Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers into Friends and Friends into Customers 1999

by Seth Godin





  • Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers into Friends and Friends into Customers by Seth Godin is a book about how to use permission marketing to build relationships with customers. The book explains the concept of permission marketing, which is based on the idea that people are more likely to buy from companies they trust. It also outlines strategies for building relationships with customers through email, direct mail, and other forms of communication.

    Godin begins by discussing why traditional advertising methods are no longer effective in today's market. He argues that consumers have become immune to these tactics due to their overuse and lack of personalization. Instead, he suggests using permission-based marketing techniques such as opt-in emails or newsletters that allow customers to choose what type of information they receive from a company.

    The author then goes on to explain how businesses can create an effective permission-marketing strategy. He discusses topics such as segmentation (dividing customers into groups based on their interests), targeting (sending messages tailored specifically for each group), testing (trying out different approaches before committing fully) and tracking results (measuring success).

    Godin also provides advice on how companies can use technology like social media platforms or mobile apps in order to reach potential customers more effectively. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of creating content that resonates with audiences in order for them to remain engaged with a brand over time.

    Finally, Permission Marketing offers practical tips for implementing successful campaigns including setting goals, developing creative ideas, measuring performance metrics and analyzing customer feedback.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Permission Marketing: Permission marketing is a form of marketing that focuses on building relationships with customers by obtaining their permission to communicate with them. It is a way to build trust and loyalty with customers, and to create a long-term relationship with them.

    Permission marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to build relationships with their customers. It involves obtaining the customers permission to communicate with them, and then using that permission to create an ongoing dialogue between the business and its customers. This dialogue can be used to provide valuable information about products or services, as well as build trust and loyalty among customers. By engaging in this type of marketing, businesses are able to create long-term relationships with their customers that will help them grow over time.

    The key element of permission marketing is gaining the customers consent before sending any communication. This ensures that only those who have expressed interest in hearing from the business receive messages from it. Additionally, by providing relevant content tailored specifically for each individual customer, businesses can ensure they are delivering value through every interaction.

    By taking advantage of permission marketing strategies such as email campaigns or social media outreach, companies can establish strong connections with their target audience while also increasing brand awareness and driving sales growth. Ultimately, when done correctly, permission marketing helps foster meaningful relationships between brands and consumers that last far beyond a single purchase.

  • #2.     Opt-In: Opt-in marketing is a form of permission marketing that requires customers to actively agree to receive marketing messages from a company. This allows companies to target their messages to customers who are interested in their products and services.

    Opt-in marketing is a powerful tool for companies to reach their target audience. By requiring customers to actively agree to receive marketing messages, companies can ensure that they are only sending out messages to those who have expressed an interest in their products and services. This allows them to tailor their messaging more effectively and increase the chances of conversion.

    The opt-in process also helps build trust between the company and its customers. Customers feel more secure knowing that they have control over what kind of information they receive from the company, which can help create a stronger relationship between them.

    Overall, opt-in marketing is an effective way for companies to engage with potential customers while still respecting their privacy. It allows businesses to send targeted messages without overwhelming or annoying people who may not be interested in what they have to offer.

  • #3.     Interruption Marketing: Interruption marketing is a form of marketing that relies on interrupting people with advertising messages. It is a less effective form of marketing than permission marketing, as it does not build relationships with customers.

    Interruption marketing is a form of advertising that relies on interrupting people with promotional messages. It typically involves using television, radio, or print ads to reach potential customers. This type of marketing can be effective in reaching large audiences quickly and efficiently, but it does not build relationships with customers like permission marketing does. Interruption marketing interrupts the customers experience by forcing them to view an advertisement before they can access the content they are looking for.

    Permission marketing is a more effective form of advertising than interruption marketing because it focuses on building relationships with customers rather than simply pushing out advertisements. Permission-based campaigns involve asking consumers if they would like to receive promotional emails or other forms of communication from your business. By doing this, you create an ongoing dialogue between yourself and your customers which helps foster trust and loyalty over time.

