The New Rules of Retail: Competing in the World's Toughest Marketplace 2012

by Robin Lewis and Michael Dart





  • The New Rules of Retail: Competing in the World's Toughest Marketplace by Robin Lewis and Michael Dart is a comprehensive guide to succeeding in today’s retail environment. The authors provide an overview of the current state of retail, including changes in consumer behavior, technology, and competition. They then outline strategies for retailers to stay competitive and profitable.

    The book begins with an introduction to the new rules of retailing that have emerged over the past decade or so. These include understanding customer needs better than ever before; leveraging data-driven insights; creating unique experiences; embracing digital technologies; developing agile supply chains; and building strong relationships with customers. The authors discuss how these trends are impacting traditional brick-and-mortar stores as well as online retailers.

    Next, they explore how companies can use these new rules to their advantage by focusing on four key areas: product innovation, pricing strategy, marketing tactics, and store design/layout. For each area they provide detailed advice on how companies can create successful strategies that will help them stand out from competitors while still meeting customer expectations.

    Finally, Lewis and Dart offer practical tips for implementing their ideas into actionable plans that will drive success for any retailer looking to compete in today’s marketplace. This includes advice on setting up effective teams within organizations as well as guidance on measuring performance against goals.

    Overall, The New Rules of Retail provides valuable insight into what it takes to succeed in today’s highly competitive retail landscape. It offers clear guidance on how businesses can leverage emerging trends such as data analytics and digital technologies while also providing practical advice for putting those ideas into practice.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     The retail industry is undergoing a major transformation: The retail industry is in the midst of a major transformation, driven by the rise of e-commerce, the emergence of new technologies, and the changing needs of consumers. This transformation is creating both opportunities and challenges for retailers.

    The retail industry is in the midst of a major transformation, driven by the rise of e-commerce, the emergence of new technologies, and the changing needs of consumers. This transformation is creating both opportunities and challenges for retailers.

    E-commerce has revolutionized how customers shop and interact with brands. Consumers now have access to an unprecedented range of products from around the world at their fingertips. As a result, traditional brick-and-mortar stores are being forced to adapt or risk becoming obsolete.

    New technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and blockchain are also transforming how retailers operate. AI can be used to personalize customer experiences while VR/AR can create immersive shopping experiences that were previously impossible. Blockchain technology offers increased transparency into supply chains which helps reduce costs and improve efficiency.

    Finally, consumer preferences are shifting towards convenience, sustainability, customization and experience over product ownership. Retailers must respond to these changes by offering more personalized services tailored to individual customers’ needs if they want to remain competitive in today’s market.

  • #2.     The customer is in control: Customers are now in control of the retail experience, and they expect retailers to meet their needs in terms of convenience, selection, and price. Retailers must be able to respond quickly to changing customer demands in order to remain competitive.

    The customer is in control of the retail experience more than ever before. Customers expect retailers to provide convenience, selection, and competitive prices that meet their needs. Retailers must be agile and responsive to changing customer demands if they want to stay ahead of the competition.

    Retailers need to understand what customers are looking for and how they shop in order to create a successful shopping experience. This means understanding consumer trends, preferences, and behaviors so that retailers can tailor their offerings accordingly.

    Retailers also need to invest in technology solutions that enable them to quickly respond to changes in customer demand. This includes investing in data analytics tools that allow them to track customer behavior over time as well as predictive analytics tools that help anticipate future trends.

    Finally, retailers should focus on creating an engaging shopping experience by leveraging digital technologies such as virtual reality or augmented reality. By providing customers with an immersive shopping experience, retailers can differentiate themselves from competitors while meeting customer expectations.

  • #3.     The importance of data: Data is becoming increasingly important in the retail industry, as it can be used to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences. Retailers must be able to collect, analyze, and act on data in order to remain competitive.

    Data is becoming increasingly important in the retail industry, as it can be used to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences. By collecting data on customers’ buying habits, retailers can better understand their target market and tailor their offerings accordingly. Data analysis also helps retailers identify trends in consumer spending that they can use to inform marketing strategies and product development.

    Retailers must also be able to act on the data they collect. This means having a system in place for quickly responding to changes in customer demand or preferences. For example, if a retailer notices an increase in sales of certain products during a particular season, they should adjust their inventory levels accordingly so that they don’t run out of stock when demand is high.

    Finally, retailers need to ensure that all of this data is secure and protected from unauthorized access or misuse. With the rise of cybercrime, it’s essential for businesses to have robust security measures in place so that customer information remains safe.

