teaching them how to say “no” and communicate their needs in a respectful way. It also provides guidance on how to handle difficult emotions and situations, such as anger or frustration. Through activities, stories, and examples, this workbook helps kids understand the importance of setting boundaries with others while still being kind and compassionate.

    The Anger Management Workbook for Kids offers practical strategies for managing anger in healthy ways. It encourages children to recognize their feelings before they become overwhelming so they can take steps to manage them better. The book also teaches problem-solving skills that help kids find solutions when faced with challenging situations.

    This workbook is designed not only to help children set boundaries but also build self-esteem and confidence in themselves. By learning these skills early on, kids will be better equipped to navigate relationships throughout life.

  • #10.     Building Self-Esteem: Help children build self-esteem. Summary: This book helps children build self-esteem by teaching them to recognize and appreciate their strengths and weaknesses. It also provides strategies for developing positive self-talk and coping with difficult emotions.

    Building self-esteem is an important part of helping children grow into healthy, confident adults. This book helps children build their self-esteem by teaching them to recognize and appreciate their strengths and weaknesses. It also provides strategies for developing positive self-talk and coping with difficult emotions. Through activities such as journaling, role playing, and art projects, kids learn how to express themselves in a constructive way while building confidence in their own abilities.

    The Anger Management Workbook for Kids offers practical advice on how to manage anger without resorting to aggression or violence. It teaches kids techniques like deep breathing exercises that can help them stay calm when they feel angry or frustrated. The workbook also includes tips on how to communicate effectively with others so that conflicts can be resolved peacefully.

    This book is an invaluable resource for parents who want to help their children develop strong emotional intelligence skills from a young age. By learning the tools needed to handle difficult emotions in a healthy way, kids will be better equipped to navigate life’s challenges with greater resilience.