Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code 1999

by Martin Fowler





  • Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code by Martin Fowler is a book that provides guidance on how to improve existing code. It explains why refactoring is important, what it involves, and how to do it effectively. The book begins with an introduction to refactoring and its benefits. It then goes into detail about different types of refactorings such as Extract Method, Rename Variable, Replace Temp with Query, Move Method, and more. Each type of refactoring is explained in depth so readers can understand when and why they should use them.

    The book also covers topics such as automated testing for refactorings; dealing with legacy code; using design patterns; understanding object-oriented programming principles; working with databases; debugging techniques; performance optimization strategies; version control systems for managing changes during development cycles; and much more.

    In addition to providing detailed information on each topic discussed in the book, Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code includes numerous examples from real-world projects that demonstrate how these concepts are applied in practice. This makes it easier for readers to understand the material presented in the text.

    Overall, this book offers comprehensive coverage on all aspects related to improving existing code through refactoring techniques. It provides clear explanations along with practical examples which make it an invaluable resource for software developers who want to learn or refine their skills in this area.

Main ideas:

  • #1.     Refactoring: Refactoring is the process of improving the design of existing code without changing its behavior. It is a way to make code more maintainable, readable, and extensible.

    Refactoring is the process of improving the design of existing code without changing its behavior. It is a way to make code more maintainable, readable, and extensible. Refactoring can help reduce complexity in software systems by restructuring existing code so that it becomes easier to understand and modify.

    The goal of refactoring is to improve the quality of an applications source code without altering its external behavior. This means that any changes made during refactoring should not affect how the application works from a users perspective. Instead, these changes are focused on making sure that the underlying structure and organization of the source code are as efficient as possible.

    Refactoring involves breaking down complex pieces of code into smaller components or functions which can be reused across different parts of an application. By doing this, developers can create cleaner and more organized applications with fewer bugs and better performance.

    In addition to improving readability and maintainability, refactoring also helps ensure that applications remain up-to-date with current best practices for coding standards. This makes it easier for new developers joining a project to quickly get up-to-speed on how things work.

  • #2.     Code Smells: Code smells are indicators of potential problems in code that can be addressed through refactoring. They can be identified by looking for patterns in the code that suggest a need for improvement.

    Code smells are indicators of potential problems in code that can be addressed through refactoring. They are not necessarily errors, but rather signs that the code could be improved to make it more maintainable and efficient. Code smells can manifest themselves in many different ways, such as long methods, duplicate code, large classes or complex control flow. Identifying these patterns is an important part of software development and refactoring.

    The process of identifying code smells involves looking for common patterns in the source code which suggest a need for improvement. This may involve examining the structure of the program to identify areas where there is too much complexity or duplication; analyzing how data is used throughout the system; or inspecting how objects interact with each other. Once identified, these issues can then be addressed by making changes to improve readability and reduce complexity.

    Refactoring is an essential tool for improving existing software systems and addressing any underlying issues revealed by code smells. Refactoring involves restructuring existing source code without changing its external behavior – this allows developers to improve their design while preserving functionality. By applying refactorings such as Extract Method or Replace Conditional with Polymorphism, developers can address specific problems identified by their analysis of the source code.

  • #3.     Refactoring Patterns: Refactoring patterns are a set of techniques that can be used to improve the design of existing code. They provide a way to identify and address code smells in a systematic way.

    Refactoring patterns are an invaluable tool for software developers. By providing a set of techniques to identify and address code smells, they can help improve the design of existing code. Refactoring patterns provide a way to systematically analyze and refactor code in order to make it more maintainable, readable, and efficient. They also allow developers to quickly identify areas that need improvement without having to manually inspect every line of code.

    The book Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code by Martin Fowler provides detailed guidance on how to use refactoring patterns effectively. It covers topics such as identifying bad smells in your code, understanding when and why you should refactor, applying specific refactoring techniques, testing your changes after refactoring is complete, and much more. This book is an essential resource for any developer looking to improve their coding skills.

  • #4.     Refactoring Tools: Refactoring tools are software programs that can be used to automate the process of refactoring. They can help to identify code smells and suggest refactoring patterns to address them.

    Refactoring tools are software programs that can be used to automate the process of refactoring. They provide a way for developers to quickly identify code smells and suggest refactoring patterns to address them. Refactoring tools can help reduce the amount of time spent manually searching through code, as well as reducing the risk of introducing bugs when making changes.

    These tools typically work by analyzing source code and providing feedback on potential areas where improvements could be made. This feedback is usually presented in an easy-to-understand format, such as a list or graph, which makes it easier for developers to understand what needs to be done. Additionally, some refactoring tools also offer automated suggestions on how best to improve the code.

