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Top 100 Chart |
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#1 John Dewey The School and Society (1899)
#2 Steve Andreas & Charles Faulkner NLP: The New Technology of Achievement (1994)
#3 John Holt How Children Learn (1967)
#4 William James The Principles of Psychology (1890)
#5 Leslie Bethell The Cambridge History of Latin America (1984)
#6 Jon R. Katzenbach & Douglas K. Smith The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High-Performance Organization (1993)
#7 C.K. Ogden and I.A. Richards The Meaning of Meaning (1923)
#8 B.H. Liddell Hart Military Strategy (1967)
#9 Bertrand Russell The Problems of Philosophy (1912)
#10 John Kenneth Galbraith The Affluent Society (1958)
#11 Jeff Goins The Art of Work (2015)
#12 Yuvraj Singh The Test of My Life (2014)
#13 Sam Smith The Jordan Rules (1992)
#14 Tony Robbins Money: Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom (2014)
#15 Charles Taylor The Sources of the Self (1989)
#16 Carmine Gallo Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World's Top Minds (2014)
#17 Stephen King On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft (2000)
#18 Nirad C. Chaudhuri The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian (1951)
#19 Roger Penrose The Emperor's New Mind (1989)
#20 John Grinder & Richard Bandler Reframing: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Transformation of Meaning (1982)
#21 Kahlil Gibran The Prophet (1923)
#22 Stephen R. Covey The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (1989)
#23 Wayne Dyer The Power of Intention (2004)
#24 Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge (1966)
#25 Nathaniel Branden The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem (1994)
#26 Ryuta Kawashima Train Your Brain: 60 Days to a Better Brain (2003)
#27 Julieanna Hever The Plant-Based Diet: A Beginner's Guide to a Whole-Foods Lifestyle (2015)
#28 Jim Collins Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't (2001)
#29 Eckhart Tolle The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment (1999)
#30 John Grinder & Richard Bandler The Structure of Magic, Vol. 1 (1975)
#31 Anonymous The Bhagavad Gita (2)
#32 Paul Theroux The Great Railway Bazaar: By Train Through Asia (1975)
#33 What Women Should Know The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance (0)
#34 Dana Goldstein The Teacher Wars (2014)
#35 Ernest Hemingway The Sun Also Rises (1926)
#36 Mark Williams and Danny Penman Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World (2011)
#37 Stephen E. Lucas The Art of Public Speaking (2011)
#38 Karla McLaren The Language of Emotions: What Your Feelings Are Trying to Tell You (2020)
#39 Julia Cameron The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity (1992)
#40 Matthew McKay, Patrick Fanning The Self-Esteem Book (2002)
#41 Thomas Nagel The Possibility of Altruism (1970)
#42 Kashyap Trivedi The Art of Stress-Free Productivity (2018)
#43 Walter Isaacson The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution (2014)
#44 Brian Tracy The Power of Self-Confidence: Become Unstoppable, Irresistible, and Unafraid in Every Area of Your Life (2019)
#45 Jason Fung The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss (2016)
#46 David Allen Getting Things Done for Teens: Take Control of Your Life in a Distracting World (2015)
#47 Richard N. Bolles What Color Is Your Parachute? (2020)
#48 Joyce Meyer The Power of Positive Thinking (1996)
#49 Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk (2012)
#50 R.J. Palacio Wonder (2012)
#51 Martha Davis, Elizabeth Robbins Eshelman, and Matthew McKay The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook (2008)
#52 The Overstory—Richard Powers—2018 (0)
#53 Lisa M. Schab The Self-Esteem Workbook for Kids (2009)
#54 Daniel J. Siegel, Tina Payne Bryson The Whole-Brain Child Workbook: Practical Exercises, Worksheets and Activities to Nurture Developing Minds (2015)
#55 Andrew Bernstein The Stress-Free Life (2006)
#56 Richard E. Hecht The Addiction Recovery Skills Workbook: Changing Addictive Behaviors Using CBT, Mindfulness, and Motivational Interviewing Techniques (2018)
#57 Richard J. Davidson The Emotional Life of Your Brain: How Its Unique Patterns Affect the Way You Think, Feel, and Live (2012)
#58 Paulo Coelho The Alchemist (1988)
#59 Frank H. Shu The Physics of Astrophysics, Volume II: Gas Dynamics (1992)
#60 Sharon Salzberg Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation: A 28-Day Program (2010)
#61 Steven A. Beebe, Susan J. Beebe Public Speaking: An Audience-Centered Approach (2011)
#62 Percy Scholes The Oxford Companion to Music (1938)