    In todays competitive retail landscape, understanding how best to leverage data is key for success. Retailers who are able to effectively collect, analyze, and act on data will have an advantage over those who do not make use of this valuable resource.

  • #4.     The need for innovation: Innovation is essential for retailers to remain competitive in the changing retail landscape. Retailers must be able to identify and capitalize on new opportunities in order to stay ahead of the competition.

    Innovation is essential for retailers to remain competitive in the changing retail landscape. As consumer preferences and technology evolve, retailers must be able to identify and capitalize on new opportunities in order to stay ahead of the competition. This means that they must continually innovate their products, services, processes, and strategies in order to meet customer needs better than their competitors. Retailers need to think outside the box when it comes to developing innovative solutions that will help them stand out from the crowd.

    Retailers should also focus on creating a unique customer experience by leveraging technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). AI can be used for personalizing product recommendations or providing customers with tailored offers based on their past purchases. ML can be used for predicting customer behavior so that retailers can anticipate what customers want before they even ask for it. By utilizing these technologies, retailers can create an engaging shopping experience that keeps customers coming back.

    Finally, innovation should extend beyond just products and services; it should also include business models. For example, some companies are experimenting with subscription-based models where customers pay a monthly fee instead of buying individual items at full price. Others are exploring ways to use data analytics more effectively in order to gain insights into customer behavior and optimize operations accordingly.

    In today’s rapidly changing retail environment, innovation is key if businesses want to remain competitive. By staying ahead of trends and embracing new technologies like AI and ML, retailers have an opportunity not only survive but thrive in this ever-evolving industry.

  • #5.     The importance of omnichannel: Omnichannel is becoming increasingly important in the retail industry, as customers expect a seamless experience across all channels. Retailers must be able to provide a consistent experience across all channels in order to remain competitive.

    Omnichannel is becoming increasingly important in the retail industry, as customers expect a seamless experience across all channels. Retailers must be able to provide a consistent experience across all channels in order to remain competitive. This means that retailers need to ensure their online and offline stores are integrated, so that customers can move seamlessly between them without having to start from scratch each time they switch platforms. Additionally, retailers should strive for consistency in terms of product availability, pricing, promotions and customer service across all channels.

    Retailers also need to make sure their digital presence is up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies. This includes ensuring that websites are mobile friendly and optimized for search engines; leveraging social media platforms such as Instagram or Snapchat; utilizing data analytics tools to gain insights into customer behavior; offering personalized experiences through targeted marketing campaigns; and providing an easy checkout process.

    Finally, it’s essential for retailers to have an omnichannel strategy in place which takes into account how different channels interact with one another. For example, if a customer starts researching products on their phone but then switches over to their laptop before making a purchase – this needs to be tracked so that the retailer can offer relevant follow-up messages or discounts based on what was viewed during the research phase.

  • #6.     The need for speed: Speed is essential for retailers to remain competitive in the changing retail landscape. Retailers must be able to respond quickly to changing customer demands in order to remain competitive.

    The need for speed is a critical factor in the retail industry. In todays fast-paced world, customers expect their orders to be fulfilled quickly and accurately. Retailers must be able to respond quickly to changing customer demands in order to remain competitive. This means that retailers must have efficient processes in place that allow them to react swiftly when needed.

    Retailers also need to stay ahead of the competition by offering new products and services faster than their competitors can. To do this, they must have access to real-time data about customer preferences so they can anticipate what customers want before it becomes available from other sources. Additionally, retailers should invest in technology solutions that enable them to process orders more quickly and efficiently.

    Finally, retailers should focus on creating an agile organization with flexible teams that are capable of responding rapidly when changes occur or new opportunities arise. By investing in these areas, retailers will be better equipped to compete effectively in the ever-changing retail landscape.

  • #7.     The importance of personalization: Personalization is becoming increasingly important in the retail industry, as customers expect a personalized experience. Retailers must be able to provide a personalized experience in order to remain competitive.

    Personalization is becoming increasingly important in the retail industry, as customers expect a personalized experience. Retailers must be able to provide a personalized experience in order to remain competitive. This means understanding customer preferences and tailoring products, services, and experiences accordingly. Personalization can help retailers build relationships with their customers by providing them with an individualized shopping experience that meets their needs.

    Retailers should strive to create an environment where customers feel valued and appreciated. This could include offering tailored discounts or promotions based on past purchases or interests, creating loyalty programs that reward repeat customers for their patronage, or simply remembering customer names when they enter the store. By taking the time to get to know each customer’s individual needs and preferences, retailers can create a more meaningful connection between themselves and their shoppers.