    Using these types of tools can save significant amounts of time and effort when compared with manual refactoring processes. Furthermore, they often come with built-in safety features that prevent mistakes from being made during the process. As such, using a good quality refactoring tool is highly recommended for any developer looking to improve their existing codebase.

  • #5.     Refactoring Process: The refactoring process involves identifying code smells, applying refactoring patterns, and testing the code to ensure that the behavior has not changed.

    The refactoring process involves identifying code smells, applying refactoring patterns, and testing the code to ensure that the behavior has not changed. Code smells are indicators of potential problems in a programs design or implementation. Refactoring patterns provide solutions for improving the structure of existing code without changing its behavior. Once identified, these patterns can be applied to improve readability and maintainability.

    Testing is an important part of the refactoring process as it ensures that any changes made do not alter the expected behavior of the program. This is done by running unit tests before and after each change to make sure that no new bugs have been introduced into the system. Additionally, integration tests should be run periodically throughout this process to ensure that all components continue working together correctly.

    By following this process, developers can restructure their programs while ensuring they remain bug-free and maintainable over time.

  • #6.     Refactoring Benefits: Refactoring can improve the maintainability, readability, and extensibility of code. It can also help to reduce the cost of maintenance and development.

    Refactoring can have a number of benefits for code. It can improve the maintainability, readability, and extensibility of existing code. This makes it easier to understand and modify the code in the future, reducing the cost of maintenance and development.

    By refactoring existing code, developers are able to identify areas where improvements can be made. This could include restructuring methods or classes to make them more efficient or readable. Refactoring also helps reduce complexity by removing redundant or unnecessary elements from the codebase.

    In addition, refactoring allows developers to add new features without having to rewrite large sections of their application. By making small changes that dont affect how an application works but do improve its structure and design, developers are able to quickly add new functionality while keeping their applications up-to-date with modern coding standards.

  • #7.     Refactoring Challenges: Refactoring can be challenging due to the complexity of the code and the need to ensure that the behavior of the code does not change.

    Refactoring can be challenging due to the complexity of the code and the need to ensure that the behavior of the code does not change. Refactoring involves restructuring existing code without changing its external behavior, which requires a deep understanding of how all parts of a system interact with each other. It also requires careful planning and testing in order to make sure that any changes made do not introduce new bugs or cause existing features to break.

    In addition, refactoring often involves making significant changes to large amounts of code, which can be time-consuming and difficult. This is especially true when dealing with legacy systems where there may be little documentation or understanding about how different components work together.

    Finally, refactoring can require significant effort from developers as they must understand both what needs to be changed and why it needs to be changed in order for their efforts to have an impact on improving overall system design.

  • #8.     Refactoring Strategies: Refactoring strategies can be used to identify and address code smells in a systematic way. They can help to reduce the complexity of the refactoring process.

    Refactoring strategies are a set of techniques used to identify and address code smells in an organized manner. By breaking down the refactoring process into smaller, more manageable steps, developers can reduce complexity and make it easier to understand what needs to be done. Refactoring strategies can also help ensure that changes made during the refactoring process do not introduce new bugs or cause existing ones to resurface.

    Martin Fowlers book Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code provides detailed guidance on how to use refactoring strategies effectively. It covers topics such as identifying code smells, understanding when and why they should be addressed, and applying appropriate refactorings for each situation. The book also includes examples of successful refactorings from real-world projects.

  • #9.     Refactoring Techniques: Refactoring techniques are specific methods that can be used to improve the design of existing code. They can be used to address code smells and improve the maintainability of the code.

    Refactoring techniques are a set of specific methods that can be used to improve the design of existing code. They help address code smells, which are indicators that something is wrong with the code, and make it easier to maintain in the long run. Refactoring techniques involve restructuring existing code without changing its behavior or functionality. This means that refactoring does not add new features or fix bugs; instead, it focuses on improving the structure and readability of existing code.

    Martin Fowlers book Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code provides an excellent overview of refactoring techniques. It covers topics such as identifying bad smells in your code, understanding how they affect your program’s performance and maintainability, and applying various refactorings to improve them. The book also includes detailed examples for each technique so you can see how they work in practice.

    By using these refactoring techniques effectively, developers can ensure their programs remain clean and well-structured over time. This makes them easier to understand for other developers who may need to work on them later down the line.

  • #10.     Refactoring Principles: Refactoring principles are guidelines that can be used to ensure that the refactoring process is effective. They can help to ensure that the code is improved without changing its behavior.

    Refactoring principles are essential for ensuring that the refactoring process is effective. They provide guidance on how to improve code without changing its behavior, and can help ensure that the changes made are beneficial. The most important principle of refactoring is to make sure that any changes you make do not break existing functionality or introduce new bugs.