  • #4.     Value Exchange: Value exchange is a form of permission marketing that involves offering customers something of value in exchange for their permission to receive marketing messages. This could be a discount, a free trial, or other incentives.

    Value exchange is a powerful tool for marketers to engage with their customers. By offering something of value in exchange for permission to receive marketing messages, companies can create an incentive for customers to opt-in and stay engaged. This could be anything from discounts or free trials, to exclusive content or access to special events. Value exchange helps build trust between the customer and the company by demonstrating that the company values its customers’ time and attention.

    The key is finding out what type of incentives will resonate most with your target audience. It may take some trial and error before you find the right combination of offers that will encourage people to sign up for your emails or other forms of communication. Once you have identified what works best, it’s important to keep track of how successful each offer has been so that you can adjust accordingly.

    By using value exchange as part of your permission marketing strategy, you can ensure that your customers are getting something valuable in return for giving up their time and attention – which ultimately leads to more loyal relationships with them over time.

  • #5.     Personalization: Personalization is a form of permission marketing that involves customizing marketing messages to individual customers. This allows companies to target their messages to customers who are more likely to be interested in their products and services.

    Personalization is a powerful tool for businesses to reach their customers in an effective and meaningful way. By customizing marketing messages to individual customers, companies can create more targeted campaigns that are tailored specifically to the needs of each customer. This allows them to better understand their target audience and deliver content that resonates with them on a personal level. Additionally, personalization helps build relationships between brands and customers by showing that the company values its customers’ opinions and wants to provide them with relevant information.

    Personalized marketing also has the potential to increase engagement levels as well as conversions. Customers who receive personalized messages are more likely to respond positively than those who dont because they feel like theyre being treated as individuals rather than just another number in a database. Furthermore, when companies use personalization techniques such as segmentation or dynamic content, they can ensure that only relevant offers are sent out which increases the chances of conversion.

    Overall, personalization is an important part of any successful permission marketing strategy. It enables businesses to connect with their customers on a deeper level while providing them with valuable information about products or services that may be of interest. With this approach, companies can create stronger relationships with their audiences while increasing engagement levels and conversions.

  • #6.     Relationship Building: Relationship building is an important part of permission marketing. Companies should focus on building relationships with customers by providing them with valuable content and engaging with them on social media.

    Relationship building is an essential part of permission marketing. Companies should strive to build relationships with their customers by providing them with valuable content and engaging in meaningful conversations on social media. This helps to create a sense of trust between the company and its customers, which can lead to increased loyalty and sales.

    By creating content that resonates with customers, companies can demonstrate their expertise in the field while also showing that they care about customer needs. Additionally, engaging in conversations on social media allows companies to get feedback from customers directly, allowing them to better understand what they need and how best to serve them.

    Finally, relationship building is important for long-term success as it encourages repeat purchases from existing customers who are already familiar with the brand. By nurturing these relationships over time, companies can ensure that their customer base remains loyal even when faced with competition.

  • #7.     Loyalty Programs: Loyalty programs are a form of permission marketing that rewards customers for their loyalty. This could be in the form of discounts, free products, or other incentives.

    Loyalty programs are an effective way to build relationships with customers and encourage them to keep coming back. By offering rewards for their loyalty, businesses can show appreciation for their customers’ patronage and create a sense of community. Customers who feel valued by the business are more likely to remain loyal over time, which in turn leads to increased sales and profits.

    In addition, loyalty programs can be used as a tool for gathering customer data. This information can then be used to better understand customer preferences and tailor marketing messages accordingly. For example, if a business notices that certain customers respond well to discounts on specific products or services, they may choose to offer those same discounts again in the future.

    Overall, loyalty programs provide businesses with an opportunity to reward their most loyal customers while also gaining valuable insights into consumer behavior. With this knowledge at hand, businesses can make informed decisions about how best to serve their target audience.