    In addition to improving customer satisfaction levels, personalization also has the potential to increase sales by helping retailers better target specific audiences with relevant offers. For example, if a retailer knows that certain items are popular among certain demographics of shoppers (such as young adults), they can tailor promotional campaigns specifically towards those groups in order to maximize conversions.

    Overall, personalization is essential for any successful retail business today. By taking the time to understand each customer’s unique needs and preferences and delivering tailored experiences accordingly, retailers will be able to stand out from competitors while building strong relationships with their shoppers.

  • #8.     The need for agility: Agility is essential for retailers to remain competitive in the changing retail landscape. Retailers must be able to quickly adapt to changing customer demands in order to remain competitive.

    Agility is essential for retailers to remain competitive in the changing retail landscape. In todays market, customer demands are constantly shifting and evolving, making it difficult for retailers to keep up with trends. To stay ahead of the competition, retailers must be able to quickly adapt their strategies and offerings in order to meet these changing needs. This requires a deep understanding of customer behavior and preferences as well as an ability to anticipate future trends.

    Retailers must also have the agility to respond quickly when new opportunities arise or threats emerge. For example, if a competitor launches a new product that threatens your business model, you need the agility to develop countermeasures such as launching your own competing product or offering discounts on existing products. Similarly, if there is an opportunity for growth in a certain area of your business (e.g., expanding into international markets), you need the agility to act swiftly and capitalize on this opportunity before competitors do.

    Finally, having agile processes can help reduce costs by streamlining operations and eliminating unnecessary steps from production cycles. By being agile enough to identify areas where efficiency can be improved or waste eliminated, retailers can save money while still providing customers with high-quality products at competitive prices.

  • #9.     The importance of customer experience: Customer experience is becoming increasingly important in the retail industry, as customers expect a positive experience. Retailers must be able to provide a positive customer experience in order to remain competitive.

    Customer experience is becoming increasingly important in the retail industry, as customers expect a positive experience. Retailers must be able to provide a personalized and engaging customer experience that meets their needs and expectations. This means understanding what customers want from their shopping experiences, such as convenience, speed of service, product selection, quality of products and services offered, helpful staff members who are knowledgeable about the products they sell, competitive pricing and more.

    Retailers should also focus on creating an enjoyable atmosphere for shoppers by providing comfortable seating areas or entertainment options like music or video screens. Additionally, retailers can use technology to enhance the customer experience by offering online ordering systems or mobile apps that allow customers to shop quickly and easily from anywhere. Finally, retailers should strive to build relationships with their customers through loyalty programs or other initiatives that reward them for repeat business.

    By focusing on delivering an exceptional customer experience at every touchpoint throughout the entire shopping journey—from browsing online to visiting stores—retailers will be better positioned to compete in today’s highly competitive marketplace.

  • #10.     The need for collaboration: Collaboration is essential for retailers to remain competitive in the changing retail landscape. Retailers must be able to collaborate with partners in order to remain competitive.

    Collaboration is essential for retailers to remain competitive in the changing retail landscape. As technology continues to evolve, customers are becoming more demanding and have higher expectations of their shopping experiences. Retailers must be able to collaborate with partners in order to remain competitive. This means working together on product development, marketing strategies, customer service initiatives, and other areas that can help create a better overall experience for shoppers.

    Retailers need to build relationships with suppliers and vendors who can provide them with the latest products and services at competitive prices. They also need to develop partnerships with technology companies that can help them stay ahead of the curve when it comes to digital innovation. Additionally, they should look for ways to collaborate with other retailers so they can share best practices and insights into what works best in different markets.

    Finally, collaboration between retailers and consumers is key as well. By engaging directly with customers through social media channels or online surveys, retailers can gain valuable feedback about their offerings which will enable them make improvements where needed.

  • #11.     The importance of technology: Technology is becoming increasingly important in the retail industry, as it can be used to improve the customer experience. Retailers must be able to leverage technology in order to remain competitive.

    Technology is playing an increasingly important role in the retail industry. It can be used to improve customer experience, increase efficiency and reduce costs. By leveraging technology, retailers can gain a competitive edge over their rivals by providing customers with better service and more convenience. Technology also allows retailers to collect data on customer behavior which can be used to create targeted marketing campaigns.

    Retailers must stay up-to-date with the latest technologies in order to remain competitive. This includes investing in new software solutions that enable them to manage inventory, track sales trends and analyze customer data. Additionally, they should consider implementing mobile applications or websites that allow customers to shop online or access product information from anywhere.

    In today’s digital world, it is essential for retailers to embrace technology if they want to succeed. By utilizing the right tools and strategies, retailers can provide customers with a superior shopping experience while increasing their profits at the same time.