#63 Sherrilyn Kenyon The Writer's Digest Character Naming Sourcebook (2008)
#64 Gary Zukav The Seat of the Soul (1989)
#65 Kathleen Whitbread The Teacher's Guide to Mainstreaming (2006)
#66 Matthew McKay The Anger Control Workbook (2000)
#67 B. R. Iyer The Physics of the Universe (2009)
#68 David Zarefsky Public Speaking: Strategies for Success (2012)
#69 Gretchen Rubin The Happiness Project (2009)
#70 David Burns The Feeling Good Handbook (1989)
#71 The Nature of Life and Death: The Vitalism-Animism Debate—Edited by Robert A. Wilson—2004 (0)
#72 Chris Burniske and Jack Tatar Cryptoassets: The Innovative Investor's Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond (2017)
#73 Daniel J. Siegel, Tina Payne Bryson The Whole Brain Child (2012)
#74 Maria Montessori The Montessori Method: Scientific Pedagogy as Applied to Child Education (2012)
#75 Debra Jay The Addict: Why Can't They Just Stop? (2009)
#76 Glenn R. Schiraldi The Self-Esteem Workbook (2000)
#77 Lyle H. Miller and Alma Dell Smith The Stress Solution (2003)
#78 Stephen Kern The Culture of Time and Space, 1880-1918 (1983)
#79 Thomas J. Stanley The Millionaire Next Door (1996)
#80 Joseph O'Connor & Ian McDermott NLP: The Essential Guide to Neuro-Linguistic Programming (2020)
#81 Norman Vincent Peale The Power of Positive Thinking for Young People (2003)
#82 Eckhart Tolle A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (2005)
#83 Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games (2008)
#84 Immanuel Kant Critique of Pure Reason (1781)
#85 Christopher Vogler The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers (2007)
#86 Dr. Norman Vincent Peale The Power of Positive Thinking for Kids (2006)
#87 David J. Schwartz The Magic of Thinking Big (1959)
#88 Les Carter The Anger Trap: Free Yourself from the Frustrations that Sabotage Your Life (2003)
#89 Rollo May The Courage to Create (1975)
#90 Lisa M. Schab The Self-Esteem Workbook for Teens: Activities to Help You Build Confidence and Achieve Your Goals (2013)
#91 Matthew Walker Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams (2017)
#92 Rhonda Byrne The Secret (2006)
#93 Neil Fiore The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play (2007)
#94 Joseph D'Agnese The Money Book for Freelancers, Part-Timers, and the Self-Employed: The Only Personal Finance System for People with Not-So-Regular Jobs (2008)
#95 Robert Kiyosaki Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! (1997)
#2 Steve Andreas & Charles Faulkner NLP: The New Technology of Achievement (1994)
#3 John Holt How Children Learn (1967)
#4 William James The Principles of Psychology (1890)
#5 Leslie Bethell The Cambridge History of Latin America (1984)
#6 Jon R. Katzenbach & Douglas K. Smith The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High-Performance Organization (1993)
#7 C.K. Ogden and I.A. Richards The Meaning of Meaning (1923)
#8 B.H. Liddell Hart Military Strategy (1967)
#9 Bertrand Russell The Problems of Philosophy (1912)
#10 John Kenneth Galbraith The Affluent Society (1958)
#11 Jeff Goins The Art of Work (2015)
#12 Yuvraj Singh The Test of My Life (2014)
#13 Sam Smith The Jordan Rules (1992)
#14 Tony Robbins Money: Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom (2014)
#15 Charles Taylor The Sources of the Self (1989)
#16 Carmine Gallo Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World's Top Minds (2014)
#17 Stephen King On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft (2000)
#18 Nirad C. Chaudhuri The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian (1951)
#19 Roger Penrose The Emperor's New Mind (1989)
#20 John Grinder & Richard Bandler Reframing: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Transformation of Meaning (1982)
#21 Kahlil Gibran The Prophet (1923)
#22 Stephen R. Covey The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (1989)
#23 Wayne Dyer The Power of Intention (2004)
#24 Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge (1966)
#25 Nathaniel Branden The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem (1994)
#26 Ryuta Kawashima Train Your Brain: 60 Days to a Better Brain (2003)
#27 Julieanna Hever The Plant-Based Diet: A Beginner's Guide to a Whole-Foods Lifestyle (2015)
#28 Jim Collins Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't (2001)
#29 Eckhart Tolle The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment (1999)
#30 John Grinder & Richard Bandler The Structure of Magic, Vol. 1 (1975)
#31 Anonymous The Bhagavad Gita (2)
#32 Paul Theroux The Great Railway Bazaar: By Train Through Asia (1975)
#33 What Women Should Know The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance (0)
#34 Dana Goldstein The Teacher Wars (2014)