  • #8.     Data Collection: Data collection is an important part of permission marketing. Companies should collect data on their customers in order to better understand their needs and preferences.

    Data collection is an essential part of permission marketing. Companies should collect data on their customers in order to gain a better understanding of who they are, what they need and want, and how best to serve them. This data can be collected through surveys, interviews, focus groups, or other methods that allow companies to get feedback from their customers. By collecting this information, companies can create more targeted campaigns that will appeal directly to the needs and preferences of their customer base.

    The data collected should also include demographic information such as age range, gender identity, location etc., which can help companies tailor their messages for specific audiences. Additionally, it’s important for businesses to track customer behavior over time so they can identify trends and adjust strategies accordingly. With the right data in hand, businesses have the power to craft personalized experiences that will keep customers coming back again and again.

  • #9.     Privacy: Privacy is an important part of permission marketing. Companies should ensure that they are collecting and using customer data in a responsible manner, and that they are respecting the privacy of their customers.

    Privacy is an essential part of permission marketing. Companies must ensure that they are collecting and using customer data in a secure, responsible manner, while also respecting the privacy of their customers. This means taking steps to protect customer information from unauthorized access or use, as well as providing clear notice about how the company will use any collected data. Customers should be given the opportunity to opt-in or out of certain types of communications and have control over what personal information is shared with third parties.

    Companies should also strive to create trust between themselves and their customers by being transparent about how they collect and use customer data. They should provide detailed explanations on their website regarding what type of data is collected, why it’s needed, who has access to it, and how long it will be stored for. Additionally, companies should make sure that all employees handling customer data are trained on proper security protocols.

    By following these guidelines for protecting customer privacy when engaging in permission marketing activities, companies can build strong relationships with their customers based on mutual trust.

  • #10.     Automation: Automation is a form of permission marketing that involves using technology to automate marketing tasks. This can help companies save time and money, and ensure that their marketing messages are sent out in a timely manner.

    Automation is a powerful tool for businesses to use in their marketing efforts. By automating certain tasks, companies can save time and money while ensuring that their messages are sent out on schedule. Automation also allows marketers to target specific audiences with tailored messages, increasing the chances of success. Additionally, automation helps marketers track customer behavior and engagement levels so they can adjust their strategies accordingly.

    For example, automated emails allow companies to send personalized messages at predetermined intervals without having to manually compose each one. This saves time and ensures that customers receive timely updates about new products or services. Automated social media posts help businesses stay connected with followers by sharing content regularly without needing manual input from staff members.

    Overall, automation is an invaluable tool for permission-based marketing campaigns as it enables companies to reach more people in less time while still providing them with relevant information. With the right strategy in place, businesses can maximize the effectiveness of their campaigns and increase customer engagement.

  • #11.     Content Marketing: Content marketing is a form of permission marketing that involves creating and sharing content with customers. This could be in the form of blog posts, videos, or other forms of content.

    Content marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audience. It involves creating and sharing content that is relevant to the customer’s interests, needs, and wants. This could be in the form of blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics or other forms of content. Content marketing helps build relationships with customers by providing them with valuable information that they can use to make informed decisions about products or services.

    The goal of content marketing is not only to inform but also to engage customers in meaningful conversations. By engaging customers through content, businesses can create an emotional connection between themselves and their target audience which leads to increased loyalty and trust. Additionally, it allows businesses to establish themselves as thought leaders within their industry by providing useful insights into topics related to their business.

    Content marketing should be used strategically as part of an overall digital marketing strategy in order for it to be effective. Businesses should focus on creating quality content that resonates with their target audience while also ensuring that it aligns with the company’s goals and objectives. Additionally, businesses should measure the success of their campaigns so they can adjust accordingly if needed.

  • #12.     Social Media: Social media is an important part of permission marketing. Companies should use social media to engage with customers and build relationships with them.