  • #12.     The need for cost efficiency: Cost efficiency is essential for retailers to remain competitive in the changing retail landscape. Retailers must be able to reduce costs in order to remain competitive.

    Cost efficiency is essential for retailers to remain competitive in the changing retail landscape. In order to stay ahead of the competition, retailers must be able to reduce costs while still providing quality products and services. This means finding ways to streamline operations, increase productivity, and maximize profits. Retailers can achieve cost efficiency by implementing strategies such as reducing overhead expenses, improving inventory management systems, leveraging technology solutions, and optimizing supply chain processes.

    Retailers should also focus on creating a customer-centric approach that emphasizes convenience and value. By understanding their customers’ needs and preferences better than their competitors do, they can create an experience that will keep them coming back for more. Additionally, retailers should look into new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML) which can help automate certain tasks or provide insights into customer behavior.

    Finally, it is important for retailers to invest in training programs that ensure employees are up-to-date with industry trends and best practices. Investing in employee development not only helps improve morale but also increases productivity levels which ultimately leads to greater cost savings.

  • #13.     The importance of brand loyalty: Brand loyalty is becoming increasingly important in the retail industry, as customers expect a consistent experience. Retailers must be able to build brand loyalty in order to remain competitive.

    Brand loyalty is essential for retailers to remain competitive in todays market. Customers expect a consistent experience when they shop with a particular brand, and if that experience isnt up to par, they will quickly move on to another retailer. To build brand loyalty, retailers must focus on providing excellent customer service and creating an enjoyable shopping experience. They should also strive to create unique products or services that customers cant find anywhere else.

    Retailers should also use marketing strategies such as loyalty programs and targeted promotions to reward loyal customers and encourage them to keep coming back. Additionally, its important for retailers to stay connected with their customers by engaging with them through social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter. By doing so, retailers can foster relationships with their customers and show them how much they value their business.

    Ultimately, building strong brand loyalty requires dedication from the retailer but pays off in the long run as loyal customers are more likely to purchase more often than those who arent loyal. With this in mind, its clear why brand loyalty is becoming increasingly important in the retail industry.

  • #14.     The need for differentiation: Differentiation is essential for retailers to remain competitive in the changing retail landscape. Retailers must be able to differentiate themselves from competitors in order to remain competitive.

    Differentiation is essential for retailers to remain competitive in the changing retail landscape. As competition increases, it becomes increasingly important for retailers to stand out from their competitors and offer something unique that customers can’t find elsewhere. Differentiation can be achieved through a variety of methods, such as offering exclusive products or services, providing superior customer service, creating an engaging shopping experience, or leveraging technology to provide innovative solutions.

    Retailers must also differentiate themselves by understanding their target market and tailoring their offerings accordingly. This means having a deep understanding of who your customers are and what they want so you can create experiences that meet those needs. Additionally, retailers should focus on building relationships with customers by providing personalized experiences that make them feel valued.

    Finally, differentiation requires staying ahead of trends and anticipating changes in consumer behavior before they happen. Retailers need to stay up-to-date on industry news and developments so they can adjust quickly when necessary. By differentiating themselves from competitors in these ways, retailers will be better positioned to succeed in today’s ever-changing retail environment.

  • #15.     The importance of localization: Localization is becoming increasingly important in the retail industry, as customers expect a localized experience. Retailers must be able to provide a localized experience in order to remain competitive.

    Localization is becoming increasingly important in the retail industry, as customers expect a localized experience. Retailers must be able to provide a personalized and tailored shopping experience that caters to their local market. This means understanding the needs of local customers, offering products and services that are relevant to them, and providing an overall customer service experience that reflects the culture of the area.

    Retailers should also consider how they can use technology to create a more localized shopping experience. For example, using geolocation data or personalizing content based on past purchases can help retailers better understand their customers’ preferences and tailor their offerings accordingly. Additionally, leveraging social media platforms such as Instagram or Snapchat can help retailers reach out directly to local audiences.

    Ultimately, localization is essential for any retailer looking to remain competitive in today’s marketplace. By understanding the needs of their local markets and utilizing technology effectively, retailers can ensure they are delivering an engaging and personalized shopping experience for all customers.

  • #16.     The need for sustainability: Sustainability is essential for retailers to remain competitive in the changing retail landscape. Retailers must be able to demonstrate a commitment to sustainability in order to remain competitive.

    Sustainability is becoming increasingly important for retailers to remain competitive in the ever-changing retail landscape. Consumers are more aware of environmental issues and are looking for companies that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability. Retailers must be able to show that they are taking steps towards reducing their carbon footprint, using sustainable materials, and minimizing waste. This can include initiatives such as energy efficiency measures, recycling programs, and sourcing from local suppliers.