#35 Ernest Hemingway The Sun Also Rises (1926)
#36 Mark Williams and Danny Penman Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World (2011)
#37 Stephen E. Lucas The Art of Public Speaking (2011)
#38 Karla McLaren The Language of Emotions: What Your Feelings Are Trying to Tell You (2020)
#39 Julia Cameron The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity (1992)
#40 Matthew McKay, Patrick Fanning The Self-Esteem Book (2002)
#41 Thomas Nagel The Possibility of Altruism (1970)
#42 Kashyap Trivedi The Art of Stress-Free Productivity (2018)
#43 Walter Isaacson The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution (2014)
#44 Brian Tracy The Power of Self-Confidence: Become Unstoppable, Irresistible, and Unafraid in Every Area of Your Life (2019)
#45 Jason Fung The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss (2016)
#46 David Allen Getting Things Done for Teens: Take Control of Your Life in a Distracting World (2015)
#47 Richard N. Bolles What Color Is Your Parachute? (2020)
#48 Joyce Meyer The Power of Positive Thinking (1996)
#49 Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk (2012)
#50 R.J. Palacio Wonder (2012)
#51 Martha Davis, Elizabeth Robbins Eshelman, and Matthew McKay The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook (2008)
#52 The Overstory—Richard Powers—2018 (0)
#53 Lisa M. Schab The Self-Esteem Workbook for Kids (2009)
#54 Daniel J. Siegel, Tina Payne Bryson The Whole-Brain Child Workbook: Practical Exercises, Worksheets and Activities to Nurture Developing Minds (2015)
#55 Andrew Bernstein The Stress-Free Life (2006)
#56 Richard E. Hecht The Addiction Recovery Skills Workbook: Changing Addictive Behaviors Using CBT, Mindfulness, and Motivational Interviewing Techniques (2018)
#57 Richard J. Davidson The Emotional Life of Your Brain: How Its Unique Patterns Affect the Way You Think, Feel, and Live (2012)
#58 Paulo Coelho The Alchemist (1988)
#59 Frank H. Shu The Physics of Astrophysics, Volume II: Gas Dynamics (1992)
#60 Sharon Salzberg Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation: A 28-Day Program (2010)
#61 Steven A. Beebe, Susan J. Beebe Public Speaking: An Audience-Centered Approach (2011)
#62 Percy Scholes The Oxford Companion to Music (1938)
#63 Sherrilyn Kenyon The Writer's Digest Character Naming Sourcebook (2008)
#64 Gary Zukav The Seat of the Soul (1989)
#65 Kathleen Whitbread The Teacher's Guide to Mainstreaming (2006)
#66 Matthew McKay The Anger Control Workbook (2000)
#67 B. R. Iyer The Physics of the Universe (2009)
#68 David Zarefsky Public Speaking: Strategies for Success (2012)
#69 Gretchen Rubin The Happiness Project (2009)
#70 David Burns The Feeling Good Handbook (1989)
#71 The Nature of Life and Death: The Vitalism-Animism Debate—Edited by Robert A. Wilson—2004 (0)
#72 Chris Burniske and Jack Tatar Cryptoassets: The Innovative Investor's Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond (2017)
#73 Daniel J. Siegel, Tina Payne Bryson The Whole Brain Child (2012)
#74 Maria Montessori The Montessori Method: Scientific Pedagogy as Applied to Child Education (2012)
#75 Debra Jay The Addict: Why Can't They Just Stop? (2009)
#76 Glenn R. Schiraldi The Self-Esteem Workbook (2000)
#77 Lyle H. Miller and Alma Dell Smith The Stress Solution (2003)
#78 Stephen Kern The Culture of Time and Space, 1880-1918 (1983)
#79 Thomas J. Stanley The Millionaire Next Door (1996)
#80 Joseph O'Connor & Ian McDermott NLP: The Essential Guide to Neuro-Linguistic Programming (2020)
#81 Norman Vincent Peale The Power of Positive Thinking for Young People (2003)
#82 Eckhart Tolle A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (2005)
#83 Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games (2008)
#84 Immanuel Kant Critique of Pure Reason (1781)
#85 Christopher Vogler The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers (2007)
#86 Dr. Norman Vincent Peale The Power of Positive Thinking for Kids (2006)
#87 David J. Schwartz The Magic of Thinking Big (1959)
#88 Les Carter The Anger Trap: Free Yourself from the Frustrations that Sabotage Your Life (2003)
#89 Rollo May The Courage to Create (1975)
#90 Lisa M. Schab The Self-Esteem Workbook for Teens: Activities to Help You Build Confidence and Achieve Your Goals (2013)
#91 Matthew Walker Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams (2017)
#92 Rhonda Byrne The Secret (2006)
#93 Neil Fiore The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play (2007)
#94 Joseph D'Agnese The Money Book for Freelancers, Part-Timers, and the Self-Employed: The Only Personal Finance System for People with Not-So-Regular Jobs (2008)
#95 Robert Kiyosaki Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! (1997)