    Another key principle of refactoring is to focus on small, incremental improvements rather than large-scale changes. This helps reduce the risk of introducing errors into your codebase and makes it easier to identify potential problems with a change before they become an issue.

    Finally, when making changes during a refactor, its important to keep in mind the overall design goals for your project. Refactoring should be used as an opportunity to improve readability and maintainability while also improving performance where possible.

  • #11.     Refactoring Practices: Refactoring practices are best practices that can be used to ensure that the refactoring process is effective. They can help to ensure that the code is improved without introducing new bugs.

    Refactoring practices are best practices that can be used to ensure that the refactoring process is effective. They involve a set of techniques and strategies for improving existing code without introducing new bugs or breaking existing functionality. Refactoring practices include things like identifying code smells, using automated tools to detect potential problems, writing unit tests before making changes, and ensuring that all changes are thoroughly tested.

    When refactoring code, its important to keep in mind the goal of improving readability and maintainability while preserving existing functionality. This means taking into account factors such as naming conventions, coding style guidelines, design patterns, and other best practices when making changes. It also involves understanding how different parts of the system interact with each other so that any modifications dont break existing features.

    In addition to these general principles, there are specific techniques for refactoring code such as extracting methods from large blocks of code or replacing complex logic with simpler alternatives. These techniques should be applied judiciously in order to avoid introducing new bugs or creating unnecessary complexity.

  • #12.     Refactoring Toolsets: Refactoring toolsets are collections of tools that can be used to automate the process of refactoring. They can help to identify code smells and suggest refactoring patterns to address them.

    Refactoring toolsets are collections of tools that can be used to automate the process of refactoring. They provide a way for developers to quickly identify code smells and suggest refactoring patterns to address them. Refactoring toolsets typically include features such as automated code analysis, source control integration, and support for multiple programming languages.

    These tools can help developers save time by automating tedious tasks associated with refactoring. For example, they can detect duplicate or redundant code and suggest ways to simplify it. Additionally, they may offer suggestions on how best to restructure existing code in order to improve readability or performance.

    In addition, some refactoring toolsets also provide visualizations of the changes made during the refactor process. This helps developers better understand what has been changed and why it was done so that future modifications can be more easily implemented.

  • #13.     Refactoring Workflows: Refactoring workflows are processes that can be used to ensure that the refactoring process is effective. They can help to ensure that the code is improved without introducing new bugs.

    Refactoring workflows are processes that can be used to ensure that the refactoring process is effective. They involve breaking down a codebase into smaller, more manageable chunks and then making changes to each of these chunks in order to improve the overall design. This helps to reduce complexity and make it easier for developers to understand how the code works.

    The workflow should start with an analysis of the existing codebase, followed by identifying areas where improvements can be made. Once identified, these areas should be broken down into individual tasks which can then be worked on one at a time. Each task should have its own set of tests which will help verify that any changes made do not introduce new bugs or regressions.

    Once all tasks have been completed, they should all be tested together as part of an integration test suite. This will help ensure that no unexpected interactions occur between different parts of the system when combined together. Finally, once everything has been verified as working correctly, it is important to document any changes made so that future developers know what was done and why.

  • #14.     Refactoring Documentation: Refactoring documentation is a set of documents that can be used to track the progress of the refactoring process. They can help to ensure that the code is improved without introducing new bugs.

    Refactoring documentation is a set of documents that can be used to track the progress of the refactoring process. They provide an overview of what changes have been made, and why they were necessary. This helps to ensure that any new code introduced does not introduce bugs or other issues.

    The documents should include details such as which classes and methods were changed, how they were changed, and why those changes were necessary. It should also include information about any tests that have been run on the code after it was refactored, so that any potential problems can be identified quickly.

    Having this kind of documentation in place makes it easier for developers to understand how their code works and make sure it is working correctly. It also allows them to go back over previous versions if needed, making debugging much simpler.

  • #15.     Refactoring Reviews: Refactoring reviews are a way to ensure that the refactoring process is effective. They can help to identify potential problems in the code and suggest refactoring patterns to address them.

    Refactoring reviews are an important part of the refactoring process. They provide a way to ensure that the code is being improved in a meaningful and effective manner. During a refactoring review, developers can identify potential problems in the code and suggest refactoring patterns to address them. This helps to ensure that any changes made will be beneficial for both the short-term and long-term success of the project.

    Martin Fowlers book Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code provides detailed guidance on how to conduct successful refactoring reviews. It outlines best practices for identifying areas where improvements can be made, as well as strategies for implementing those changes effectively. Additionally, it offers advice on how to evaluate whether or not certain changes should be implemented.

    Overall, conducting regular refactoring reviews is essential for ensuring that projects remain maintainable over time. By taking advantage of this practice, teams can make sure their codebase remains up-to-date with modern standards while also avoiding costly mistakes down the line.