    Retailers must also ensure that their operations are socially responsible by providing fair wages and safe working conditions for employees. Additionally, retailers should strive to create an inclusive environment where all customers feel welcome regardless of race or gender identity.

    By demonstrating a commitment to sustainability through these practices, retailers will be better positioned to compete in the marketplace while also helping protect our planets resources.

  • #17.     The importance of digital marketing: Digital marketing is becoming increasingly important in the retail industry, as customers expect a personalized experience. Retailers must be able to leverage digital marketing in order to remain competitive.

    Digital marketing is becoming increasingly important in the retail industry, as customers expect a personalized experience. Retailers must be able to leverage digital marketing in order to remain competitive. Digital marketing allows retailers to reach their target audience more effectively and efficiently than ever before. It also provides them with an opportunity to build relationships with their customers by providing relevant content and engaging experiences.

    Retailers can use digital marketing tools such as email campaigns, social media platforms, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and mobile applications to engage with their customers. These tools allow retailers to create customized messages that are tailored specifically for each customer’s needs and interests. Additionally, they provide valuable insights into customer behavior which can help inform future decisions about product offerings or promotions.

    By leveraging digital marketing strategies, retailers can increase brand awareness and loyalty among existing customers while also attracting new ones. This helps ensure that businesses stay ahead of the competition by staying up-to-date on trends in the market place and responding quickly when changes occur.

  • #18.     The need for customer service: Customer service is essential for retailers to remain competitive in the changing retail landscape. Retailers must be able to provide excellent customer service in order to remain competitive.

    Customer service is essential for retailers to remain competitive in the changing retail landscape. In todays world, customers expect more than just a product or service; they want an experience that meets their needs and exceeds their expectations. Retailers must be able to provide excellent customer service in order to remain competitive. This means providing knowledgeable staff who can answer questions, offering helpful advice on products and services, responding quickly to customer inquiries, and resolving any issues promptly.

    Retailers should also strive to create a positive shopping environment by making sure stores are clean and well-stocked with merchandise. Additionally, it is important for retailers to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in technology so they can offer customers convenient ways of shopping such as online ordering or mobile apps.

    Finally, retailers need to ensure that their customer service policies are fair and consistent across all locations. Customers should feel confident that they will receive the same level of quality service no matter where they shop.

  • #19.     The importance of supply chain management: Supply chain management is becoming increasingly important in the retail industry, as customers expect a seamless experience. Retailers must be able to manage their supply chain in order to remain competitive.

    Supply chain management is essential for retailers to remain competitive in todays market. Customers expect a seamless experience, and retailers must be able to manage their supply chain effectively in order to meet these expectations. This means having the right products available at the right time, ensuring that they are delivered on time and with minimal disruption, and managing inventory levels so that stockouts do not occur. Additionally, it involves optimizing pricing strategies across different channels and locations, as well as understanding customer preferences in order to provide tailored services.

    Retailers need to have visibility into their entire supply chain from end-to-end in order to ensure efficiency and accuracy. This includes tracking orders from suppliers through delivery of goods or services to customers. It also requires monitoring supplier performance metrics such as lead times, quality control measures, cost savings initiatives, etc., which can help identify areas for improvement within the supply chain.

    In addition to improving operational efficiency and customer satisfaction levels, effective supply chain management can also reduce costs associated with inventory carrying costs or lost sales due to out-of-stock items. By leveraging technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML), retailers can gain greater insights into their operations which will enable them make more informed decisions about how best manage their supply chains.

  • #20.     The need for strategic partnerships: Strategic partnerships are essential for retailers to remain competitive in the changing retail landscape. Retailers must be able to form strategic partnerships in order to remain competitive.

    In todays retail landscape, strategic partnerships are essential for retailers to remain competitive. As the industry continues to evolve and become more complex, it is increasingly important for retailers to form relationships with other companies in order to gain access to new markets, technologies, and resources. Strategic partnerships allow retailers to leverage their strengths while also taking advantage of opportunities that may not be available on their own.

    Strategic partnerships can help a retailer expand its reach by providing access to new customers or suppliers. They can also provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences which can be used to develop better products and services. Additionally, strategic partnerships enable retailers to share costs associated with research and development as well as marketing efforts.

    Finally, strategic partnerships create an opportunity for collaboration between two organizations that have complementary skillsets or capabilities. This allows both parties involved in the partnership the ability to benefit from each other’s expertise while still maintaining control over their respective businesses.