    Social media is an invaluable tool for companies to build relationships with their customers. By engaging with them on social media, companies can create a sense of community and loyalty among their customer base. Companies should use social media to share content that is relevant and interesting to their customers, as well as respond quickly and effectively to any questions or concerns they may have. Additionally, companies should take advantage of the ability to target specific audiences through social media advertising in order to reach potential new customers.

    By using permission marketing techniques such as those outlined by Seth Godin in his book Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers into Friends and Friends into Customers, companies can ensure that they are providing value for their customers while also building trust between themselves and their audience. This will help foster long-term relationships between the company and its customers which will ultimately lead to increased sales.

  • #13.     Email Marketing: Email marketing is a form of permission marketing that involves sending marketing messages to customers via email. Companies should ensure that their emails are personalized and relevant to the customer.

    Email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to reach their customers. It allows companies to send personalized messages directly to the customers inbox, providing them with relevant and timely information about products or services that may be of interest. Companies should ensure that their emails are tailored specifically to each individual customer, as this will help build trust and loyalty between the company and its customers.

    In addition, email marketing can also be used as an effective way of building relationships with potential customers. By sending out regular newsletters or promotional offers, companies can keep in touch with prospects who may not yet have made a purchase but could become loyal customers in the future.

    Overall, email marketing is an important part of any successful business strategy. When done correctly it can help increase sales by engaging existing customers and attracting new ones.

  • #14.     Mobile Marketing: Mobile marketing is a form of permission marketing that involves sending marketing messages to customers via their mobile devices. Companies should ensure that their messages are optimized for mobile devices.

    Mobile marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to reach their customers. It allows companies to send targeted messages directly to the customers mobile device, making it easier than ever before for them to engage with their audience. Companies should ensure that their messages are optimized for mobile devices in order to maximize engagement and conversion rates. This includes using shorter text, larger fonts, and images that are optimized for smaller screens.

    In addition, companies should also consider how they can use location-based services such as geofencing or beacons in order to target customers who are nearby. By leveraging these technologies, businesses can create more personalized experiences that will help drive conversions and increase loyalty among customers.

    Finally, businesses should also take advantage of push notifications in order to keep customers informed about new products or promotions. Push notifications allow companies to stay top-of-mind with their audience without having to rely on email campaigns or other forms of communication.

  • #15.     Gamification: Gamification is a form of permission marketing that involves using game elements to engage customers. This could be in the form of rewards, leaderboards, or other incentives.

    Gamification is a powerful tool for engaging customers and encouraging them to take action. By incorporating game elements into marketing campaigns, businesses can create an environment that encourages customers to interact with their brand in meaningful ways. Rewards, leaderboards, and other incentives can be used to motivate customers to complete tasks or purchase products. Additionally, gamification can help build relationships between brands and their customers by creating a sense of community among users.

    For example, many companies use loyalty programs as part of their gamification strategy. These programs reward customers for making purchases or completing certain actions such as signing up for newsletters or referring friends. This type of incentive encourages repeat business while also building customer loyalty over time.

    In addition to providing rewards and incentives, gamification can also be used to increase engagement with content. Companies often use quizzes or polls on social media platforms as a way of getting people interested in their product or service. By offering something fun and interactive, businesses are able to capture the attention of potential customers who may not have otherwise been interested.

  • #16.     Referral Programs: Referral programs are a form of permission marketing that involves rewarding customers for referring their friends and family to a company. This can help companies to acquire new customers.

    Referral programs are a great way for companies to acquire new customers. By rewarding existing customers for referring their friends and family, companies can tap into the power of word-of-mouth marketing. Referral programs provide an incentive for people to spread the word about a company’s products or services, which can help increase brand awareness and generate more sales.

    When designing a referral program, it is important to consider what type of reward will be offered in exchange for referrals. Common rewards include discounts on future purchases, free gifts or samples, loyalty points that can be redeemed for merchandise or services, and cash bonuses. It is also important to make sure that the referral process is easy and straightforward so that customers don’t have any difficulty referring their friends.

    By offering incentives through referral programs, companies can encourage customer loyalty while simultaneously acquiring new customers at minimal cost. This makes them an effective tool in any company’s marketing strategy.