  • #16.     Refactoring Metrics: Refactoring metrics are measurements that can be used to track the progress of the refactoring process. They can help to ensure that the code is improved without introducing new bugs.

    Refactoring metrics are an important tool for tracking the progress of refactoring. They provide a way to measure how successful the process is, and can help identify areas that need further improvement. By measuring various aspects of code quality, such as readability, maintainability, complexity and performance, refactoring metrics can be used to ensure that changes made during the refactoring process do not introduce new bugs or reduce existing functionality.

    The most common type of metric used in refactoring is cyclomatic complexity. This measures the number of independent paths through a piece of code and helps identify areas where there may be too much complexity or duplication. Other useful metrics include lines-of-code (LOC) count which measures how many lines are needed to implement a feature; coupling which looks at how closely related different parts of code are; cohesion which looks at how well related pieces fit together; and fan-in/fan-out which examines dependencies between classes.

    By using these types of measurements it is possible to track improvements over time and make sure that any changes made during the refactoring process have been beneficial rather than detrimental. Refactoring metrics also provide valuable feedback on whether certain techniques have been effective in improving code quality.

  • #17.     Refactoring Toolsets: Refactoring toolsets are collections of tools that can be used to automate the process of refactoring. They can help to identify code smells and suggest refactoring patterns to address them.

    Refactoring toolsets are collections of tools that can be used to automate the process of refactoring. They provide a way for developers to quickly identify code smells and suggest refactoring patterns to address them. Refactoring toolsets typically include features such as automated code analysis, source control integration, and support for multiple programming languages.

    These tools can help developers save time by automating tedious tasks associated with refactoring. For example, they can detect duplicate or redundant code and suggest ways to simplify it. Additionally, they may offer suggestions on how best to restructure existing code in order to improve readability or performance.

    Refactoring toolsets also allow developers to track changes over time so that any mistakes made during the refactor process can be easily identified and corrected. This helps ensure that all changes are properly documented and tested before being deployed into production environments.

  • #18.     Refactoring Workflows: Refactoring workflows are processes that can be used to ensure that the refactoring process is effective. They can help to ensure that the code is improved without introducing new bugs.

    Refactoring workflows are processes that can be used to ensure that the refactoring process is effective. They involve breaking down a codebase into smaller, more manageable chunks and then making changes to each of these chunks in order to improve the overall design. This helps to reduce complexity and make it easier for developers to understand how the code works.

    The workflow should start with an analysis of the existing codebase, followed by identifying areas where improvements can be made. Once identified, these areas should be broken down into individual tasks which can then be worked on one at a time. Each task should have its own set of tests which will help verify that any changes made do not introduce new bugs or regressions.

    Once all tasks have been completed, they should all be tested together as part of an integration test suite. This will help ensure that no unexpected interactions occur between different parts of the system when combined together. Finally, once everything has been verified as working correctly, it’s important to document any changes made so future developers know what was done and why.

  • #19.     Refactoring Documentation: Refactoring documentation is a set of documents that can be used to track the progress of the refactoring process. They can help to ensure that the code is improved without introducing new bugs.

    Refactoring documentation is a set of documents that can be used to track the progress of the refactoring process. These documents provide an overview of the codebase, including its structure and design patterns, as well as any changes made during refactoring. They also help to identify potential areas for improvement and ensure that all changes are properly tested before being released into production.

    The documentation should include details about how each change was implemented, what tests were performed on it, and any issues encountered along the way. This helps to ensure that no new bugs are introduced while improving existing code. Additionally, these records can be used in future projects or when revisiting old codebases.

    By keeping detailed records throughout the refactoring process, developers can easily review their work and make sure they have not missed anything important. Refactoring documentation also serves as a valuable resource for other developers who may need to understand or modify existing code in order to complete their own tasks.

  • #20.     Refactoring Reviews: Refactoring reviews are a way to ensure that the refactoring process is effective. They can help to identify potential problems in the code and suggest refactoring patterns to address them.

    Refactoring reviews are an important part of the refactoring process. They provide a way to ensure that the code is being improved in a meaningful and effective manner. During a refactoring review, developers can identify potential problems in the code and suggest refactoring patterns to address them. This helps to ensure that any changes made will be beneficial for both the short-term and long-term success of the project.

    Martin Fowlers book Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code provides detailed guidance on how to conduct successful refactoring reviews. It outlines best practices for identifying areas where improvements can be made, as well as strategies for implementing those changes effectively. Additionally, it offers advice on how to evaluate whether or not certain changes should be implemented.

    Overall, conducting regular refactoring reviews is essential for ensuring that projects remain maintainable over time. By taking advantage of this practice, teams can make sure their codebase remains up-to-date with modern standards while also avoiding costly mistakes down the line.