  • #17.     Experiential Marketing: Experiential marketing is a form of permission marketing that involves creating experiences for customers. This could be in the form of events, pop-up shops, or other experiences.

    Experiential marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to engage with their customers in an interactive and meaningful way. It involves creating experiences that are tailored to the customer’s needs, interests, and preferences. Experiences can range from events such as product launches or pop-up shops to more intimate activities like cooking classes or wine tastings. By providing these unique experiences, businesses can build relationships with their customers and create lasting impressions.

    The goal of experiential marketing is to make customers feel special by giving them something they wont find anywhere else. This could be anything from exclusive access to products before they hit the shelves, discounts on items only available at certain times, or even just a chance to interact directly with company representatives in person. Experiential marketing also allows companies to collect valuable data about their target audience which can then be used for future campaigns.

    Overall, experiential marketing provides an opportunity for businesses to connect with their customers on a deeper level than traditional advertising methods allow. By creating memorable experiences that leave lasting impressions on consumers, companies can foster loyalty among existing customers while also attracting new ones.

  • #18.     Influencer Marketing: Influencer marketing is a form of permission marketing that involves working with influencers to promote a company’s products and services. This can help companies to reach a wider audience.

    Influencer marketing is a powerful tool for companies to reach potential customers. It involves working with influencers, such as celebrities, bloggers, and social media personalities, who have an established following of people interested in their content. By partnering with these influencers, companies can leverage their influence to promote their products or services to a wider audience.

    The key benefit of influencer marketing is that it allows companies to target specific audiences more effectively than traditional advertising methods. Influencers are often seen as trusted sources by their followers and so they can be used to create authentic messages about the company’s offerings that will resonate better with potential customers.

    In addition, influencer marketing campaigns are typically less expensive than other forms of advertising because they don’t require large budgets for production costs or ad placement fees. This makes them attractive options for smaller businesses looking to get the most out of their limited resources.

  • #19.     Social Proof: Social proof is a form of permission marketing that involves using customer reviews and testimonials to demonstrate the value of a company’s products and services.

    Social proof is a powerful tool for businesses to use in order to demonstrate the value of their products and services. By showcasing customer reviews and testimonials, companies can show potential customers that others have had positive experiences with their product or service. This helps build trust between the company and its customers, as well as providing an incentive for people to purchase from them.

    In addition, social proof can be used to create a sense of urgency around purchasing decisions. When potential customers see that other people are buying a certain product or service, they may feel more compelled to make a purchase themselves before it’s too late. This type of marketing also allows companies to target specific audiences by highlighting reviews from individuals who share similar interests or backgrounds.

    Overall, social proof is an effective way for businesses to increase sales and build relationships with their customers. By leveraging customer reviews and testimonials, companies can demonstrate the value of their products and services while creating an atmosphere of trustworthiness.

  • #20.     Automated Messaging: Automated messaging is a form of permission marketing that involves using technology to send automated messages to customers. This can help companies to save time and money, and ensure that their messages are sent out in a timely manner.

    Automated messaging is a powerful tool for businesses to reach their customers in an efficient and cost-effective way. By automating the process of sending out messages, companies can ensure that their messages are sent out on time and with minimal effort. Automated messaging also allows companies to personalize their messages, making them more relevant to each customers individual needs. This helps create stronger relationships between businesses and customers, as well as increasing customer loyalty.

    In addition, automated messaging can be used to send promotional offers or discounts directly to customers who have opted in for such notifications. This type of permission marketing ensures that only those interested in receiving promotions will receive them, thus avoiding any potential spam issues. Furthermore, automated messaging can be used to track customer engagement levels over time so that businesses can better understand how effective their campaigns are.

    Overall, automated messaging is a great way for businesses to save time and money while still reaching out effectively to their target audience. It provides an easy way for companies to stay connected with customers while ensuring that they remain compliant with anti-spam regulations.